Showing posts with label plantation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plantation. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

2016 March 4, Friday, Touring the Rippavilla Plantation

I had wanted to visit the Rippavilla Plantation for some time and I had tried to get hubby to stop as we were always traveling somewhere else at the time.
He said someday we will stop.
I had ask my granddaughter to go but she was always too busy.
It was a beautiful day, a bit chilly, but a nice day for an hour and half drive.
I took my time not rushing, just enjoying the blooming daffodils, and tulip trees.
I parked in the parking lot at Rippavilla and I was approached by one of the curators. He said can I help you? I replied yes, I would like to tour the home.
He said you might want to use the restroom, which was located outside the home.
I took my camera in hand and I went into the museum.
The old carriage house now housed the museum and it has many books about the Civil War.
I was told I could take all the pictures that I wanted on the outside of the plantation.
The curator said the tour would not start for another thirty minutes.
I walked outside and all around the home, taking pictures.
There were several trees on the grounds that were way over one hundred years old.
Trees and fountain
Rippavilla Plantation front view
Side view the sunroom was added on my new owner many years later
Back view of Rippavilla 
The Greek Revival Rippavilla was built for Nathaniel and Susan Cheairs' and finished in 1855.
I was taken on a guided tour of the inside of the home.
The minute we walked through the front doors the smell of cinnamon rolls baking in the oven filled the air.
The curator said that the kitchen was used for baking and many weddings where held at the plantation.
The aroma filled every room making me hungry,
Two of the cooks were eating their lunch in the sunroom, that was added by the previous owner.
The doorways widened and the spiral stair case changed to an open stairwell, were some of the changes to the historic home.
Many of the rooms were filled with period furniture and some furniture was from he original Cheairs family.
Upstairs in one of the former bedrooms was memorabilia of the Civil War and information on how the home when the Cheairs family lived in it.
It these walls could talk, what stories could they tell, both union and confederates soldiers walked through the doors of this home.
Susan and Nathaniel's wooden four poster canopy bed, the mattress was covered with a white lace spread, stood as if it was waiting their arrival.

I walked into the room where General Hood ate his breakfast the morning before the Battle of Franklin on November 30, 1864.
I thanked the curator and we walked back to the museum where I purchased three post cards.
Before I left the plantation I walked back behind the home to the log cabin.
Freedman's Bureau School built 1870 which served as a school for the freed slaves.
Freedman's Bureau School
On my way home I rode through the town of Mount Pleasant.
I drove home stopping at Long John's Silvers for two pieces of fried cod fish in Lawrenceburg.
I did not eat my lunch/dinner until I arrive at home.
I had learned over the years I can go it alone.
Time goes on, time doesn't wait, so make the best of what time you have today!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

✈️✈️✈️2015 September 26-29 Flying to Providence and 3 Day Road Trip

Day 1: Saturday, September 26, 2015 
My husband and I traveled to Huntsville, and we stopped at Logan’s Roadhouse in Madison for lunch.
My husband ordered a rack of ribs and 1/2 rack of ribs, a baked potato, and a Caesar salad which we split. I ordered a baked potato with iced tea.  
We rode to Bankston’s to look at new RV’s made by Tiffin, next,  we stopped at Beat Buy where we  bought a Sandisk 16 GB Ultra  Camera card for my Nikon D500 camera, they did not have a Nikon Lithium Ion Battery pack 
EN-El9a 7.2V 1080 m Ah 7.8Wh battery, so we went to Batteries Plus where we purchased a battery.  
We stopped at Krispy Cream where we purchased two apple fritters and a cup of donut holes, I ate one of the apple fritters.  

We had planned to go to the Space and Rocket Center for Smithsonian Day but the place was packed, so we had a couple of hours to kill.

My husband dropped me off at the airport a little early my flight was scheduled to leave at 6:21PM.
My flight was delayed because the incoming flight was late which threw everything off schedule including making my connecting flight in Atlanta.
I flew on Delta Flight 4940 seat number 17C from Huntsville to Atlanta.
We were late upon arrival so were several other flights so, we had to wait our turn in line to park the plane.
Several people on the flight had a limited amount of time to reach their next connecting flight, and they were getting anxious about making their next flight, several had to reschedule.

My connecting flight to Providence Rhode was the last flight and the next flight was not until the next day.
They let everyone who had a connecting flight off first.
I had only 20 minutes to reach my connecting flight at gate 34B after the plane parked.  

I was walking at a fast pace from Gate D, I took the elevator to the ground floor, and from there I took the tram to Gate B.
I started up the escalator steps but about halfway up I stopped I was out of breath, and I let the electric stairs take me the rest of the way up.
Once I reached the top I found myself in the middle of many restaurants and shops.
I started walking at a fast pace toward gate 34B beginning with gate number 20.
I thought I would not make it, my mouth felt like I had swallowed a large ball of cotton, so I stopped at the water fountain for a drink of water.  
I continued my journey to gate 34B, upon arriving I checked in followed by a young man panting profoundly.

We both boarded Delta Flight 935, and the question everyone had on their faces was What Happened? Why are you so late?

The flight was waiting for an older couple, who could not walk very fast.  
I took my seat 34C next to the window, there were two black women in the seats next to me, they were headed home, and they had been on a cruise.

The woman next to me said I did not know my father was blind until I was sixteen.
She said my father could do everything, he made furniture, and he could work on cars.
She said once a sales clerk came by to talk to my father, the man said to my brother, your father does not like me.
He said, I held out my hand for him to shake it, several times, be he never responded, then my brother said, my father is blind.
I had made a connection with this woman, but never knew her name.
When we got off the airplane we hugged each other and said goodbye never to see one another again.

I went to baggage claim to collect my luggage. I watched the table turn with the last piece of luggage, mine was nowhere to be seen.
I heard my name over the loudspeaker.
The voice, said for me to please come to baggage claims. The attendant at baggage claims said that my luggage had missed the flight and that it was still sitting in the Atlanta Airport.
My luggage should arrive around 12 p.m. the next day.
I said, But, I am leaving in the morning at 6AM for Fort Myers Florida.  

They said when your bag arrives, we will have it shipped to the Fort Myers Airport. They gave me a tracking number and a little black bag. The bag was filled with a very small tube of toothpaste, a tiny toothbrush, a disposable razor, a tiny bar of soap, and an X-large White Tee Shirt. 

My luggage that was still in the Atlanta Airport, carried all of my clothes, my daily medicine, my camera charger, my IPAD, and my empty purse.  
I had with me my D500 Nikon Camera, my wallet with all my money, my glasses, all my camera equipment, my IPhone, and my driver's license.

I went outside to the pickup area and called my daughter to come pick me up.  
She was hungry so we stopped at Wendy's for a hamburger and iced tea.
We arrived late around 11:30PM at my daughter’s empty apartment and we had to walk up three flights of stairs.
All she had left in her apartment was a bed to sleep on, a built-in stove, and a refrigerator.  
She had a few cleaning items, her makeup, a towel, tissue, and bed linens
The bed she was leaving in the apartment had a mattress that was made for only one person because it slumped in the middle.
My daughter gave me a pair of black stretch pants and a tank top to sleep in after I took a long hot shower.
I tried to sleep on the edge of the bed but kept rolling to the middle. I slept for a couple of hours.  

What was I going to do for three days without my medicine, and clothes?
The bed we slept on 
Traveling from Providence, Rhode Island to Columbia, South Carolina

Day 2: Sunday, September 27, 2015  
I was up around 5 AM, I took another hot shower and put on the clothes I had worn on the flight.
We carried down the last item that had to be loaded into the car and dumped what garbage was left in the trash outside.
We were on the road by 6:20AM 

We loaded ourselves into the car and began our travel of fourteen hours and thirty-five minutes for 894 miles from Providence to Columbia, South Carolina.  

We traveled I-95 leaving Providence, RI traveling all through the lower part of the state of Connecticut, crossing into New York at Port Chester, we crossing the Hutson River on the Triboro/George Washington Bridge into New Jersey.
Triboro/George Washington Bridge into New Jersey
We paid fourteen dollars at the New Jersey Turnpike.  
We stopped at 10:53AM in New Jersey along I-95 at the Walt Whitman Rest Area and Repair Plaza.

It had public restrooms, Sunoco Gas, a gift shop, travel information, vending machines, telephones, Burger King, cinnamon, Popeye’s, Roy Rogers, TCBY, and Duncan Donuts.
I ordered a Sausage, cheese, and egg croissant at Dunkin Donuts.  

At 11:22 AM we crossed into New Castle, Delaware toll four dollars. It was a short drive distance through Delaware crossing into Maryland near Elkton, and paid a four-dollar toll.  

We rode through the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel in Maryland ($4 toll), and we rode through the District of Columbia crossing into Virginia toward Richmond.

Baltimore Harbor Tunnel in Maryland 
Welcome to Virginia 
We stopped at 2:19PM at Denny’s at 2861 Dale Blve Woodbridge, VA to eat lunch.
We ordered a plate of Zesty Nacho, which was made with tortilla chips topped with Pepper Jack queso, shredded Cheddar cheese, seasoned nacho meat, freshly made pico de Gallo, and sour cream.

My daughter and I both ordered a salad, they were not good, they tasted like they had been in the refrigerator for several days.

We crossed the state of North Carolina and rode to West Columbia, South Carolina.
We arrived around 9PM, at my daughter’s friend's apartment.  
My daughter introduced me to her friend and her husband. We were served light refreshments, and I took a glass of Cranberry Splash. 
My daughter and her friends went out onto the patio where they enjoyed a glass of wine.
I took a shower and put on a pair of my daughter’s stretch pants, and the thin, white, X-large, tee shirt the airline had given me.  
I stretched out on the sofa, that was made into a bed for me.
I was asleep in no time.

Around 10:30PM my daughter took a shower and went to bed. 
 Denny’s at 2861 Dale Blve Woodbridge, VA
Entering North Carolina
My daughter and her friend in Columbia, SC 
Traveling from Columbia, South Carolina to Jacksonville, Florida

Day 3: Monday, September 28, 2015 
After a good night's sleep, we were up and ready to go by the time my daughter’s friend was ready to leave for work.  
We thanked her for putting us up for the night.
At 7:19 we were eating breakfast at Atlanta Bread Company in West Columbia South Carolina. My daughter ordered an Omelet with potatoes and toast. I ordered a bagel with cream cheese. I ate some of my daughter’s omelet and we both ordered iced tea unsweetened.
Atlanta Bread Company in West Columbia South Carolina
At 9:36AM we stopped in Ridgeland, Jasper County, South Carolina at the Historic Frampton Plantation Home, once occupied by the Frampton Family. The first home was built in 1840, burned by Union troops in 1865, and rebuilt in 1868 this home is now the home to the Visitors Center & Museum.
The Historic Frampton Plantation Home
The front room was recreated into the 1900s plantation house parlor or sitting room with an antique stroller with a doll, an eighteen-century spinning wheel, a desk and chair, a sofa, a TV, and many other period antiques. In one room there was a rifle hanging over the fireplace. Below the fireplace were historical documents that were for sale. There were books about City of Heroes, American Revolution, Swamp Fox, The Civil War, South Carolina in the Revolution, Haunted Battlefields of the South, The Shaftesbury Papers, and many others.
In the bathrooms hanging on the walls, we saw many old signs:
“I love cooking with wine, Sometimes I even put it in the food.”
“If at first, you don’t succeed, do it the way your wife told you!
“Unattended children will be given Espresso & a free kitten”
“I don’t drink anymore, I don’t drink any less”

I have child-proofed my house but they still get in!
“Coffee you can sleep when you are dead”
“Born to ride, forced to work”
“I don’t understand the idea of cooking & cleaning, just not as it applies to me”
PMS Be afraid! Be very afraid!

We took pictures inside and outside.
I bought four postcards, cost $2.16. 

Outside we met several workers who were doing repairs and maintenance on the Frampton Plantation. 
Southern Live Oak Tree 
Southern Live Oak Tree 
There was a sign in front of the Oak tree that read:
Our live oaks are approximately 250 years old, and we are caring for them with pruning and periodic feeding.  

The massive branches also support other plants Gray strands of hanging Spanish Moss which is an epiphyte & not a parasite & resurrection Fern which grows along the tops of the main branches, and looks dead when dry but becomes green again after the rain.

Behind the visitor center was a sign that read:
The Frampton Line
A large earthwork, over 100 yards in length was raised on this site by General Robert E. Lee’s troops C1862.

This fortification was a fallback position from which to defend the Charleston to Savannah Railroads. An important Supply Line for the Confederate Army,

The railing is located about one mile north of this site.

Savannah National Wildlife Refuge Museum
At 10:44AM we stopped at Savannah National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center.
We watched a ten-minute film about the Wildlife Refuge. 
At 11:10AM we walked through the Saving The Resources interactive exhibits that were located inside the Visitor Center, before we left I bought a tee-shirt that cost $16.00.

At 11:51AM we were riding through the Laurel Hill Wildlife Drive which is part of the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge. We saw a couple of Alligators, and a canal full of lily pads.
We decided to get out of the car and walk along one of the trails where we saw a wooden build with a sign that read PHOTO BLIND BUILT BY!

So we decided to check it out, my daughter opened the door and started to walk inside when I hollered Snake! I saw an orange snake, it was curled up on the floor but scurried away before my daughter could step on it. We saw several markers, as we rode under large oak trees covered in Spanish Moss, that shaded the road, as we rode through the Wildlife Preserve.

Laurel Hill Plantation, Using Fire to Benefit Wild Life, Managing Water for Wildlife, Rice Field Trunk, Plantation Cistern, and Prescribe Burning

We exited the refuge at 12:06PM
I screamed snake
At 12:37PM we crossed the Savannah Hutchinson Island Bridge into Historic Savannah, GA.
My daughter let me out to take pictures and she parked the car.  
At 12:49PM, we were walking along the North Historic District of Savannah’s Riverfront where we saw:
Scarlett’s, Land & Sea Wear, the Black Dog, Chart House, Fiddlers Carb House, Susie King Taylor Tug Boat, Savannah Belles Ferry, Exchange  Tavern & Restaurant, Savannah Candy Kitchen, Huey's True Grits, Boars’ Head 1964  Grill & Tavern, Shipping on the port Savannah, one-eyed Lizzy’s  Seafood, Steaks Grille & Bar, 
We saw the Savannah River Queen, & the Georgian Queen Port of Savannah Riverboats, and the Geleon San Pelay Sailing Vessel.
We saw the historic markers, Confederate Savannah, NOAR National Marine Sanctuary, and Savannah’s Wharves.  

At 1:33-2:42PM, we were at Joe’s Crab Shack.  
We ordered a bucket of shrimp, crawfish, potatoes, corn, and hushpuppies, with unsweet tea.  
Joe’s was along the waterfront and we could have sat outside but it was way too humid.
There were several restaurants and shops along the waterfront so when we finished lunch we decided to visit several.

We stopped at River Street Sweets where we sample a variety of different nuts covered in chocolate.

We stopped at Fabulous Finds Under $20, where we looked at many different ties and flasks.
We saw many different store signs: Bernie’s Oyster House, Land & Sea Wear, Scarlett’s, Chart House, Fiddlers Crabb House, The Black Dog, Exchange Tavern and Restaurant, Savannah’s Candy Kitchen, and Grill & Tavern Boar’s Head established 1964.

The time was about up on the parking meter so we walked back to the car.  

Savannah River Queen
At 4:53 PM we stopped in Yulee, at the Welcome to Florida, The Sunshine State, Governor Rick Scott, Open for business, rest area.
We use the restrooms, sample the free orange juice, and tour the center. My daughter purchased a sun pass for crossing tolls in Florida.  

On the grounds posted outside were signs about animals that you will see in the great state of Florida, black bear, painter, river otter, American Alligator, whitetail deer, gray fox, wild turkey, and great blue heron.  

It took us forty minutes to drive from Yulee to Jacksonville.
It was around six when we arrived at 4556 Cambridge Road Jackson, Florida my cousin's home.

My daughter dropped me off and she went to get herself a plate of barbecue ribs and to check out the area while I visited with my cousin. 

My cousin was not feeling too well so she went to bed around 9PM. Before she went to bed she showed us where we would be sleeping and she gave me a pair of pjs to sleep in, after I took a shower.
I slept in the half bed that was in my cousin's office. My daughter slept on the bottom bunk in the girl's room.
My cousin shares a house with her grandson and his girlfriend.

My cousin's grandson has a couple of daughters who come to visit during the summer months.
Majorie Goodrich 
Traveling from Jacksonville, Florida to Fort Myers, Florida

Day 4: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 
My daughter must have been very tired because she slept later than usual.
I spent the morning visiting with my cousin.
After my daughter was up and dressed we said our good-bye.
We stopped at Chick-fil-A for two iced teas and a bagel with chicken cut in half which we shared.
At 1:20PM we stopped at Cracker Barrel Bradenton, FL to eat lunch.
We both ordered turnip greens. I ordered pinto beans and my daughter ordered chicken fingers.
We both ordered cornbread, onion, chow, chow, and water with lemon.
We arrived around 2:30PM at the apartment in Fort Myers. My daughter’s landlord is originally from South Africa. He now lives in Canada and owns an apartment in Fort Myers. 
He wanted to be there to show us how everything worked in the apartment and to sign a contract for six months. 
We walked to the clubhouse, where he showed us the outdoor swimming pool and the workout room. 
He had to catch a plane in Fort Lauderdale so he left. 
We rode to Fort Myers Airport so I could collect my luggage, which had been shipped from Providence and I had been without for three days. 
We went to Publix for some groceries where we bought a chicken, lettuce, chips, avocados, onions, and tomatoes.
We ate chicken salad, and avocado dip, which we made fresh, with chips. 

It had been a long day and we both were very tired. 
Walt Whitman Rest Area 
Frampton Mansion Visitors Center in Ridgeland S. C
Hutchison Island Bridge in Savannah, GA 
Galeon San Pelay Sailing Vessel
 Joes Crab Shack

 Joes Crab Shack
Welcome to Florida at the Yulee, Florida Rest Area  
Cracker Barrel - Pinto beans and turnip greens

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

🚗2014~ Sept 28-Oct 4, Trip Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Day 1: Sunday, September 28, 2014 
Sherry drove her Toyota Camera to Foodland, I met her at Foodland, she followed me back to my RV, I loaded my luggage into her car.
We stopped at McDonald's in Rogersville for breakfast and to use the restroom.
Bobbie and Sherry ordered two eggs, & sausage Mc-Muffin; I ordered a sausage and cheese mc-muffin.
We left Killen about 8 A.M. traveling east on US 72 to Huntsville, we turned left on to the parkway, we missed our turn to Scottsboro.

I pulled out my iPhone using the GPS, got us back on the right track.
We stopped in Sweetwater Tennessee at the Dinner Bell in Sweetwater, TN to eat lunch it was around 2:30PM.
Bobbie and I ordered a vegetable plate of $4.99.
I ordered green beans, turnip greens, fried apples, and cornbread.
Bobbie ordered French fries, fried green tomatoes, green beans, and cornbread.
Sherry ordered grilled fish, baked potato with side salad and biscuits.

We filled up with gas at the Shell Station in Sevierville cost $29.70. 
We stopped at Russell Stover’s which was located next door to the Shell Station. 
We sampled many different candies, I bought a box of chocolates cost $1.25.
Sherry and Bobbie also bought some chocolates.

We arrived at Wyndham Condos Sherry checked us into room 2439.
We got a bellman cart to load all our luggage, food, and extra that we brought.
After a long day of travel, we spent the rest of the day resting and watching TV.
I took a few pictures of the view from our condominium about 5:19 PM
Bobbie and I both ate a chicken salad sandwich with chips for supper.
Sherry finished off her leftover fish and baked potato.
We were in bed by 11 P.M.

Day 2: Monday, September 29, 2014 
I was up early the next morning looking on my IPad for paces to visit.
I thought everyone would like to visit Forbidden Caverns.
We ate breakfast, dressed and rode to Forbidden Caverns.

On the way, we stopped at Blowing Cave Mill, it was built in 1880, it was located along the side of a hill of running water.
Blowing Cave Mill
The mill appeared deserted but there was a sign of new building material that may be to repair the mill.
The Mill was built of unpainted wooden planks, with four glass window panes on each side and a tin roof.
The basement was built of stones with two barred windows, and a door to enter. 
On the backside of the building was a wheel that was feed by a stream that would have turned the wheel to grind the corn or wheat.
Traveling to Blowing Cave Mill
At Forbidden Caverns, the restroom building was located next to the parking lot.
There was a group of school children that went inside the caverns before us.
The ticket woman said, you do not want to go with the school group, because they make too much noise.
Forbidden Caverns
Forbidden Caverns
Forbidden Caverns
Forbidden Caverns

Forbidden Caverns
There were around fifteen to twenty people in our group; the cost was $13 and $12 for seniors.
Our guide walked in front of the group stopping to point out a bat, an abandon still, 
Several stalactite, and stalagmites, a natural chimney, grottos, the clear stream, (that is still used for drinking) and he showed us a special light effect about the Indians that have once lived in the cave.

The walk into the cavern was about half a mile down and on the way; back we climbed down several steps into a special room that looped back around to our beginning area.
The cave was very well lit but the lights were turned off as we left each area to protect the growth of the cave. 

We rode back to Pigeon Forges to Huck Finns where we ate lunch.
We all ordered a catfish plate, which included all the fixings you could eat which included white beans, cornbread, slaw, hush puppies, and onion. 
We each ordered water with lemon to drink the cost was $10.05 each.
Huck Finns Catfish
Huck Finns Catfish
I drove us to Gatlinburg and we parked behind Bubba Gumps in a paid parking lot.
We walked on the sidewalk looking at all the shops. 
We stopped at Ripley’s Believe or not and took pictures of the Fat Man with our heads inside, the Goodyear tire, the very large Transformer, and a floating ball. We stopped in a candy shop where I bought a chocolate pretzel.
Transformer & Fat man
Resting in Gatlinburg 
Three black bears in Gatlinburg
We walked back up the sidewalk loaded back into the car and rode back to the condominium.
Bobbie cooked pork chops with broccoli with cheese for supper.
Watched some TV and went to bed at 11 P.M.  
I wrote in my journal, took pictures from the balcony of the mountains.

Day 3: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 
We rode to Kitchen Gadgets were Sherry bought several items. We walked up the hill to the restrooms. 

It was getting close to lunchtime so I drove us to Applewood Farmhouse Grill and Restaurant. 
I ordered a bowl of vegetable soup, Bobbie ordered potato soup, and Sherry ordered chicken noodle soup. 
We each ordered a grilled cheese sandwich on wheat bread.
After each eating two apple fritters dipped in apple butter we were too full to finish our soup so we ask for to-go cups for our soup and a box for our half sandwich we each had left.
It cost each of us $10.05 the same amount that we spent yesterday at Huck Fins. 
Applewood Restaurant 
Apple Fritters, Orange Juice, and Apple dipping sauce
Bobbie and Sherry sat outside in the rocking chairs while I walked around taking pictures.
We walked thought the Apple store and then headed back to the condominiums where Sherry and Bobbie both took naps, I wrote in my journal.
That afternoon Bobbie and I toured the Titanic each paid $24.00. We were each given a boarding pass and our boarding passes were sisters. (Madeleine and Marjorie)
I was the eldest daughter of Mary and Arthur Newell, age 31, living with my parents in Lexington Massachusetts. My sister Marjorie Newell and father were aboard the Titanic returning home from our trip to Egypt, Jerusalem, and Bethlehem. 
Our mother and sister did not attend this trip.
We were both given a handheld recording that you pressed stop, a number, and then go, to listen as we walked through the museum.
We saw third-class cabins living quarters
Stairway to heaven-Grand Stair Case
Going First Class
Captain Bridge
Memorial Room
Building the Titanic
Crash of the Titanic
The self-guided audio tour was very interesting with artifacts, recreated stateroom, fabulous staircase, iceberg, the water you could put your hand in that was 28 degrease, and visual displays.
  The Titanic tour  
My Madeleine Newell Ticket
We exited into the gift shop and looked at the pictures that were taken of Bobbie and myself but did not purchase any. Sherry was waiting outside for us; she had gone to the three bears to shop while we were in the Titanic.
We ate our leftover soup and a grilled sandwich for supper. We watched Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy on TV. Wrote in my journal went to bed at 11PM.

Day 4: Wednesday, October 1, 2014 
I ate a banana and fig bar for breakfast. 
I took about 32 pictures of the sunrise along with the clouds.
We rode to the Bass Pros shop in Kodak Tennessee. We looked around and I bought three packages of bungee cords with hooks.
It was getting close to lunchtime so Sherry suggested we eat at Texas Road House on Collier Drive.
We all ordered a six-inch steak with potatoes, Caesar salad and were served hot roll and butter and we all ordered water with lemon.
Once again, we could not finish our meals so we ordered to-go-boxes.
We rode to the Incredible Christmas store where Sherry and Bobbie both bought something.

I took pictures of the Grinch, Charlie Brown and Snoopy, a Porter Music Box that cost $16,500.00, some Christmas Trees, a manger scene, Nut Cracker, Diner, Scream Ville, etc.

Outside I took pictures of the Harvest Festival displays, train, parrots in a cage, the Inn at Christmas and a batch of Guinness Hens.
At 3 PM, we went to the Club House for wine tasting. There were between 30 to 50 people attending. 
We were then given a glass full of the wine of our choice along with cheese and crackers

The dry wine was a Chardonnay which is very complex a white dinner wine aged in oak for added complexity.
The Semi-Sweet wine was Mountain Valley Blush – the perfect wine for all occasions. It was medium sweet made from a blend of several varieties of grapes.
The sweet wine was the Muscatine – a white sweet wine unique to the South.
There was several drawing at the end of the tasting.
Three bottles of wine and three black bears were given away but nobody at our table won.
Sherry cooked chicken and spaghetti for supper.
I ate my leftover from Texas Road House
We watched TV and went to bed at about 11 PM
Bobbie and I sat on the balcony and talked while Sherry took a nap.
I took 20 pictures of the moon.

Day 5: Thursday, October 2, 2014
I took six pictures of the awesome red, yellow, dark clouds of the sunrise.
For breakfast, I ate the half banana, oatmeal cookie. 

We rode to Jim Grays Gallery that opened at 10 A.M. We were a little early so we walked around and spotted the Old Mill Historic Site.
I ran back to the car to get my camera so I could take pictures of the running mill.
We walked across the Little Pigeon River bridge to shop at the Old Mill General Store where each of us bought some postcards.
I spent $1.92 and bought seven postcards at twenty-five cents each at 9:54 A.M.
Old Mill Historic Site.
Old Mill General Store 
I bought the postcard of Sevierville Tennessee the hometown of Dolly Parton and on the back, it read:
Sevierville Tennessee-Sevier County was created in 1794 and named after John Sevier. At a meeting the following year, the Forks-of-the-Little-Pigeon area was chosen s the county seat and renamed Sevierville. The current Sevier County Courthouse was completed in 1896; Dolly Parton was born in Sevierville in 1946. On the lawn of Sevier County Courthouse is a life-size bronze statue by artist Jim Gray; that depicts the young, starry-eyed dolly, barefoot, sitting on a rock with her guitar.

The old Mill Pigeon, Forge that read:
The Old Mill Pigeon Forge, Tennessee in the foothills of the Smokies has operated continuously since 1830 and provides 13 kinds of meal, flour, and grits.

The Old Mill 1820-a registered National Historic Landmark, the Old Mill is located on the East Bank of the Little Pigeon River. The mill was built in 1830 and had been in continuous operation and remains one of the most rustic scenes in all the Smokies.

Great Smoky Mountains-Pictured a black bear-Has this black bear climbed this tree… to get away from get a better look at you? Black bears are wild animals please be careful getting a better look at him!

The Great Smoky Mountains a postcard with a hodgepodge collection of pictures.

Welcome Pigeon Forge Family Vacation Smoky Mountains Hospitality Pigeon Forge Tennessee
Greeting from Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Fall scene of the Great Smoky Mountains-A colorful patchwork of Mother Nature glistens in the sunlight along Thomas Ridge as a valley of fog flows between the mountain peaks.

We walked back to Jim Gray Gallery looked around and was each given a picture. 
My picture was a picture of an old truck that once located next to a building in the Smoky Mountains.

We ate lunch at Subway located at 2467 Boyd’s Creek Sevierville.
Both Bobbie and I ordered a vegetarians sub; I ordered sun chips and diet coke. Bobbie ordered water. 
Sherry ordered a 12-inch cold cut sub with a bottle of water.

Next, we drove a couple doors down to the Federal Style Wheatland Plantation built around 1825 that had been purchased by a couple of men and opened as a museum.
We were given a guided tour of the home, slave graves sites, summer kitchen with dining hall, smokehouse and slave quarters.
Federal Style Wheatland Plantation 
The Slaves quarters
Slave graves
We were lead inside the home and were told about the Chandler family that had occupied the plantation during the Civil War and how the home was taken over by Union soldiers.
How the Union soldiers had killed two Confederates soldiers at the front door.
We were also told the tragic story about the murder of a member of the Chandler family.
I took lots of pictures around the outside of the plantation but inside was prohibited. 

We then rode to Wal-mart where I purchased a small cheesecake and bag of chips.
We rode back to the condominium and watched TV. 
I walked outside no the balcony where I  took twenty-four pictures of the smoky mountains in the far distance and seventeen of the moon with my telephoto lens.
I wrote in my journal and went to bed at about 11 P.M.

Day 6: Friday, October 3, 2014 
It was a rainy Friday morning so we chose to walk to the clubhouse to play BINGO.
Only five people showed up to play BINGO, so everyone won something.
I picked a box of Reese’s pieces Sherry and Bobbie both picked a box of Crunch and Munch.

We rode to Vanity Fair where I bought my husband two Wrangler shirts $7.98 each. Bobbie bought her some pants and we waited outside while Sherry paid for her wares.

We ate lunch at the Old Mill Restaurant where I ordered Shrimp on a bed of rice with mashed potatoes and green beans.
We were served corn chowder soup with corn fritters. 
Oh my gosh, that was so good! 
I only ate my grilled shrimp and we all have to get to-go boxes. 
The cost was around $12.00.
Bobbie and I walked to the large tent full of vendors selling their wears.
Vendors Tents 
I took some pictures outside the tent of the fall Festival characters. 
We met Sherry inside the Old Mill General Store.
I bought a corn fritter mix; signature corn chowder mix $5.41 and yellow cornmeal spent almost $20.00.
Waiting to eat at Old Mill 
The Old Mill Square
Signature corn chowder poured 7 cups of water into a 3-quart saucepan, bring to a boil, stir in contents of bag into the water until well mixed. Reduce the heat and simmer 25-30 minutes. Yields, eight 1-cup servings.

Fritter Mix Stone Ground with waterpower 2pounds cost $4.99
Add ¼ cup of water 1 egg to 1 cup of fritter mix. Mix well, add ¼ cup frozen cream-style yellow corn (thawed) and mix until blended. If the batter is too stiff, add an additional tablespoon of water. Drop by spoonful into 350 degrees oil. Fry for 2-3 minutes or until golden brown. Makes about 12 fritters

Self-rising Yellow Corn Meal stone ground with water power $3.69
Corn Bread 2 cups self-rising cornmeal, 1 egg, 2 cups milk, ¼ cup melted shorting
Mix milk and eggs with cornbread mix add melted shortening. Pour into a hot greased cast iron skillet or cornbread pan and bake in hot (400 degrease) oven for 30-35 minutes.

We walked back to the car and we rode to AS See on TV but I did not buy anything.

Rode back to the Condo and for supper where I ate half of a chicken salad sandwich with chips. I took several pictures of the clouds and the moon.
We watched some TV (deadly women) and I finished writing in my journal.
We all packed for our trip home tomorrow and we're in bed by 11PM. 

Day 7: Saturday, October 4, 2014 
Finished packing, loaded the car, checked out, filled up with gas, and was on our way about 8 A.M.
We stopped at McDonald's where I ordered a Strawberry pie with coke and Bobbie and Sherry ordered egg muffins with sausage.
Our last stop was at Jasper Rest Area to rest our legs, take a few pictures, and to use the restroom.
Jasper Rest Area 
Jasper Rest Area 
We met my husband at Cracker Barrel in Madison, where I swapped my luggage from Sherry’s Car to our van, and we hugged and said good-bye. 

My husband and I rode to Logan’s Steakhouse in Madison where I ordered a 6-inch sirloin steak, broccoli with cheese and Caesar salad.
My husband ordered a 10-ounce New York Steak with broccoli with cheese and Caesar salad. 

We both had coupons for a free birthday dessert so we both ordered a strawberry cheesecake. 
We shared one and brought the other home. 
I think I dozed off on the way home.

Had a great time with relatives, saw many sites, ate many places, very relaxing; finish writing in my journal?

2024 Saturday September 7, Train Trip from Chattanooga to Chickamauga, Ga

  Saturday, we had to be in Scottsboro by 7AM about a 2-hour drive. Loaded onto the bus. I think there were 30 of us including the driver. W...