Sunday, November 2, 2014

The after poem of “The Cremation of Sam McGee” (by Robert Service)

I looked inside but what did I see,

 The life before of Sam McGee

Looking at me was the face of a smiling Cheshire cat,
That danced among the flames of life.

His volcanic body was flowing free like a river,
The hands that once controlled the wheels of life were no more,
His arms appeared as wings of angles and
His feet were floating along a path of no return.

Then I saw this radiant golden gate opened and Sam McGee stepped inside.
A band of angles gather around and said to Sam McGee you are heaven bound.

Sam McGee said to me, I release you of your promise.
But could it be that Sam McGee was dancing in my head?

I let out a growl as the anger inside me rose.
I paced the floor like a caged leopard.
My head was pounding with every beat of my heart.

Inside my head I said, Sam McGee are you dead?
I know I made a promise to not leave you in the cold.

As the flames grew, higher and higher,
And Sam McGee slowly faded out of sight, 
I then knew Sam McGee had taken flight.

After Poem by S T

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