Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Celebrating Freebees at Chick-fil-a month in August

August 1, Three Count Chicken Mini's 
After breakfast, hubby and I rode to Columbia, TN to tour James K. Polk's Ancestral Home.

Flowers on Table 
August 8, Chicken Biscuit
Joined friends for dinner where we enjoyed meatloaf, green beans, cream potatoes, and rolls and topped it off with key lime pie.
Spent the afternoon catching up on all the things we had done over the last year and what our plans were for the coming year
August 15, Egg White Grill Egg white grill for breakfast 
I ate everything except the egg whites
After we finished eating breakfast we went to check out our new Field & Stream store. For dinner, we enjoyed a Seafood meal at Walton's Restaurant.
Field & Stream store display
August 22, Egg and Cheese Bagel 
After breakfast, we rode to Davey Crocket Park

August 29, Hash Brown Scramble
no pictures

August 28, Kids' Chicken finger meal

Yesterday I had the pleasure of spending the day with Ava Grace

We went to Deibert Park where we met a little girl about Ava's age and the same name

First and middle

Another little girl a year older named Haley Grace
Ava Grace is the name for her generation 
We stayed about an hour
Ave looked flushed so we went to Chick-fil-A
Where Ava enjoyed playing with two little girls 
When they left she was ready to go
We went home and watched Epic
We filled the hummingbird feeders
Her mom came to pick her up
We had a full day

2017 Aug 18, Traveling South on Natchez Trace

Had an eye appointment then lunch at Burger King (Whopper Junior, onion rings, and drink).
I took  20/Savannah Highway to Natchez Trace traveling toward Colbert County.
I stopped to take pictures of Rock Springs, Rock Springs Trail, and Tiny Jewels of the Air Markers.
Tiny Jewels of the Air
Few birds are as distinctive and charismatic as hummingbirds. From their iridescent plumage to their incredible aerial antics, hummingbirds are an irresistible attraction at Rock Springs. Each fall, hundreds of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds pass this way to feast on the nectar of the abundant jewelweed and other wildflowers.

Hummingbirds and certain flowers have evolved an interdependent relationship over millions of years. Flowers provide hummingbirds nectar, the fuel they need to keep flying. In return, hummingbirds transport pollen between flowers, helping the flowers reproduce.

The flowers of choice are long and tubular and usually red, a color bees have trouble seeing. This shape fits the hummingbird’s long bill and allows pollen to be deposited on the bird’s forehead. Individual flowers usually grow separate from one another, allowing ample space for whirring wings as the hummingbird dashes from flower to flower. Pollen from flowers powders the head of these tiny jewels as they sip nectar. Subsequently, this pollen is then spread to other flowers on which the hummingbird feeds.

Faster Than a Speeding Hummingbird?
A hummingbird’s small size and rapid movement can make it difficult to watch for long. Fortunately, hummingbirds will often perch on an overhead branch and draw attention to themselves
by making high squeaky chipping noises. To spot a male Ruby-throated Hummingbird, look for its iridescent throat--called a gorget. The color of the gorget depends on the lighting and in most instances looks dark. It is only when the feathers catch the light at a certain angle that their intricate beauty can be seen. In good light, the male Ruby-throated Hummingbird is unmistakable with his bright ruby-red throat.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird Migration
Each year, Ruby-throated Hummingbirds migrate from eastern North America to winter in Central America. Although some of the birds work their way south through Florida to the Caribbean or through Texas to Mexico, Alabama’s hummingbirds fly across the Gulf of Mexico. These incredible creatures undertake a 600-mile voyage across open water to find warm weather and plentiful nectar further south.

Rare Surprises From the West
Each fall, bird watchers from across Alabama visit these patches of jewelweed to witness the spectacle of hundreds of hummingbirds on their southward migration. As an added bonus, these large concentrations of hummingbirds sometimes attract western hummingbird species that have strayed from their usual migration route, particularly in the winter. Species to look for in the fall include Rufous, Black-chinned, Calliope, and Anna’s, among the Ruby-throated.
Rock Spring

Rock Spring Nature Trail offers you an opportunity to explore a small natural spring as it bubbles forth from the ground. Small fish dart about a deep pool created as the stream wandered through rich bottomland soil and limestone rock. Vegetation and trees change as you move through an abandoned field past the stream onto a rocky hillside.

After completing the 20-minute walk you may decide to pull off your shoes and dangle your feet in the swift cool waters.

I traveled to the Tennessee River and the Natchez Trace Bridge Mile Marker 328.7 where I took pictures of the marker:
Driven Up the Waters
Natchez Trace Parkway (near Natchez Trace Bridge Lauderdale side) 328.7
National Park Service U. S. Department of the Interior

Driven Up the Waters
The Trail of Tears led groups of Cherokee up the Tennessee River here. The Cherokee is one of the southeastern tribes who was relocated to Oklahoma due to the US Indian removal policy in the 1830s. 

During removal, most Cherokee went by land, but thousands of others traveled aboard barges and steamboats. Diseases, bred in cramped unsanitary conditions, raised the misery of those already reeling from the loss of their homes, homeland, and most possessions.

After learning of shipboard hardships, Cherokee leaders organized future removals themselves, primarily over land.

I rode across the bridge, men were working along the bridge. There were red lights to stop traffic, for it was only one lane working.

I took pictures of markers on the Colbert County side. There are new markers celebrating Alabama's 200 years of statehood.

Safe Crossings 
In the early 1800s, ferries like the one George Colbert ran near here on the Tennessee River linked segments of the Natchez Trace. Ferries carried people across the river for a fee. Post riders, Kaintucks, military troops, casual travelers, slave traders, and enslaved people took the ferries.

The Chickasaw had the title to the land in this region, and Chickasaw leaders like George Colbert understood the value of safe river crossings. In 1801, in one of their first treaties with the US, the Chickasaw allowed the US to develop the Natchez Trace into a road. The Chickasaw retained the right to operate a ferry across the Tennessee River.

US General Andrew Jackson and his veterans of the Battle of New Orleans marched homeward after the War of 1812. George Colbert's ferry carried them across the Tennessee River here. Although the river was not as wide and deep then, ferries made crossing safer and easier. 
Another Safe Crossing was located at Bird Site #12
Trace Travelers
Natchez Trace Parkway (near Natchez Trace Bridge Colbert side)
National Park Service U. S. Department of the Interior

Trace Travelers (Restroom area Colbert Side)

Frontier America once walked along the Natchez Trace.
The Chickasaw and Choctaw used the Trace for transportation and trade. After 1801, with tribal permission, post riders who rode the Trace connected isolated settlements in Mississippi and beyond.
Boatmen or farmers, known as Kaintucks, floated their products down the Ohio and  Mississippi rivers to market in Natchez, Mississippi. Then they sold their flatboats as lumber and walked home along the Trace. On foot, the 500-mile trip took about 35 days. By 1810 occasional travel had turned into the human flood; up to 10,000 Kaintucks passed along the well-trodden path each year.

Chickasaws moving south pass Kaintucks on the northbound leg of their journey home.

During the War of 1812, the Trace became a road for American armies marching to and from battle. 
Steamboats-powerful enough to sail up the Mississippi Riverstemmed the tide of Trace use.
Wet, Wild, and Wonderful Bird Site 12
Alabama’s Winter Waterfowl
The Tennessee River Valley is the winter home for thousands of waterfowl. These birds migrate from across the northern US and Canada down through the center of the continent to the Tennessee River.

Careful management practices have created more wetland areas. Regular planting of food crops such as millets, oats, and wheat has increased food sources for these winter visitors helping to bring their numbers to record highs. While everyone can enjoy the benefit of more waterfowl, much of this work has been done through the support of waterfowl hunters paying license fees, stamps, and excise taxes on equipment.

Ducks and geese are a very diverse group of birds. Over thirty species are found in Alabama and the Tennessee River Valley. Look for the difference in their size, plumage, feeding, and flight characteristics to see how many species you can identify. Often rafting with other ducks, the dark gray American Coot is not a duck at all but is a member of the rail family.

Geese tend to stand out from the pack because of their large size and long neck. The most familiar goose in the Tennessee Valley is the Canada goose with its dark head and white cheek. Many Canadian geese, released as juveniles in the state, now live year-round in the area.

Mergansers are also known as “Sawbills” because of the tooth-like serrations of their long thin bills. These birds are made to chase and catch fish underwater. Hooded Mergansers and Red-breasted Mergansers are often seen in large groups and can be joined by small numbers of Common Mergansers.

Dabbling Ducks
Dabbling Ducks are our best-known ducks. Dabbling Ducks have rounded, often flat bills used for filtering seeds, aquatic plants, and other organic materials from fine mid just below the water’s surface. Dabbling Ducks to look of r include Northern Shovelers, which have a pronounced shovel-shaped bill and can be seen actively filtering water through their bill as they swim. Other dabblers are Mallard, Pintail, Green-winged Teal, and American Widgeon. 

Diving Ducks
Diving Ducks prefer to stay in deeper water where they dive for food, Although they use a different technique, diving ducks also hunt for seeds, aquatic plants, and some aquatic insects. Diving ducks can usually be seen in mixed-species flocks including Lesser Scaup, Ring-necked Ducks, Canvasback, and Redheads. While divers run across the surface to take flight, dabblers leap from the water’s surface.
Colbert Stand
George Colbert operated a ferry across the Tennessee River from 1800 to 1819. His stand or inn offered travelers a warm meal and shelter during their journey on the Old Trace. Colbert looked after his own well-being and once charged Andrew Jackson $75,000 to ferry his Tennessee army across the river.

This site of his stand is a short 50 yards up this path. An additional 20-minute stroll will take you along the Old Trace to the bluff overlook station and back.

Chickasaw Hospitality 
National Park Service U. S. Department of the Interior
Natchez Trace Parkway
George Colbert's stand sat atop the ridge before you.
As one of many inns that dotted the Trace between 
Nashville and Natchez, it provided travelers with food and lodging.

With a Scottish father and Chickasaw mother, George 
Colbert used his bilingual abilities and knowledge of both
cultures to build a network of enterprises. As a Chickasaw,
he gained the right, by treaty, to operate a ferry across the 
Tennessee River, 

One traveler, Jose Bernardo Gutierrez de Lara, described 
the stand that Colbert built near his ferry as "a country
place." Unlike other frontier buildings, it had an
"abundance of glass in windows and doors."

I find all the Indians on the road, particularly
the Colbert family is very accommodating to
us, we shall be tolerably well supplied in passing
through the [Chickasaw] nation..."

Colonel John Coffee
War of 1812
As the end of the day nears, post 
riders and travelers on the Old Trace
gather at Colbert's stand.
Chickasaw Planter
Natchez Trace Parkway (near Natchez Trace Bridge Colbert side)
National Park Service U. S. Department of the Interior
A Chickasaw Planter
During the early 1800s, a slave-owning planter class including George Colbert’s family emerged among the Chickasaw.

George’s success stemmed from a variety of endeavors. He fought with the Americans against the Shawnee and Creeks, traveled to Washington, DC, as a tribal emissary, and steadfastly protected  Chickasaw rights during treaty councils.

In addition to a ferry and an inn that Colbert operated nearby, he grew cotton and raised cattle. His large plantation depended on the labor of 150 enslaved African Americans.’

After removal to “Indian Territory” in present-day Oklahoma, Colbert established another large farm. Already past his 80th birthday, he died in 1839.

“Major Colbert, who ranks high in the government of his nation…has labored at the plow and hoe during the last season, and his example has stimulated others.”

Benjamin Hawkins, 1801
US Agent for Indian Affairs

Though run down by the time this photo was taken, Colbert’s Stand was once an important landmark on the Natchez Trace. Until forced removal, Colbert and his family lived in a more substantial house near present-day Tupelo.

Bridging Cultures
Natchez Trace Parkway (near Natchez Trace Bridge Colbert side)
National Park Service U. S. Department of the Interior

Bridging Cultures
Here, near the bubbling waters of Buzzard Roost Spring, Levi Colbert (Itawamba Minko, “Bench Chief”) built one of the many inns-called stands along the Natchez Trace.

But it was Colbert’s negotiating and language skills that sustained him as a tribal leader. Bilingual, with a Scottish father and Chickasaw mother, he took advantage of opportunities in both cultures.

Across several decades, Colbert sat among the Chickasaw during treaty talks. Using his knowledge of both white and Chickasaw society, he protected both the Chickasaw homeland and his own interests.

A dogged negotiator, at the time of his death in 1834, Colbert was trying to amend an 1832 treaty to gain better terms for the Chickasaw people.

A 2012 inductee into the Chickasaw Hall of Fame, Levi Colbert earned a reputation as a skilled negotiator.
Something to Chew On 
Natchez Trace Parkway (near Natchez Trace Bridge Colbert side)
National Park Service U. S. Department of the Interior
Something to Chew on 
Inns, or stands, provided occasional shelter for travelers along the Natchez Trace. These stands offered flood to eat and food for thought: local news, information, and ideas. The ever-changing mix of diverse populations - whites, American Indians, and African Americans - interacted at stands regularly.

Already a Chickasaw leader and successful businessman, Levi Colbert enhanced his influence with a stand that he owned and operated here at Buzzard Roost Spring. Trace travelers no doubt talked about Levi’s stand. It was nicer than most and offered respite from the miles of footsteps that defined a Trace journey.
I came back thru Cherokee, and stopped at Spring Park Tuscumbia, stopping to take a picture of 
U. S. Army M60A3 Main Battle Tank
Obtained from Ft. Rucker, AL by American Legion Post No. 31
April 28, 1999
*Weapons: 105 mm rifled cannon. 7.62 mm and .50 caliber machine guns.
*Engine: 750 hp. 12-cylinder air-cooled diesel.
*Crew-4 men: Weight-107.900 lb.: Speed-30 mph: Range-300 miles
*Entered service in 1960 and used by 22 countries

Ended the day by meeting the Tidwell family at 6PM at Legends for a birthday dinner, where I enjoyed 6 boneless wings and a hot roll. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

🚗2017 July 18, Tuesday, Day Trip to Discovery Park of America Union City, Tennessee

We took Highway 20 crossing into Tennessee at Highway 69 through Savannah, turning on hwy 22 to Lexington, Parkers Crossing, Clarksburg, Huntingdon, McKenzie, Dresden, and Martin to Union City, TN.
Lexington, Tn
Clarksburg, TN 
Huntington, TN
McKenzie, TN
Gleason, TN 
House in Dresden, TN
We made a quick stop at Parker's Crossing to take some pictures of the Civil War Site.
(Need to return to visit here)
The Battle of Parker's Crossroads 
We purchased our tickets at Discovery Park of America around 11AM.
We walked inside an earthquake simulator where we experienced the recreation of Reelfoot Lake.
The Legend of Reelfoot Lake
The lake is named for a clubfooted Indian Chief of the Chickasaw Tribe. The chief is blamed in the legend for the earthquake that caused the lake. Chief Reelfoot was in love with an Indian maiden who lived further south along the Mississippi River. She repulsed his offer of marriage because of Reelfoot's clubfoot. In revenge, he set out with some of his braves in canoes, raided her father's camp at night, and kidnapped the girl. 
Medicine men bitterly disapproved of Reelfoot's act and predicted it would bring disaster to his people. Their predictions were fulfilled, the legend says by the earthquake which wiped out the tribe and formed the lake.

We spent 40 minutes in the Starship Theater where we journeyed through space. It was an interactive movie where people in the audience could participate, as an engineer, scientists,s or a pilot.

We enjoyed a nice lunch in the Cafe where I ordered chicken fingers, chips, and a drink.
Hubby ordered a dressed hamburger, tater tots, and a drink.

After lunch, we rode the elevator up to the Tower. The tower is an observation deck where you can see both sides of the park and miles around Union City, TN.

Children's Exploration, Energy, Enlightenment, Military, Native Americans, Natural History, Regional History Science, Space, & Technology, Transportation, and Made in Tennessee

It also has a glass floor which I am not fond of.

Natural History 
Made in Tennessee
Car Museum
Science, Space, & Technology
Children's Exploration Slide
We only visited one side of the park where we saw Freedom Square, The Chapel, The Depot, and Stem Landing.
The Chapel and Depot 
Freedom Square
Stem Landing
We took a different route home.
We traveled through Newburn, Dyersburg, Friendship, Alamo, Bells, Jackson, Finger, Savannah, and Walnut Grove, TN.
Construction Union City, TN 
Savannah, TN 
Walnut Grove, TN 

Henderson, TN
We stopped at Catfish Cabin in Jackson, TN for dinner.

We split a seafood platter and fried green tomatoes.

The trip took about three and a half hours. We spent about five hours at the museum and another three and a half hours at home. We were home around 8:30 p.m.

We will have to go another day to see the rest of the park, visit Reelfoot Lake, and stop at the Tennessee Safari Bells, TN.  
The end of another day trip.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Catastrophic Events

The sermon today was about taking the path less traveled.  
Our minister quoted the last line in the Robert Frost poem 


TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel to both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;        5
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted to wear it;
As for the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,        10
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves, no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.        15
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

It got me to thinking about the places we had visited the last few weeks and the strange events that have happened and are about to happen.
We ran across such things as the Black Patch Tobacco War, of West Kentucky & Tennessee, Edgar Casey's "The Sleeping Prophet", The Sinkhole @ Corvette Museum Bowling Green, Earthquakes that created Reelfoot Lake Union City, Ky., Total Eclipse Hopkinsville, Ky & Sighting of Little Green Men Kelly, Ky IMPACT CRATER Cape Charles, Va
Black Patch Tobacco War 1904-1909
Before the Civil War Kentucky was one of the richest states in the union after the war it was one of the poorest. Big business came to Kentucky, eliminating competition, manipulating prices, and undermining control. The price for dark tobacco was instigated by extremely depressed prices for tobacco crops.

Night Riders, destroyed tobacco plant beds, barns, and equipment as well as whipped and sometimes murdered the opposition farmers. 
Night Riders also attacked agents and destroyed the property of the ATC, setting fire to tobacco warehouses in Trenton, Princeton, and Hopkinsville. 
Not even a dispatch of troops by Gov. A.E. Willson was able to subdue the acts of violent intimidation.
Edgar Casey "The Sleeping Prophet" 1877-1945 
Born 1877 in Christian County Hopkinsville, Ky
Died 1945 Virginia Beach, Va
The majority of Casey's readings deal with holistic health and the treatment of illness. 
Casey dealt with these five categories: Health-related information, Philosophy, and reincarnation, dreams and dream interpretation, ESP and psychic Phenomena and Spiritual Growth, Meditation, and prayer.
Casey was a very spiritual man and Casey vowed to read the Bible every year of his life when he died in 1945 he had accomplished this task.
The Sinkhole at Corvette Museum Bowling Green, Ky
February 10, 2016
Eight vintage Corvettes dropped into the abyss, Six owned by the Museum.
Two on loan(1993 ZR-1 Spyder and a 2009 ZR1 Blue Devil)
The other cars damaged were a 1962 black Corvette, a 1984 PPG Pace Car, a 1992 White 1 Millionth Corvette, a 1993 Ruby Red 40th Anniversary Corvette, a 2001 Mallett Hammer Z06 Corvette, and a 2009 white 1.5 Millionth Corvette.

Bowling Green sits amid the state's largest karst region - the Western Pennyroyal area, where many of Kentucky's longest and deepest caves run underground. Karst displays distinctive surface features, including sinkholes.
Earthquakes that created Reelfoot Lake Union City, Ky. 1811-1812
When earthquakes shot across the American Southeast in late 1811 and the spring of 1812, the landscape along the New Madrid Fault (which runs parallel to the Mississippi River Valley) changed dramatically. These tremors could be felt as far away as Washington, D.C., and even, according to some reports, Quebec City—nearly 1,400 miles away. This area of western Tennessee was still the frontier, so few settlers lived there to serve as eyewitnesses to the change of scenery.
What we do know, though, is that huge swaths of land slid, and rivers literally changed course as a result of the seismic activity. Fallen trees formed massive logjams, sandbars shifted, and islands were created and subsequently demolished. Among the more significant changes, the quakes opened a great hole in the ground that would be the basin of Reelfoot Lake. After the earthquakes, the Mississippi River backed up on itself, filling in Reelfoot Lake and flooding the once-dense stands of bald cypress trees.

Total solar eclipse over Kentucky 

August 21, 2017

Kentucky experiences about the longest eclipse duration, just over 2 minutes and 41 seconds. The civic boosters in the Hopkinsville area are advertising this spot as the very best place in America to see the eclipse. On this very day of August 21st, the town of Hopkinsville whimsically celebrates a purported alien encounter with a Little Green Men festival, so the world of solar eclipses and alien encounters will conflate in Hopkinsville on this day.


Siege of ‘Little Green Men: The 1955 Kelly, Kentucky, Incident

August 21, 1955
The Sutton farmhouse family encountered humanoid-like creatures. 
At about seven PM Bill Ray Taylor(visiting the Sutton family) was drawing water from the well when he saw a bright streak in the sky that disappeared beyond the tree line. About an hour later Taylor reported seeing a flying saucer. 
The family spotted a creature and ran inside got the shotgun and started firing the shotgun at the creature. They shot one creature that was on the roof and one in a tree both floated to the ground. 
Either the creatures were impervious to gun blasts or the men's aim was poor since no creature was killed. The family piled into the car and drove to town but no sign of the creatures or spaceship was found. 
The next day the US Air Force was involved and the case was listed as unidentified (Clark 1998)

This being said We are safe in no place on this earth. The path less taken will be the path I take.

The path of least resistance is generally the one taken.

Chesapeake Bay impact crater

The Chesapeake Bay impact crater was formed by a bolide that impacted the eastern shore of North America about 35.5 ± 0.3 million years ago, in the late Eocene epoch. It is one of the best-preserved "wet-target" or marine impact craters, and the largest known impact crater in the U.S.

Continued slumping of sediments over the rubble of the crater has helped shape the Chesapeake Bay.
Until 1983, no one suspected the existence of a large impact crater buried beneath the lower part of the Chesapeake Bay and its surrounding peninsulas. The first hint was a 20 cm (8 in)-thick layer of ejecta that turned up in a drilling core taken off Atlantic City, New Jersey, far to the north. The layer contained fused glass beads called tektites and shocked quartz grains that are unmistakable signs of a bolide impact.
In 1993, data from oil exploration revealed the extent of the crater.

2024 Saturday September 7, Train Trip from Chattanooga to Chickamauga, Ga

  Saturday, we had to be in Scottsboro by 7AM about a 2-hour drive. Loaded onto the bus. I think there were 30 of us including the driver. W...