Thursday, December 31, 2015

Childhood Memories!

Memories, My memories
bottled deep inside
children laughing,
children playing 
children going down a slide.

Memories, My memories
stored away for another day
children hunting, 
children swinging
children playing in the hay.

Memories, My memories
write them down 
with pen in hand and
no tablet to be found
guess I’’ll have to go to town.

Memories, My Memories 
bottled deep inside
stored away for another 
guess I’’ll have to write 

them down another day!

The Stranger

Sally’s parents owned a chain of Macy’s Department Stores.
The one Sally worked at was in New York, where she had to deal with the hustle and bustle of everyday traffic and people.
Sally would take the Staten Island ferry and then the subway to Time Square where Macy’s Department was located. 
Sally loved her job and the people but deep inside she was filled with emptiness over the loss of her beloved Jim. 
Sally and Jim were college sweet hearts, they married right out of college and had planned to spend the rest of their lives together. 
After ten years of marriage they still did not have children but hoped someday day to fill that void. 
Jim was an engineer and he had designed many of the tall sky scrapers in New York. 

Sally remembers that tragic night like it was yesterday.
The knock on the door, the two policemen saying I am sorry to inform you but your husband lost control of his car and was buried in the snow.

Jim had stayed late at work and was trying to finish up one of his projects and by the time he finished it snowing up a storm. The wind was howling, it was very dark and the roads were blanketed in snow.

Both Jim and Sally loved the outdoors and they had build a beautiful home two hours away from the city.
They also kept a small apartment in downtown New York when they kept late hours at work. 
But tonight Jim wanted to be with Sally it was their tenth anniversary. 

It had been ten years since Sally was widowed, with no children to fill her days, Sally turned to books.
Bye the time Sally had the fire roaring in the fireplace she could smell the hot coffee perking in the kitchen.
Sally put on her pajamas, poured herself a cup of hot coffee, grabbed a warm blanket and went to her library of books and picked out the latest novel that she had purchased.

Sally had settled in for the night when the ground beneath her house shook. 
The sky lite up like a christmas tree, then total darkness. 
Lighting bolded one after another.
Sally put her book aside and she started to shake. When Jim was alive he would take her in his arms and make her feel safe but tonight she had no one to hold her.

One of the lightening bolts hit the house and it caught on fire. Oh my! What am I going to do? She called the fire department but she lived so far out of the city that by the time the fire trucks arrived the house would be burnt to the ground.

Sally was racing around inside the house, trying to save her library of books when she heard the sound of a car.

The car stopped and a stranger got out and raced inside to save Sally.
Sally did not want to leave the house because of her books but the stranger pulled her outside.

The firemen arrive just in time to see the sky opened up and pour buckets of rain onto the house putting the fire out. 

Sally looked at the stranger only to discovered the stranger was not a stranger.
Sally put the face of the stranger with the man she had been avoiding at the store.

Sally remembered the crazy day, that she had met the stranger.
One day at the store she was throwing a tantrum acting like a kid, she had made a horses ass of herself right in front of the stranger. 

So, every time he came into the store Sally would run and hide, she was too embarrassed to face him.

Tonight she had to face him, he had saved her life. 
The firemen made sure the fire was extinguished and it was safe for them to return inside. 
The stranger stayed the night to comfort Sally and to make sure the fire did not rekindle.

Sally went to check on her books they smelled like smoke and the pages curled a little but other wise the books were still readable.

The roof had to be patched, the walls painted but that would be another day.

The young man stayed to help with the clean up and Sally was not long ashamed to face the man.
Could this be the beginning of a new romance.
Like Humphrey Bogart said in Casablanca, “Here’s looking at you kid"

Monday, December 14, 2015

🎄🎄🎄🎄2009 December 6, Saturday, Belle Mont Mansion Tuscumbia and Walking tour of Mooresville, AL

Two of my grandchildren and I rode to the Belle Mont Mansion in Tuscumbia for the Plantation Christmas Event. 
This event offers entertainment and raises funds for further renovations of the Mansion, which it desperately needs. 
It is a Jeffersonian-style plantation home built in 1828 for Doctor Mitchell and sold to the prominent Winston family of Tuscumbia. 
The family abandoned it, and it soon began to deteriorate. In 1983, the house and 33 acres were donated to the Alabama Historical Commission.
I parked my car along the wheat fields and several other vehicles.
There was a bus shuttling people to the Mansion, but my grandchildren and I walked along the gravel road to the Mansion.

As we started up the gravel road, we saw the historic marker that read.

Belle Mont Marker
Belle Mont Marker
Built between 1828 and 1832, Belle Mont is a foremost example of Jeffersonian Palladian Architecture in the Deep South and one of Alabama's first great plantation houses. 

It was built for Dr. Alexander W. Mitchell, a native of Virginia, a graduate of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and one of the first large-scale ~ planters and slaveholders in this area. 

1833 Mitchell sold this 1,680-acre plantation to another Virginian Native, Isaac Winston. Winston, a prominent planter and strong supporter of the Confederacy, was the uncle of Alabama's first native-born Governor, John Anthony Winston. Belle Monte remained in the hands of Winston's heirs until 1941. 

In 1983, the house and 33 surrounding acres were donated to the Alabama Historical Commission.

Belle Monte Mansion Christmas 2009
The mansion's front door was decorated with a green wreath with gold balls and a red ribbon. The white handrailing was covered in greenery, with red bows and orange-red and green balls. Greenery was also above the door and on the second-floor front porch.
Inside the Mansion, green vines winded along the staircase leading to the second floor. Vines, green plants, and red apples were over the fireplace and on other pieces of furniture.
There were women dressed in beautiful white and red ball gowns and men in black suits.

In the dining area were a long table, a silver bowl full of greenery, a silver teapot full of hot cider, and a silver bowl full of punch. There were several silver trays of finger food. 

Women dressed in Red and White Christmas Ball Gowns. 
We drank a cup of punch and helped ourselves to the finger food. 

On the walls were paintings of family members who had once gracefully walked through the rooms of this Mansion, and a painting of the Mansion was sitting on an easel.

 Finger foods
Belle Monte 
Every room had a curator, filling our heads with the plantation's history.

Scott's book Lady of the Lake was placed on a bedside table in one of the bedrooms. 
Men in suits and women in red and white holiday ball gowns were gathered in the family room. A couple of women were playing Christmas tunes on flutes.

We walked upstairs, where a display case showed the construction and layout of the Mansion in its grander years.
We finished our tour and walked outside to get a better view of the three chimneys, the two tear, six white columns front porch. The house was built out of red brick, with six windows on the west side and four on the front with two front doors. The backside of the house had a root cellar, with a large landing of stairs leading to the ground. It had a large back porch, two bedrooms, and doors leading outside.
This was to get easy access to the outhouse.
Belle Monte Mansion Back porch 
Entrance to the Dining Room @ Belle Monte Mansion
Brick Church in Mooresville
Refreshments at Brick church Mooresville
Post Office in Mooresville
Historic homes in Mooresville

My grandkids and I rode to Mooresville to take the Christmas Walking tour. 
We toured the Post Office, the Stagecoach Inn, the Tavern, and the Brick Church. 

We walked up and down the streets of the small community, enjoying the Christmas decorations. 

The Brick Church was open for the tour, so we stepped inside and enjoyed a cup of hot cider and a woman playing the piano.
The Post Office was opened for the tour, and the employees showed how it worked. The post office is still used by the community.
The old tavern was opened with a fire in the fireplace, greenery on the mantel, and a small library of books in the back room.
Stage Coach Stop 
The tour ended at 5:00 P.M. By that time, it was cold and dark outside.
The grandkids and I loaded into my car, and I drove home. 

I spent a wonderful day with two of my grandchildren. We learned some local history about the Belle Mont Mansion and the historic town of Mooresville. I took many pictures and hope the grandkids remember our time on both tours.

We saw several historical markers telling the history of Mooresville. 

Mooresville Incorporated in 1818
The post office contains original call boxes 
Old tavern, 1817, used as a stagecoach stop
Red Brick Methodist Church 1817
U. S. Gen. James A Garfield was stationed here in 1862
White frame church is more than a century old 
Andrew Johnson was apprenticed tailor here
Neoclassic architecture
1971 by Alabama Society Daughters of the American Revolution 

Mooresville, Alabama Incorporated November 16, 1818
Mooresville Post Office, c.1840, is Alabama's oldest operational post office. It has served the commuNovember 16he same building since it constructed sawmill lumber in 1840. The mailboxes and office furnishings are even older, having been transferred from the original post office in the Stagecoach Tavern. The mailboxes are numbered 1-48; some families have had the same box numbers for several generations. The building is owned and maintained by the Town of Mooresville.

Mooresville Stagecoach Inn and Tavern
The Stagecoach Inn and Tavern were built c.1820 and served as the post office before the current post office was constructed around 1840. An Act of Congress on March 13, 1818, authorized mail delivery to and from neighboring Huntsville and necessitated the establishment of a post office in MooresMarch 13, a road was built between the two towns, and horse and rider carried mail. The Stagecoach Inn and Tavern were listed on Tanner's Post Map of 1825 with supper priced at "2 bits." The original post office was located on the right side of the building, and mail may have been deposited and received through the small window. This window is also believed to have been used for the after-hours sale of liquor. The first floor was a standard room with an outside stairway leading to two sleeping rooms on the second floor. The Stagecoach Tavern is currently used as a museum and the official town hall.

Mooresville Brick Church
Completed by 1839, this Greek Revival Structure was under construction for several years. On November 18, 1838, Alabama's 2nd Governor, Thomas Bibb, and his wife Pamela deeded this property to William K. Adams, Monroe F. Moses, and, on November 18, trustees of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. This denomination retained the title but, over the years, permitted the Baptists and Methodists to meet here.

Outstanding religious leaders who preached here were Cumberland Presbyterian "Father" Robert Donnell, the early leader, and Constantine Blackmon Sanders, the "X+Y=Z Preacher," as well as Methodist Clare Purcell, later Bishop of North Ala., West Fla. and Central Conferences.
National Register of Historic Places Mooresville Historic District 4/13/72

The Cumberland Presbyterian Church
This faith was organized in Dickson County, Tenn., on February 4, 1810, as an outgrowth of the Great Religious Revival of 1800. Its founders were ministers of the Presbyterian Church who rejected February of the election and reprobation. They formulated and published a "Brief Statement" setting forth the points wherein Cumberland Presbyterians dissented from the Westminster Confession of Faith.
Robert Donnell, one of the church's founding fathers, was preaching in this area as early as 1810. About 1834, he moved from Tenn. to Mooresville and was primarily responsible for the early growth of the faith locally.

Mary Ann Walton, a local benefactor, died in 1899, willing much of her estate in trust to the Presbytery. The Alabama Supreme Court contested and upheld her will three times in Woodroof vs. Hundley.

Monday, December 7, 2015

🎄🎄🎄🎄2015 ~ December 7, Monday, Christmas & Cards Trees, Library & Space Center

I went to the Chiropractor, for an adjustment before begin gin my journey or walking in Huntsville and Madison. 
We stopped at Chick-fil-a in Athens for lunch
I ordered some chicken nuggets and a drink. 
We rode through Christmas Card Lane in downtown historic Madison.
List of the Christmas Cards 
  • Behold I Bring you good news of Great Joy.
  • Birth of Christ Christmas Card
  • Birth of Christ  
  • Church in the snow 
  • Church in the snowy woods
  • Happy Christmas
  • Joy to the World Let Heaven and Nature Sing
  • Let it snow 
  • Madison CHY Youth Orchestra
  • Mele Kalikimakal Christmas Card
  • Merry Christmas ! Madison
  • Merry Christmas w/reindeer
  • Merry Christmas w/women 
  • Merry Christmas, Mele Kalikimaka, Joyeux Noel, Feliz Navidad
  • Noel 
  • Peace on Earth w/dog and cat
  • Peace To all Creatures great and small
  • Poinsettia
  • Reason for the Season
  • Santa and his Christmas packages
  • Santa eating cookies and his elves
  • Santa Merry Christmas w/santa & reindeer
  • Season’s Greetings w/Santa in sleigh 
  • Shepard, Angles and Jesus
  • Snow globe
  • Thank You for Visiting Christmas Card Lane
  • Toy Shop
  • Truck caring home Christmas Tree
  • We wish you a Merry Christmas
  • You're Cool Christmas Card
We saw Christmas trees in Madison where people of the community had decorated to express their own creativity or to promote their business.  
We rode to the Huntsville/Madison Library to take pictures of the Christmas trees distributed throughout the library. 
We saw trees decorated with round paper lace cup mats with notes attached, A tree with jester hat, wearing sunglasses covered in cotton, lights, sticks made into Xs, and covered in toys. Another wrapped in green ribbon,and gold bows, with bugles, colored ball lights. 
A Autism Tree full of christmas balls inside picture of a child, puzzle pieces, ornaments, trimmed in red and gold ribbon. A christmas tree covered in hats, gloves and scars. We saw a tree made out of books and another covered in Christmas Cards. We saw a Christmas Tree from Friends of the Library, and Huntsville Herb Society.We saw a completely white christmas tree trimmed with red and gold rope and electrical lights. A tree trimmed with pink, blue, gold ribbons, and balls. There were many more trees that we saw, I could not describe them all.
HO!HO! HO!(Santa resting after a night of delivering presents)
Thank you for Visiting Christmas Card Lane!(Saying good-by to the last Christmas Card)
Christmas Trees of Madison 
MAC Snowman in the Christmas Trees of Madison 
I also stopped to take pictures of the artistic quilts hanging from the second floor. 

I also saw a display of Doctor Who! Doctor was standing next to the Police Public Call Box.
Police Telephone Free for use of Public 
Advice & Assistance immediately officers & cars respond to all calls pull to open. 
 There was a man sitting next to the display and I ask if he knew Doctor Who? He replied WHO?
We rode to Big Spring Park where we walked the Tinsel Trail of over 200 Christmas Trees.
There were a few trees waiting to be decorated while others were getting the finishing touch put upon them. 
Christmas music filled the air, as we walked along the path, while the sun shone brightly but not too hot. 

It was a perfect day for strolling through the park. 

We were greeted by gold fish, ducks and geese wanting to be feed. 

Christmas Tree at Huntsville Madison County Library 
Quilt Display at Huntsville Madison County Library 
The many faces of Doctor Who?

Ducks, gold fish 
Star Wars May the Force Be with you!
Big Spring Park Tinsel Trail of Christmas Trees
Big Spring Park Tinsel Trail of Christmas Trees
We went to the Space and Rocket Center where we saw Science Fiction, Science Future (where I was beamed up into space) Beam me up Scotty! I stood inside a teleportation machine while my husband at the control panels beamed me into outer space. 
We walked through the U. S. Space and Rocket Center’s latest exhibit, the Celestial Dreams, The Art of Space Jewelry, showcased by the artist Kathy Chan. She uses precious gems, minerals and metals to interpret her genuine wonder of the cosmos in her jewelry. Her display will be on display until May 2016.

Last but not least, there was a movie being made with R2D2.
We had been waiting for the movie maker to come out of the room where he was making the move and he ask if I wanted my picture with R32D2 and I said yes. 
I hope to be in the finished production of the movie.
Wow! What a day! 

I said to the movie producer that Star Wars was my middle sons favorite movie. 
There was a man controlling the sounds that R2D2 made, he made the same sounds that he did in the Star War movies. 
The film will be screened at the U.S. Space and rocket Center’s IMAX theater to promote the new Star Wars, The Force Awakens. 


Beam me up Scotty!
I saw myself Inside the Time Machine
The Art of Space Jewelry

Cosmic Calendar for December
88 Buffet Seafood Sushi Hibachi 
88 Buffet Seafood Sushi Hibachi 

We ate dinner at 88 Buffet Seafood Sushi Hibachi, that is an all-you-can-eat oriental buffet with a variety of different meats,seafood, vegetables and you can watch the chef create your dish right before you eyes.
We had a great day, good food, friendly faces, and a beautiful day. 

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...