Showing posts with label stroke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stroke. Show all posts

Monday, January 30, 2017

Traveling for Meadow!

Children's Hospital Philadelphia Stroke Clinic  
Children's Hospital Philadelphia
Spend a couple days at RMH in Philly and visit the Stroke Clinic.
Meadow EEG in Birmingham, Alabama 
Shriners Hospital Lexington, Ky. We visited Shriners 
Meadow in Children's Hospital St Louis, Mo
I rode to St Louis, MO, with my daughter.
Meadow at RMH before her Moya, Moya Surgery In Palo Alto, CA
I spent twenty-five days in Palo Alto. Dr. Stineburg performed two Moya Moya surgeries on my granddaughter. 
Meadow at Children's Hospital Birmingham
We traveled to Birmingham to see a doctor or a hospital visit.
Meadow at Ability Plus Melbourne, FL 
Getting tucked into bed at Give the Kids the World Kissimmee, Florida
I spent one week with my daughter and her children at GKW.
We went to SeaWorld, Disney, and Universal Studios.
Meadow at Dr. Bradstreets in Melbourne, Fl
I stayed with my daughter and granddaughter at RMH in Orlando for six weeks, and we rode daily to Melbourne, Florida, for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Physical therapy.

Monday, February 29, 2016

👣👣👣👣 2009 June 6 - August 9 Historic Markers and Walking Tours

2009 Saturday, June 6 Walking tours of Wood Avenue & Frontier Days at Popes Tavern

2009 Saturday, June 13 Walking Tour of North Court and Seminary St homes

2009 Saturday, June 20 Walking of Florence Cemetery

2009 Saturday, June 27 Walking tour of Forks of Cypress.

June 17, 2009
Hubby and I went to music in the park from 11:00AM to 1:00PM. we ate lunch at Subway.
In Tuscumbia, I took pictures of different markers
Alabama Institute for the Blind 
Yellow Fever Victims 
Ivy Green (Home of Helen Keller)
St John's Episcopal Church  
Train Depot  
Tuscumbia Courthouse & KIA War markers  
Governor Lindsey Home
In Sheffield, I took pictures of the historic markers of  
FDR & Furnace Hill
At Rogers High School I took a picture of the 
KIA World War II

June 23, 2009
Hubby worked on his sister’s swimming pool and we ate at a restaurant in Cloverdale. 
Hubby drove and stopped to take pictures of Historic Markers
General Coffee me 
Governor Hugh McVay  
St Florian  
June 25, 2009 
In the Florence area, I took pictures of Historic Makers
Wood Avenue Church of Christ 1886 
Wood Avenue Historic District 
Sculpture and Relief Books and Learning 1921, 
First Baptist Church 1888, all these markers are near the Florence Library. 
Picture of the statue of W.C. Handy that stands at the entrance of Wilson Park. 
(Near the Florence Post Office the following markers)
First Presbyterian Church 1818 
Justice John McKinley Federal Building   
Mountain Tom Clark Hanged September 4,1872
This marker is located in front of the Florence Cemetery where Tom Clark said nobody will ever run over me. So it is said he was buried under Florence Boulevard/Tennessee Street. 

June 28, 2009 
In the Florence area, I took pictures of 
A County Older Than the State Lauderdale County created Feb 6,l 1818, The Civil War Statue and Inscription (located in front of the Florence Courthouse)
Downtown Florence Historic District 
South Hall Drugs
Sannoner Historic Medical Arts Building
City of Florence
Burrell Normal School Burrell High School Burrell~Slater High School 1903-1969, Saint Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church, 
Dred Scott 
Historic downtown Florence 

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Hubby's granddaughter and I ate breakfast at Hardies spending $16.16 and on to Huntsville stopping along the way for me to make pictures of historic markers.
Next to the Bluewater Creek Polo Club and near Bluewater Cemetery were located two markers.
Daniel White Settle Here in 1818 
Cherokee Chief Doublehead’s Village Around 1800
Fort Hampton 
We rode to Redstone Arsenal where we saw the Historic Redstone Test Site, Liquid Hydrogen Tanks, Historic Saturn I, Saturn I-B Test Stand, Miniature Columbia NASA Shuttle, and Rockets.
Hubby bought a new cell phone at AT&T. 
We finished the day by going shopping at Victoria Secret Bridge Street.
We ate dinner at Red Robbin, Hubby ordered a fully dressed hamburger and fries. I ordered 
Salsa, avocado dip with colorful chips.
After a long day of sightseeing, shopping, and eating we needed to relax in our swimming pool at home.

Thursday, July 2, 2009 
I rode around downtown Florence taking pictures of historic markers
Cherry Street
First Baptist Church 1888
First United Methodist Church
Taking pictures outside the Kennedy Douglas Art Center
Killen Park Sign
Muscle Shoals Canal
Regions Bank (Replica of the Forks of Cypress who was built by James Jackson)
Sculpture Relief Books and Learning
Trinity Episcopal Church 
Walnut Street 
And the flow of Wilson Park Foundation

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Hubby and I enjoyed listening to music in Wilson Park from 11-1PM
I took a picnic lunch.
After the music ended we rode around Florence so I could take a couple of pictures of 
Andrew Jackson Military Road
115th Single Battalion Organized in 1940

Tuesday, July 13, 2009
I rode with my daughter to Heritage Park located next to the Marriott Hotel for an Ice Cream Social where the Stroke Conference was being held.
We had met several people from the Conference the day before inside the Marriott.
I walked down the River Heritage Walk of Honor to take pictures. This marker had been placed on a plaque honoring people of notable importance that had an impact on our community.
Lt. Col. R. Edward Yeilding
Thomas Sigismund Stribling
James Thomas Rapier
Samuel Cornelius Phillips
Edward Ashbury O’Neal
Dr. Ethelbert Brinkley Norton
Justice John A. McKinley
William D. “Buddy” Killen
Harlan Hill
Caroline Lee Hentz 
William Christopher Handy
Major General George W. Goethals 
Ronnie Gene Flippo
General John Coffee
Ezra Lee Culver
General Arthur E. Brown, Jr
The day was hot and there were many people with swimsuits and playing in the fountain trying to keep cool. While others lay on towels or blankets sunning. 
The water show began after dark, where the water danced InSync with the music. 

Monday, July 24, 2009 
Hubby and I rode throughout Florence to get the following markers.
  1. Father of Rock ‘n’ Roll, & Sam Phillips in Florence, 
  2. The Florence Early Water Tower
  3. The Ante Bellum Cotton Marker
  4. College Palace Historic District 
  5. Original Site historic of Florence Wagons    
  6. East Florence Historic 
  7. Site of Fame Recording Studio  
  8. St Joseph Catholic Church
  9. Lone Cedar Church  
  10. John McKinney Marker 

Friday, July 25, 2009
Hubby and I rode around the Florence area taking pictures of historic markers
Colonel Picket Place 
Florence Bethel Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America 
Florence Little League Baseball 1951 Coach Presley Robbins Field 1972
Homer Givens 1898-1971 
Major General George Washington Goethals Home  
The Greater Mount Moriah Primitive Baptist Church  
UNA Football Program NCAA Div II titles 1993-1994-1995 
Wheeler Rifles Organized in 1888 
Wood Ave Historic  

Monday, July 27, 2009 
Hubby and I rode around in Colbert & Lauderdale Counties taking pictures of sites and historic markers.
I took pictures of the W.C. Handy Home Museum outside. 
I took pictures of the abandoned train tressel, now used as a walkway. 
The American Legion 1919
The American Legion Florence ~Lauderdale Post Number II Department of Alabama 1919 (both located next to the American Red Cross building in Florence)
Saint Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church
Seminary ~O’Neal Historic District 
William Winston Home (Now a part of Deshler High School)
First Baptist Church 
First Presbyterian Church
Tuscumbia’s Oakwood Cemetery
Village One (Sheffield)
Winston Cemetery(When I was a child my cousin would hurriedly run past this cemetery we were afraid of ghosts. Our grandfather told many stories about ghosts. 

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Hubby and I rode to different areas in the Shoals taking pictures. 
Weeden Heights 
Lagrange Mountain Park and war markers
Coon Dog Cemetery, Cherokee (where only coon dogs are buried)
Barton Cemetery (Where there is evidence of a battle)
The Civil War Skirmish at Barton Cemetery
Jerry Scott Marker at Railroad Station in Muscle Shoals  
We ate lunch at Chopps in Tuscumbia. 

Saturday, August 1, 2009 
Hubby and I rode to Waterloo I was taking pictures along the way.
The Trail of Tears 
Capture of John A Murrell 
Pestilence and Pesthouse and Cemetery  
Waterloo Settled 1819  
Edith Newman Culver Museum
Wilson's Headquarters and Camp   
Macedonia Church of Christ Marker

That evening we went to Heritage Park splash pad to watch the water explode into colors of yellow, red, and blue. 

Monday, August 3, 2009
Hubby and I rode to Limestone County, so I could take pictures of historic markers   
Harris/Pryor House (Flower Hill Farm)  
General Nathanael Bedford Forrest CSA Raid  
Oakland United Methodist Church 
Hitt's Home Decor Cabinets Granite Mansion Burned    

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Hubby and I rode to Athens so I could take pictures of historic markers
Athens Sacked and Plundered  
Athens University Athens
Limestone Athens Courthouse 
Old Town Cemetery Historic  

Saturday, August 8, 2009 
Hubby and I rode to Decatur where we toured the Cook's Natural Science Museum.
In the Cooks Museum, we saw every kind of bug and spider known to man.
We saw many species of birds, fossils, shells, animal skeletons, and a collection of butterflies.

In the Blue & Gray Civil War Museum, we saw cases full of items used during the Civil War and pictures hanging on the wall depicting officers, and battles.
We stopped along the way so I could take pictures of sites and historic markers.
Decatur Train depot 
Princess Theater 
Morgan Courthouse Markers 
Old State Bank
Historic Decatur
General Joseph, Annie Wheeler     
General Wheeler 
In Lawrence County we went to Jessie Owens Park we saw a statue of Jesse Owens Olympic Champion of 1956 and we toured the museum, his boyhood home, and a sand pit depicting his winning jump.
James Cleveland “Jesse” Owens

At Oakville Indian Mounds I took pictures of several mounds, a park, a Museum and several markers. 
Straights Raid
Creek Indian Removal
Cherokee Indian Removal
Oakville Indian Mound
Cherokee Council House Museum
Town of Oakville
Cope-an Burial Mound
Historic Indians
Saunders Hall (Located In Town Creek) 

Sunday, August 9, 2009 
We rode to Fort Payne Alabama where we toured the Alabama Fan Club and Museum. We walked in the park looking at the statues of the famous Alabama band and historic markers. We ate lunch at Cracker Barrel.
Statues of Group Alabama Band
The Alabama Fan Club and Museum 
Trail of Tears at Bridge Port
Willis Town Historic Marker
Fort Payne's Fort
RR Depot Fort Payne 
Fort Payne City Park
CSA Marker Fort Payne Park 
We rode to Ruby Falls to take the elevator down into the cave we were told about the formations of the rocks and the grand fanatic was the colorful Ruby Falls which was a small hole where water was coming out.
Ruby Falls
Crow Town Stevenson  
Sequoyah Historic Marker 
Decatur County 1821-1825 

Battle of Wauhatchie Historic Marker  

Saturday, March 28, 2015

2009, Tuesday, June 2, Caught in an electrical storm on the Singing River Bridge

I had a dentist appointment at 9:00 A.M.
After the dentist, we rode so I went to Kohl’s where I bought a pair of shorts and a top.  
Next, we went to Sam Club where we bought two lawn chairs to use at music in Wilson Park on Wednesdays. 
We stopped at Ruby Tuesday where each of us ordered a rib plate we had a buy one get one free coupon.
We went to Lowe’s where we bought a thermal for our swimming pool and two screwdrivers.

I had loaded my bicycle into our Vue and was planning to ride it across Patton Island Bridge later that day.

Hubby's iPhone had issued a weather alert, it said a storm was brewing in Mississippi.
I felt like the storm would not reach Florence until after I had finished riding my bicycle across the bridge and back.

Hubby unloaded my bike while I went to the park's restroom to change into the shorts and top that I had bought. 

It was very hot and clear when I started across the bridge, but before I reached the end it had started to sprinkle.
Don’t know what I was thinking because I did not have my cell phone with me, or I would have called hubby to come pick me up, but  I had forgotten it.
So I turned my bicycle around and started back across the bridge.
I was almost all the way back when the rain started to pour down and lightning was dancing all around me.
I remember looking towards the locks of the dam and thinking to myself, I sure could use some windshield wipers to clear my sunglasses that were covered with rainwater.
All I could remember was trying to get safely across the bridge away from the storm but it was too late, I was caught inside the cage on the bridge in an electrical storm, and had lost my short-term memory. 
I was lucky that was the only thing that happened to me with lighting dancing all around me. 

It took me about 20 minutes to ride my bike about four miles that are two miles across and two miles back. 
The storm hit at 12:53, I must have started about 12:33 P.M.  and I was at the hospital by 2:30 P.M. 

It was reported later that day,  that it had been a terrible storm over the Tennessee River.

I was dripping wet when I arrived back at the park. 
The storm had frightened hubby, he drove the VUE across the bridge to look for me, and he saw me coming off the bridge.
I did not remember riding across the bridge or changing out of my wet clothes at the restroom at the park. 

Hubby said I kept repeating myself all the way home, where did all those wet clothes come from?

When we got home I ate a snack bar and drank a can of soda, I remembered nothing.
Hubby thought I had a stroke, and he said that I needed to go to the hospital, but I kept saying nothing was wrong with me.

Hubby called my daughter, he handed me the telephone, my daughter asked me some questions, and all I could say was give me a minute to think.
My daughter asked me if I remember riding my bicycle on the bridge and I said what bridge? I could not remember anything. 

I had been inside an electric field caused by the lighting.
The lighting had hit the cage that was attached to the bridge, where I was riding my bicycle.
Somehow, my daughter and hubby persuaded me to go to the hospital, and I was seen by doctor Robert Coble. 
They drew blood, took a brain scan, and checked my urine, the doctor was puzzled by the results. 
He said that the enzymes in my heart were going crazy and I would have to stay until they stabilized. 
My family stayed while I recovered.
It took several hours but my short-term memory started to come back and I was released at 7:30 P.M. 
All I wanted to do was go home and go to sleep. 

The next day I felt a little better but the right side of my head still felt a little numb.

Information on Lighting:
Lightning injuries are usually the result of five different mechanisms: 
Direct strike, — direct strike injuries occur when lightning strikes a person directly
Contact injury, Contact injuries occur when a person touches an object that is part of the lightning current pathway
Side flash (splash), Side flash or splash injuries occur when lightning arcs from the object struck to a nearby object.
Ground current (step voltage), Ground current or step voltage injuries occur when the lightning current spreads peripherally through the ground from the site of the strike
Blunt trauma, blunt injuries occur in two fashions. 
In the first, the victim's musculature contracts diffusely, causing the victim to be thrown a distance from the lightning strike. 
The second mechanism is the consequence of large fluctuations in temperature associated with a lightning strike. 
Lightning causes instantaneous superheating and expansion of the air, which is followed immediately by an implosion as the air is rapidly cooled. 

The duration of heat is so brief that thermal injuries seldom occur. However, the explosion and implosion of air can lead to blunt trauma of major organ systems such as the brain, liver, and spleen.
Because the duration of a lightning strike is extremely short, little of the massive energy is transferred internally to the victim. Rather, the majority of the energy flows externally over the victim's body (a "flashover"). 

However, enough energy passes through the body to disrupt and short-circuit electrical systems within the body, especially the heart, vasculature, respiratory center of the brain, reticular activating system, and autonomic nervous system. 
The major cause of death in lightning injuries is cardiopulmonary arrest due to asystole. 
However, asystole can be readily converted to a coordinated cardiac rhythm with timely and aggressive cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Why were the enzymes in my heart elevated after being caught in ground current lighting?

Weather observations for June 2, 2009, Muscle Shoals, North West Alabama Regional Airport 

SCT055 means scatter clouds at 5,500 AGL scattered means 3 to 4 eights cloud coverage.
BKN090 were broken clouds at 9000’ covering 5 to 7 octas of the sky. 

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...