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Showing posts with label rockey. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2015

✈️✈️✈️2005~ March 19-26 Trip to Los Angeles, California

Day 1: Saturday, March 19, 2005
My husband and I were up at 3 A.M., we dressed & picked up Sherry at 4:30 A.M.
My husband drove us to Huntsville Airport, which took a little over an hour.

Our flight was at 6:45 A.M. 
There was a problem with the jet bridge or jetway, the connecting tunnel you walk through to get to the airplane. 
For my daily exercise, I walked around the inside of the terminal for about a mile. 
We boarded the plane at 7:45 A.M. from Huntsville International Airport and headed to Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. 
We were seated in row 30 right next to the jet engine and the roar was so loud that I could not hear myself think. 
Orbits called me at Huntsville International Airport to let me know that there was a delay in our flight after we had known for thirty minutes. 

We missed our connecting flight to Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport because of the delay in Huntsville. 
After exiting our flight, we were sent to gate  A15 to catch the next flight out but, it was full, then they sent us to A14 and they were full. 
Finally, I said, just give us a confirmed flight number so; they said our next flight would be at 3:55 P.M. 
We went to McDonald's in the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport to eat lunch.
I ordered a cheeseburger, french fries, yogurt waffle cone, and Diet Coke to drink.

That morning for breakfast, I ate oats. 
I ate a granola bar for a snack and on the plane, I ate another granola bar and drank a Diet Coke.

We arrived at the LAX airport at 4:30 P.M. and went to baggage claims to collect our luggage.
Carolyn was waiting for us outside next to the Flyaway Bus Stop.

We took the LAX Flyaway Bus back to their terminus station where Carolyn had parked her car, which was about a forty-five minutes ride.

She drove us back to her home in Windcastel Estates in Rosemond, CA.
 Windcastel Estates in Rosemond, CA.

Windcastel Estates in Rosemond, CA.

 Sherry at Windcastel Estates in Rosemond, CA.

Bill greeted us at the door and he helped us bring in our luggage.  

Carolyn prepared for us a delicious supper of cornbread, butter beans, and potatoes, and I drank a diet Coke.

After supper, we watched a little television and then went to bed.

The flight from Dallas/Fort Worth International to LAX was very nice. 
I was bumped up to first class and I got to sit in the steward’s rest area.
The seat would recline into a bed and I had my own television screen.

I set next to an army soldier (who was also bumped up to first class with me) who was going home to Hawaii.
He had been to Maine and was returning home.

He said I have four children all boys ages 20, 15, 10, and 6 and my oldest son is in the army.
One of the stewards called us the King and Queen of the airplane because of where we were sitting. 
These were the best seats in the house!

Day 2: Sunday, March 20, 2005 
Today I got up at 7:30 A.M. Pacific time, I ate a granola bar, and I went for a twenty-five-minute walk. 
I stopped at the Chevron Station where I bought a Diet Coke and some peanuts.
By the time I got back from my walk, everyone was up and getting ready for church.
We left for church at 11 A.M. where we joined in the singing, listened to the music, and then the preaching. 

At their church, they sold muffins, bagels, snacks, coffee, and drinks. 
Sherry bought a banana muffin, with tea to drink.
Carolyn and Bill both bought a cup of coffee. 
After we left the church we stopped at a Mexican grocery store to buy some fresh vegetables for supper. 

Carolyn cooked a delicious supper of chicken patties with white sauce, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, grapes, and strawberries. 

That night we went to play Bingo. Carolyn paid all the game cards and said, “ If you win anything I want half.” We all agreed, of course, that seemed fair since she had paid for the game cards. 

I Won $100.00 and Carolyn’s stepson who also went with us won $125.00. 
Carolyn also bought each of us a delicious slice of cheesecake. 

I ate one piece of candy, and a cookie, and drank a Diet Coke.
It had been a full day.

After returning home from Bingo, we watched some television and we went to bed at 11:00 P.M.

Day 3: Monday, March 21, 2005 
I awoke around 6:00 A.M and called my husband at 6:10 A.M. Pacific Time 

This was his first night working the outages on the graveyard shift and he was going to bed.

We are going to the 99-cent store today and maybe the Crystal Cathedral in LA. (we did not go to the Cathedral) 

Today Sherry walked with me to the Chevron Store where we both bought a bottle of water and a bag of peanuts.
For breakfast, I ate a bowl of grapes, bananas, and strawberries and drank a diet Pepsi. 

Carolyn and Bill are not early risers, so we sat around most of the morning talking.
For lunch, I ate a banana sandwich and Cheetos.
After lunch, we rode to the Mojave desert where we saw Joshua, and in the distance, we could see the snow-covered Rocky Mountains. The Joshua tree was given by a group of Mormon settlers who crossed the Mojave Desert and the tree reminded them of the Biblical story of where Joshua reaches his hands up to the sky in prayer. 
The Joshua Tree in the Mojave Desert
The Joshua Trees in the Mojave Desert & Rockie Mountains 
Mojave Desert 
Sherry points to the Snow Caped Rocky Mountains

We went to the 99-cent stores.
We also went to the grocery store where I spent seven dollars on three boxes of granola bars.

For a snack, I ate a pack of peanuts and drank water. 

Carolyn again cooked a great supper; we ate green bean casserole, tacos, baked potatoes, and banana pudding. Yum, yum!

Watched TV and was in bed by 11:00 P.M. 

Day 4: Tuesday, March 22, 2005 
Today I, took a shower, ate a banana, and a granola bar, and took my daily walk. 

Sherry walked about a mile with me and she turned around and went back to Carolyn’s.

Today we are going to Universal Studios Theme Park.
We left the house at 9:30 A.M. stopping at a Mexican drive-through Restaurant where we ordered burritos. 
Carolyn ate every bit of her burrito while driving the wild Interstate going into LA.

I gave Sherry half of my burrito and I only ate half of my half. 

We purchase season passes, which will be good until December of 2005.
Carolyn and Sherry at Universal Studios
Sherry is Fred Flinstone and Carolyn is Wilma Flinstone at Universal Studios

At City Walk, we looked inside the windows of some of the shops and I took pictures.
We walked through Van Helsing Fortress Dracula, which is a maze to evade bats, rats, ghouls, and monsters while checking out set pieces, and costumes from the movie. 

Next, we watched a twelve-minute film about Terminator II, 3D Battle Across Times, which is based on the 1991 sci-fi film, that used all the major players from Terminator 2. Multiple projectors were running across three adjoining giant screens that created a 3D effect with giant tentacles swinging out over our heads. 

We boarded a bus that took us on a tour of the backlot where we saw Revenge of the Mummy.  
The bus went inside a tunnel with strips and it started spinning around and around us, which made us dizzy.
View of Hollywood from Backlot bus tour

We saw some props for Jurassic Park, and we saw posters of movies from the early 1900s to the present day. 
We saw several town scenes and an explosion at the” Jaws of Death”. 

We crossed an old bridge that broke into and it put itself back together again not like Humpty Dumpy!

We saw the parting of waters like when Noah parted the Red Sea. 

We saw the Mexican village where the Three Amigos were bandits.

We had gallons of water rushing towards us, like a flooding river.
Gallons of water rushing toward us 

We watched a gasoline truck turn over, burst into flames and several other vehicles crash into it, and then return itself back upright to do it all over again.

It had started to mist rain so we looked for inside places to go.

We ate lunch at Mel’s Diner. 
We all ordered a grilled chicken sandwich with fries and a Coke to drink. 
We had to eat outside in the misting rain because the restaurant was packed. 

We finished lunch and the rain started to pour down so we ran to the gift shop where each of us bought a rain poncho. 
By this time it was raining hard now
So we enjoyed the Blues Brothers and Animal Planet shows.
It started to rain Sherry in blue and Carolyn in yellow both in caskets

At the Blues Brothers Show, they sang several of the original Blues Brothers songs. Such as “Soul Man,” “Shake A Tail Feather,” “Gimme Some Lovin,” and “Almost.”

At the Animal Planet show, they had a bird go into the audience and take a twenty-dollar bill from a member of the audience. 
They folded the twenty-dollar bill into a square and had the bird return it to the correct person. 

They picked a boy from the audience to come on stage for the dog tricks. 
The boy's name was Noah.
They had Noah sit in a chair while the dogs did several different commands. 
The dog would sit; he would roll over, he would bark, he would back up, and he would stay.
There were dogs they said that could do mind tricks. Not Really!
Then they had a monkey come out and do tricks.
By this time, the rain had stopped and we walked back to City Walk.

On our way, back home we stopped at a grocery store where Carolyn bought creamer for coffee and a box of ice cream. 
I asked Carolyn to stop at McDonald's where I bought a vanilla ice cream cone.

At home, we watched some television and were in bed by 9:30 P.M.

Day 5: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 
I called my husband at 6:00 A.M. He had just gotten home from work at 8:00 A.M. Central Time. 

For breakfast, I ate a granola bar and a large banana. 

Today we are going to the thrift store when Carolyn gets back from her ladies' class.

I walked for twenty-five minutes.
Today, Bill will be gone all day because he has several doctor visits.

I called my daughter she said, Madison misses you taking her to the school bus stop.
My daughter said that she received her movie The Fox and the Hound. 
I also called my sister Vickie; she said that we were having a get-together for Dad’s birthday on Sunday.
Marjorie has cancer and when I called, she said, I am not doing well. 

I put my clothes in the washer and went for my daily walk at 9 A.M.
While on my walk to the store, I stumbled and fell over a speed bump, that was on the road. 
I was trying to adjust the hat that I was wearing, and I was not paying attention.
I skin my knees, my face, and my hands, tears were streaming down my face because it hurt. 
I quickly arose looked around to make sure no one was looking and walked away.
Fighting back the tears, I called my daughter to tell her what I had just done.
She asked if I was ok and I said nothing was broken.
I continued my twenty-five-minute walk.
Today was cold and windy.

Today we went to the 99 cents store.
This is not the same 99-cent store we went to a few days ago.
We went to the grocery store and stopped at McDonald's and I ordered a vanilla ice cream cone. 
For lunch, I ate half of a peanut butter sandwich.

Carolyn cooked another wonderful supper, a dish of hamburger meat mixed with noodles, and banana pudding for dessert. Yum, Yum!
I was in bed by 9:00 P.M. 

Day 6: Thursday, March 24, 2005
Today I called my husband at 6:10 A.M and I wrote letters to the grandkids. 

I ate a granola bar and drank Coke for breakfast.
Everyone got ready, loaded into the car, and headed for Las Vegas we left at 9:30 A.M.
Riding to Los Vegas
Riding to Los Vegas 

Our first stop was at Sam's Town Casino where we played the slot machines. 
Sherry played the nickel slot machines, and at 3:00 P.M. Carolyn, Bill, and I played Bingo.

We all ate supper in Sam’s Town Casino of prime ribs, a baked potato, corn on the cob, a roll, and a salad 

At 5:00 P.M. we played Bingo, I won! Two other people also won so we had to split $40 three ways. We each received $13.00. 

After Bingo, I played the slot machines I spent five dollars and won $50.50

I won a total of sixty-three dollars and fifty cents.
It cost me thirty-seven dollars to play bingo and the slot machines. 

I spent ten dollars on supper and thirty dollars on a souvenir. 
The day cost me thirteen dollars not bad for a meal, souvenir, playing bingo, and slot machines for a whole day.

Next, we went to the Paris Las Vegas Casino. 
Paris Casino In Las Vegas
 Paris Casino
Bill, Carolyn & me in Paris 
Sherry, Carolyn & me in the Eiffel Tower

We walked up a beautiful replica of the Alexander III Bridge to the elevator that took us up to the Eiffel Tower. 
The Eiffel Tower is an exact replica of the one in Paris but half the size. It has a breathtaking night view of Vegas.
It is 460 feet above the casino floor and it was freezing cold that night the wind was blowing hard. 
We saw the fountains show from the Bellagio Casino, the view was awesome you could see the lights from other casinos for miles and miles.

While we were inside the Eiffel Tower, Bill took a picture of Sherry, Carolyn, and myself.
I took several pictures from the Eiffel Tower of the view of Vegas.
We took the elevator back to the inside of the casino where we shopped.
The Paris Ball 
The Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas, Nevada 

Our next stop was the 99-cent store in Las Vegas. 

We went to Sam’s Town and watched the water show.
We're stuck in the terrible traffic in Vegas.
We ate supper at McDonald's on our way back to Rosemond.

Day 7: Friday, March 25, 2005 
Today I woke up at 6:00 A.M., called my husband, wrote in my journal, and addressed postcards, and envelopes. 

Today is our last day for we will be leaving at 12:30 P.M. tonight. 

Today we watched some TV, sat around and talked.
I walked two miles and stopped at the post office to mail my letters.

For lunch, I ate half a peanut butter sandwich with Cheetos, a granola bar, and Diet Coke.
We went to the Thrift Store. 

For supper, Carolyn ordered a pizza and made a salad.

Carolyn drove us to the Flyaway Bus Station terminal we arrived at 8:30 P.M. 
We boarded the Flyway Bus and said goodbye to Carolyn.
We road the Flyaway to LAX, collected our luggage, checked in at the airport went to our departing gate, and waited for our flight home.

I ate M&Ms and drank a Coke at the Flyaway bus terminal.

Day 8: Saturday, March 26, 2005 
We boarded the plane at 12:30 P.M. 
I purchased some earphones so I could listen to the music that was playing on the plane and I took a nap.
We were served snacks of pretzels and I ordered a diet Coke. 

On the flight, I sat next to a man from Ti-wan.
He told me he was going to visit his brother who lived in Tennessee.

I had bragged to someone that I had flown many times but never in a thunderstorm, low and behold we were caught in one. 

Lighting and thunder were all around us as we landed. 
Flights were canceled or delayed.

After we landed, we rode the shuttle to the American Eagle where our next flight was leaving. 
I was hungry so I ordered a bagel with cream cheese.

Our flight was delayed and the attendants were asking nine passengers to give up their seats. For everyone who gave up their seats, they were given a $250.00 voucher to be used later.

They had bumped Sherry and put me on another flight which made Sherry very upset.

After all the commotion had calmed down, I went to the attendants to explain why my cousin was so upset.
I said this was my cousin's first flight, her husband is very sick at home, and could you please book us on a flight home. 
She said let me see what I can do.  
I said we would take any flight out just so we would not have to sit and wait. 

She said I had a flight going to Charlotte North Carolina leaving at 8:23 A.M.  
I said to book us!
It was a five-hour flight from Dallas/Fort Worth to Charlotte North Carolina. 
We had just a few minutes to make it to the plane. 
Upstairs, down long corridors dragging luggage but we made it!
We will arrive in Charlotte NC at 1:21 Eastern time, if we had not taken the flight we would still be sitting in the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport.

After arriving at Charlotte NC airport, I left Sherry sitting with our luggage and I went to get us bagels with cream cheese and something to drink. 

At Charlotte Airport, I bought three-band bracelets for the granddaughters and a tee shirt. 
The Charlotte Airport 

The Charlotte Airport 

The Charlotte Airport 

Our flight out of Charlotte was at 2:05 A.M. on flight 351 seats 10A and B, arriving at Huntsville International Airport at 3:30 A.M. 

At the airport, my husband and Sherry’s daughter were waiting to pick us up.
This was the end of another adventure. 
What will my next adventure be?

Flight to Los Angeles California March 19-25, 2005 
American Airlines
Leave Huntsville International Airport (HSV) ROW 30, at 7:45 A.M. and arrive at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. (DFW)  

Leave Dallas Fort Worth International Airport at 3:55 P.M. 
Arrive 4:30 P.M. (LAX) Los Angeles International Airport 

Return Flight
Leave 12:30 P.M. (LAX) to Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. (DFW) We have problems with the weather 

Leave Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) at 8:23 A.M.-Gate B6 Seat 11A Group 2 
Arrive at 1:21 P.M. Eastern Time at Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CTL).

Leave at 2:05 P.M. Charlotte Douglas International Airport in Charlotte North Carolina on flight 351 seats 10 A & B.

Arrive 3:30 P.M. Huntsville International Airport. (HSV) 

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...