Showing posts with label wild. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wild. Show all posts

Monday, May 9, 2016

2010 March 27, Saturday, Grandkid discovering the Natural Resources of Florence

I took three of my grandchildren to the Hall Memorial Native Plant Garden at TVA.
Where we saw the Iris Crostata, Jacob's Ladder, Bloodroot, Solidago caesia, Sessile Leaf Bellwort, Oakleaf Hydrangea, Ohio Spiderwort, Wild Columbine, Purple Phacelia & others. 
The grandchildren listen patiently as Mr. Rose told them about all the wildflowers. 
We left the garden and went deeper into the woods to see more wildflowers. 
The grandkids love walking in the woods. I am sure some of the information stayed in their heads.
A group picture at the end of the hike. 
Walking deeper into the woods looking for wildflowers
The grandkids wanted to explore the cascading waterfall at TVA. As we were walking along the banks of the Tennessee River we saw many birds. We could see the TVA Dam,  the Marriott Hotel River Heritage Park, and The tower 380 Degrees Restaurant. 
Standing on the banks of the river
the backdrop of the Waterfall 
We stopped at Domino for a pizza and we took the pizza to Deibert Park. 
After we finished eating we walked the trail where we could learn more about our environment. We stopped at the pond to watch the turtles pop their heads up out of the water. 
Watching the turtles
Watching for the Turtles
We walked deeper into the woods where we saw signs that listed the different creatures, plants, and trees that we might see.
Some of the signs that we saw were: muskrat, loblolly pine, Rufous-sided Towhee, Caroline Wren, ticks, Great Blue Heron, black cherry tree, dogwood tree, bluebirds, sweet pepper bush, cardinal, gray squirrel, and many others. 

The grandkids discovered some of the metal art that was displayed in the park, to bring a bit of culture into the park. 
Discovering Art 
The grandkids enjoyed playing on the train, monkey bars, swings, horses, tire swing, and seesaw.
We stopped at my dad's to wish him a Happy Birthday. It had been a full day for all of us. 
Riding the train 

Monday, June 1, 2015

How does my garden grow?

How does my garden grow?
It grows with
Flowers red, orange, green, yellow, purple

Green Apples waiting to ripen
Tomatoes they are great between bread
Pecan, Walnuts the squirrel's store for the winter
Blackberries great for jam, pies, and hotcakes.
Sun Parasol dark red original sunparabeni usppaf Mandevilla
Peach Hibiscus 
Green Apples 
Green Apples
Tamed Blackberries
Blooms in the fall Autumn Sedum
Heaven's Gate birds love this flower
Raised beds of Tomatoes
Raised beds of Hot banana peppers
Mistress Mary, Quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With Silver Bells, And Cockle Shells,
And so my garden grows
Pecan Tree (nuts are always full of worms but the squirrels still eat them)

2024 Saturday September 7, Train Trip from Chattanooga to Chickamauga, Ga

  Saturday, we had to be in Scottsboro by 7AM about a 2-hour drive. Loaded onto the bus. I think there were 30 of us including the driver. W...