Showing posts with label son. Show all posts
Showing posts with label son. Show all posts

Sunday, July 24, 2016

It's never too late!

An angel took my hand, and he said I have something to show you.
We stopped right above my grave.
People were standing next to my tombstone, they were talking.

The angel said, do you know these people? I did not recognize them.
I overheard one say, I know I would have loved him!
What did she mean?
The young man's eyes looked like mine, but how could that be?

 Then, I heard one of them say, now I know where my dad gets his mannerism.
 Were they talking about me?
 Could this be the son of the girl I once knew so many years ago?
Let me think!
Yes, there was this pretty freckled face girl, she was my first love.
I can still see her face, her long red hair, and those skinny legs.

I heard the girl say, I hate we found everyone too late to meet him.
Could the young man and young woman be my grandchildren? They look old enough to have children of their own.
How did they find me?
Who told them about me?
What happens to that freckled face girl?

When my marriage failed, I went in search of the freckled face girl but, she had married another.

One day I saw my son, he did not see me and seeing him weighed heavily on my heart.
I wanted to tell him who I was and that I loved him, but instead I chose to walk away.

I spent many years in Chicago and married twice.
After dad died I moved south to be near relatives.
Tried marriage one more time we were married for eighteen years.

When I was a teenager my parents divorced.
Dad and I moved away, and sis stayed with mother.

Dad was a baby when his mother died so his sibling raised and spoiled him.
We moved in with one of dad's sisters until we could get back on our feet.
We both worked odd jobs, and work was slow.

When we left home all we had was the shirts we were wearing.
I was wearing my favorite yellow shirt when I met that freckled face girl.
She always called me the boy in the yellow shirt.

The angel took my hand he said, son, this is the family you never knew.
I once held that young man with red curly hair now with a touch of gray.
My how time does fly!

Several times I asked the freckled face girl, with long skinny legs, to marry me.
But her answer was always no.
I wanted to take her back to Chicago with me.
She said I am too young to be so far away from home.
Mom and dad will take care of us.
She said that she loved me but, love was not enough.

Tears streamed down the faces of the strangers at my grave.
The angel took me to get a closer look.
My hand fell upon the man's head. He reached up and we touched.
The man said, dad, I know you are here.

The last thing I remember while I was still on this earth, was my car veering to the right and I struck a guardrail.
I tried to steer my car back onto the road when I saw a headlight. I was too late, the car was too fast.
With a loud crash, my life was gone.
An angel came to carry me home.

My family watched as they lowered my body into the dark grave.
A shell of a body lies buried beneath the earth, but my soul lives in heaven.

My soul longed for my lost son, and now he's come in search of me.
The Lord has healed my soul. A man without pain.
The angel said your son needs healing of the soul.
That is why he has come in search of you.

The grandchildren needed to know their roots.
There was always a puzzle piece that did not fit in the older man's life.

I know someday our paths will cross.
It will be eternally.

What a sweet reunion that will be!
Well enough of this rambling! What are they leaving! They did not stay long enough! I wanted to know more!
Angel, will they come back?

Thursday, January 7, 2016

🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️2000 June 24, Saturday, McFarland Swimming

At about mid-morning on Saturday, we loaded into my LS Saturn and rode to McFarland Park.
My grandson Justin, two granddaughters Hannah and Madison, and my son Ronald.
The kids had not planned to get into the water but it was hot and they stripped down to their underwear and jumped right into the cool water of the Tennessee River, hoping that a large bass or catfish would not nibble on their toes.
In water up to their knees. 
Madison kept on her hot pink tee shirt and her hair was pulled on top of her head in a ponytail.
Hannah was wearing a light blue floral top with matching shorts and Hannah's hair was pulled back into a ponytail.
Ronald was wearing blue jeans shorts and a black tee shirt with the sleeves cut out.
Ronald in his cool shades. 
They stayed near the edge not getting in over their heads. They walked along the edge of the lapping Tennessee River bending over to pick up unusual rocks.
Picking up shells 

Jumping on boulder
The kids played on the giant boulders that were dotted along the River. They would jump from one to the other.

Playing in the park 
The kids played on the playground equipment and we watched several barges float down the river.
Barges on the Tennessee River 
We also saw the Miss Nari New Orleans, LA cruise boat that was docked along the Tennessee River.
Miss Nari New Orleans, La
The historic towboat M/V Miss Nari is named for Mrs. Narcissa “Nari” Conrad, the late wife of Eddy Conrad, the CEO of RiverBarge Excursions Lines. Miss Nari is the only river towboat in America with a twin propulsion 3,000 horsepower Z Peller 360-degree unit, which can completely turn the entire tow in place. The Miss Nari was built in 1951 and started her career in the Delta Cities. If you check your history, on September 13, 1970, the Delta Cities’ tow of gasoline-filled barges broke loose crashing into the Port Arthur Bridge. The barges, the bridge, and the Delta Cities were engulfed in flames. The Delta Cities suffered severe fire damage and remained out of service for years. She became known as “the Hulk” for some time as she lay dormant. Today the newly equipped and refurbished Miss Nari still shows the scares of this tragedy with heat-warped decks. The Miss Nari pushes the barges along at speeds of 9 to 10 miles per hour although faster speeds can be achieved depending on river currents and conditions.

We could also hear the sounds of the traffic as it crossed the Tennessee River on the O'Neal Bridge.

Busting traffic on O'neal Bridge 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

1988 ~Dec 3-4, Weekend trip to Lynchburg, Tennessee

My daughter-in-law worked for Lowe’s of Florence and was offered a position in Tullahoma, TN to work at their grand opening, the weekend of December 3-4 1988.
This was a great opportunity for a getaway trip for all of us.

All expenses were paid by Lowe’s for that weekend for my daughter-in-law which included the cost to stay at the Jameson Inn 2213 N. Jackson St. 

The inn was just a few blocks from Lowe’s.
Old Fire Truck at Jack Daniels 
On top of the hill looking down 
Cave Spring Water where Jack Daniels gets its iron-free spring water
Jack Daniels making Whisky
Jack Daniels making Whisky
Going to the fermenting room 
Copper Stills where the mash is cooked and fermented
Jack Daniels making Whisky
Jack Daniels Whisky
Jack Daniels Whisky
Jack Daniels making Whisky
Jack Daniels making Whisky
Taking the tour 
Taking the tour 
Barrel Room where the Whiskey is aged
Barrel Room where the Whiskey is aged
Barrel Room where the Whiskey is aged
While my daughter-in-law was working, my son, my daughter, and I rode over to Lynchburg to the Jack Daniel Distillery.
It was a bitterly cold winter day and we were the only people taking the tour.

We checked in at the visitor center and then we were taken on a guided tour.
We were shown the barrelhouse, Jack’s Office, & Rick's yard (where the Charcoal is mellowed). 
We were shown the Copper Stills where the mash is cooked and fermented. (This is the distilling process.)
We were shown the Cave Spring Water where Jack Daniels gets its iron-free spring water. The water flows year-round at 800 gallons per minute with a constant temperature of 59 degrees. 
We were shown the Sour Mash Whiskey in a large Fermenter, each was numbered according to the type of whiskey.
We were shown the Charcoal Mellowing process where the whiskey slowly seeped through 10 feet of special charcoal until it was good and mellow. 
We were shown the barrel room where the whiskey is aged.
We went back to the visitor center but could not taste the whiskey because Lynchburg is a dry county.
Jack Daniel Distillery is located at 182 Lynchburg Hwy Lynchburg, TN. 37352. Telephone number 931-759-6357.
We ate lunch in Lynchburg and went back to the Jameson Inn in Tullahoma. 
We went out to supper when my daughter-in-law finished work that night.

We had a great weekend, we ate out several times, stayed in a nice hotel, and visited the Jack Daniels Distillery. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Letter to George

Sent Dayton September 16th, 1888, -  Returned Nov 25th 1888My dear boy, 
Excuse my negligence in not writing before I have lots of work but not much pay.
I was very glad to hear from you.
I am well at present.
It is raining today.
It has been as dry as ever.
The fire has done some damage not close by.
It is hard times wheat is out and hay was poor and everything is low except hay.
Green had 60 bushels wheat of 13 acres; mine was the best around here.
I have got a yoke of cattle; I broke myself the best there is around here.
I sold the old mule to Pringles he has just traded her.
Since commencing this answer to your letter.
I have been so busy with politics that I have not done any more writing than I was obliged to and I worked hard in the election and then we got beat.
McKay got elected representative here.
Nell is at home, Min died, Oscar is home the same as ever.
Oscar Meyers is married got, 2 children.
Violet works out but is very lonely.
The others and Clint are at home.
Cunningham feels bigger than a Prairie shit house.
Frank Wait is in California.
G Carter runs away his wife broke her ankle and sold everything and went to the cold water to live.
Johnny Myers up north went to the woods last winter got homesick was back in 3 weeks.
The girl is an amazing woman and smarts one.
Since the election, I have been in Detroit at the lawsuit.
I beat them very easy but it cost lots of money.
There will be one more suit at Caro if I had about one hundred dollars should get along all right. Cannot you lend me 3 days work until I can pay it back, is hard times here a dollar is larger than a wagon wheel?
Giblet has been to Port Huron and John went to Detroit they have seen it all and they know more than the rest of the world.
Jane took in two rotten eggs and that takes care of all the projects.
 Hoping this will find you well and hope to hear from you soon.
What is the name of the mine you work in?
From your well-wishing father, W. G. R
East Dayton, Tuscola Co. Michigan

2024 Saturday September 7, Train Trip from Chattanooga to Chickamauga, Ga

  Saturday, we had to be in Scottsboro by 7AM about a 2-hour drive. Loaded onto the bus. I think there were 30 of us including the driver. W...