Showing posts with label birmingham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birmingham. Show all posts

Monday, December 18, 2023

2023 Dec 13, McWane Science Center Museum Birmingham, Toyota Field Dancing Lights

 Today, we ate breakfast at Jack's in Cullman. I ordered gravy with sausage and biscuits, Ave ordered sausage and biscuits, and Hubby ordered a ham and cheese sandwich. 

McWane Science Center Birmingham, Al 

We traveled to Birmingham, stopping at the McWane Science Museum Center. Hubby went to level 3 to see the train display. 

Ava and I went to the second floor to see the dinosaurs, where we saw a Super Cell Tank and birds in a tree, Ava was a weather girl, and she rode the Sky High Cycle. 

Sky High Cycle

We walked up to the third floor, and Ave rodeTraintrain and the Zipline several times.

Ava rodeTrainTrain

The World of Water Aquarium was in the basement, where Ave petted a shark and ray. 

We saw coral, a variety of fish, and eel.

Ave made large bubbles on the first floor and experimented with several science objects. Ava lay on a bed of nails. We went inside the distortion room. You were small in the top corner and prominent in the bottom corner. 

Ava on a bed of nails 

distortion room,
"Honey, I shrunk the kid."
 We stopped for dinner at Oh! Bryans in Hartselle. Hubby ordered steak, baked potato, and salad bar. I ordered a chicken wrap. Ave ordered chicken nuggets and fries from McDonalds.

Ava touched a Python before we left McWane Science Center.

Ava with the Blues Brothers 

After dinner, we rode to Toyota Field in Huntsville to see the dancing lights. 

Winter Wonder Land was not open, but we did get to see the light show. 

Traffic was horrible in Huntsville. 

It was way after dark when we arrived home. 

Ava spent the night. 

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Engulfed by Darkness

 Jonah was swallowed by a whale for disobedience.
I was engulfed in darkness, heavy traffic, and blinding rain.

I loaded up my grandson, Justin (age five), and my granddaughter, Hannah (age seven), and we began our journey to Pell City.
We traveled I-65 South all the way to Birmingham.
In Birmingham, we took the I-20 to Pell City, which took us about two and a half hours.

I did not have the exact address of my grandson, he had moved from his old address.
Now, I was depending on a five-year-old to get us to his new address.

We rode up and down the same highway for over an hour before I could get in touch with his dad.

By the time we left for home, it was getting dark, and it had started to rain.
On the Interstate, we got behind a large truck, and I could not see around him, so we missed our turn.

All I remember was we were headed north on a very rough highway. (79)
Several times, I almost stopped because I thought my tires were going flat, but I was afraid because it was very dark and not much traffic.

Thank God I had a cell phone that worked, so I called Hubby, who was working in St Louis at that time.
I told him what happened, and he said, what highway are you on? This was before we had GPS on our phones or our vehicles.

Hubby said I will call you back when I locate you on the map.
Hubby called and said you will have to go over the mountain to get back to I-65.

The darkness and rain did not help to see along the winding roads we took over the mountains.

We almost rammed into a stalled car on a dark bridge.
It took us twice as long to get home, but we made it safe and sound.

God was in control in both cases.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Traveling for Meadow!

Children's Hospital Philadelphia Stroke Clinic  
Children's Hospital Philadelphia
Spend a couple days at RMH in Philly and visit the Stroke Clinic.
Meadow EEG in Birmingham, Alabama 
Shriners Hospital Lexington, Ky. We visited Shriners 
Meadow in Children's Hospital St Louis, Mo
I rode to St Louis, MO, with my daughter.
Meadow at RMH before her Moya, Moya Surgery In Palo Alto, CA
I spent twenty-five days in Palo Alto. Dr. Stineburg performed two Moya Moya surgeries on my granddaughter. 
Meadow at Children's Hospital Birmingham
We traveled to Birmingham to see a doctor or a hospital visit.
Meadow at Ability Plus Melbourne, FL 
Getting tucked into bed at Give the Kids the World Kissimmee, Florida
I spent one week with my daughter and her children at GKW.
We went to SeaWorld, Disney, and Universal Studios.
Meadow at Dr. Bradstreets in Melbourne, Fl
I stayed with my daughter and granddaughter at RMH in Orlando for six weeks, and we rode daily to Melbourne, Florida, for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Physical therapy.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

2004 ~Saturday March 6, Shopping at Summit Mall Birmingham, AL

Harry and Hannah  The American Adventure 
It was a beautiful day for a two and half hour drive to Birmingham to go shopping.
All the stores are build individual so we had to go from store to store.
We looked at several electronic stores but did not buy anything
Resting after shopping front of Bose Store 
Resting after shopping in front of the Pottery Barn
After a full morning of shopping we decided to eat at The Cheese Cake Factory.

Hubby and Hannah checking out the menu

Hannah holding the beeper

Hannah holding the beeper at the Cheese Cake Factory 

Hannah and Hubby discussing what to order off the menu

Waiting for a table at the Cheese Cake Factory

Monday, August 10, 2015

2009 ~August 11-14 Meadow's Physical Therapy & McWane Center Birmingham, Al

Meadow at the RMH

Meadow enjoying the water at the McWane Center.

Meadow enjoying the water at the McWane Center
Meadow at Dino dig at the McWane Center
Meadow at Dino dig at the McWane Center
Meadow enjoying the sand at the McWane Center
Meadow is having physical therapy at Children's Outpatient Center PT & OT Hearing & Speech located at 1208 3rd Avenue Birmingham from August 11-14.
Tuesday, we rode to Birmingham and we arrived just in time for 
Meadow’s physical therapy was at 9:00 AM. 
We checked in at the RMH, after Meadow’s appointment,
where we will be staying for the next few days. 
For lunch, we walked to Captain D’s which was just a block away.
Meadow loves to fish. 
We rode to the YMCA where both Lora and I worked out. 
We put Meadow in Child Watch at the YMCA.
I rode the stationary bike for thirty minutes. 

Meadows appointment on Wednesday is from 9:00-12:00 PM.
We rode to the YMCA, after Meadows physical therapy, where both Lora and I worked out. I rode the stationary bike for twenty-five minutes.
We put Meadow in Child Watch at the YMCA.
We rode to the mall to shop and stopped to get the tires checked on Lora’s Car. 

On Thursday Meadow had several different doctor appointments one with Doctor Grant's cleft doctor, Nathaniel Robins's Genetic doctor, and an Otolaryngologist (ENT).
Meadow’s therapy was from 3:00-6:00 PM. 
We ate lunch at McDonald's, Meadow likes the chicken nuggets.
We squeezed in an hour at the McWane Center where Meadow enjoyed playing in the sand & water.

Friday was Meadow’s last day of physical therapy which was from 9:00-11:00PM. 
Before we went to therapy we cleaned our room, washcloths and checked out of the RMH. 
After Meadow’s therapy, we walked several blocks, pushing Meadow in her wheelchair, to the Fish Market where we ate lunch. 

The Fish Market is located at 621 22nd Street.
Lora and I split a Traditional Greek Salad with Crisp romaine and iceberg lettuce, ripe tomatoes, Salonica peppers, and green olives topped with feta cheese and Greek dressing. 

Lora and I  split a Bam Bam Grouper
Fried lightly and tossed with a sweet and spicy sauce. Served with Greek Roasted Potatoes.

After we finished our meal we walked back to the car and rode home, we were home by 4:30.

Monday, July 27, 2015

2013 ~ Tuesday, September 17, Day Trip to Birmingham, Alabama

On 2013 September 17, we drove to Birmingham Alabama stopping to eat lunch at Cracker Barrel in Gardendale Alabama. 
I ordered my usual children’s plate of grilled chicken, green beans, cornbread, onion and their homemade relish.  

Back on the road headed into Birmingham, which is a little over a two-hour drive. 

We arrived at Vulcan Park at 12:52 P.M. purchasing tickets at a cost of $13.20. 

There were several historical Markers along the walkway leading up to the Vulcan and Museum.
List of the markers that we saw was:
1. Describing the designing of Vulcan Park: The Formal design, a park for people, Naturalistic features. 
2. The Iron Man: Vulcan The giant, cast iron statue you see towering above you is Vulcan, the Roman god of metalwork and forge. The 56-foot   tall statue was commissioned by Birmingham leaders to represent they're new, growing city at the 1904 St Louis World’s Fair. After a smashing success at the fair, he was brought home to Birmingham. 
3. Mineral Railroad Trestle, the railroad trestle support wall across the road is a remnant of L& N’s 156-mile Mineral railroad, the backbone of the local industry.
4. Before Birmingham: Jones Valley: Native American presence, Early settlement & Toward an iron industry
5. A New City  Building early Birmingham
6. Industry: Iron and Steel Manufacturing
7. The Lone Pine Mine: you are standing in front of the entrance to the Lone Pine Mine Number 3.
8. The Works Progress Administration
9. Birmingham district Minerals
10. Restoring Vulcan Park, visiting the park & building the park
11. The Cascade
12. South: Mountain Brook and Hollywood
13. Vulcan Park & Tower on Wall
14. In Memory of Giuseppe Moretti on wall
15. Vulcan, God of Fire and Metal
Working of the Vulcan
A statue of the Vulcan’s foot 
Inside the museum was Recipe for a city. When state geologists mapped the Birmingham District’s mineral resources in the mid-1800’s, they found great quantities of the three ingredients necessary for the manufacturing of foundry iron: coal, limestone, and iron ore. The availability of these three ingredients and the ability to recruit a large and inexpensive pool of labor made Birmingham’s industry possible. 
Some of the workers that made Birmingham, Clyde Love, Will Battle, James Knox and James Purdue.
Example of the country store was displayed, sacks of potatoes, potbelly stove and Old radio. Pictures were displayed about the building of Birmingham, the promoters, investors, and entrepreneurs.
The making of the Vulcan from scratch was displayed from Iron Casting to sand mold, plaster cast, and plaster mold to clay mold. Their much information displayed about Moretti the builder of the Vulcan.
A statue of the Vulcan’s foot was on display and a room full of,  A place of our own the fourth avenue district, Civil Rights, and the Rise of Birmingham’s Black Middle Class.
We exited the museum and headed to the glass elevator, which led up to the foot of the Vulcan.
It was a magnificent view of the city, you could see for miles. The only problem was when you looked down. The footing on which I was standing had holes which you could see the bottom or ground level, which frighten me. 
I stayed as close to the building as I could, but I still did not like being able to see the ground when I looked down. 

I was determined to overcome my fear so, I walked around the top of the Vulcan two times taking pictures, but I was ready to leave after that.
I did not mind the elevator, even though it had glass windows which had a different view of Birmingham.
Standing on the grate around the Vulcan 
Standing on the grate around the Vulcan 
View of the City of Birmingham from atop the Vulcan
the Vulcan Museum
View of the Vulcan from parking lot
When we got to the bottom I was glad and told that to the guard who was sitting in a chair below. 
He said I have seen many come down frightened, but one time I had a customer come down and kiss the ground when he walked out of the elevator.

Sorry, but I was glad to have my feet planted on solid ground. 
We exited the park and headed to the Birmingham Zoo. 
Tuesday is the half-price day so we got in for $15.40.

The Birmingham Zoo is your passport to trails of Africa that was what the entrance sign said.
We first saw some birds, Radiated & Aldabra, Tortoise, several different types of small cats, Red Panda, Zebra, Giraffe, a couple of elephants, a gorilla, couple of otters, few Batman characters set up for Boo at the Zoo, we went inside the birdhouse where you could feed the birds, a couple of sea lions, some snakes, and lizards. 
I was very disappointed not seeing more animals? 
We left the zoo and went to the Botanical gardens.
That morning when we started to Birmingham it was cool but by the time we got to the Botanical Gardens the heat was unbearable so we did not stay
We did go to the gift shop where I bought an ice cream cone to help cool me off.
Batman at the Zoo
Petting the Elephant
Petting the Giraffe
Walking thru the zoo
At the Entrance of the Zoo
For supper, we stopped in Cullman Alabama at Captain D’s spent $17.92.
Filled up with gas at Flying J’s cost $51.50. We were home by 7:30P.M.

We had a wonderful drive to Birmingham and the sun was setting on the drive home.
I tried to capture all the beauty with my camera.
Traveling thru Birmingham 
Road Construction in Birmingham 
Beautiful Sunset
We drove through the Birmingham work traffic & construction but once we got past Birmingham, the traffic was not too bad. 
After supper was taking our time getting home, it was relaxing.  
It was a wonderful way to end the day. 

I am waiting for my next adventure. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

2009 ~Alabama May 4-5, Tubes and Dental Repairs at UAB Children’s Hospital Birmingham, Alabama

Monday, May 4, 2009  
I rode to Birmingham with Lora Meadow and had a doctor's appointment at 12:00 P.M. with Dr. Nathaniel Robins, a genetics doctor at UAB Children's. Dr. Robins has two interns and a co-worker who will see Meadow.
Dr. Robins has not seen Meadow for almost two years so they will need to take pictures of Meadow for their files.

He ordered some lab work (homocysteine level & some chromosomal study). After the doctors left, Lora changed Meadow’s diaper gave her some milk, and fixed her G-tube in the waiting room.
Waiting at the doctor's office

It is way past lunch time around 1:00 P.M. and we are getting hungry. 
I mentioned going to the Botanical Gardens. Lora typed into the GPS the information needed to get the directions for the Botanical Gardens. We decided to eat somewhere close to the gardens.
We asked these two women where was a good place to eat close by and they suggested going over the hill to the English Village shopping area.
We decided to eat at Billy’s Bar & Grill a family-owned pub located in the English Village. Located at 2012 Cahaba Road, Mountain Brook, and Al 35223 205-879-2238 emails:
The bar is tucked away in the old-world charm with an upscale atmosphere and has an extensive menu, two full bars with an extensive selection of liquors and fine wines. There is a large moose head hanging over the main bar. 
We ordered a hamburger with fries for Meadow and we split a Greek sandwich with chips. (It was grilled with Monterey Jack cheese, bacon, and onion, tomato served on whole wheat bread with smoked turkey.)
While we waited, for our food, Meadow tapped her foot to the music that was playing and she kept in time. 
We sat in the dining area downstairs because we saw no ramp going upstairs.
The restroom was upstairs, which was much needed after two glasses of coke, along with more dining area, and another bar.
The food was very good; we thanked the waiter and headed back down the hill to the Botanical Gardens.
Lora went to the restroom at the botanical gardens and Meadow and I went to the Rose Garden. I took many pictures of the roses; many were in full bloom, yellow, red, white, and pink, mixed so beautifully. 
Lora was on the phone trying to get us into the Ronald McDonald House.
We walked through the conservatory where we saw plants of commercial importance, such as banana, vanilla, coffee, and cacao (the source of chocolate) are here, as are wondrous tropical species of palms, cycads (including a 100-year-old specimen), and tree ferns.
On the north end houses the Camellia’s and on the south side houses the desert plants such as American agaves, aloes and cacti, Pacific rim plumerias, and succulent euphorbia from Africa.
We walked through Bruno’s garden of fresh vegetables, and herbs. We saw fresh sweet peas, Lettuce, onions, kale, cabbages, and broccoli.
On the Herb terrace, we saw rosemary, & thyme.
Japanese Garden Birmingham Botanical Gardens
Next, we walked to the Japanese garden which was opened in 1967 by the Japanese Ambassador to the US and sits on 7.5 acres of land.
I said to Lora, “ I see a red gate ahead” and she said that it was probably a sign outside of the gardens. Instead, it was this spectacular curved top torii, “The gate to heaven” painted a traditional bright red. 
Lora had been to the gardens several times before but never to the Japanese gardens.
After entering the gate, we stopped to take pictures next to the bonsai trees, and Japanese Maples. A man stopped and asked us if we wanted our pictures made of the three of us and we said yes.
The path was not paved with concrete but was filled with pebbles and it had rained a lot for this time of year and that made the path very hard to push Meadow’s wheelchair.
The man said that there was a large goose at the pond so we headed toward the pond.
It was such a beautiful pond dotted with boulders within and without and the stream flowed into the pond. You had the feeling that you were actually in a Japanese garden. It was so beautiful that day, even if the day hung with rain clouds.

The pond had fish, turtles, and two geese. The geese were not afraid and would come right up to us. I got a little too close and one of the geese flared up his chest at me.
Rose Garden in Botanical Gardens
Vulcan Museum
We were just coming out of the Japanese garden when it started to rain and we headed to the van. By the time we had loaded the wheelchair and Meadow, it had almost stopped raining but we were soaked.
Next, we to Vulcan Park and walked around, I took pictures, and we visited the gift shop.
Vulcan the Iron Man is located on the summit of Red Mountain overlooking the heart of downtown Birmingham and stands 56 feet. 
We stopped at Walgreens and got Meadow some gauges for her g-tub irritation.

Next, we rode to the  Ronald McDonald House where we will spend the night.

RMH sleeping
The clerk at Ronald McDonald House said our room would be ready at about six P.M. and that our Room number was 211 on the second floor.
We checked in and ate supper of chicken, beans, and a brownie. Our room was not ready until 7:30 P.M.
I gave Meadow a bath, dressed her for bed, and turned out the lights, Meadow went right to sleep. 
Meadow could only have clear liquids up until 2 P.M. so Lora got up during the night to give Meadow some clear liquids.
The next day we had to be at UAB CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL at 5:45 A.M.
Birmingham Children after dental surgery
May 5, 2009
I heard the clock go off, I got up, took a shower, and dressed.
Lora got up and dressed.
Meadow woke up in a very good mood and I dressed her.
We loaded into the van and rode a couple of blocks to day surgery. 
Meadow is going to have tubes put into her ears by Dr. Shirley and Dr Curtis is doing crowns and fillings in her teeth. Dr Robins has ordered lab work to be done while she is asleep.

Dr Curtis cleaned & did a fluoride treatment on Meadows's teeth. 

Meadow came out of surgery about 10 A.M. and she was not a happy camper. Once the anesthesia wore off she became more agreeable.
She amazingly started sipping some water out of a cup! The water felt good to her dry throat and she drank about four ounces. She did so well that we were able to leave about noon. 
We rode to Ronald McDonald House ate lunch, packed, and then checked out.
Meadow ate some more of the soft chicken that was left from the day before. I was surprised she wanted to eat after all the dental work. 

I was afraid it would rain all the way home but it was very nice and we were home about 4:30 P.M.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...