Showing posts with label rabbit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rabbit. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

2019 Jun 4, 💐 🌷Trip to Atlanta Botanical Gardens and the Imaginary World of Alice's Wonderland

Today started out in the upper 60s and cloudy it was a great day for traveling. We were up before the sun and on our way by 5:30AM for a 4 1/2 drive to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. 

We took the scenic route through Huntsville, Scottsboro, and several small towns to Atlanta Ga taking I-75 into downtown. 

 Veteran's Memorial Park Chattooga County Georgia "Dick Dowdy's Park" Summerville, GA
is where we stopped to take pictures of the War Memorials of Chattooga County, Couey's Log Cabin, Summerville's Train Depot, and the turntable.

Veteran's Memorial Park Chattooga County, Georgia 
Couey's Log Cabin
Train Turntable
Summersville's Train Depot 
We spent several hours strolling through the botanical gardens, looking at all the breathtaking plants and Alice in Wonderland Characters.

We ate breakfast at McDonald's in Scottsboro and dinner at Red Lobster in Oxford, Alabama. 
Admiral's Feast 
We also took the scenic route home. From Cullman, we took I-65 to Athens, then 72.
We did stop at Wendy's for a chocolate frost.
Hubby did not want a frosty, so we stopped at Dairy Queen for a creamsicle. 
We were home by 8:30PM.
We were halfway to Atlanta when I realized I had forgotten to bring my cell phone and my sunglasses at Red Lobster. 
(Valley Head, Alabama, where we stopped to take a picture of Valley Head Drug Mural, is where I realized I had left my cell phone at home)
I had to use hubby's cell phone to take pictures and airdrop them when I got home. I did go back to get my glasses before we left the restaurant. 

I had a great day.

Imaginary World of Alice's Wonderland 
We were greeted at the Admissions desk, paid our fee, were given a garden map, walked through the double doors, and began our whimsical journey looking for treasures.
We were looking for eleven characters from the Imaginary World of Alice's Wonderland.

Our first encounter was with PEGASUS, the flying winged horse, a child of Olympians & Poseidon.
Pegasus was covered in brown plants, and his wings, tail, and mane were covered in green plants. He appeared to be in a slow Trott.
At the Kendeda Canopy Walk, hidden by a canopy of trees and shrubs, was the Mammoth.
The Mammoth was covered in Greenery, except for his white tusk, which helped keep him hidden from view.
Earth Goddess was nestled in the Cascade Gardens next to the cascading waterfall.

The Earth Goddess's face and hand were comprised of green plants.
Her hair, covered in multi-color plants, flowed down her head onto the ground.
Her eyes were closed, and water flowed through her fingers as the serenity of it all touched her soul. 
Earth Goddess 
The Giant Phoenix was perched along the wall of the Astor Overlook. His body was covered in brown plants. The tip of his feathers was covered in green plants, and his wings spread wide.
Eyes of an eagle, hungry enough to eat a man.

Giant Phoenix 
Sea Maid (Mermaid)
Sitting in the fountain near the Rose Garden, we saw a beautiful mermaid.
The sea-maid was covered in green plants, and her brown(plant) hair flowed down to her waist, her tail folded beneath her.

A trio of camels lined the Anne Cox Chamber Flower Walk.
They were composed of brown bushy plants with a little greenery on their faces. The mats/blankets upon their backs were covered in multi-colors of green plants.
On one of the camels sat a rider his upper body was covered in greenery, his pants a reddish-brown, and his boots matched the matt. 
The baskets the camels were carrying were covered in red, green, and brown plants.
The camels were covered with green mats carrying baskets of red, purple, green, and brown.
Stepping carefully along the flower walk.

We saw the larger-than-life, fire-eating dragon standing guard over the plants in the Rock Garden, ready to breathe fire on offenders. 
The dragon was covered in a mixture of greens, &  browns with brown spikes down his back. His upper wings were brown, the underside green. A fierce creature to behold. 
the White Rabbit
The not-so-white rabbit's body was covered in green plants, his ears and nose in pink plants, and his boat was covered in reddish-brown plants. Atop the cane in his hand was his tall green hat.
Floating in the pond among the greenery sat the not-so-white rabbit. It was the rabbit that Alice had followed down the rabbit hole.

The Queen of Hearts Chess Game
Within sight of the not-so-white rabbit stood the Three of Hearts, the Ace of Hearts, the chess players on a green and white chessboard lined with heart-shaped green and brown trees waiting to capture Alice, but Alice was asleep in the nearby garden. 

The Shaggy Dog is sitting at the Garden House, waiting for someone to stroke his long green fur.
Cheshire Cat and Sleeping by Alice 
The Cheshire cat was sitting in the tree watching Alice sleep.
Alice's dress was covered in blue flowers, her hair in yellow flowers that surrounded her face as she lay sleeping in a bed of flowers, grass, and red, yellow, and white mushrooms.
Her face, socks, and belt were covered in green plants.
The Cheshire cat was covered in multi-greens with pink inner ears, big blue/green eyes, and a wide, mischievous grin that showed his white teeth.

At the Botanical Gardens 
We saw Picture plants Although pretty on the outside, the interior of a pitcher plant is quite sinister for visiting bugs. Once lured into a cup (a pitcher) by sweet-smelling nectars and flashy colors, the insect is greeted with downward-pointing hairs. Insects are captured by slipping and falling off the hairs and into a liquid at the bottom of the pitcher. They die by drowning in this liquid. Acids and enzymes then break down the insect into a soup, which is used by the plant for nutrition.
Picture Plant 
We saw Water lilies, Roses, Catci, tropical plants, and eatable plants. Plants inside hothouses, in a dry climate, in humid climates.
We saw turtles, male California quails, and blue, green, and yellow poison dart frogs. 
We saw trees of different species and sizes, fountains, and several eating places closed except for one.
Chihuly Glass Art
Water Lilies 

A couple of pieces of Chihuly Glass Art, one hanging in the great hall(greenish-yellow tubular glass shapes) and another atop a fountain (blue swirling glass) in the Rose Garden.

The garden's directions were easy to follow, and the foliage & flowers were breathtaking. It was a trip worth taking. 
I took hundreds of pictures and still could not capture all of its beauty.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Traveling for Meadow!

Children's Hospital Philadelphia Stroke Clinic  
Children's Hospital Philadelphia
Spend a couple days at RMH in Philly and visit the Stroke Clinic.
Meadow EEG in Birmingham, Alabama 
Shriners Hospital Lexington, Ky. We visited Shriners 
Meadow in Children's Hospital St Louis, Mo
I rode to St Louis, MO, with my daughter.
Meadow at RMH before her Moya, Moya Surgery In Palo Alto, CA
I spent twenty-five days in Palo Alto. Dr. Stineburg performed two Moya Moya surgeries on my granddaughter. 
Meadow at Children's Hospital Birmingham
We traveled to Birmingham to see a doctor or a hospital visit.
Meadow at Ability Plus Melbourne, FL 
Getting tucked into bed at Give the Kids the World Kissimmee, Florida
I spent one week with my daughter and her children at GKW.
We went to SeaWorld, Disney, and Universal Studios.
Meadow at Dr. Bradstreets in Melbourne, Fl
I stayed with my daughter and granddaughter at RMH in Orlando for six weeks, and we rode daily to Melbourne, Florida, for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Physical therapy.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

2014 May 14-May 17 Storytellers visit the Shoals and UNA Front Porch Storytelling Festival

UNA Front Porch Storytelling Festival 
Thursday, May 15, 2014 
Storytellers visit Shoals 

2014, May 14, 8:30-11:30 AM
Free Storytelling Workshop UNA front porch storytelling festival with Dolores Hydock
UNA George Lindsey Theater

2014, May 14,12:30-3:30 PM Florence Library Bill Huddleston
Using Storytelling for Adults Storytelling anywhere for anyone

2014 May 15,11:30-12:30PM Florence Library Dolores Hydock 
Footprints on the sky Memories of Chandler Mountain 

2014 May 15,1:30-2:30PM Keller Library Dolores Hydock 
Norman Rockwell every picture tells a story 

Friday, May 16, 2014
9:00-9:50AM Walt Aldridge talked about his writing 
10:00-10:50AM BIL LEPP talked about I love my dentist
11:00-11:50AM Dolores Hydock-told story about Sallie Independence Foster
12noon 2:00PM Lunch
2:00-2:50PM Donal Davis-
3:00-3:50PM Diane Ferlatte-told story about Burr Rabbit
4:00-4:50PM Barbara McBride-Smith
7:00-9:00PM Olio, Aldridge, Davis, Ferlatte, Hydock, Lepp, and McBride-Smith (I did not attend the evening performances)

Saturday, May 17, 2014
9:00-9:50AM Barbara McBride-Smith 
10:00-10:50AM Donald Davis-cripple Joe
11:00-11:50AM Diane Ferlatte-Talked about her mother
12noon-2:00PM lunch
2:00-2:50PM Dolores Hydock-Talked about her mom & her cat and women of the west
3:00-3:50PM Bil Lepp-Talked mountain lions
4:00-4:50PM Walt Aldridge-Talked his music
5-7 dinner

7-9 Olio, Aldridge, Davis, Ferlatte, Hydock, Lepp and McBride-Smith

This was my first time attending the festival.
I loved every minute and every story told.
I attended the workshop at UNA, the workshop at Florence Library, and the storytelling at Florence and Keller Libraries.  
I wish I could perform and tell stories like the storytellers. 

I spent the whole day at Performance Center in the Guillot building at UNA listening to GREAT Storytellers.
I don't think that Barbara McBride-Smith came to the festival because I wrote everything down. I think someone in her family was sick and she could not attend. The schedule above was changed. 

The first storyteller was Walt Aldridge he sang & played his guitar for several songs that he wrote, "I loved her first,” "No getting over me,” and "Modern day Bonnie and Clyde." He talked about songwriting and getting his songs produced. I think he works at UNA in the Department of Entertainment Industry. He brought along with him his mother and fiancée.

Bil Lepp told the story "I like my dentist"! Bil’s first trip to the dentist was to get a tooth pulled but the funny part was when he went back to the dentist to get his teeth cleaned. The hygienist left the room and told Bil not to get out of his seat. She should have told him not to touch anything. I thought I would laugh my socks off as he told the story. Bil is an older version of Dennis the Menace.

Bill told a story about when he was just a small boy and how his dad was going to shoot Santa Clause’s reindeer, Rudolph. One day he asks his dad how he got the bald spot on the top of his head and he replied, Rudolph, shot over it leaving me with this bald spot. Dad is going to kill Rudolph! I thought this is going to be the worst Christmas ever! So many things happened that year and just before Christmas morning I decided to unwrap, my presents under that were the tree. I re-wrapped my presents, put them back under the Christmas tree, and went to bed. The next morning Rudolph was not dead and I rushed to open my presents but to my surprise!!!! My presents were different instead of a football I got a rag wrapped up in a football. I hurried to open another present only to find a can of soup. Mom knew I had opened my presents and rewrapped them, she was teaching me a lesson!!!!!!

Dolores Hydock brings to life the story of a 12 years girl named Sallie Independence Foster who has three brothers that fought in the Civil War. 
Sallie's life after she marries, the birth of her children, the death of her mother, the death of her oldest daughter, the death of her husband, and then her own death. 
These stories are from Sallie's journals, and letters written home from her brothers during the Civil War.
Bobby Horton softly played and beautifully sang supporting songs.

Diane Ferlatte a storyteller along with Eric Swinderman performed by singing and telling many stories. She told a story about a tiger who had all the food and would not share it with the other animals and how he was outsmarted by Brer Rabbit. She told a true story about Fannie Lou Hamer and her famous quote: “All my life I've been sick and tired. Now I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired."

Donald Davis's storyteller told the story about his mother, a schoolteacher, who did not want to learn to drive. Another story is about riding the octopus at the fair and how the two kittens unfortunate and pitiful came to be part of their family. Very funny and I could not stop laughing
Donald told another story about his family as a one-car family and how his mother learned how to drive. My dad was a banker and my mother was a teacher one day my dad said to my mother you need to learn to drive so I won't have to take you to work and the kids to school. Finally, she learned to drive but when my dad said we need two cars that were where she drawled the line. Therefore, for years we were a one-car family, dad tried and tried to talk mom into getting another car. 
Finally, one day it worked! We drove by this car lot and dad told mom, I need just half a car, just one that will get me to work and back. Mom said, for dad and me to get out of the car, we did, and then she slid over to the driver's seat and drove off. 

The salesperson came outside and said can I help you and my dad said I just need a car to get me back and forth to work. Therefore, he took us around to the backside of the car lot where the cars were parked on the gravel. He said just today you can have any car back here for just $100, so my dad thought, I am going to get the biggest one back here. My dad said how much for this one and the salesperson said today you could have it for $75.00. The salesperson said every time you fill up with gas, you fill up with oil, so my dad paid the salesman. We started home and that new car sputtered and sputtered I said, dad, what is wrong with the car dad kindly replied the car has a mind of its own. Our new car changed its mind over forty times on the way home. I said, dad, what is that smell inside the car and dad kindly replied a new car smell but to me, it smelled like mothballs and urine.  
Well, we drove that car for about three years. I reached the age of sixteen and shared driving the old car with my dad. One day I borrowed the car to pick up my friends because we were going to the bowling alley and they replied can this car go faster, we could get there faster if we walked. Therefore, I gunned it! It went twenty-five to fifty-five when we heard this awful sound, it just stopped, and we just laughed not thinking we would have to walk back home. I called my dad and told him, he got our neighbor to bring a rope and pull the old car home. Dad had told our neighbor who was the principal of the school where mom worked not to tell her anything about the car.
Mom was not home so my dad parked the car in its regular spot and hung the keys where he always hung them. At supper that night, I waited for dad to tell mom about the car but he never did. He just said maw tomorrow I will need your car to go across town and you can drive the old one. That was the end of that!
The next day mom, my brother, and I loaded into the old car and mom tried to crank it. It made an awful sound and I said mom you flooded it! Therefore, she tried again and it still would not crank. Mom said to go next door and get our neighbor, so I did. He came overlooked at the car and said to mom I think you have broken it. He took us to school that morning and brought us home that evening. Mom set into making the best supper ever for dad. We sat down to supper that night and not a word was said about the old car except mom said, I have talked to your uncle about getting a new carboy was my daddy happy but he did not let on to mom. Therefore, the next day we drove over to my uncle’s car lot and bought a new car and that is how we became a two-car family.

Day 3: Saturday, May 17, 2014
The first storyteller was Dolores Hydock – she told a story about her niece getting prepared for college, taking her shopping in the malls of Birmingham, and just spending quite a time with her on the sofa talking. She told the story about her very independent mom who came to live with her. 
The white independent cat knocked on her door could this be her dead mother.  
Could this independent white cat be her mother reincarnated? 
Dolores can bring to life even the dullest stories. She is funny, inspiring, smart, creative, and a great storyteller.

Bil Lepp told the story about hiking in a state park in California and his encounter with a mountain lion. How he baptized the mountain lion nine times because cats have nine lives. Bill has a great imitation and is a great storyteller. On both days he brought with him his wife, his two children, his mother, and his father-in-law to support him. Bil reminded me of Jeff Foxworthy. 

Donald Davis told the story of how his father became known as cripple Joe. Donald said if my dad had not been a cripple, his life would have been so different. He said my dad always said to make the most of what life deals you
Donald is funny, smart, and very down-to-earth. I could listen to him all day.

Diane Ferlatte with Eric Swinderman sang and told stories about her mother growing up in Louisiana, marrying, and moving to California, traveling on an airplane, living with her, and her grandchildren, and her death. She sang several spiritual songs. Diane puts her soul into songs and storytelling.

Walt Aldridge told stories about songwriting. His first song was “Holding her & Loving you,” recorded by Earl Thomas Conley. Walt sang a song about a spiritual prayer of a child and somehow that prayer filtered through into heaven to be answered by GOD! Walt is funny, smart, wise, a great storyteller, and a very down-to-earth person.

Dolores brought to life the true stories of strong women who settled in the West. Thank God, I did not live in the good old days of the Wild, Wild West where they traveled up to five months to reach California. She told how hard it was for a woman to make a living during the 1800s and how women even then could be bold, and willing to take a risk to be different. 

Day 1: I spent the day at UNA in a workshop with Dolores Hydock and several other women who were given new names.

Day 2: I spent the day at the Florence Library listing to Dolores telling her story about Chandler Mountain and then I traveled to Keller Library in Tuscumbia to listen to Dolores tell the story of Norman Rockwell. Drove home only to come back to Tuscumbia to see the Wild West Rodeo Stampede Parade and hear the Pine Hill Hiank’s sing.

Day 3: I spent the day entire at the UNA Storytelling Festival sitting beside my friend Wanda listing to Walt Aldridge, Bil Lepp, Donald Davis, Diane Ferlatte with Eric Swinderman, Dolores Hydock, and Bobby Horton

Day 4: I spent the day entire at the UNA Storytelling Festival sitting beside my friend Wanda listing to Walt Aldridge, Bil Lepp, Donald Davis, Diane Ferlatte with Eric Swinderman, Dolores Hydock, and Bobby Horton

I had the best time ever and next year 2015 Friday, May 15, & Saturday, May 16 I hope to repeat it again.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...