Showing posts with label workshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workshop. Show all posts

Sunday, November 18, 2018

🚙2018 Nov 11-16, Trip to Smoky Mountains with Sherry & Bobby

Sunday, Nov 11, Sherry picked me up at home around 9AM. We traveled 72 hwy to hwy 101 to Town Creek and turned left onto hwy 20 to Decatur. We stopped at McDonald's near Beltline Highway for a restroom break and hot apple pie. We traveled 565 to 72 through Huntsville to Scottsboro, onto South Pittsburg, where we turned right onto I-24 to I-75 through Chattanooga. I drove from Chattanooga to Sevierville, where we were staying at Wyndham Condo 3017. We stopped several times for restroom breaks and lunch at Subway and Shell Gas in Louden, TN.
Bobby and I split a Tomato Basil wrap with rotisserie chicken, pepper jack cheese, avocado, and fixes we all drank a bottle of water. Sherry ordered a full roast beef wrap.
We arrived at check-in, Sherry went inside, and we went in later. While Sherry talked, we snacked on popcorn and water.
After we unloaded the car and were settled in, we watched some TV and decided to order a 1/2 vegetable and 1/2 sausage and pepperoni pizza from Big Daddy’s. 
I was very tired after the long trip, so I took some night quills and went to bed. I tried to read but was too sleepy.

Monday, Nov 12, We ate breakfast at the guest house of the Wyndham and listened for 2 1/2 hours about timeshares. Bobby and Sherry each received a $150.00 gift card for listening. I did not qualify because I was married, and my hubby was not with me. They were both widows. 
We rode to 3901 Hwy 411 Dandridge, TN, and ate lunch at Bushes Family Cafe Restaurant around 12:37PM. We each ordered the vegetable plate. I ordered okra, green beans, Mac and cheese, and fried apples with iced tea. 
Sherry and Bobby both ordered okra, green beans, Mac & Cheese, fried sweet potato, and water. 
We watched a short film about the Bush Family and factories, and then we toured the museum. 
We had our pictures taken together at the end, and each received a copy free.

, Aunt Bobbie and Cousin Sherry 
Green Beans, Fried Apples, okra, Mac & Cheese, Onion, and Cornbread
We stopped inside the Bush store for some mints and candy.
It rained all day. We rode to Sevierville and stopped at Ollies, where I bought a Christmas Carol book and a bottle of baby lotion. 
We rode to the condo, watched some TV, read some of my books, and ate leftovers for supper. 

On Tuesday, Nov 13, We ate lunch at Old Mill Restaurant, 164 Old Mill Ave Pigeon Forge once again, we all ordered vegetables.
I ordered pinto beans, fried apples, mac & cheese, and okra. 
We each received a bowl of corn chowder and corn fritters. Once again, we had enough leftovers for supper. 
I stopped to take a few pictures of the raging Little Pigeon River. It has rained every day that we have been here. 
Bobby and I walked around inside the Old Mill Store and did not buy anything. 
We walked across the street and looked inside an oriental gift shop with lots of jewelry, wood carvings, and glassware. Sherry bought 5 or 6 bottles of balsamic Olive oil dressings for $25.00. We rode to Old Time Pottery I took several pictures of the Christmas displays. Bobby bought an elf, and Sherry bought a small table and several stackable shelving. We stopped at Kitchen Collections, and I walked to Dollar Tree, 141 E Wears Valley Rd Pigeon Forge, and bought some candy and 3 cans of Diet Coke. 
We rode to the Condo, watched some TV, finished one book, started another, and ate leftovers. 

pinto beans, fried apples, mac & cheese, and okra
Old Mill Restaurant 

Wednesday, Nov 14, We rode to Workshop Tools 105 Knives Works Ln Sevierville, where I bought sunglasses, flashlights, and ink pens, we walked next door to Lodge Store, where I bought 6 10-inch skillets with nickel carved backing. I had them shipped to my home because they were too heavy to carry. 
We rode to Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World 3629 Outdoor Sportsman Place Kodak, TN, where I bought a pair of boots. Bobby bought herself 2 henley shirts. 
We ate lunch at Applewood Grill Restaurant, Apple Valley Rd Sevierville. We were all tired of vegetables, so we each ordered a bowl of soup and a grilled sandwich. Sherry ordered chicken noodles, Bobby ordered loaded potato soup, and I ordered vegetable soup.
We were all brought apple fritters, apple butter, and Julep(orange, apple, and Pineapple juice mixed). We once again had enough leftovers for supper. 
Watched some TV, read, and went to bed. 

Pipping a hot bowl of Vegetable Soup in the black kettle with grilled cheese at Applewood Grill Restaurant 
Visit the North Pole at Bass Pro Kodak, TN 
Merry Christmas from the Lodge Store 
Welcome from Old Time Pottery 

Thursday, Nov 15, We rode to Dolly Pardon’s Stampede, 3849 Parkway Pigeon Forge, to take a few pictures of the Christmas display with camels, sleighs, and Christmas trees.  
We walked through the Three Bears General Store, 2861 Parkway Pigeon Forge, and took a few pictures at the entrance. Could not take pictures inside. 
We ate lunch at Firehouse Sub 2627 Parkway Suite Pigeon Forge. I ordered a kid's meatball sub, chips, and a drink. I ordered a 4-inch Philly sub to take home. We stopped at Incredible Christmas Place, 2470 Parkway Pigeon Forge, took several pictures, and had my picture taken with Santa. 
We also stopped at Wranglers and several other stores behind Texas Road House on Collier Drive Pigeon Forge. 
Ate leftovers for supper, watched TV, packed, and read my book.

Come take a sleigh ride at Dolly Parton's Stampede.
Fireman at Firehouse Sub
Come visit Three Bears, General Store 
Friday, Nov 16, Finished Packing, cleaned, loaded the car, checked out, and rode to Great Smoky Mountain Flea Market 220 W Dumplin Valley Rd Kodak, TN around 8AM. 
We Stopped at McDonald's in Fort Louden for breakfast(around 10:36AM)  and to fill up with Shell Gas. I ordered two apple pies and ate both. Sherry and Bobby ordered a sausage and cheese McMuffin. 
We Huntsville) for lunch. I ordered a cheeseburger, fries, and water. 
Sherry and Bobby both ordered a cheeseburger. 
Hubby picked me up at a barbecue restaurant in Town Creek around 3:00PM and was home by 3:30PM.
Last Stop before heading home
Great Smoky Mt Flea Market

We were having a Tidwell Thanksgiving at 6:30PM tonight.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

2014, Wednesday, May 15, Workshop Florence Library with Bill Huddleson UNA Front Porch Storytelling Festival

I attended a workshop with Bill at the Florence Library. Bill said, I am not Dolores and he was right he was not, but that did not mean he was not good.  

He used a different approach to storytelling and he made it fun. 
We broke up into several groups and did several different activities.

One activity was” Making the Right Move.”
This was an activity that involved two people A & B. 

The next activity including doing the following singing, mimicking, reading looking at one another, reading standing back to back, reading while sitting, reading while standing, we whispered the words, and we lip read the following:

Dropkick me sweet Jesus over the goalpost of life!
All my ex-s live in Texas so I live in Tennessee!
It’s been so lonesome in the saddle since my horse died!

Another activity we were given was to read a story and re-tale it to our partner.
King Solomon and Fate was the story that I had to re-tale to my partner. The moral of my story was when death looks you in the face; no matter how hard you try, you cannot outrun your fate. 

The story my partner re-told was about a bird and a Turtle.
The bird and the turtle needed to go east for the winter but the turtle could not fly so, the bird said, I will help you but you must not let go of the stick. 
When the two animals were in the air flying, they looked down at their friends and the turtle thought I am flying! 
So, the turtle lets go, to tell his friend goodbye, and when the turtle lets go, he fell to the ground. 
The moral of this story is you cannot fly without wings!!!!!!

We were told to tell a story about growing up.
We split into a large group and re-told our story to everyone in our group.

One woman told me about growing up and going to a one-room school, about not getting her favorite teacher until the third grade. 
Another told about growing up in Canada, how cold it was, and her father was a Canadian Soldier. 
Another woman told me about family ties. How some of the relatives had moved up north to work, but always came home for family gatherings. 
She told a story about a young couple who were expecting their first child and it died shortly after birth. 
Her relatives did not have the money to come home but came home anyway. They packed as many as possible into their small car and drove all the way home just, to find that the infant had already been buried.

I had fun and was given a certificate of attendance. Those three hours went by fast and I would love to do it again.

2014 ~ Friday, May 16, UNA Front Porch Storytelling Workshop with Dolores Hydock at George Lindsey Theater UNA

Today, I attended the Storytelling Workshop at George Lindsey Theater at UNA.  I was not sure where the theater was located so my husband lets me out at the Arts and Music building. I walked around trying to locate where the workshop was finally, I spotted a room with the light on and saw a woman inside. 
I opened the door and said could you please tell me where the Storytelling Workshop is being held. She grabbed her keys and said sure follow me. She locked the door to her office and off we went. I told her that I was getting flustered and agitated. I followed her to the George Lindsey Theater and she showed me the room where the workshop was being held. I thanked her and she went back to work and I joined the workshop.

Our group leader was Dolores.
 Our first exercise was introducing ourselves using a descriptive word beginning with the same letter as our first name. 
We started with Wonderful Wanda, Sassy Susan, Vibrant Vivian, Audacious Amy, Caring Carol, Sad, and Friendly Freda. I cannot remember the other two women’s name but I remember one was an animal lover and she owned many dogs and cats.
Dolores talked about Steve Jobs. Jobs said, “that being creative is just connecting things.”
Delores used an example of James Webb Young’s two key ideas to be creative. One was the idea of a new combination and the second was the ability to make combinations. 
Delores also showed us the works of Norman Rockwell and his idea of collision of two worlds.
Next, we were told to close our eyes and think of a toy or animal that we remembered as a child. To imagine the clothes we were wearing, the sounds we heard, the texture of the toy or animal. We were just told to bring these images to life in our imagination. 
We then broke up into groups of three’s and had to describe to the others in our group what we remembered. 
Amy and Freda were in my group.
Amy’s told her story and it was a baby doll that could sing happy birthday.
Amy took this doll everywhere, and she never left home without her baby doll. Amy remembered playing in her grandmother yard while holding her doll and hearing the porch swing. Amy did not remember when her baby doll quit singing happy birthday.
Freda’s told the story about the bride doll she wanted badly but her family
Was very poor and could not afford the doll. 
When Freda would go to town with her family, she would see this bride doll in the store window. 
On Christmas when Freda was in the first grade she was surprised with the bride doll.
Freda had several brothers and no sister so the doll was never played with.
When Freda was older and married her mom gave birth to a baby girl 
Freda was so excited that she finally had a sister. 
Freda loved her sister so much that she gave the bride doll to her.
To Freda, having a sister was more important than having a bride doll.

Dolores said, “ I want each of you to go outside and see what you can find using your senses.”
We each spent about twenty minutes exploring and brought our ideas back to class.
 A man had joined our class and he talked about rain and how birds were supposed to quit singing when it was going to rain but the birds just kept singing.

Another told about sitting on a wooden bench and how it brought back memories of her father. He was a farmer, minister and very well dressed. The story behind being well dressed was her father’s family was so poor that her grandmother had to starch the children’s shirts just to keep them together.

Dolores was taking one item from our list and using the snowball effect.

One of the items on my list was a yellow cab in the parking lot at UNA.
Dolores said what does the yellow cab bring to mind.
I said when I was a schoolgirl, there was the neighbor girl who was a cripple and she always took a yellow taxicab to school. I said I had forgotten all about the cripple neighbor girl. 
It is funny how something so simple as a yellow cab can bring back memories.
Dolores started a list of items as we each called out different items to add to the list.

We had to take two items from that list and make our own list of fifteen each. 
One woman made a list of the things she needed for a trip she was going to take.
Another woman made a list of the name of the animals that she owned. 
Another woman made a list of the places she had visited.
Another woman made a list of the things she overcame. 
The three hours went by so fast for I was having a great time. I did not realize that you could learn so much about others so quickly and have fun at the same time.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...