Sunday, July 9, 2017

Engulfed by Darkness

 Jonah was swallowed by a whale for disobedience.
I was engulfed in darkness, heavy traffic, and blinding rain.

I loaded up my grandson, Justin (age five), and my granddaughter Hannah (age seven) and we began our journey to Pell City.
We traveled I-65 South all the way to Birmingham.
In Birmingham, we took the I-20 to Pell City which took us about two and a half hours.

I did not have the exact address of my grandson, he had moved from his old address.
Now, I was depending on a five-year-old to get us to his new address.

We rode up and down the same highway for over an hour before I could get in touch with his dad.

By the time we left for home, it was getting dark and it had started to rain.
On the Interstate we got behind a large truck and I could not see around him, so we missed our turn.

All I remember was we were headed north on a very rough highway. (79)
Several times I almost stopped because I thought my tires were going flat but I was afraid because it was very dark and not much traffic.

Thank God, I had a cell phone that worked so I called Hubby who was working in St Louis at that time.
I told him what happened and he said, what highway are you on? This was before we had GPS on our phones or our vehicles.

Hubby said I will call you back when I locate you on the map.
Hubby called and said you will have to go over the mountain to get back to I-65.

The darkness and rain did not help to see along the winding roads we took over the mountains.

We almost rammed into a stalled car on a dark bridge.
It took us twice as long to get home but we made it safe and sound.

God was in control in both cases.

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