Showing posts with label song birds sounds Alabama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label song birds sounds Alabama. Show all posts

Monday, July 25, 2022

Bird Sounds (Alabama) using Cornell Merlin App Backyard Song Birds

Acadian Flycatcher

Empidonax virescent

American Crow

Corvus brachyrhynchos 

American Flycatch 

Tyrannus savana

American Gold Finch

Spinus tristis

American Robin

Turdus migatorius 

Barn Swallow 

Hirundo rustica-

Belted Kingfisher

Megaceryle alcyon-

Black Kite 

Milvus migraines 

Black-White Warbler

Mniotilta varia

Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher

Polioptila cerulea

Blue Grosbeak

Passerine caeulea    

Blue Jay

Cyanocitta cristate

Brown-Headed Cowbird 

Molothrus ater-

Brown Thrasher 

Toxostoma rufum

Carolina Chickadee

Poecile carolinensis

Caroline Wren

Thryothorus ludovicianus 

Chimney Swift 

Chaetura pelagica

Chipping Sparrow

spizella passerina

Common Crackle 

Quiscaus quiscula

Common Nighthawk

Chordeiles minor

Common Yellow Throat

Geothlypis trichas     

Downy Woodpecker

Dryobates pubescens

Eastern Blue Bird

Sialia sails 

Eastern Phoebe

Sayornis phoebe

Eastern Towhee

Pupil erythrophthalmus 

Eastern Wood-Pewee

Scalia sialis-

Eurasian Penduline-Tit 

Remix pendulinus-

Field Sparrow

Spizella puslla

Grasshopper Sparrow

Ammodramus savannarum-

Great Crested Flycatcher

Myiarchus crintius-

Hairy Woodpecker 

House Sparrow 

Passer  domesticus

House Finch

Haemorhous Mexicans 

House Wren

Troglodytes aedon

Indigo Bunting

Passerine cyenea


Charadrius Vociferus-

Least Sandpipper 

Calidris Minutilla-

Mouring Dove 

Zenaida macroua-

Northern Bobwhite 

Northern Cardinal 

Cardinalis cardinals 

Northern Flicker 

Colaptes auratus 

Northern Mocking Bird

Minus polyglottos

Northern Rough-Winged Swallow 

Steigidopteryx Serripennis-

Pileated Woodpecker

Dryocopus pileatus

Northern Parula

Setophaga Americana

Purple Finch 

Haemmorhous purpureus 

Purple Martin

Proven subis

Red-bellied Woodpecker 

Melanerpes carolinus 

Red-Eyed Vireoo 

Vireo olivaceous 

Red Shoulder Hawk 

Buteo lineatus

Red Tail Hawk 

Buteo Jamaicensis -

Red-winged Backbird

 Agelaius phoeniceus

Song Sparrow

Melospiza Melodia 

Scarlet Tanager

Pirange Olivace-

Summer Tanager

Pirange rubra

Tufted Titmouse

Baeolophus bicolor

Western Wood-Pewee

Contopus Sordidulus-

White-Eyed Vireo 

Vireo griseus 

Yellow-billed Cuckoo 

Coccyzus americanus

Yellow-Breasted Chat 

Icteria Virens 

White-breasted Nuthatch

Sitta carolinensis-

This are bird sounds that I have heard and recorded on my Iphone.

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