Showing posts with label swimming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swimming. Show all posts

Monday, February 12, 2018

2018 Feb, Swimming with Dolphins and Sea Lion Show Chankanaab National Park Cozumel, Mexico

Sea Lion Show 
Dolphin's Names:
Aitana, Amadeus, Anaeli, Apolo, Da Vinci, Diego, Gandhi, Jupiter, Kathy, Krista, Leia, Louis, Frida, Marina, Miracle, Noel, Olympia, Rames, Scarlett, Thor, Zuman

Swimming with Dolphins
Swimming with Dolphins
Kissing the Sea Lion

Monday, January 25, 2016

1974 ~ Summer Savannah, Georgia

One of our family trips was a trip to Savannah Georgia. My sister’s husband was stationed at Fort Stewart.

The trip took a little over nine hours. We only stopped to eat and to use the restroom.
The boys played with their toy soldiers and hot wheel cars on the ride.

After the long ride the kids were ready to get out and visit their cousins.
When we arrived my sister had dinner ready. We ate and sat back to watch some TV, while the kids enjoyed playing outside.

We spent the next day on a public beach that faced the Daufuskie Island Resort in South Carolina. 
It was a beautiful day, a bit windy, over cast and hot.
The kids enjoyed building sand castles and darting in and out of the Atlantic Ocean.
The kids stopped long enough to grab a bite of the picnic lunch that we had brought.
The sun was hiding his face behind the clouds but sending out those hot rays.
We forgot to use sunscreen and we all got blistered.

That night we rubbed everyone down with white vinegar. The white vinegar was soothing to the sunburn and at least we could get a good night sleep.

The next day we rode to the Military Base and to Historic Down Savannah. 
We saw hundreds of old houses nestled under giant like oaks hanging with live Spanish moss. The Spanish moss is known as “ The Hostess City of the South.”  
We went to the one level Oglethorpe Mall,built in 1969, with 1,000,000 square feet. 
It housed Belk, JC Penny, Sears, and Maas Brothers (Now Macy's). In 1974, this was a huge mall.
Regency Square Mall back home opened in 1978, so to see a mall was a new adventure for us.
Savannah was a beautiful historic city and the weather while we were there was very accommodating. 

We spent the next few days inside playing Rook, Harts, & Spades.
The kids played inside and watched TV.

We had a great visit connecting with relatives. We enjoyed the beach, and visiting historic Savannah.

We said good-by to our relatives and began our trip home. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️2000 June 24, Saturday, McFarland Swimming

At about mid-morning on Saturday, we loaded into my LS Saturn and rode to McFarland Park.
My grandson Justin, two granddaughters Hannah and Madison, and my son Ronald.
The kids had not planned to get into the water but it was hot and they stripped down to their underwear and jumped right into the cool water of the Tennessee River, hoping that a large bass or catfish would not nibble on their toes.
In water up to their knees. 
Madison kept on her hot pink tee shirt and her hair was pulled on top of her head in a ponytail.
Hannah was wearing a light blue floral top with matching shorts and Hannah's hair was pulled back into a ponytail.
Ronald was wearing blue jeans shorts and a black tee shirt with the sleeves cut out.
Ronald in his cool shades. 
They stayed near the edge not getting in over their heads. They walked along the edge of the lapping Tennessee River bending over to pick up unusual rocks.
Picking up shells 

Jumping on boulder
The kids played on the giant boulders that were dotted along the River. They would jump from one to the other.

Playing in the park 
The kids played on the playground equipment and we watched several barges float down the river.
Barges on the Tennessee River 
We also saw the Miss Nari New Orleans, LA cruise boat that was docked along the Tennessee River.
Miss Nari New Orleans, La
The historic towboat M/V Miss Nari is named for Mrs. Narcissa “Nari” Conrad, the late wife of Eddy Conrad, the CEO of RiverBarge Excursions Lines. Miss Nari is the only river towboat in America with a twin propulsion 3,000 horsepower Z Peller 360-degree unit, which can completely turn the entire tow in place. The Miss Nari was built in 1951 and started her career in the Delta Cities. If you check your history, on September 13, 1970, the Delta Cities’ tow of gasoline-filled barges broke loose crashing into the Port Arthur Bridge. The barges, the bridge, and the Delta Cities were engulfed in flames. The Delta Cities suffered severe fire damage and remained out of service for years. She became known as “the Hulk” for some time as she lay dormant. Today the newly equipped and refurbished Miss Nari still shows the scares of this tragedy with heat-warped decks. The Miss Nari pushes the barges along at speeds of 9 to 10 miles per hour although faster speeds can be achieved depending on river currents and conditions.

We could also hear the sounds of the traffic as it crossed the Tennessee River on the O'Neal Bridge.

Busting traffic on O'neal Bridge 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

2015 ~ Friday, May 15, Feeding birds not squirrels and raccoons!

Bought two new bird feeders and filled them fully and for several days the birds ate well. This morning I looked outside and both feeders were completely empty. I saw a frog in the swimming pool so I went to rescue it.
I found footprints all over the floor of the deck and a pile of pooh.
I guess the Raccoon has found the new feeders and he ate so much that he could not hold it.
Raccoons are worse than squirrels.
Before we removed the cover from our swimming pool, we had two squirrels chew a couple of small holes in the top of the swimming pool cover. After chewing the holes in the cover they would jump up and down making the water come through the wholes so they could get a drink.
All winter the water level was too low for them to do that but we had been filling the pool up with water getting ready to open the pool for the summer. 
We had already had problems with the raccoon he got under the belly of our RV. Hubby had left the propane tank cover off and the raccoon had crawled inside the belly of our RV. 
Well, Hubby fixed the problem with the raccoon and we thought he had gone until I bought the first bird feeder.
One night I looked out the window there was the raccoon standing on his hind legs eating the bird food.
I moved the feeder under the motion sensor light hoping that would scare the raccoon off.
Well, I had not seen the raccoon until last night when he left me proof of a pile of pooh and muddy footprints all over the deck floor. 
I love critters but I wish he would stay off my deck.
Last year we had to fish out a baby raccoon from our swimming pool.
I guess I will have to move the bird feeders off the deck.
I have a pair of red birds, a pair of bluebirds, a pair of finch and many other small birds I love to feed.
Raccoons and squirrels eat too much they can go through a bag of bird feed in just a few days. They need to get out and hunt for their food not be severed like a king and leave a present behind for me to clean up.
Caught the raccoon with his hands in the bird feeder 
Caught the raccoon with his hands in the bird feeder

2024 Saturday September 7, Train Trip from Chattanooga to Chickamauga, Ga

  Saturday, we had to be in Scottsboro by 7AM about a 2-hour drive. Loaded onto the bus. I think there were 30 of us including the driver. W...