Showing posts with label hawk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hawk. Show all posts

Saturday, February 5, 2022

2022 Feb 1, Day Trip to Guntersville, Alabama

Today the hubby and I are going on an adventure to Guntersville. 

I had been told that there was an eagle nest along Lake Guntersville Park on Sunset Drive. 

We stopped at McDonald's along the way for a couple of apple pies and Diet Coke.

We saw several people at the park with their cameras with large lenses sitting on tripods watching and waiting for the eagle to leave the nest. 

I had to use the restroom and went in search of one but I did not find one so we left.

We rode further down into the park and there we found restrooms. Along the way I spotted several ducks, geese, and seagulls along the waterfront, so we stopped. 


People were walking, jogging, and feeding the waterfowl. 

I started taking pictures of the seagulls, geese, and ducks.  I spotted several sparrows scratching in the dirt looking for food. 

One of my favorite birds is the Downy Woodpecker. 

Downy Woodpecker

I  heard a pecking and this downy woodpecker was going to town on the side of a rotten tree. It was hard to get a good picture because he was in the shade most of the time but I did get a couple of good pictures when he stopped pecking right before he flew away.

Hubby spotted a red-headed woodpecker. I was super excited to see a Redheaded Woodpecker for I have only seen one in the wild. 

Red-headed Woodpecker 

I took pictures of the colorful Bluebirds.

You will not see a bluebird at your backyard feeders. 


I took many pictures today but I didn't get one of the bald eagles. 

That was okay because I got one of the red-headed woodpeckers. 

We rode to O'Bryan's in Hartselle for a late lunch. I ordered steak and sweet potato. 

We also stopped at Krogers where we purchased a few groceries a bouquet of flowers and a potting plant.

The flowers that we bought at Krogers

We looked for hawks and bald eagles along the powerline near the old Papermill. We spotted a couple of red-tailed hawks. Didn't see any bald eagles. 

We stopped at Wheeler Dam where we saw several Pelicans, cormorants, and a gray heron landing at the substation. 

Gray Heron 

Monday, March 15, 2021

2021 Mar 9, Day trip Oak Mountain State Park Pelham, Alabama

Today we rode to Pelham via hwy 43 through Russellville, ending on I-22 going into Birmingham. We filled up with gas at Loves Gas in Jasper and restroom break. We traveled through Birmingham I-65 to Pelham. We stopped at the Interpretive Center and Treetop Nature Trail, where we saw a Eurasian Eagle-Owl, and Shelby the Bald Eagle. Most of the Interpretative Center was closed for renovations. We also saw several hawks and owls in another area.
Bald Eagle 
As we were coming back inside the center we met a Park Ranger with a Red Tail Hawk that was blind in one eye. We talked to her for several minutes and watched while she fed the hawk. She said that its food comes to them frozen so they just thaw it out for them. She was returning the hawk back to its cage. We thanked her for taking the time to show us and tell us about the habits of the red-tail hawk.
Red-tail Hawk 
We began our journey back home we had not eaten any dinner and both agreed that we would like to stop at O'Bryan's in Hartselle. I ordered a petite Sirloin steak with a sweet potato. Hubby ordered a Delmonico Steak, baked potato, and salad bar. After we ate we took pictures of the Blues Brothers statue and other memorabilia at the steak house.
O'Brien's Hartselle
We stopped at Krogers in Hartselle and headed for home. We traveled from Hartselle to Decatur taking Hwy 20 alt 72 to Wheeler Dam. The sun was going down as we were near home.
We had a great day both wore out from all the traveling.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

2018 Feb 24-25, Focused on Nature Photography Weekend Saturday

I checked into Joe Wheeler State Park Lodge for a fun-filled weekend.

Joe Wheeler State Park Lodge
The day began around 8AM with Nature Photography taught by Rocky from Athens.
The next speaker was Joe from Tuscumbia he talked about photo editing featuring Lightroom & Photoshop. He also encouraged everyone to take photos in Raw format.
We broke for lunch.

Sharon joined me for lunch at the lodge we both enjoyed a baked potato.

We had a guided field trip, to take pictures of waterfowl at Wheeler and Wilson Dam, with Guntersville’s park rangers Mike and Sharon riding with me.

Waterfowl at Wilson Dam 

I also took Sharon by River Heritage Park behind the Marriott Hotel. 
We rode back to the lodge to freshen up for dinner.

Hubby joined us for dinner in the Cypress Room at (7PM).
For dinner, I enjoyed fried catfish, salad, Coleslaw, and cheesecake covered with blueberries.

After dinner, a Wildlife show (Birds of prey) was presented in the Cypress Room by David the park ranger from Reelfoot Lake.
For show and tell David brought a Red Tail Hawk, an Eagle, a Horned Owl, and a Barn Owl.
These are animals that have been rescued and cannot be released back into the wild because of a handicap.

Hubby stayed for the breakfast buffet in the dining room. We enjoyed crisp bacon, eggs, waffles, and coke. 
Hubby left for work after breakfast. I joined the rest of the group outside for more of the wildlife show. 

Barn Owl and Great Horned Owl 
Red Tail Hawk 
Our last adventure was a Pontoon boat excursion on Wheeler Lake to look for wildlife and Waterfowl.
Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day but today was cloudy and cold so I had to add several layers of clothing for the water adventure. 

We did see a pair of Red Tail Hawks sitting on the top of a tree. 
We had about 12 people on the boat excursion.
A couple from Tuscumbia, a couple from Trenton, Mississippi, a couple from Guntersville, a couple that likes to take pictures of old barns, a couple from Olive Branch, Mississippi, and Capitan Steve our boat guide.
The wind was around 12 mph and a bit cold, we traveled near the shoreline up to Wheeler Dam.
Captain Steve showed us the lock water discharge.

Hundreds of birds sitting around waiting for fresh fish 
It is the process of draining the lock and the circular wall is the "discharge barrier" but local folks call it the "blow hole”.

I joined my sister, great-niece, and dad for lunch at Bojangles. 

Thursday, September 7, 2017

2017 Aug 22, Day Trip to Davey Crockett Park Lawrenceburg, Tennessee

Started the morning with a free Cheese, Egg, and Chicken Bagel (breakfast) from Chick-fil-a.
We stopped at Lowes where we checked out their Halloween displays and bought some bird feed.

We stopped to get our pool water checked at CE Pools and to pick up some more chemicals.
We stopped at Helping Hands for our weekly B-12 shots.
We ate lunch at Long John Silver's in Lawrenceburg then we rode to Davey Crocket Park.

We rode through the campgrounds, across the covered bridge, along with the river banks, and checked out the cabins.
Covered Bridge
Creek and Swimming Hole
We stopped to take pictures of the markers along the way.

They Passed This Way
Long time we travel on way to new land… Women's cry…Children Cry and men cry…but they say nothing and just put their heads down and keep on going toward the west. Many days pas sand people die very much.
Recollection of a survivor of the Trail of Tears

Federal Indian Removal Policy
After the passage of the Indian Removal Act of 1830, the United States government forced thousands of American Indians to leave their ancestral lands in the Southeast for new homes in the Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma). 
They traveled by existing roads and by river. Many groups left in the fall, hoping to avoid the disease and heat of summer travel, and instead faced treacherous winter weather. Thousands died during the ordeal — remember today as the Trail of Tears.

Despite the hardships of the journey, the people of the five tribes of the Southeast established new lives in the West. They stand now as successful sovereign nations, proudly preserving cultural traditions while adapting to the changes of the 21st century.

In the 1830s, the federal government forcibly removed approximately 15,000 Cherokee, 21, 000 Muskogee (Creek), 9,000 Choctaw, 6,000 Chickasaw, and 4,000 Seminole from their ancestral homes in the southeastern United States.

Federal Indian removal policy aroused fierce and bitter debate. Supporters of the policy claimed it was a benevolent action to save the tribes east of the Mississippi River from being overwhelmed and lost in the onslaught of an expanding American population. 
Opponents described its inhumanity and the tragic consequences it would have for American Indians. One thing was certain: removal freed millions of acres of desired Indian lands for use by white settlers. 

Nearly 1,000 Cherokee died during the journey westward and up to 4,000 died as a result of the forced removal process. Remember those who traveled the Trail of Tears by walking in their footsteps.

Trail of Tears National Historic Trail 

The National Park Service works with partners to administer the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail. By helping to preserve historic sites and trail segments, and developing areas for public use, the story of the forced removal of the Cherokee people and the American Indian tribes are remembered and told. 

You can visit sites along the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail 

Learn more at

David Crockett State Park 
Trail of Tears National Historic Trail National Park Service
National Park Foundation MTSU Center for Historic Preservation

Retracing the Trail of Tears 
Thank you for visiting David Crockett State Park and the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail. We hope you enjoy your outdoor experience. Please be respectful of other park visitors as well as the wildlife that you might encounter along the trail. 

The Bell Route

On October 11, 1838, 660 Cherokee led by John Adair Bell left Fort Cass (present-day Charleston, Tennessee) to begin an arduous 700-mile journey. Weak and miserable from being in removal camps, the people in the Bell detachment that passed through here banded together, staying close to a family member for the long trek.

Walk-in Their Footsteps
You are invited to walk along the same path the Cherokee traveled on the Trail of Tears in 1838. It was a cold and wet November as they trudged by, not even halfway to their destination in Indian Territory.

The Cherokee that passed through here left their home in North Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee with 56 wagons and 318 horses. 
The journey had already been a trying one, as they were faced with terrible road conditions that slowed their progress. Imagine how the numbers of people and wagons would have mired an already muddy road.

The Bell detachment that traveled through here lost 23 of its members along the route due to exhaustion and illness before the group of weary travelers arrived in Evansville, Arkansas, on January 7, 1839.

A Safe Visit 
The Trail of Tears interpretive retracement trail is just over 2,5 miles long one way. As you hike the trail, you will see signs indicating when you are on the original historic route.

For a safe and enjoyable visit, please:
.Pay attention to trail signs
.Stay on the trail
.Share you're hiking plans with friends or family
.Wear appropriate shoes and clothes for hiking
.Be aware of ticks, poison ivy, and snakes
.Carry a bottle of water and snacks
.Help keep the trail litter free and leave no trace

Please help preserve the traces of the past for future generations.

Main Road through Park
Trail of Tears National Historic Trail - Retracement Trail
Shoals Creek Trail/Waterfall Trail
Connector Trails
Bike Trail
Fitness Trail 
Cabin Trail
Wayside Exhibit 

We stopped at the wild-bird sanctuary where we saw the Red-tail hawk, Red-shoulder Hawk, Two barn Owls, The Great Horned Owl, and the Barred Owl.
The museum was closed it is only open on weekends.
Red-Tailed Hawk
Red-Tailed Hawks are probably the most common hawk in North America. If you’ve got sharp eyes you’ll see several individuals on almost any long car ride, anywhere. Red-tailed Hawks are often seen soaring above open fields, gracefully turning circles on their broad, rounded wings.
Other times you’ll see them atop telephone poles, eyes fixed on the ground to catch the movements of a vole or rabbit, or simply waiting out the cold weather before climbing a thermal updraft into the sky.
The Red-tailed Hawk has a thrilling, raspy scream that sounds exactly like a raptor should sound. At least, that’s what Hollywood directors seem to think.
Whenever a hawk or eagle appears onscreen, no matter what species, the shrill cry in movies is almost always a Red-tailed Hawk. 

Length 18-22 in
Wingspan 45-52 in
Weight 1 lb. 9oz-2 lb. 14 oz
Length 20-26 in
Wingspan 45-52 in
Weight 1 lb. 14 oz - 3 lb. 4 oz
David Crocket State Park Tennessee 
Red Shoulder Hawk
Barn Owls
Great Horned Owl
Crockett Museum & Bird Aviaries 
Red Tail Hawk

Welcome to David Crocket State Park 
Lawrenceburg, Tennessee
In the summer of 1817, just before his 31st birthday, David Crockett entered Lawrence County with his second wife Elizabeth (his first wife, Polly, died in 1815), her two children from her first husband (James Patton, who died in the Creek Indian War in late 1813), David’s three young children from his first marriage, plus an infant boy he and Elizabeth had together. Before David and his family would leave Lawrence County five years later, two more Crockett girls would enter the backcountry world of Tennessee. Although it was a time of great danger and uncertainty this growing frontier clan quickly and decisively made an immediate impact on Lawrence County. Just the same, the events taking place in Lawrence Count would change David Crockett and his family forever.

The man whose personality and unique humor would capture the imagination of an entire nation conditioned his winning ways not by hunting wild game or fighting Indians, but through his tenure of public service, and that started here in Lawrenceburg. When David Crockett first arrived in this area, he could barely read or write with any consistency and he was not a successful farmer. He was also fortunate just to be alive. Although he had survived the brutal Indian Wars, and the loss of his wife, he had also recently suffered two severe bouts of malaria. One was so severe that his own friends reported him dead for nearly two weeks.

But despite his setbacks, what made David Crockett entirely different from most men of his time was a fierce determination that matched his impressive physical stature along with a sense of humor that worked in tandem with a real desire to help those less fortunate.

Politics finds Crockett
When the Crockett family traveled the eighty miles from Bean Creek to “The head of Shoals Creek” near Lawrenceburg in 1817, a winning environment awaited them. 

“We remained here…without any law at all; and so many bad characters began to flock in upon us, that we found it necessary to set up a sort of temporary government of our own.”

In four and a half short years, Crockett became a renaissance man of sorts for Lawrence County. Not only did he provide for his growing family, but he was also appointed or elected to a series of political positions including Justice of the Peace, town commissioner, colonel/commandant of the 57th Regiment of Militia, and member of the Tennessee state legislature. While constantly engaged with local and state politics, he and his wife also created, built, and operated a small industrial complex consisting of a gristmill, gunpowder, factory, and a distillery until a flash flood destroyed it. Unable to financially recover from this natural disaster, David and his family reluctantly moved to Gibson County (near Rutherford) in 1822 to start their news anew.

“I became so well pleased with the country about there, that I resolved to settle in it. And so moved and settled me down at the head of Shoals Creek.”

We left Davey Crockett Park and rode down the Natchez Trace to the Welcome Center in Collinwood.
We were kindly greeted by the hostess ate two sugar cookies and drank some fresh water. I took several pictures inside and picked up several brochures

Welcome Center Collinwood
Welcome Center Collinwood
The quilt hanging at the Welcome Center Collinwood
The quilt hanging at the Welcome Center Collinwood

We returned to  Natchez Trace and followed it down to Chislom Highway.

2024 Saturday September 7, Train Trip from Chattanooga to Chickamauga, Ga

  Saturday, we had to be in Scottsboro by 7AM about a 2-hour drive. Loaded onto the bus. I think there were 30 of us including the driver. W...