Friday, January 21, 2022

2021 Oct 15, National Mushroom Hike at Joe Wheeler

 Today at 10AM took a hike on the Jimmy Sims Birding Trail with a group of people led by Sam Woodroof park ranger for Joe Wheeler. 

We saw Chanterelles, Jelly, Puffballs, and mushrooms. Mushrooms are flesh-fruiting bodies of fungi and a variety of species. 

Mushroom Hike 


On the birding trail, we could hear a woodpecker but could never spot him. The trail ended at the overlook but several of us walked a little further across a couple of creeks. It was a great day for hiking. 

We saw some blooming Indian Heliotrope, an annual hirsute plant that is a common weed in waste places and settled areas. Widely used in native medicines.

Indian Heliotrope

Once we got back to the boating dock area everyone disbursed. 

I walked down to the edge of the River at the docks and that is where I saw a couple of gray herons, & a Muscovy duck.

Muscovy Duck 

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