Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Friday, September 8, 2017

🏛2017 Aug 1, James K. Polk 's Ancestral Home Columbia, Tennessee

Hubby and I enjoyed the free Chick-fil-a minis for breakfast then had our swimming pool water checked and stopped in for our weekly B-12 Shots.

We rode to Columbia, Tennessee to tour James K. Polk's Home & Museum. As many times as we had visited Columbia, we had never stopped to go inside the home so we made a special trip just to tour the home.
The Living Room 
The dining room
Master Bedroom
The Stairs 
The Kitchen 
The Gardens
The Presidency 1845-1849 
James Knox Polk our 11th president 
James K Polk for the Union
This house, constructed in 1816, is the only surviving Tennessee residence associated with the nation's eleventh president. James Knox Polk (1795-1849) lived here from 1818 to 1824. When Polk's mother died in 1852, the house passed to his younger brother, William H. Polk.

As Tennesseans considered secession during the 1860 presidential election, William Polk supported Stephen H. Douglas, the Northern Democrat, over John Breckinridge, the southern Democratic candidate. In 1861, Polk became a staunch Unionist. He chaired the Tennessee Unionist Convention, which selected him as its gubernatorial nominee to oppose secessionist Isham G. Harris for Tennessee governor. The Confederate press lambasted Polk's candidacy, and a Nashville paper proclaimed that he could "no more fill the place of Governor than Falstaff could play Hamlet." Harris handily defeated Polk, 74,973 to 43,342 votes.

After Federal troops occupied Columbia in March 1862, they established the Provost Marshal headquarters at St. Peter's Episcopal Church next door to the Polk house. In September, Polk joined Union Gen. Thomas L. Crittenden's staff in Nashville. The Nashville Daily Union proclaimed on September 9, "Blessed with all the comforts and luxuries of a delightful home, he has voluntarily left them all to fight for that flag which he loved, 

2. James K. Polk House
and which James K. Polk delighted to honor."

Polk became ill in Nashville and died there on December 16, 1862. His older brother's widow, Sarah K. Polk, arranged with Union General William S. Rosecrans to have his body transported to Columbia to be buried in Greenwood Cemetery

It was a small group, a couple from up north with two children, a couple headed to Atlanta for a wedding, and us.
Our guide was very well-informed about the Polk family as he guided us through the home including the stair climb to the three bedrooms.
The kitchen was outside in another building and the gardens were self-guided.
We walked back inside the museum and gift shop before they left.
We continued talking to the couple that was headed to Atlanta.

It was getting close to lunchtime so we stopped at Long John Silver (hubby's favorite) I love their cod.
We stopped at Tractor Supply in Lawrenceburg then headed for home.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

2017 June 10, Saturday, Sacred Indian Stone Wall Florence, Alabama Guide Tom Hendrix son

My sister, dad, and great-niece attended the Dennis family reunion at Walnut Grove Fire Department where we enjoyed a delicious fish meal.
On our way home, we decided to stop and visit Tom Hendrix's Wall.
Tom built this rock wall(which took over 30 years) in honor of his great great grandmother who was one of many Indians that walked the TRAIL OF TEARS.

I let my dad and sister out at the entrance(my dad is ninety years old and cannot walk very far without his walker) and parked the van.
Dad walked a short piece and sat down on one of the benches.
My sister, great-niece, and I walked the length of both sides.
Dad had walked back up front and was waiting for us sitting on his walker.

Dad told Tom's son that he had visited the wall many years before and that he knew Tom.
There was a group of people when we arrived and a couple of people on motorcycles when we left.
Rock Faces 
Tree Roots 
Tom would be glad to know that the Legend will never Fade as long as people want to see and hear the story of why he built the wall for Te-lah-nay.
stopping for a picture
Tom's Wall 
Sister and great-niece
Tom's Wall 
Tom's Wall 
Tom's Wall

I was amazed by how cool it was walking among the rock.
An amazing place, representing many souls, an echo, and a longing for home!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

2017 April 22, Saturday, Touring the Lairmore House Florence, Alabama Tour guide Billy Warren

One of the sites to tour during the Florence Walking tour was the Larimore House led by Billy Warren a retired school teacher.
The front side of Larimore and the tour group 
Home of T.B. and Esther Gresham Larimore
Mars Hill Academy, 1871-1887
Backside Larimore House
The Gothic-style house was built by Theiphilus Brown Larimore and his wife Esther Gresham Larimore located near the site of a foundry and arsenal of War between the states.
It served as a school from 1871-1887 to train ministers and Christian workers of the Church of Christ.
It was used in 1947-68 for classes at Mars Hill Bible School.

Theiphilus Brown Larimore was born July 10, 1843, and died March 18, 1929.
Brother Larimore began preaching soon after he was baptized and preached when an opportunity was given to him. He taught school at Mars Hill and preached three times sometimes on Sunday.
He preached all over the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Cuba.
Larimore died & is buried in Orange County California at Fairhaven Memorial Park Cemetery.
His second wife Susan Emma Page Larimore is buried next to her husband Mr. Larimore.
Susan wrote a column for the Gospel Advocate, Children's Corner, and several books.

His first wife was Julia Esther Gresham Larimore July 11, 1845, died March 4, 1907
Inscribed on her tombstone 
Went home Mar 5, 1907
A dutiful daughter, a loyal helpful hopeful wife, a model mother, a sweet singer, a truly conscientious consistent Christian, always consecrated Christian, always consecrated, and true to Christ and his cause, she was perfectly prepared for that sweet home where sorrows and said separations are unknown "where life is eternal and a treasure sublime. Farewell, sweet wife-by grace divine. We'll meet you "over there." your lonely husband. 

They had six children:
Mary Delilah Larimore George 1869-1959
Grandville Lipscomb Larimore 1871-1925
Theiphilus Brown Larimore 1872-1903
William Herschell Larimore 1874-1928
Julia Esther Larimore White 1876-1960
Andrew Virgil Larimore 1879-1972

Article from the Gospel Advocate 1870 Advertising the Mars Hill Academy
For males and females
This Institution situated four miles Northeast of Florence, Alabama on the highway leading from Florence to the justly celebrated "Bailey Springs, " will be ready for the reception of pupils by the first of January 1871.
The location is free from all temptation to extravagance and health and convenience cannot be excelled.
Boarding, washing, lights, and fuel $75.00
Tuition $20
The contingent fee is $5.00
Piano from the family collection
Mantel inside the Larimore Home
Family photos line the wall along the staircase leading upstairs
Billy Warren gave a speech about the Larimore House & several Larimore family members were touring the house for the first time, there to learn more about the history of their families. 
I joined several for a meal in the basement.
We were served pork, green beans, and sweet potato casserole with iced tea. 
I walked outside and took pictures of the Rose bushes in full bloom. 
On July 20, 2018, the Larimore Home caught fire and was badly burned not sure if it is repairable.
Power to the house was previously cut due to another small fire about ten days before the one in July.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

It's never too late!

An angel took my hand, and he said I have something to show you.
We stopped right above my grave.
People were standing next to my tombstone, they were talking.

The angel said, do you know these people? I did not recognize them.
I overheard one say, I know I would have loved him!
What did she mean?
The young man's eyes looked like mine, but how could that be?

 Then, I heard one of them say, now I know where my dad gets his mannerism.
 Were they talking about me?
 Could this be the son of the girl I once knew so many years ago?
Let me think!
Yes, there was this pretty freckled face girl, she was my first love.
I can still see her face, her long red hair, and those skinny legs.

I heard the girl say, I hate we found everyone too late to meet him.
Could the young man and young woman be my grandchildren? They look old enough to have children of their own.
How did they find me?
Who told them about me?
What happens to that freckled face girl?

When my marriage failed, I went in search of the freckled face girl but, she had married another.

One day I saw my son, he did not see me and seeing him weighed heavily on my heart.
I wanted to tell him who I was and that I loved him, but instead I chose to walk away.

I spent many years in Chicago and married twice.
After dad died I moved south to be near relatives.
Tried marriage one more time we were married for eighteen years.

When I was a teenager my parents divorced.
Dad and I moved away, and sis stayed with mother.

Dad was a baby when his mother died so his sibling raised and spoiled him.
We moved in with one of dad's sisters until we could get back on our feet.
We both worked odd jobs, and work was slow.

When we left home all we had was the shirts we were wearing.
I was wearing my favorite yellow shirt when I met that freckled face girl.
She always called me the boy in the yellow shirt.

The angel took my hand he said, son, this is the family you never knew.
I once held that young man with red curly hair now with a touch of gray.
My how time does fly!

Several times I asked the freckled face girl, with long skinny legs, to marry me.
But her answer was always no.
I wanted to take her back to Chicago with me.
She said I am too young to be so far away from home.
Mom and dad will take care of us.
She said that she loved me but, love was not enough.

Tears streamed down the faces of the strangers at my grave.
The angel took me to get a closer look.
My hand fell upon the man's head. He reached up and we touched.
The man said, dad, I know you are here.

The last thing I remember while I was still on this earth, was my car veering to the right and I struck a guardrail.
I tried to steer my car back onto the road when I saw a headlight. I was too late, the car was too fast.
With a loud crash, my life was gone.
An angel came to carry me home.

My family watched as they lowered my body into the dark grave.
A shell of a body lies buried beneath the earth, but my soul lives in heaven.

My soul longed for my lost son, and now he's come in search of me.
The Lord has healed my soul. A man without pain.
The angel said your son needs healing of the soul.
That is why he has come in search of you.

The grandchildren needed to know their roots.
There was always a puzzle piece that did not fit in the older man's life.

I know someday our paths will cross.
It will be eternally.

What a sweet reunion that will be!
Well enough of this rambling! What are they leaving! They did not stay long enough! I wanted to know more!
Angel, will they come back?

Monday, May 9, 2016

2010 & 2015 Coffee Cemetery then and now

September 8, 2010 

I saw a tree full of these
Road to the cemetery 
Coffee Cemetery could not be seen from the road. There was a historical marker telling the information about the Cemetery.
We pulled into someone's driveway and pulled up to the area where one could park to enter the road leading to the cemetery. There was a gate that I had to go through. Then down this long dirt road to the cemetery.
The cemetery was well kept but there was no way to get inside the wall, so I leaned over the wall to take pictures of the graves. 
Many of Coffee's family members are buried in this cemetery.
Just a few feet away are several unmarked slave graves. 

Information about the Coffee family:
General John R. Coffee son of Captain Joshua and Elizabeth (Graves) Coffee married Mary Donelson, on 3 Oct 1809 in Davidson Co., TN. There were ten known children born of this union: Mary (Hutchings), John Donelson, Elizabeth, Andrew Jackson, Rachel Jackson (Dyas), Alexander Donelson, Catherine Harriet, Emily, William Donelson, and Joshua Coffee.
General John R. Coffee fought in the War of 1812 under the command of Andrew Jackson. He raised the 2nd Regiment of Volunteer Mounted Riflemen, which was made up of primarily Tennessee militiamen and a few Alabamians. On 4 Sep 1814, he was involved in the Andrew Jackson - Benton Brothers duel. He married Mary Donelson daughter of John and Mary (Purnell) Donelson and relative of Andrew Jackson's wife Rachel Donelson Robards Jackson. His father Captain Joshua Coffee is believed to have served in the Revolutionary War.

He was a merchant, a partner in land speculation with Andrew Jackson, and worked as a surveyor in Florence, Lauderdale Co., AL. Surveying the boundary line between Alabama and Mississippi.

Coffee Cemetery 
Coffee Cemetery 

I went back to the Cemetery Site on April 10, 2015.
I no longer had to walk through the woods to get to the cemetery. 
There was a sidewalk near the cemetery and the cemetery could be seen from the road, which was once hidden in the woods. 
I could not get very close to the cemetery because of the construction. 
Walmart bought the land next to the cemetery and before they would let Wal-mart could build a store, the area had to be surveyed for slave graves and many grave sites were found. That area was set aside and Walmart built its store but not on top of any grave sites.

Coffee Cemetery 2015
Every orange flag represents a slave grave

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

2007, May 6-10, A trip to Whigham, Georgia with Ron

Saturday, May 5, 2007 
Two of my granddaughters, Hannah and Madison came to our house.I cooked hamburgers, then we all swam in the pool. Both my granddaughters spent the nigh and we watched Pretty Woman on TV.

Day 1: Sunday, May 6, 2007
My husband took the girls home.
Ron came by and picked me up, we went back to his house because he had not printed out the directions to Andy’s.
We left Ron’s house about 9:00AM
We filled up with gas at 43 express.
We were about 15 miles north of Dothan when we stop for gas, drinks, peanuts, and beef jerky.
We stop at Fred’s in South Georgia to get Ron a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, Doctor peppers, popcorn, nuts, raisins, and mountain dews.

We arrive at Andy’s house at 5:00PM eastern time. Andy's wife had made chili for supper.

Ron and I went to Winn Dixie in Bainbridge for some groceries.
We almost had a wreck when a car pulled out in front of us.  

We ate supper about 6:30PM 
Andy's family was at church.

Later that night when we were watching “Night at the Museum” Nevada sat next to me

I slept with Sierra, Ron slept in Dakota’s room, and Dakota slept on the sofa.
Sierra was reading a book about the “Little Princess.”

Day 2: Monday, May 7, 2007
Andy, Charity, and Ronald went to play golf. I stayed with the grandkids.

The boys wanted to play golf so they got out some old clubs and we went behind the church to play. 
Boys playing golf
Later that day, Montana and Nevada rode four wheelers and Sierra, Dakota, and I rode bicycles.
It was hot and the grandkids were tired so we went inside and they built things with their legos.   

Everyone went to Boat Basin Park for ball games. 
Sierra had a soft ball game, they lost.
Dakota had a baseball game, and his team won

Nevada had a T-ball game, everyone wins in T-ball.
The boys T-ball team was called Syrup Makers and the girls T-ball team was called Syrup Maids.

A boy named Cody joined Sierra, Nevada and Montana in a pretend game of softball. 
We stopped at KFC to get chicken for supper for everyone.
It had been a long day and everyone was ready for bed early.  

Earlier today, I ate bagels, with cream cheese, cheese dip with chili, popcorn, and cookies.

Day 3: Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Sierra, Nevada and I rode bicycles.
On our way to the park, we stopped at the bread store to get day old bread. 
Then we all went to Bainbridge Park, where we could feed the animals. Everyone walked along the one mile wooden bridge to Flint River.

On an empty baseball field we all joined in playing a baseball game against each other.  
Leaving Bainbridge Park
Andy will be grilling tonight so he and Ron are going to Jane’s meat market to buy steaks, pork chops, hamburger patties, hotdogs and then are going to Wal-Mart to buy vegetables. 
Home Run!
Tonight is Dakota’s last baseball game.

Day 4: Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Ron, Andy, and Dakota went to play golf at 10:00 A.M. 

Early that morning I rode the bicycle.

While the men were off golfing, everyone else rode to Tallahassee, Florida. Where, we all played miniature golf.

I was trying to take pictures and play miniature golf but the kids played too fast and could not keep up. 
Playing Putt-Putt Golf 

Next we rode to the theater in Tallahassee to see the movie “Ghost Rider” with Nicholas Cage.
Montana sat next to me at the movies but when Nicholas changed into  a man of fire, Montana went and sat in his moms lap.
Montana got up and went to sit with his mom.
At the movies everyone ate a hotdogs and drank a coke.
That night Ron and I watched the movie “Flushed away,” while Andy’s family went to church.
When everyone returned from church, we watched American idol
I went into Sierra’s room and wrote in my journal.

Day 5: Thursday, May 10, 2007
I cooked bacon, biscuits, and gravy for breakfast. 
Andy, Ron, and I ate the breakfast, I cooked. 
Dakota made a batch of cookies and that is what the kids ate. 
Andy, Montana, Sierra, Nevada, and I went to visit Miss Jane.
Miss Jane had two parrots, one of the parrots would bow, and the other would bite.
Jane gave Andy a bag of fresh green-beans and the kids some candy. 
While Andy, Charity, and Ron were at Wal-Mart, the kids and I rode bikes. 
Montana would get way ahead of me and Nevada and I would have to call him back. 

Dakota & Sierra stayed home, Dakota on the computer and Sierra  watching TV.
Later that evening Sierra and Nevada had ball games.

Ron, Dakota,Montana and I did not go to the ball games. 
Dakota went fishing,Ron cooked an onion blossom, and I watch a movie “Night with the King.”

Day 6: Friday, May 11, 2006
Early the next morning Ron and I started for home. 
I was driving, we took an alternate route; it took us to downtown Dothan.
We were home by 2:30 P.M. 
Couple of  grandkids came over to swim, Hannah and Madison. Hannah's friend Katie also came.

Put on my swimsuit and joined the grandkids for a swim. 

1969~ Summer 1969 Killeen, Texas

A new adventure for the family was a trip to Killeen Texas. 
A total of thirteen people traveling in a pickup truck with a camper shell attached to the top of the bed of the truck.
These, included the mother, father their eight children, two grandchildren and a son-in-law. 
The family was taking their daughter and their granddaughter to be with her husband who was station in the army at Fort Hood

The truck was full of everything the family needed to make the trip, food, & clothing.
The daughter had brought several boxes with her.

A full size mattress was placed on the bed of the truck. The father and son-in-law took turns driving only stopping to eat and to use the restrooms.  
The women took care of the children and food. 

Killeen is a city in Bell County Texas, southwest of Waco. Killeen is a ranching, village and is a cotton region, which houses Fort Hood Military Base. 

It is 759 miles, which will take about twelve hours. The family left late in the afternoon which meant driving all night. 

The family had been riding for hours and when it became too dark to see, they all fell asleep on the mattress. 

The father was doing the driving but he felt himself drift off to sleep.
The father was awakened by the honking of a loud horn by someone letting him know he was swaying on the interstate. He was so frighten that he stayed awake the rest of the night. 

There was no video games during this time and the kids had to make up things to do. 
The kids would look at the tags of the cars and trucks to see what state they were from.
Another fun thing was reading billboards. 

Texas is a big state and when the father said we are in Texas the family rejoiced but needless to say they still had to ride several more hours.

The family did not care much for the flat state of Texas with it’s Oil Wells everywhere.

After several long hours on the road the family finally arrived at the home of the son-in-law. 
He lived in a three bedroom trailer outside of the army base. 
The kids could not wait to get out of the truck and stretch their legs.
The food and clothing had to be unloaded and taken inside.

The kids played outside until dark when the mosquitos started to bite. 
That night the smaller kids slept on the floor. The mother and father had one bedroom to sleep in. The two couples with their six months old babies also had a bedroom to sleep in.

They were not kidding when they said the mosquitos swarm like flies and they are big as elephants in the state of Texas.

The next day the family spent a relaxing day swimming in the lake near Belton.
That afternoon the women went shopping checking out all the small shops nearby.

The next day the family loaded into the truck with everyone except one daughter and one granddaughter which they left behind.
They started their twelve hour journey home. No one fell asleep.

The family had a great trip, even though they rode hundreds of miles in the back of a pickup truck and they were bitten by mosquitoes.
Their, father almost wrecked the truck on the interstate. Taking a trip to the big state of Texas. 
All this did not matter to the family because it was a family vacation. So much like the Vacation movies that Chevy Chase made. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

🎄🎄🎄🎄Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015🎄🎅🏻

Another year has come and gone and I am still here, Thank God.

It has been a very busy year.

My husband and I started the year off right in January. We took an overnight trip to Gulf Shores.
The beach is a great place to go in the winter months, not a lot of people on the beach except the ones there to watch the sunset, which was awesome. 

We stayed at Staybridge Suites for half price (a full kitchen) just like living in an apartment. We enjoyed a delicious seafood meal at Lula’s (my husband had never eaten there).
Gulf Shores sunset 
We celebrated Valentine's in February by ordering a pizza from a new place called The Rising Crust, the pizza was delicious.
The Rising Crust Pizza 
My granddaughter had her first child and our first great-grandchild, Ava Grace.
Ava Grace
In March I rode to Huntsville to attend the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade. (I had never been to a Saint Patrick’s Day Parade) It was fun and I took lots of pictures.
Saint Patrick’s Day Parade
Toward the end of March, I was invited to spend the weekend with my friend and her husband in Pigeon Forge, TN. My sister went with me. We had a great time. We went to a quilt show, rode the Ferris wheel, ate at Margaritaville, ate at  Mel’s Diner, and at The Apple House Restaurant.
Riding the Ferries Wheel
My husband and I took two of the grandsons to the Wheeler Wildlife Refuge, to the Wheeler Dam Birding Trail, and that same day Hubby bought a 2007 Silver Honda. 
Two of my amazing grandsons 
In April I spent the day at the Birmingham Zoo with my daughter and grandchildren.
Early that morning we watched the setting of the third Blood Moon, which was amazing.
My daughter and her three amazing children 
In April, I did several walking tours, The Civil War, Tuscumbia, and the Oakwood Cemetery. I took a Civil War trolley tour in Florence.

In May, Hubby and I went to Rock City in Lookout Mountains. 
Rock City in Lookout Mountains me in my neon suit
I went to the hot air balloon show in Decatur and to a Dennis Family Reunion. (to meet relatives I never knew)

Sierra, my granddaughter graduated from high school and her brother graduated from sixth grade.
In June, my husband and I toured the Rosenbaum home/museum.
Rosenbaum home/museum
Every Thursday in June, July, and the first two Thursdays in August I took several of my grandchildren to the movies. 
Carmike Theater has a summer special for four dollars where you can get a small Coke, a small popcorn, and a movie. We have been doing this for several years.

In June my husband and I took a day trip to Hurricane Mills, Loretta Lynn’s Ranch, Museum, RV Park, and Grist Mill. 
Loretta Lynn’s Ranch/Museum
In July we took several day trips.
We rode to Jackson Tennessee stopping at the Train Depot, Rock-A-Billy Museum, Casey Jones Museum, and Train Depot.
Train Depot in Jackson Tennessee
We also rode to Tullahoma Tennessee to tour the George Dickel Distillery, the Science Museum, and Beechcraft Air Museum
Beechcraft Air Museum.
In August Hubby and I rode to Birmingham, Alabama to visit the Iron Works Historical State Park. 
Iron Works Historical State Park
We rode to Pulaski, Tennessee where we toured the Milky Way Farms. (The farm built by the candy giant of Milky Way Candy 
Milky Way Farms 
We also rode to Murfreesboro, Tennessee where we toured the Stones River National Battlefield, Oaklands Historic House/Museum, and Cannonsburg Village.
Cannonsburg Village Murfreesboro, TN
My daughter decided to leave Rhode Island and move to Fort Myers to work, so at the end of September, I flew to Rhode Island so I could help her move to Fort Myers.

We spent the first day on the road stopping in Columbia, South Carolina to spend the night with one of my daughter's friends.
The next day, back on the road stopping in Frampton Visitor Center in South Carolina. The Frampton was an old plantation home. We stopped at Savannah National Refuge and Museum in Hardeeville, Ga.
Our next stop was the waterfront in Savannah, GA, and ended the day at my cousin, Marjorie Goodrich. We spent the evening catching up on family and we spent the night.
The next day we continued our travel to Fort Myers, arriving at the fully furnished apartment that my daughter had rented.

Some of the places that we visited while I was in Florida were Sanibel Island, Fort Myers River Walk, Big Cypress National Preserve, Ochopee Smallest Post Office, Everglade Museum and boat ride, Mound House at Estero Island, Edison/Ford’s winter homes, Calusa Nature Center and Planetarium, Manatee Park, Shell factory, Lakes Park, Slough Preserve. We attended a Pirates Festival, Zombie Festival, and Oktoberfest. 
Mother and Daughter in Fort Myers Florida
In November my husband and I rode to Meridian, MS, and toured the Jimmy Rodgers Museum, grave, and Blues Trail.
Jimmy Rodger Statue
I attended the wedding & shower of Chase Wanner.
My husband and I enjoyed watching the Christmas fireworks show at Bridge Street Town Centre.
I spent three days beside my middle son who was in the hospital for three days with mini strokes. 
We rode to Nashville, Tennessee where we toured A Country Christmas at the Opryland Hotel which was beautifully decorated for the holidays.

We walked through the Nutcracker’s magical & colorful carved Ice Sculptures.
Manger Scene in Carved Ice Sculptures
Pier on Beach in Biloxi, MS
My husband and I traveled to Gulf Shores where we spent two nights and three days. 
We traveled to Biloxi, MS, where we took a trolley tour of the historic downtown area.
We traveled to Pensacola, FL where we toured the Historic Village of Pensacola. 
We had an eventful ride home watching people dart in and out of traffic. We saw several wrecks, and traffic backed up for miles.

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We watch my niece and other members of our church entertain us with their salute to our Lord Jesus Christ. 

2024 Saturday September 7, Train Trip from Chattanooga to Chickamauga, Ga

  Saturday, we had to be in Scottsboro by 7AM about a 2-hour drive. Loaded onto the bus. I think there were 30 of us including the driver. W...