Showing posts with label stairs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stairs. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

🚗2018 July 31, Adventures trails that lead to Pulaski, Tennessee

Hubby and I rode north along the 101 highway and took Highway 64 east in Lexington. 
We turned left onto Alabama County Road 89, which took us into Tennessee. 
In Tennessee, we followed County Road 98, also called Rabbit Trail Road.
We turned left at Bonnertown Deli, Gas Station, and Lottery Store onto Appleton Road. 
Bonnertown Deli, Gas Station, and Lottery Store
We stopped at the Big Red Store (closed except for 4 days a year) to take pictures. 
This is where we saw a historic marker telling about the Confederate leader Forrest and his troops that camped along Sugar Creek in Giles County, preparing for a Federal attack. 

We continued on Appleton Road, which was dead-ended at Sugar Creek. 
We took Blooming Grove Road, a narrow, two-lane, rough, snake road for several miles. Along the way, we passed the Appleton Church of Christ, goats, turkeys, horses, cows, and a flock of vultures. 
Once again, we encountered Sugar Creek, where we saw a family with two little boys wearing life jackets and two girls swimming.
They scurried out of the creek as we proceeded to cross.
The cross-over was concreted with water flowing over the top. 
Nestled on top of a hill across Sugar Creek stood Mount Zion Cemetery and Church, with Sugar Creek flowing from two sides. 
We continued along Blooming Grover Road, where we saw fields of Corn, Black-eyed Susan, and a barn full of hay.
We saw a John Deer Mail Box at 8125 waiting for the mail carrier. 
We stopped in front of a white wooden farmhouse that had a red tin roof, in the front yard was a row of pink Lilies in full bloom. 
After many turns and twists, we arrived at Minor Hill Highway. 
Narrow Roads
Farm House
The Yellow Deli with a beautiful garden caught my eye, so we decided to stop for lunch.  
I took pictures of the garden as we approached the entrance.
We were greeted by the owner and told the upstairs was closed.
The owner said you are welcome to go upstairs and look around while you are waiting for your food. 
I ordered the Cranberry Cashew Salad with Mixed greens, cashews, craisins, Havarti cheese, peppers, and tomatoes with house dressing and cranberry bread.

Hubby ordered Deli Rose Roast Beef Sandwich with Pepper Jack Cheese, Provolone Cheese, Onions, Tomatoes, Mayo, Mustard, and special sauce on an onion roll served with chips and a pickle.
We finished the meal with Carrot Cake topped with Cream Cheese icing and nuts.
Cranberry Cashew Salad 

The Inside of the Deli was as beautiful as the outside. Murals dotted the walls, and Common Sense Soaps and Body Care lined the entranceway Way, leading to the hosted area, cashier, and bar. 
Plants were everywhere, including the window seals and the windows were dressed in tied-back yellow and white check curtains.
Half-bushel baskets were used as light fixtures.
Wooden Tables, iron back chairs, and wooden booths were throughout the lower and top levels of the deli. 
The top level had an enclosed garden where you could enjoy dining outside. 
This beautiful building was built around 1900, called the HGH Gladish Heritage House. 
Inside The Yellow Deli 
Inside The Yellow Deli 
Outside the Yellow Deli 
We rode to the Trail of Tears Interruptive Center the museum was closed
We walked around outside, looking at the markers, benches, statues, dog fountains, and beautiful plants. 
We stopped at Home Depot for a few items.

We ran into a patch of rain traveling home. 

The days' adventure included traveling on narrow, winding back roads, with one a dead end. 

Traveling across water-covered roadways along Sugar Creek and people enjoying a swim. 

Enjoyed lunch at The Yellow Deli and Gardens and a stop at the Trail of Tears Interruptive Center. 

Sugar Creek 

Sunday, May 7, 2017

2017 April 22, Saturday, Touring the Lairmore House Florence, Alabama Tour guide Billy Warren

One of the sites to tour during the Florence Walking tour was the Larimore House led by Billy Warren a retired school teacher.
The front side of Larimore and the tour group 
Home of T.B. and Esther Gresham Larimore
Mars Hill Academy, 1871-1887
Backside Larimore House
The Gothic-style house was built by Theiphilus Brown Larimore and his wife Esther Gresham Larimore located near the site of a foundry and arsenal of War between the states.
It served as a school from 1871-1887 to train ministers and Christian workers of the Church of Christ.
It was used in 1947-68 for classes at Mars Hill Bible School.

Theiphilus Brown Larimore was born July 10, 1843, and died March 18, 1929.
Brother Larimore began preaching soon after he was baptized and preached when an opportunity was given to him. He taught school at Mars Hill and preached three times sometimes on Sunday.
He preached all over the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Cuba.
Larimore died & is buried in Orange County California at Fairhaven Memorial Park Cemetery.
His second wife Susan Emma Page Larimore is buried next to her husband Mr. Larimore.
Susan wrote a column for the Gospel Advocate, Children's Corner, and several books.

His first wife was Julia Esther Gresham Larimore July 11, 1845, died March 4, 1907
Inscribed on her tombstone 
Went home Mar 5, 1907
A dutiful daughter, a loyal helpful hopeful wife, a model mother, a sweet singer, a truly conscientious consistent Christian, always consecrated Christian, always consecrated, and true to Christ and his cause, she was perfectly prepared for that sweet home where sorrows and said separations are unknown "where life is eternal and a treasure sublime. Farewell, sweet wife-by grace divine. We'll meet you "over there." your lonely husband. 

They had six children:
Mary Delilah Larimore George 1869-1959
Grandville Lipscomb Larimore 1871-1925
Theiphilus Brown Larimore 1872-1903
William Herschell Larimore 1874-1928
Julia Esther Larimore White 1876-1960
Andrew Virgil Larimore 1879-1972

Article from the Gospel Advocate 1870 Advertising the Mars Hill Academy
For males and females
This Institution situated four miles Northeast of Florence, Alabama on the highway leading from Florence to the justly celebrated "Bailey Springs, " will be ready for the reception of pupils by the first of January 1871.
The location is free from all temptation to extravagance and health and convenience cannot be excelled.
Boarding, washing, lights, and fuel $75.00
Tuition $20
The contingent fee is $5.00
Piano from the family collection
Mantel inside the Larimore Home
Family photos line the wall along the staircase leading upstairs
Billy Warren gave a speech about the Larimore House & several Larimore family members were touring the house for the first time, there to learn more about the history of their families. 
I joined several for a meal in the basement.
We were served pork, green beans, and sweet potato casserole with iced tea. 
I walked outside and took pictures of the Rose bushes in full bloom. 
On July 20, 2018, the Larimore Home caught fire and was badly burned not sure if it is repairable.
Power to the house was previously cut due to another small fire about ten days before the one in July.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...