Thursday, November 6, 2014

🙏🙏🙏🙏Hope, Faith & Courage ~POEM

Hope is wishing something would happen,
With the desire, my trembling arms reach for the stars
With anticipation, I walk with trembling knees-up to bat
With a trembling hand, my goal is to take that college courses
With an archaic body, I enter the doctor’s office hoping he will find nothing wrong
With the desire, I read God’s Word

Faith believes something will happen
I trust someday I will touch the stars
I believe someday I will hit that home run
I have a conviction that someday I will complete the courses for college
I have confidence that someday I will be that the doctor that I now fear
With God’s help, anything is possible

Courage is making something happen.
In my voyage to the moon, I reached out and touched the stars
Today I hit a home run and our team won ten to one.
Today I graduate college with honors and have become that physician that I once feared.

With courage, I stand on the word of God

Hope, Faith, and Courage come from God's Love.

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