Monday, July 25, 2022

Bird Sounds (Alabama) using Cornell Merlin App Backyard Song Birds

Acadian Flycatcher

Empidonax virescent

American Crow

Corvus brachyrhynchos 

American Flycatch 

Tyrannus savana

American Gold Finch

Spinus tristis

American Robin

Turdus migatorius 

Barn Swallow 

Hirundo rustica-

Belted Kingfisher

Megaceryle alcyon-

Black Kite 

Milvus migraines 

Black-White Warbler

Mniotilta varia

Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher

Polioptila cerulea

Blue Grosbeak

Passerine caeulea    

Blue Jay

Cyanocitta cristate

Brown-Headed Cowbird 

Molothrus ater-

Brown Thrasher 

Toxostoma rufum

Carolina Chickadee

Poecile carolinensis

Caroline Wren

Thryothorus ludovicianus 

Chimney Swift 

Chaetura pelagica

Chipping Sparrow

spizella passerina

Common Crackle 

Quiscaus quiscula

Common Nighthawk

Chordeiles minor

Common Yellow Throat

Geothlypis trichas     

Downy Woodpecker

Dryobates pubescens

Eastern Blue Bird

Sialia sails 

Eastern Phoebe

Sayornis phoebe

Eastern Towhee

Pupil erythrophthalmus 

Eastern Wood-Pewee

Scalia sialis-

Eurasian Penduline-Tit 

Remix pendulinus-

Field Sparrow

Spizella puslla

Grasshopper Sparrow

Ammodramus savannarum-

Great Crested Flycatcher

Myiarchus crintius-

Hairy Woodpecker 

House Sparrow 

Passer  domesticus

House Finch

Haemorhous Mexicans 

House Wren

Troglodytes aedon

Indigo Bunting

Passerine cyenea


Charadrius Vociferus-

Least Sandpipper 

Calidris Minutilla-

Mouring Dove 

Zenaida macroua-

Northern Bobwhite 

Northern Cardinal 

Cardinalis cardinals 

Northern Flicker 

Colaptes auratus 

Northern Mocking Bird

Minus polyglottos

Northern Rough-Winged Swallow 

Steigidopteryx Serripennis-

Pileated Woodpecker

Dryocopus pileatus

Northern Parula

Setophaga Americana

Purple Finch 

Haemmorhous purpureus 

Purple Martin

Proven subis

Red-bellied Woodpecker 

Melanerpes carolinus 

Red-Eyed Vireoo 

Vireo olivaceous 

Red Shoulder Hawk 

Buteo lineatus

Red Tail Hawk 

Buteo Jamaicensis -

Red-winged Backbird

 Agelaius phoeniceus

Song Sparrow

Melospiza Melodia 

Scarlet Tanager

Pirange Olivace-

Summer Tanager

Pirange rubra

Tufted Titmouse

Baeolophus bicolor

Western Wood-Pewee

Contopus Sordidulus-

White-Eyed Vireo 

Vireo griseus 

Yellow-billed Cuckoo 

Coccyzus americanus

Yellow-Breasted Chat 

Icteria Virens 

White-breasted Nuthatch

Sitta carolinensis-

This are bird sounds that I have heard and recorded on my Iphone.

I grew up on a little creek in Alabama

 I grew up on a little creek in Alabama

Way out in the country, far from the town

Nothing but family & farmland around

Crickets & mourning doves make their sound

The best people I knew were called Maw & Paw

They owned this land & farmed it all

Paw had a pet goose & rooster named Clyde

Maw taught me not to cuss or ever tell a lie

When I think back only happiness inside

We called them Maw and Paw

Come inside and sit a spell y’all 

Make yourself a plate & some sweet iced tea

Turnip greens, pinto beans, Maw smiles at me 

If I could go back there just one last time 

I would eat from paws Muscadine vine 

Paw was a veteran, who served in World War II

Was by far the smartest man I ever knew 

Now Maw loved to needle crochet & sew 

I believe she could do it with her eyes closed 

A horse named Cricket and a catfish pond

Apple trees, watermelons, and far beyond 

How they did it all I will never comprehend 

They fed family, animals, and friends 

We called them Maw and Paw

The best people I ever knew

Cold Banana banana pudding & warm chicken stew

If I could go back there just one last time

I would eat from paws red grapevine 

Blueberries, strawberries, beans & potatoes 

Cherry trees, peach trees, plums & tomatoes

Oh if I could go back there just one more time

Written by my daughter about her grandparents

Saturday, April 9, 2022

2022 April 9, Walking Tour Moulton, AL

 Today I rode to Moulton Alabama to join a group of people where we enjoyed several different people talking about sites in Moulton. 

Our First Stop was the Moulton Negro High School also called Moulton Rosenwald School. 

Moulton Negro High School also called Moulton Rosenwald School 
Near this site in 1920;s a school was constructed with funds and labor from the African-American community along with funds from the Public Whites and the Rosenwald Foundation. In the 1950s new buildings replaced wooden structures. Most of the block-laying, plastering, and mortar mixing was done by African-American volunteers. Much of the funding came from faculty, students, and their families. The school closed in 1970 due to desegregation. The school exemplified the educational pride of the African-American community. School Principals were: Mrs. Maggie Truss, Mrs. Addie Irwin, Ms. Pearl F. Crenshaw, Mr. A.G. Petty, Mrs. Hazel A. Shelley, Mr. Samuel A. Shelley, Ms. Ora Smith, Mr. Noble Jones, Mr. James Poe, Mr. C.C. Chunn.

We listened to a woman speak about the school that once was a Negro High School but now is an elementary and junior high for remote learning. 

Next, we rode down the street to the Byler Road Church of Christ AME where we listened to another woman talk about the history of the church. 

We then rode to the Freeman Tabernacle Church on Byler Road where we listened to another woman talk about that church and its history. 

In 2019 the Freeman Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church celebrated its 150th Anniversary. 

Isaac Owens donated the land for the church and for a short time the Baptists and Methodists worshiped together. 

Reverend Freeman was the minister of the church for over 35 years. 

Freeman Tabernacle church celebrated its 150 years of service in 2019. 

We stopped at the Old Moulton Cemetery and listened to several different women talk about important people buried in the cemetery. They were in period dresses.  

Alicia Carpenter played the character of Miss Lucy Downing the daughter of James and Mary Downing. 

Her father died when she was about four years old and her mother went to work for the Post Office. She was appointed postmistress of Moulton and served for 17 years. 

Mother Mollie Downing 1955-1933
wife of 
James Downing 
"Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter thou"

                    Lucy downing daughter of James & Mollie Downing 1886-1968
Lucy never married and she followed in her mother's footsteps as postmistress of Moulton. 

We stopped in front of the Smith Chapel CME Church and listened to a woman talk about the history of the church there. 

Smith Chapel C.M.E. Church 
On this site in 1871 former slaves constructed one of the first churches and schools for African Americans in Moulton. The Colored Methodist purchased most of the materials used for the building. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Nabors Owen gave land for the Color Baptist and Colored Methodist Church and School Moulton. The congregations worshipped together until 1874. The course is named in honor of Rev. Andrew Smith, a former pastor

Mural of Moulton 

Stopped to take a picture of the mural not quite finished about the history of Moulton. 

My last stop was at The Hot Spot where we listened to the history of the Hot Spot and the history of Byer Road. 

Byler Road 

Pioneer Alabama's settled path to new lands agriculture, transport, and commerce began in Northwest Alabama. The 140-mile corridor was designed on Dec 19, 1819, by the state legislators. This was Alabama's first state legislative action. It started a the junction of Shoals Creek and Jackson Military Road 10 miles northeast of Florence, AL. It ended at Warrior River Falls at the state capital crossing in Tuscaloosa, Al

Saturday, February 5, 2022

2022 Feb 1, Day Trip to Guntersville, Alabama

Today the hubby and I are going on an adventure to Guntersville. 

I had been told that there was an eagle nest along Lake Guntersville Park on Sunset Drive. 

We stopped at McDonald's along the way for a couple of apple pies and Diet Coke.

We saw several people at the park with their cameras with large lenses sitting on tripods watching and waiting for the eagle to leave the nest. 

I had to use the restroom and went in search of one but I did not find one so we left.

We rode further down into the park and there we found restrooms. Along the way I spotted several ducks, geese, and seagulls along the waterfront, so we stopped. 


People were walking, jogging, and feeding the waterfowl. 

I started taking pictures of the seagulls, geese, and ducks.  I spotted several sparrows scratching in the dirt looking for food. 

One of my favorite birds is the Downy Woodpecker. 

Downy Woodpecker

I  heard a pecking and this downy woodpecker was going to town on the side of a rotten tree. It was hard to get a good picture because he was in the shade most of the time but I did get a couple of good pictures when he stopped pecking right before he flew away.

Hubby spotted a red-headed woodpecker. I was super excited to see a Redheaded Woodpecker for I have only seen one in the wild. 

Red-headed Woodpecker 

I took pictures of the colorful Bluebirds.

You will not see a bluebird at your backyard feeders. 


I took many pictures today but I didn't get one of the bald eagles. 

That was okay because I got one of the red-headed woodpeckers. 

We rode to O'Bryan's in Hartselle for a late lunch. I ordered steak and sweet potato. 

We also stopped at Krogers where we purchased a few groceries a bouquet of flowers and a potting plant.

The flowers that we bought at Krogers

We looked for hawks and bald eagles along the powerline near the old Papermill. We spotted a couple of red-tailed hawks. Didn't see any bald eagles. 

We stopped at Wheeler Dam where we saw several Pelicans, cormorants, and a gray heron landing at the substation. 

Gray Heron 

Sunday, January 30, 2022

2022 Jan 28-30, Focus on Nature Photo Weekend JWSP (3 days)

 Jan 28, Friday

Today I am going on an adventure. 

My adventure began at River Heritage Park a park that overlooks Wilson Dam which is usually flooded with birds but not today. 

I was not to be discouraged, I adventured across Wilson Dam to the overlook and Rockpile.

It was a bitterly cold day below freezing and I could see literally 1,000s of pelicans, seagulls, and cormorants (snake birds) sitting on the rocks below the dam.  

There were a few that challenged the north wind foraging for food, and a few white pelicans floating down the river. 

Nothing keeps the pelicans from floating down the river even the turbulent water at Wheeler Dam.


Rogersville Park is usually flooded with birds today I saw buttercups reaching up with closed eyes. 

What adventure was waiting for me at Joe Wheeler Lodge? I am joining a group of fellow lovers of photography and nature. 

Tonight there will be a Horsd’oeuvers of Cheese, crackers, and fruit, as we mingle with others. 

There will be a signup sheet for the activities on Saturday.

Alabamas weather this time of year is so unpredictable from 19 in the mornings and 50s to 60s sometimes 70s during the day. I am going to wait until tomorrow to decide what my next adventure will be. 

Jan 29, Saturday, 

With a good night's sleep and a light breakfast, I was ready for the day. 

We spent the morning listening to Rocky talk about the many facets of the camera and how to use them. 

Many like myself were still in a maze of confusion about the camera. We love the auto modes. 

Lunch consisted of a BLT with onion rings

White Pelicans at Wheeler Dam

& with making new friends. 

At 1pm everyone met upstairs to disperse into different groups.

One group was going to the Wheeler Wildlife Refuge in Decatur. 

Another group was going to Wheeler, & Wilson Dams, and other local sites nearby. 

The last group was going to watch a falconer release three Harris Hawks into the woods to hunt for food (small animals). 

It was cold but not bitter cold like yesterday but we were bundled up. 

The groups dispersed in different directions. Ours was inside the Joe Wheeler State Park. 

Before the falconer released the Harris Hawks he had anyone wearing fur or a colorful hat remove them. The birds may think they are small animals and attack nor do they like bright colors. 

The birds were released for the hunt and away we go following them into the wooded area. 

They didn’t go too far into the woods but they did stop to watch or even pose for us.

The hawks treed a squirrel but the squirrel outfoxed them. No catch today for the Hawks. 

Our group walked down to the edge of the Lake near the cabins. We saw shells, fossils, wild mushrooms, and driftwood. 

We saw Spoonbill Ducks swimming in a nearby sewage area, they love the minnows that grow there. 

There was a Bald Eagle in the Day Use and that was our next stop.

With the camera in hand, we slowly advanced up the hill stopping for that next great shot.

Bald Eagle with his eyes on us. 

The eagle got wind of us and flew away.

At the lake, we saw a kingfisher, Canadian Geese, and a gray heron.

We sat down at the edge of the lake and watched the sunset. 

What a way to end our hike. 

Lake Wheeler as the sun goes down
the ripples and different colors upon the lake. 

We enjoyed a seafood buffet as we sat around socializing. 

The falconer returned with one of his Harris Hawks with Q & A time.

Rocky finished the day with a slide show and several stories.

Harris Hawks 

What a wonderful way to make new friends with a keen interest in photos and nature.  

A shadow of friends 

Friday, January 21, 2022

2021 Sep 4, National Wildlife Hike at Joe Wheeler 10-11:30

 2021 Sep 4, National Wildlife Hike at Joe Wheeler 10-11:30

There were only three of us on the hike including park ranger Sam Woodroof.

This was my first time hiking the Champion Trail.

Wheeler Lake 

We took the Champion trail which begins at the West end of the Lodge parking lot. (1 mile; Elevation: 566.76 ft./628.17 ft.) We talked about vegetation, trees, & park reconstruction.

Purple Wildflowers

Purple berries 

2021 Nov 14-20, Carnival VALOR 5 Day Caribbean Cruise to Cozumel and Progreso, Mexico

2021 Nov 14, Sunday Day 1:
Monday, Traveled to Slidell, Louisiana We stopped in North Port at Mapco and filled up with gas for $29.49. We ate lunch at Cracker Barrel in Meridian, MS I ordered pinto beans fried okra, and grilled chicken. $6.53 We also had cornbread, biscuits, jelly, and water. Bought gas at 2.99 a gallon at Mapco in Northport, Al. for $29.49 and bought gas at Texaco Carrier, MS for $3.09 a gallon. We stayed at Hampton Inn in Slidedell at 4:40 PM. We watched TV and went to bed early. We skipped supper full of lunch. 
We stayed one night at Hampton Inn 56460 Frank Pichon Rd, Slidell, La 

Carnival Valor Cruise Ship Stateroom   Deck   Muster Station  

2021 Nov 15, Monday Day 2:
Took a shower ate Reese's cup and finished my Sprite. We ate breakfast at the hotel. I ordered scrambled eggs, sausage, muffins, and cranberry juice to drink. We checked out, loaded the car, and headed into New Orleans. We ran into work traffic on 1-10 going into New Orleans. We parked on 4A in the parking deck walked to the elevators and went to the ground level to wait in line to be processed along with everyone else. A woman called out Have your boarding passes ready for inspection (not folded) We walked through several lines. We handed the inspector our passports, boarding passes, COVID cards, and the results of our Covid test that showed we were negative from the results of the Covid test. Several more lines & finally we were seated waiting to board the ship at 10:40 AM. Our rooms would not be ready until after 1:30 p.m. After boarding the ship we walked to Guys Burgers where we both ordered a hamburger and fries. I got lemonade to drink. The dressing for the hamburger was on a buffet, I got onions and fried mushrooms. When we finished we walked around the ship carrying several bags. (Camera bag with Nikon D7200, medicine bag, my purse, and overnight bag) Wanda had her backpack and her purse. Around 1:30pm we walked to our cabin unloaded everything and rested. We went back upstairs to watch the ship leave the dock and that’s when the party began. (4-5PM )We watched the sunset as the ship rolled down the mighty Mississippi and it was dark by the time we reached the ocean. We went back to our cabin and changed into nicer clothes to dine in the Lincoln Room for dinner. I started with a shrimp cocktail, followed by a Caesar Salad, the entree was Sweet & Sour Shrimp followed by Strawberry cake. (5-6PM) At dinner we sat next to a couple from Tennessee near Cookeville, they had left their 13-year-old daughter at home with her grandparents because she refused to get the Covid shot. After dinner, we went to our cabin 9268 which had a balcony, and went to bed early. 

Leaving New Orleans on Carnival Valor 

Sunset leaving New Orleans on the Mighty Mississippi River 

 Nov 16, Tuesday, Sea Day Day 3:
Took a shower and we went upstairs so Wanda could get her some coffee and I got some cranberry juice. We watched the sunrise around 6Am then went to the Washington room for Brunch. I ordered a Parfait it had lots of nuts, Blueberries, strawberries, and yogurt. While we were at brunch they cleaned our cabin and left a towel art laying on the bed. I ate a small taco for lunch. Today is a sea day so we sat outside and watched schools of flying fish. Today was very windy and the water was very turbulent. It was hard to walk and at times everyone looked like they were drunk. We had dinner in the Lincoln Room no one sat next to us tonight. I ordered prime ribs with gravy and potatoes, my appetizer was cocktail shrimp and for dessert, I ordered custard pie. 
Sunset Gulf of Mexico (Sea Day)

Nov 17, Wednesday, Mr. Sancho's Cozumel Mexico Day 4:
Watched the sun come up and then went to breakfast. For breakfast, I ate cantaloupe, French toast with syrup, eggs Benedict (which I didn't like), and chocolate milk. Today we docked in Cozumel. We took a taxi to Mr. Sancho’s which cost us 17 dollars both ways. It is a fifteen-minute ride south of Cozumel. At Mr. Sancho’s it cost us 55 dollars for all-you-can-eat and drink. We sampled a Margarita, & daiquiris while sitting under a bamboo roof.  There was a rain shower while we were there but we didn’t get wet. We watched people swimming, snorkeling, and other activities but we decided to just enjoy the view under the umbrella. We saw several birds scavenging for food. We were brought fried jumbo coconut shrimp, with orange sauce, guacamole, salsa, and chips. We also sampled a Pina Colada, Miami Vice, Banana Mama, and Mr. Sancho’s special. Our waiter was Aldo a charming young man who said he was married with a young son. He said that we were queens for the day. He introduced us to his co-worker he said the son of another mother both were very gracious and helpful. We took the taxi back to the shopping area in Cozumel. I bought a pair of pineapple teal shorts and a Burgundy top and spent $34.50. We went back through security and loaded onto the ship around 2:30PM. We watched the ship leave port at 4:30PM. We ate dinner in the Lincoln Room. I ordered Caesar salad, steak with gravy, potatoes, & broccoli. My appetizer was a shrimp cocktail and the dessert was chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream. Tomorrow we will dock in Progresso. 

Day trip to Cozumel 

Our waiter Aldo at Mr. Sancho's Beach
Nov 18, Thursday, Progresso Mexico Day 5:
Ate breakfast and saw towel art everywhere around the pool area. We docked at Progresso and embarked around 9AM with my boarding pass around my neck and my iPad in my hand. We loaded into a van, and there were 14 of us. We rode about an hour to Celestron where we used the restrooms and loaded into three boats. There were 4 in two boats and six in one boat. Wanda said I hope we don’t turn over because I cannot swim and our guide Misael said the water is only two feet deep. We saw pink flamingos at a distance. Flamingos eat small shrimp that live in shallow waters. They also eat algae & crustaceans that contain pigments called carotenoids. These pigments are found in the shrimp and blue-green algae that they eat. Next, we rode a short distance and saw Blue Herons, osprey, American Anhinga, and pygmy kingfisher. We rode through a tunnel of Mangroves where we saw several termite mounds in the mangrove Yucatán peninsula biodiversity. We stopped at a boardwalk where we saw a pygmy kingfisher. We rode back to where we had parked the van, exited the boat used trestroomsoms, and looked at the trinkets that were for sale. We loaded into the van and rode to the beach area where our meals were being prepared. At the restaurant, we ate chips & guacamole dip, smoked fish, veggies, and a margarita. We stayed on the beach for about 30 minutes. 
Loaded back into the van for an hour-long ride back to the ship. Our guide played the movie "The Big Year" a nature movie about two bird enthusiasts trying to defeat the cocky, cutthroat world record holder in a year-long bird-spotting competition.

We loaded onto the ship and watched the ship leave port at sunset. We dressed for dinner, cocktail shrimp, Cajun shrimp, bread, and dessert We went to a show for about 60 minutes. 

Island of Progreso 
Some of the birds that we saw at Progreso 

 Nov 19, Friday, Sea Day Day 6:
Sea Day we are on our return trip to New Orleans. We ate brunch in the Washington room, I ordered bread and sausage with cheese grits. We went upstairs and got in line to purchase an item that benefits St. Jude where I bought a build-a-bear. We watched the Carnival Valor Family & Mardi Gras giveaway with Matt the cruise director. That night in the Lincoln room I ordered fried shrimp, salad, ribs, green beans, potatoes with gravy, and a dessert. Watched a Dean Martin special on TV, then went to sleep. 
Friday's Sunrise 

Nov 20, Saturday, Travel Home Day 7:
 Packed the night before, making sure we had everything. We went to eat breakfast a couple of pastries, with two chocolate milk. Grabbed our bags and met the Silver & Platinum sailors in the Lincoln Dining room. Loaded into the elevators and walked to our car our level 4A. Began our journey home. Filled up with gas at Love's in Sandersville, MS $28.31 We ordered a sausage, and cheese muffin at McDonald's. For lunch, we stopped at Arby’s for a beef & cheddar sandwich with Curley fries and a Coke. We were at Wanda’s by 4:30pm but hubby had not gotten home from work so we sat around and talked until hubby picked me up.

Hampton Inn 56460 Frank Pichon Rd, Slidell, La
Carnival Valor Cruise Ship Stateroom   Deck   Muster Station 

2024 Saturday September 7, Train Trip from Chattanooga to Chickamauga, Ga

  Saturday, we had to be in Scottsboro by 7AM about a 2-hour drive. Loaded onto the bus. I think there were 30 of us including the driver. W...