Showing posts with label trolley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trolley. Show all posts

Saturday, August 5, 2023

2023 July 21-23, Trip to Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg, TN (3 Days)

Day 1: Friday, July 21: 

Today, we left Helen, Georgia, early morning, about 6 A.M. We took the back roads, and by 6:51, we were in Clayton, North Carolina. 

By 8:12 A.M., we were in Cherokee, North Carolina.

 We stopped here to take pictures of the bear statues before heading across the mountain. Along with several others, we stopped to see a herd of elk grazing. 

Herd Elk 

Bears of Cherokee, NC 

We crossed the mountain several times to take pictures of the smokey clouds on it. Then, we stopped for breakfast at Cracker Barrel in Pigeon Forge. 

We went shopping at the Tanger Outlet Mall. We bought two bras and two panties at Victoria's Secret and one bra at Pink. We also stopped at several other stores, including Disney, Nike, and Under Armour. 

The Christmas Place 

We feed the Ducks, Geese, and Pigeons at the Old Mill along the Little Pigeon River. 

We rode to the Old Mill Farm House, where I bought my son several different herb packages, a bag of stone-ground yellow cornmeal, and olive oil.

Near the Old Mill, we saw several geese, ducks, and pigeons along the Little Pigeon River. 

We ate Taco Bell for lunch.

We checked into Apple Valley Inn a little after 4 P.M., unloaded the car, and filled the fridge with snacks. 

Spent the rest of the day watching TV and resting. 

Day 2:  Saturday, July 22: 

We ate breakfast at McDonald's, and I ordered muffins and sausage. 

We rode to Pigeon Forge's Visitor Center and bought all-day tickets to ride the trolley. 

We bought fuel at Murphy's and bought a few groceries at Walmart (bagels, cream cheese, drinks, fruit)

Took our food back to the hotel. 

We rode to Parrot Mountain when they opened at 10 A.M. 

Parrot Mountain 

Had my picture taken with five birds, two on my arms, two on my shoulders, and one on my head.

We visited the parrot nursery where we could actually pick up the birds. 

We also went into the feeding area with Nectar and several small nectaries down and drank every drop of the Nectar from my hand.

Around Nectar A.M., we rode to the Trolley from  Pigeon Forge to Gatlinburg. 

We took the trolley from the Visitor Center in Gatlinburg to downtown. 

We were the last two to board the fully loaded trolley, which was standing room only.

A nice young man gave me his seat, and Hubby had to ride, standing up.

Because of the traffic, it took over an hour to travel a short distance. When we were almost there, everyone except a couple got off. 

When we arrived at the center near the aquarium, everyone had to get off the trolley and wait for another trolley to take us downtown. 

The traffic was terrible, and we had already waited over 30 minutes for the next trolley.

Where we were going was several blocks away, so we decided to walk. 

 We took the scenic route along the Pigeon River, which was not crowded and had a cool breeze. 

Seafood Platter at Bubba Gumps 

We were headed to Bubba Gumps for a late lunch. 

We ordered a seafood platter of shrimp, fish, hush puppies, and fries. 

When we finished, we walked down the crowded sidewalks, and it began to rain, so we looked for shelter. 

It did not rain long, so we walked further down the sidewalks. 

We returned to the Trolley Stop and waited for the trolley to take us to the Gatlinburg Visitor Center. 

The crowd had thinned out, so the trolley was not crowded going back. 

At the cross, there was an accident involving four vehicles. Our turn was blocked by police vehicles.

We had to take a detour, which took us a couple of miles away. 

We took the next trolley to Pigeon Forge, which also had to take a detour. 

This ended up being an all-day event. 

It was late when we arrived back at our hotel. 

Day 3: Sunday, July 23, 

We ate bagels with cream cheese for breakfast. 

Packed our bags, loaded the car, and headed for home. 

We stopped at a couple of rest areas. 

We had snacks with us, so we did not stop to eat until we got home. 

Friday, May 5, 2023

2023 April 25-28, AMTRAK Trip to New Orleans, LA. from Tuscaloosa, Al (4 days)

Day 1:Travel  Tuesday, April 25, 

We dropped off our bags at the Amtrak station, parked the car in the public parking, and walked several blocks back to the Amtrak Station. 

At 2:00 P.M., we loaded onto the train and began our trip.

 We took the Amtrak in Tuscaloosa and traveled through several cities, stopping in Laurel, Hattiesburg, and Meridian, Mississippi, to pick up or drop off passengers.

I did not buy any food on the trip to New Orleans. I had brought a Sprite Zero and a couple of Granola bars. 

We arrived around 10:00 P.M. and took the local Taxi to The Marque Hotel 144 ELK PL., New Orleans. Room 1910. Reservation #380VR.

Our room had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, 2 balconies, and a window in my bedroom to see the City of New Orleans, located on the fourteen floors. 

It was late, so I took a shower and went to bed. 

Day 2: Wednesday, April 26, 

We walked down Canal Street, stopping at IHOP for breakfast. Our new waiter and I ordered a cold, plain Belgian waffle. 

We decided to buy a day pass to ride the Trollies. 

We saw the Mortuary Haunted Mansion and walked around in several Cemeteries. (St Patrick Cemetery)

We saw people loading onto the Ferry Boat and the Riverboat.

We shopped at Riverwalk Mall and ate lunch at Pei Wei Asian Restaurant. I ordered two egg rolls, shrimp, chicken, and noodles. 

I could not eat it all, so I took the rest.

We walked through the park at Riverfront, where we saw the Holocaust Memorial. 

We saw Woldenberg Riverfront Park, a dedicated memorial to Malcolm Wolodenberg, who prospered in New Orleans and left a Legacy of caring and confidence for the City. 

Alongside was his statue with a young boy.

On Canal Street, we saw many murals depicting the City. 

We saw the Shops and Canal Place with Mardi Gras statues in front.

Dr. John's statue in front of "The Shops and Canal Place." 

We took the Trolley up St. Charles Street, where we saw historic homes, stores, The Auduban, the Zoo, and the Loyola College.

We saw a lot of homeless people and trash everywhere, at the overpasses and sidewalks. 

We stopped at a chicken restaurant to use the restroom, and sitting outside was a homeless young man asking me to buy him some chicken. I said, "We'll see." I went inside to use the restroom. I remembered I had a plate full of leftover food with me, so I gave the homeless man the food when we went outside. It also had a fork inside. 

He was thankful for the food. I was glad that I had helped one of the homeless. I had heard a man on the trolley say the government had sent money to help the homeless, but the money was not used.

We rode two different trollies; most trolley workers were jolly and friendly.    

We headed back to the hotel. 

We had spent the day hopping off and hopping on the trolley, and we walked several miles.

Day 3: Thursday, April 27, 

We walked down Canal Street and bought a day pass to ride the trolley, which took us to the French Quarters.

We walked to Cafe Biegnite, where we both ordered Beignets. (A square of fried dough eaten hot and sprinkled with powdered Sugar). They come with 3 Beignets, and mine was drizzled with Chocolate.

Beignets with Chocolate 

While we were eating, a thunderstorm came up, and people flooded inside. They had a large roll-up door open, and they closed it when the rain started to blow inside. It was blowing hard, and several of the employees got wet.

After the rain subsided but still sprinkled, we left and walked toward the Riverfront Mall. 

We heard several Laughing Gulls and rode the ferry across the Mississippi.

We walked to the Riverwalk Mall and shopped. I bought a shirt and shorts at Gap. 

I returned a top I had bought the day before. It was too small, so I swapped it for a larger size. 

The cashier/manager said all their clothes were coming in more minor. 

We returned to Canal Street and took the trolley up St Charles Street.

We met a family from Vermont, a journalist from Denmark, and a couple of women looking for the Military Museum. We also met a couple looking for the French Quarters, and I told them they would have to take the red trolley # 49 to get there.

There were a lot of people taking the trolleys today. 

We got off the trolley and walked along St. Charles Street, looking at old homes.

Historic Home on St Charles St

We ate lunch at New Orleans Hamburger and Seafood LLC.

New Orleans Hamburger and Seafood Restaurant 

I ordered Shrimp Tacos with Onion Rings. My friend ordered a shrimp Poor-Boy with fries.

We also ate a complimentary Vanilla Ice Cream in a cone.

 We rode the trolley back to Canal Street and stopped at CVS for a few Sprite Zeros and a bag of candy.

There were no Diet Cokes or Sprite Zeros in the cooler, so I asked the manager if they had any.

We walked to the back of the store, and the manager loaded several Sprite Zero and Diet Coke into the cooler. 

I paid for my merchandise and walked back to the hotel.

We packed our bags for tomorrow, and we will be leaving.

Day 4: Friday, April 28,  Travel Home

I finished packing and ate my last Beignet. I called the taxi and said he would be there around 8 A.M.

We walked downstairs, my friend got a cup of hot coffee, and we waited for our taxi.

Selfie Station at The Marque Hotel 

We arrived at the train terminal and waited to load the train at 9:00 A.M.

It would be a complete train, so we were told if we were traveling with someone to sit with them.

When they announced the dining car was open, we walked down. 

I ordered a bagel and drank my Sprite Zero. My friend ate her leftover Poor-boy.

We arrive at the train depot around 5 P.M.

Walked inside the depot to use the restroom and put everything inside our luggage.

We began our walk to the parking deck.

It was a lot harder walking uphill, pulling our luggage. We finally arrived at the parking deck.

Loaded our luggage inside and began our trip home. 

We stopped at Jack for supper, and after we finished, I bumped my right hand, and it tore the skin. 

It would not stop bleeding, so one of the workers placed a couple of bandages on my hand.

We stopped again at CVS to use the restrooms and get more bandages.

We arrived at my friend's home, and my husband picked me up.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

2022 April 26-29, Trip to Knoxville, Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg, TN (4 days)

 Travel to Knoxville, stopping at Baxter's Botanical Gardens. The gardens are only open to the public during April as part of the Dogwood Arts Festival in Knoxville. 

Baxter's Azalea Garden

We visited the White Garden, the Maze, the Bluebird Garden, the Lotus Pond, the Dogwood Rambol, the Gazebo, the Azalea Garden, the Iris Garden, the Asian Garden, the Ellipse Garden, the Fuji Garden, the Balustiade Garden, the Hannah Garden, and the Birds of Baxter's Garden. 

We spent about 30 to 45 minutes here. 

We then traveled to Pigeon Forge and checked in at Margaritaville's The Island Inn.

We walked around the Island and stopped at Mellowmushroom for dinner. 

Mellow Mushroom at the Island Pigeon Forge, TN

We ordered a Hawaiian Pizza with a drink and spent $30.57.

Day 2 Wednesday, April 27

Ate scrambled eggs, 2 slices of bacon, fried potatoes, biscuits with strawberry jelly, and cranberry juice for breakfast at the hotel.

We rode to the Trolley Center at 186 Old Mill Ave beside Patriot Park, where we bought tickets for the day to take the trolley to Dollywood. The cost for all day was $3 each.

We bought senior tickets at Dollywood, which cost $166.10 for the day. 

All throughout the park, we saw flowers designed in character form. We saw Busy, Busy Bees, Ring-tailed Rascals(Raccoons), Family Times (bear family), Round as a Peacock, Turtle, Frogs, butterflies, a Coat of many colors, Colorful umbrellas, Duck Days, The Dolly Wood Tree, Fines Farm, Doctor I. B. Painless Dentist, and Topsy Turvy.

Wildwood Grove at Dollywood 

We rode the train and carousel. 

We bought cinnamon bread with coke at Dollywood Grist Mill and spent $15

We ate supper at Huck Finn with green beans, catfish, creamed potatoes, and shrimp.

We stopped at the Margaritaville Store, where we bought 2 tee shirts. 

Coat of Many Colors Flowers
Day 3, Thursday, April 28

Today, we ate breakfast at the hotel: Muffins, sausage, & potatoes.

We rode to Old Mill Park, where we saw pigeons, geese, and mallard ducks.

We rode to Parrot Mountain and paid $53.11 for tickets, where we saw and fed many exotic birds. 

Parrot Mountain

Some of the birds we saw were the red-billed Tucan, Swanson Tucan, Keel-Billed Tucan, Kookaburra, Scarlett McCaw, Catalina McCow, African Pied Crow, Von Der Dickens Hornbill, Green-wing McCaw, Sun Conure, Mustache Parakeet, Golden Conure, just to name a few. 

We ate lunch at Firehouse Sub, ordering a small Steak and Cheese meal and a Medium Italian Sub meal. $21.75

We rode back to the Trolley Center at 186 Old Mill Ave to buy tickets to ride the trolley to the Gatlinburg Trolley Center.

At the Gatlinburg Trolley Center, we rode the trolley to Gatlinburg. We had a very entertaining driver, which made the ride enjoyable. 

Ankeesta and Black Bear 

We bought tickets for Ankeesta, where we rode the skylift up the mountain for $58.08. We bought lemonade and walked around, then took the Treetop Skywalk, which had a beautiful view. 

We rode the skylift back down the mountain and walked around Gatlinburg, stopping at Bubba Gumps for supper. There, we ordered a Forest Seafood Feast, which we split. It included shrimp, fish, fries, and Cole slaw. 

Forrest Seafood Feast at Bubba Gumps

We returned the trolley to Gatlinburg Trolley Center and Pigeon Forge Trolley Center.

At the Old Mill, we bought Relish and a self-rising Corn Meal. $12.91

Day 4, Friday, April 29

We ate breakfast in the hotel: bacon, eggs, biscuits, jelly, fried potatoes, and cranberry juice.

We traveled home, stopping in Athens for Gas.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

2002-2019, Trolley, Strolls and Walking Tours

2002 Jun 3,  Henry Pigeon Key Trolley Express Marathon, Fl 
2002 Jun 4,  Old Town Trolley Tour Key West, Fl
2004 May 25, Backlot Tour Disney MGM 
2006 Jul 9,  Scenic Boat Tour Winter Park, Fl


2009 Jun 6,  Walking tour Wood Ave. Florence, AL Lee Freeman
2009 Jun 13, Walking Tour Seminary St Florence, AL with Billy Warren
The North Court Street and Seminary street Tour will feature Rogers Hall, Coby Hall, the Governor O'Neal Home, Connor Place, Wakefield, the Robert Dean Martin Home, the Medical Arts Building Pope's Tavern, two Sears & Roebuck houses, and many other homes.
2009 Jun 20, Walking Tour Florence Cemetery AL.with Harry Wallace
2009 Jun 27, Forks of Cypress Walking Tour Florence, AL Harry Wallace
The Forks of Cypress Plantation was one of the oldest Antebellum mansions in Alabama. It was built in 1822 by James Jackson, one of the first settlers in Lauderdale County and a friend of Andrew Jackson & Jackson Cemetery.

2009 Sep 7, Walking Tour with Outlaw Tom Clark Florence, AL with Lee Freeman
2009 Oct 18, Maple Hill Cemetery Stroll Huntsville, AL 
Volunteers have carefully researched, remembered, and told the lives of over 65 notables buried in Maple Hill. Five governors and soldiers from every war will be remembered, as well as outstanding citizens and those of some notoriety who shaped Huntsville's future.

2009 Oct 25, Ghost Walking Tour Florence, AL Deborah Glass
2009 Nov  7, Hiking in the Dismals Red Bay, Al 
2009 Dec 17, Calvary Fellowship Church Walking Tour Florence, Al
2009 Dec 17, Wood Avenue Church of Christ Walking Tour Florence, Al  
2009 Dec 17, First Presbyterian Church Walking Tour Florence, Al 
2009 Dec 17, First United Methodist Church Walking Tour Florence, Al
2009 Dec 17, Trinity Episcopal Church Walking Tour Florence, Al
2009 Dec 6,  Christmas Mooresville, AL Walking Tour w/Madison, Marcus 


2010 Mar 22, Walnut Street Walking Tour Florence, AL Billy Warren  The Walnut Street Historic District boasts tree-lined sidewalks, diverse architecture, and elegant homes.
2010 May 10, Maple Hill Cemetery Stroll Huntsville, AL

Favorite characters Tallulah Bankhead and Mollie Teal drew their typical large crowds as Bankhead, the legendary actress, visited her mother's grave and Teal, a madam whose establishment became the first Huntsville Hospital, discussed her life.

Volunteer Jan Dorning also drew a large crowd, including Elizabeth Dale Gibbons Flanagan Jeffries High Brown Routt, known as the "Black Widow of Hazel Green." Her second of six husbands is buried in the cemetery.

2010 Jun 5,  Walking Tour of Homes Huntsville, AL 
2010 Jun 12, Delano Walking Tour Decatur, AL 
2010 Aug 12, Historic Edenton, N.C. Trolley Tours

2010 Oct 10, Maple Cemetery Stroll HUNTSVILLE, AL


2012 Sep 13, Freedom Trail Guided Tour Boston, MA


2013 Apr 6,  Walking Tour Tuscumbia, AL 
2013 Apr 13, Walking Tour Homes and Earth Day Sheffield, AL Jimmy Austin 
2013 Apr 20, Walking Tour Walnut Street Florence, AL Billy Warren
2013 Oct 13, Maple Hill Cemetery stroll Huntsville, AL 
Highlights from the Maple Hill Cemetery Stroll presented by the Huntsville Pilgrimage Association and the City of Huntsville. This year's characters highlighted are Maria Howard Weeden, COL Daniel R. Hundley, Thomas Freeman, Sheriff Stephen Neal, Susan Bradley Johnson, and Mammy Chapman. Portrayers include J.W. Kennedy, Jon Stieglitz, Claire Aiello, Dr. Patricia Sims, Linda Wright Riley, and James Henley. The Stroll is the HPA's effort to restore the headstones, monuments, and memories of the historic Maple Hill Cemetery.
2013 Oct 19, Walking Tour Rogersville, AL 
2013 Nov 16, Walking Tour Civil War Florence, Al (Lee Freeman)
2013 Dec 18, Callaway Gardens Trolley Tour Pine Mountain, Ga


2014 Apr 5,  Walking Tour North Montgomery Sheffield, AL Homes of prominent people of Sheffield. Jimmy Austin 
2014 Jul 20, Walking Tour Lovecraft College Hill Providence, RI
2014 Nov 15, Footsteps of the Blue & Gray Walking Tour Florence, AL (Lee Freeman)


2015 Apr 11, Walking Tour Tuscumbia & Car Show AL
2015 Apr 18, Walking Tour Major Samuel Jones Tuscumbia & Civil War 
Trolley Tour Florence, AL
2015 Apr 25, Walking Tour Tuscumbia Oakwood Cemetery AL
2015 May 9,  Trolley Tour Fame, Music Hall of Fame, 3614 Swamper (Judy Hood)
2015 Jun 27, Tuscumbia Tour & Music Church of Helen Keller
2015 Nov 28, Trolley Tour Biloxi, MS


2016 Apr 9,  Historic Downtown Square Walking Tour Athens, AL
2016 Apr 16, Walking Tour UNA Campus Florence, AL Thomas Hale 
The Historic University of North Alabama campus tour will feature iconic buildings such as Wesleyan Hall, which pre-dates the Civil War, and the Memorial Amphitheater, a memorial to UNA students who served in the military during the war. A tour of UNA's campus would not be complete without stopping by to see the impressive habitat of the university's lion mascots. The tour will be led by Thomas Hale.
2016 Apr 23, Historic Home TROLLEY Tour South Pittsburg, TN (Cornbread festival)
2016 Apr 17, Historic Athens Cemetery Stroll ATHENS, AL The event is presented by the Athens-Limestone County Tourism, Order of the Confederate Rose, and Sons of the Confederate Veterans.
2016 Jun 25, Walking Tour Tuscumbia & Church
2016 July 23, Up From Slavery Trolley Tour with Lee Freeman
This educational and entertaining tour will include stops at historically African American churches, schools, and local businesses.


2017 Apr 1,  Historic Beaty District Walking Tour Athens, AL with Billy Ward 
2017 Apr 8,  Historic Houston District Walking Tour Athens, AL
2017 Apr 15, Church Walking Tour Decatur, AL  with Phil Wirey
2017 Apr 22, Larimore House Florence, Al Walking Tour with Billy Warren
2017 Apr 23, Athens City Cemetery Stroll Athens, AL The event is presented by the Athens-Limestone County Tourism, Order of the Confederate Rose, and Sons of the Confederate Veterans.
Many local, well-known faces will participate in the storytelling during the day's event, including Billy Ward, Dr. Robert Glenn, Karen Middleton, Rebekah Davis, Deborah Kohlase, Glenn Hall, Peggy Allen Towns, Frank Travis, and many more. Citizens throughout North Alabama have answered the call to bring Limestone County's history to life.
2017 Apr 29, Historic Bank Street Decatur, Al
2017 Dec 10, Bethlehem Walk Mable Hill Baptist Church Ardmore, Al
Children and adults will enjoy the live menagerie of animals, and all ages will appreciate the story from the actors who clad themselves in robes, headdresses, armor, and leather and pause to tell the tale to travelers. 


2018 Apr 7,  Wilson Park, Federal Courtroom, Kennedy-Douglas Walking Tour Florence, Al Billy Warren
2018 Apr 21, Decatur Veterans Dedication at Train Depot Decatur, Al
2018 Apr 28, Walking Tour Athens State University Library, Delmore Museum and Founders Hall Athens, Al
2018 Aug 7,  Trolley Tour Little Rock, Arkansas
2028 Nov 3, Fork of Cypress Tour with Harry Wallace
2018 Nov 4,  Athens City Cemetery Stroll Athens, AL


2019 Apr 6,  Sheffield, AL Walking Tour of Historic Homes Jimmy Austin The free tour begins at 10 A.M. at Sheffield City Hall, 600 N. Montgomery Ave. The 2-hour tour will focus on historic homes along Montgomery Ave. 

2019 Apr 27, Historic Downtown Walking Tour Sheffield, AL Jimmy AustinThe free tour begins at 10 A.M. at Sheffield City Hall, 600 N. Montgomery Ave. It will last two hours and focus on historic commercial buildings along Montgomery Ave. 

2019 May 23, Trolley Tour Faith of our Fathers Churches Tuscumbia, Al
2019 May 25, Music Trolley Tour Sheffield with Colbert Tourism "We Rock the World" Muscle Shoals Sound, Cypress Moon, & Earl Montgomery Museum (Colbert Tourism)
2019 Oct 19, Finding Huntsville, AL Walking Tour with Carol Cordori


2021 Apr 3,  Florence, AL Cemetery Walking Tour with Harry Wallace 
The tour of the Florence City Cemetery, established in 1818, features many unique headstones and famous grave sites among the rolling hills and towering trees. Florence City Cemetery contains graves from early settlers, two former governors in the O'Neal family, and other prominent community leaders and families.  

2021 Apr 10, Sheffield, AL  Downtown Walking Tour Jimmy Austin 
The April 10 and 24 tours will focus on businesses along Montgomery Avenue south of City Hall.

2021 Apr 17, Mooresville, Alabama Walking Tour with Shirley or Susan Mooresville is the oldest town in Alabama, with the oldest post office still in operation. Participants can tour the six streets of homes and see the famous 1818 Farm. The entire 1-square-mile town of Mooresville is on the National Historic Registry.

2021 Apr 24, Donnell House Athens, Alabama Tour Built-in 1845, it served as the headquarters for Union Colonel Ivan Turchin during the infamous Sack of Athens in 1862, guide Alice Tiller 

2021 May 31, Wildflower Hike Joe Wheeler with Sam Woodford JWSP
2021 Sep 16, Paw Paw Patch Hike Joe Wheeler JWSP Sam Woodford
2021 Oct 15, Mushroom Hike Joe Wheeler JWSP Sam Woodford


2022 Jan 15, First Day Hike Joe Wheeler Multi-Use Trail JWSP Sam Woodford
2022 Feb 19, Multi-Purpose Hike Joe Wheeler JWSP Sam Woodford

2022 Apr 9,  Moulton, Alabama Walking Tour (Marvin Jackson,  Nita Marlboro led the discussion at Rosenwald School, Lela Reeves at Freeman Tabernacle, Louise Jackson at Byler Road Church of Christ, and Carolyn Fletcher guided the tour to Smith Chapel)

2022 Apr 16, Decatur, AL Cemetery Walking Tour with Phil Wirey
Oakwood Cemetery, locally known as the Decatur City Cemetery, has been the final repository of Decatur's culture and history since 1855. The approximately fifty-acre burial ground, founded by the Calvin Brown family and laid to rest five generations of Decatur residents, is the final home of many of Decatur's most prominent and engaging citizens. There are more than two dozen notable burials in the cemetery. The tour begins at the chapel in the cemetery, located at 1001 Wilson St. NW.

2022 Apr 23, Madison, AL Historic District Walking Tour with Gerald Clark 
2022 Apr 30, UNA Walking Tour with Billy Warren FLORENCE, AL 
UNA Campus: The tour will begin in front of the Harrison Plaza Fountain and be led by Billy Warren, City Historian, at 10:00 A.M.The
The Historic University of North Alabama campus tour will feature iconic buildings such as Wesleyan Hall, which pre-dates the Civil War, and the Memorial Amphitheater, a memorial to UNA students who served in the military during the war. 

2022 Apr 30, Town Creek, Alabama Walking Tour 
2022 May 21, Champion Hiking Trail Joe Wheeler JWSP Sam Woodford
2022 June 11, Walnut Street Architecture Walking Tour with BILLY WARREN FLORENCE, AL
2022 Sep 24, Paw Paw Patch Hike JWSP Sam Woodford
2022 Oct 24, Hiking JWSP Sam Woodford
2022 Oct 30, UNA Class of History Tours of Maple, Cypress Hills, and Woodland Homes WITH HARRY WALLACE FLORENCE, AL 


2023 Apr 15, Cullman, AL Walking Tour (Our tour guide was Ben Johnson South(a descendant of Creek Indians). 

2023 Apr 29, Decatur, AL Garden Tour, and Historic Homes Tour led by Historic Decatur Association (The tour begins at Westminster Presbyterian Church, located at 801 Jackson St, SE. )

2023 Oct 22, Historic Trolley Tours Sheffield, Al Jimmy Austin


2023 Apr 20, Courtland Walking Tour Courtland, AL
2024 October 13, Walking tour Charlottetown, PEI Canada 

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...