Showing posts with label farmers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label farmers. Show all posts

Sunday, January 1, 2023

2022 April 30, Walking Tour Town Creek, AL

The Walking tour took place in Town Creek, and everyone was to meet at the Farmers Market on Main  Street.

I was early, so I looked around and talked to the vendors. I bought two tomato plants.

At 1:00 P.M., the van arrived, driven by Pastor Steve Agee, provided by Victory Baptist Church.

The former mayor of Town Creek (Linda Peebles) rode with us.

Everyone loaded into the van, and we headed to the public library. 

We were met by the librarian. She gave us some material, which included:

Welcome to Town Creek, which included stories about Saunders Hall Good Mansion 

The Town Creek Hotel, Town Creek City Hall, Veterans Memorial & 

The new Story Walk is a learning trail behind the library. It is designed to introduce visitors of all ages to the area's environment.

The librarian told us about the Story Walk Trail and gave us all the pamphlets. 

Our next stop was the Town Creek Depot, where dignitaries made speeches. They were Mayor Mike Park, Proncey Roberson(State Representative), Loretta Gillespie, and Robert Sheffield (Former Hazelwood coach). 

The Town Creek Train Depot was built in the early 1800s, and the first engine run took place on February 1, 1835.

Former NFL football players from Town Creek were also attending.  

Chris & Kerry Goode (brothers) and DJ Jones.

After a meet-and-greet session, we headed to our next stop, Posey Farms.

We were greeted by the Posey Family with refreshments.

Mr. Posey said it all began in 1953 when we leased 7 acres of land and planted our first cotton crop. 

Posey's first home is now surrounded by farmland. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015


A summary of the week's news in Tuscola County.
A Democrat Farmer in McKay’s District.
Come all my friends and neighbors
I won't detain you long,
It’s of the Republican platform
I will sing you a little song.
They tell us of protection,
And give us Whiskey free,
And tax us high on coffee, sugar, and tea;
And other items the poor man must buy,
Put the luxuries of the rich they pass by,
They say they gave us homesteads,
Where the “musketeers “sing.
But the riches of the prairie was for the railroad kings.
They import pauper labor to cheat us of our right,
And over-tax us millions to get a higher title.
They are the authors of protections, monopolies, and trusts,
If you can’t pay your mortgages then you’ll surely bust.
They are trying to fluff Cleveland.
But they cannot make him bend,
For he has proven himself a poor man’s friend.
They are the fathers of monopoly
And the mothers of trusts,
If they get back in power,
The farmers they will bust.
Hurrah, for Harrison
A little fun won't hurt,
And it will make Mckay rejoice.
But at the next election, you bet,
We’ll vote for Grover and or bust.
Written by:
W. G. R, East Dayton


Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...