Showing posts with label lodge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lodge. Show all posts

Sunday, November 18, 2018

🚙2018 Nov 11-16, Trip to Smoky Mountains with Sherry & Bobby

Sunday, Nov 11, Sherry picked me up at home around 9AM. We traveled 72 hwy to hwy 101 to Town Creek and turned left onto hwy 20 to Decatur. We stopped at McDonald's near Beltline Highway for a restroom break and hot apple pie. We traveled 565 to 72 through Huntsville to Scottsboro, onto South Pittsburg, where we turned right onto I-24 to I-75 through Chattanooga. I drove from Chattanooga to Sevierville, where we were staying at Wyndham Condo 3017. We stopped several times for restroom breaks and lunch at Subway and Shell Gas in Louden, TN.
Bobby and I split a Tomato Basil wrap with rotisserie chicken, pepper jack cheese, avocado, and fixes we all drank a bottle of water. Sherry ordered a full roast beef wrap.
We arrived at check-in, Sherry went inside, and we went in later. While Sherry talked, we snacked on popcorn and water.
After we unloaded the car and were settled in, we watched some TV and decided to order a 1/2 vegetable and 1/2 sausage and pepperoni pizza from Big Daddy’s. 
I was very tired after the long trip, so I took some night quills and went to bed. I tried to read but was too sleepy.

Monday, Nov 12, We ate breakfast at the guest house of the Wyndham and listened for 2 1/2 hours about timeshares. Bobby and Sherry each received a $150.00 gift card for listening. I did not qualify because I was married, and my hubby was not with me. They were both widows. 
We rode to 3901 Hwy 411 Dandridge, TN, and ate lunch at Bushes Family Cafe Restaurant around 12:37PM. We each ordered the vegetable plate. I ordered okra, green beans, Mac and cheese, and fried apples with iced tea. 
Sherry and Bobby both ordered okra, green beans, Mac & Cheese, fried sweet potato, and water. 
We watched a short film about the Bush Family and factories, and then we toured the museum. 
We had our pictures taken together at the end, and each received a copy free.

, Aunt Bobbie and Cousin Sherry 
Green Beans, Fried Apples, okra, Mac & Cheese, Onion, and Cornbread
We stopped inside the Bush store for some mints and candy.
It rained all day. We rode to Sevierville and stopped at Ollies, where I bought a Christmas Carol book and a bottle of baby lotion. 
We rode to the condo, watched some TV, read some of my books, and ate leftovers for supper. 

On Tuesday, Nov 13, We ate lunch at Old Mill Restaurant, 164 Old Mill Ave Pigeon Forge once again, we all ordered vegetables.
I ordered pinto beans, fried apples, mac & cheese, and okra. 
We each received a bowl of corn chowder and corn fritters. Once again, we had enough leftovers for supper. 
I stopped to take a few pictures of the raging Little Pigeon River. It has rained every day that we have been here. 
Bobby and I walked around inside the Old Mill Store and did not buy anything. 
We walked across the street and looked inside an oriental gift shop with lots of jewelry, wood carvings, and glassware. Sherry bought 5 or 6 bottles of balsamic Olive oil dressings for $25.00. We rode to Old Time Pottery I took several pictures of the Christmas displays. Bobby bought an elf, and Sherry bought a small table and several stackable shelving. We stopped at Kitchen Collections, and I walked to Dollar Tree, 141 E Wears Valley Rd Pigeon Forge, and bought some candy and 3 cans of Diet Coke. 
We rode to the Condo, watched some TV, finished one book, started another, and ate leftovers. 

pinto beans, fried apples, mac & cheese, and okra
Old Mill Restaurant 

Wednesday, Nov 14, We rode to Workshop Tools 105 Knives Works Ln Sevierville, where I bought sunglasses, flashlights, and ink pens, we walked next door to Lodge Store, where I bought 6 10-inch skillets with nickel carved backing. I had them shipped to my home because they were too heavy to carry. 
We rode to Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World 3629 Outdoor Sportsman Place Kodak, TN, where I bought a pair of boots. Bobby bought herself 2 henley shirts. 
We ate lunch at Applewood Grill Restaurant, Apple Valley Rd Sevierville. We were all tired of vegetables, so we each ordered a bowl of soup and a grilled sandwich. Sherry ordered chicken noodles, Bobby ordered loaded potato soup, and I ordered vegetable soup.
We were all brought apple fritters, apple butter, and Julep(orange, apple, and Pineapple juice mixed). We once again had enough leftovers for supper. 
Watched some TV, read, and went to bed. 

Pipping a hot bowl of Vegetable Soup in the black kettle with grilled cheese at Applewood Grill Restaurant 
Visit the North Pole at Bass Pro Kodak, TN 
Merry Christmas from the Lodge Store 
Welcome from Old Time Pottery 

Thursday, Nov 15, We rode to Dolly Pardon’s Stampede, 3849 Parkway Pigeon Forge, to take a few pictures of the Christmas display with camels, sleighs, and Christmas trees.  
We walked through the Three Bears General Store, 2861 Parkway Pigeon Forge, and took a few pictures at the entrance. Could not take pictures inside. 
We ate lunch at Firehouse Sub 2627 Parkway Suite Pigeon Forge. I ordered a kid's meatball sub, chips, and a drink. I ordered a 4-inch Philly sub to take home. We stopped at Incredible Christmas Place, 2470 Parkway Pigeon Forge, took several pictures, and had my picture taken with Santa. 
We also stopped at Wranglers and several other stores behind Texas Road House on Collier Drive Pigeon Forge. 
Ate leftovers for supper, watched TV, packed, and read my book.

Come take a sleigh ride at Dolly Parton's Stampede.
Fireman at Firehouse Sub
Come visit Three Bears, General Store 
Friday, Nov 16, Finished Packing, cleaned, loaded the car, checked out, and rode to Great Smoky Mountain Flea Market 220 W Dumplin Valley Rd Kodak, TN around 8AM. 
We Stopped at McDonald's in Fort Louden for breakfast(around 10:36AM)  and to fill up with Shell Gas. I ordered two apple pies and ate both. Sherry and Bobby ordered a sausage and cheese McMuffin. 
We Huntsville) for lunch. I ordered a cheeseburger, fries, and water. 
Sherry and Bobby both ordered a cheeseburger. 
Hubby picked me up at a barbecue restaurant in Town Creek around 3:00PM and was home by 3:30PM.
Last Stop before heading home
Great Smoky Mt Flea Market

We were having a Tidwell Thanksgiving at 6:30PM tonight.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

2018 Feb 24-25, Focused on Nature Photography Weekend Saturday

I checked into Joe Wheeler State Park Lodge for a fun-filled weekend.

Joe Wheeler State Park Lodge
The day began around 8AM with Nature Photography, taught by Rocky from Athens.
The next speaker was Joe from Tuscumbia he talked about photo editing featuring Lightroom & Photoshop. He also encouraged everyone to take photos in Raw format.
We broke for lunch.

Sharon joined me for lunch at the lodge, and we both enjoyed a baked potato.

We had a guided field trip to take pictures of waterfowl at Wheeler and Wilson Dam, with Guntersville’s park rangers Mike and Sharon riding with me.

Waterfowl at Wilson Dam 

I also took Sharon by River Heritage Park behind the Marriott Hotel. 
We rode back to the lodge to freshen up for dinner.

Hubby joined us for dinner in the Cypress Room at (7PM).
For dinner, I enjoyed fried catfish, salad, Coleslaw, and cheesecake covered with blueberries.

After dinner, a Wildlife show (Birds of Prey) was presented in the Cypress Room by David, the park ranger from Reelfoot Lake.
For show and tell, David brought a Red Tail Hawk, an Eagle, a Horned Owl, and a Barn Owl.
These are animals that have been rescued and cannot be released back into the wild because of a handicap.

Hubby stayed for the breakfast buffet in the dining room. We enjoyed crisp bacon, eggs, waffles, and coke. 
Hubby left for work after breakfast. I joined the rest of the group outside for more of the wildlife show. 

Barn Owl and Great Horned Owl 
Red Tail Hawk 
Our last adventure was a Pontoon boat excursion on Wheeler Lake to look for wildlife and Waterfowl.
Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day, but today was cloudy and cold, so I had to add several layers of clothing for the water adventure. 

We did see a pair of Red Tail Hawks sitting on the top of a tree. 
We had about 12 people on the boat excursion.
A couple from Tuscumbia, a couple from Trenton, Mississippi, a couple from Guntersville, a couple that likes to take pictures of old barns, a couple from Olive Branch, Mississippi, and Capitan Steve, our boat guide.
The wind was around 12 mph and a bit cold, so we traveled near the shoreline up to Wheeler Dam.
Captain Steve showed us the lock water discharge.

Hundreds of birds sitting around waiting for fresh fish 
It is the process of draining the lock, and the circular wall is the "discharge barrier," but local folks call it the "blow hole.”

I joined my sister, great-niece, and dad for lunch at Bojangles. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

2016 September 10, Saturday, Oka Kapassa, British Car Show &🎂🎂🎂 Birthday at Pond Springs

My first stop was the dollar store, for a Diet Coke and a package of NeKote's cookies, my favorite.
I ate the package of NeKote cookies and drank a diet Coke, not a very good breakfast, but I was hungry and did not want to stop anywhere to eat 
I arrived around 11:00AM at Joe Wheeler Lodge and State Park.
I parked near Joe Wheeler Lodge which was on a hill. 
The parking below looked to be full so I had to walk down the hill to view the cars. 

The cars that were in the British car show were parked in the shade near the bank of the Tennessee River.

The first row of cars was facing the Tennessee River so I walked along the sidewalk taking pictures. When the front row ended I walked back through the grass to view the second row of British cars. 

I saw in the Tennessee River, tied up at the pier sailboats, cabin cruisers, & motorboats.

I think I got a picture of most of the cars on display.
When I finished taking pictures I walked back up the hill and drove to Wheeler Plantation.

1960 morgan
1951 Riley 
I saw Jaguars, Class A; MGB, New Mini Class O, 2007 Jaguar Vanden Plas, Empire, Morgan Plus 4 DHZ, Riley AMD, DHC, Vanden P125 Princess 1300, Empire Sedan, 1961Austin Healy Buqaye, & 1959 Austin Healy, 1977 Trump TR6, 1972 Trump TR6, 9171 Trump TR6, 1973 Trump, 1969 Trump, 1979 Trump Spitfire, 1975 Trump Spitfire, 1975 MGB Roadster, 1980 MGB, 1976 MGB, 1980 MB, MG Roadster 1975, 1959 MGA Twin Cam, 1959 Austin Healy. 

Tennessee River full of Sailboats
I took 101 across Wheeler Dam, turning left onto hwy 270, then left on Alt 72 east/20, traveling to Wheeler Plantation at Pond Springs. 
I arrived around 12:00pm, at the entrance of the Wheeler Home was a Fire/Rescue Truck with its ladder extended with the words the City of Courtland.
I saw several motorcycle riders, men dressed as Confederate Soldiers, with 1st Battalion Mechanized Cavalry written on the back of their shirts. There were two black, one white, and two brown horses standing near the white fence near the house. 

City of Courtland Fire-truck
Horse and riders 
Motorcycle and riders
Joe Wheeler Home at Pond Springs
The Well-house 
The slave quarters 
Vendor selling food 
I talked to a woman whose father worked as a caretaker of the plantation many years back.
She told me a story about when she was in school and had to write a paper about the plantation.
Her teacher gave her a D because she said no one could go inside the plantation and look at the papers she did not know that her father knew the owner and had let her do her homework by reading the papers, the owner called the school and she got an A.
I walked to the cemetery and looked inside the well and a couple of the outside buildings.

My Next stop was going to be Spring Park in Tuscumbia. I traveled west on Highway 20 to 72 West, turning right onto South Woodmont Drive. 

I parked near Cold Water Book Store, and I walked down the hill to Spring Park.
I walked around taking pictures of the creek, ducks, swans, geese, vendors, and the people that were in the park.
Swan, Ducks @Spring Park 
I watched the Indian dances and listened to the storytellers and music.
Amy Bluemel a Native American Story Teller told a story to the children that she had gathered around her. 
Native Tribal Dancing Oka Kapassa 
She told a story about a baby rattlesnake.
He begged for rattles, well he finally received rattles and he frightened everyone he met until one day he tried to frighten a little girl. 
She was frighted but she also stomped on the little snake rattles destroying them.
He went home crying and should have listened to his father. 
Amy was still telling stories when I left. 
Amy Bluemel a Native American Story Teller
I was hot, tired, and very thirsty.
I walked through the park, past the waterfall wanting to put my feet into the water but I did not stop. I kept walking along the sidewalk up the hill to where I had parked.
I rode to Chick-fil-A in Muscle Shoals where I ordered a kids ' strip meal, which included two chicken strips, a fruit cup, tea, and ice cream. 
At Chick-fil-A, I tried to upload my pictures to FB and Flickr but the internet was too slow.

Ice Cream with Fruit
Chicken fingers

Sunday, November 16, 2014

👣👣👣👣 2014 ~ Nov 15, Saturday, Footsteps of the Blue and Gray

Today, I took a walking tour and followed the footstep of men and women that walked these streets over one hundred and fifty years ago.

Our first stop was Wilson Park where soldiers from the battle of Shiloh planted sycamore trees that were no longer growing in the park.

Our second stop was the site of the Synodical College a school for young women.
Dr. William H. Mitchell who served as Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Florence also served as president of the college until 1871.
He was taken a prisoner of war for praying for the Confederate soldiers during his sermon.

The building was torn down and replaced by the US Post Office and Federal Courthouse.
Dr. William H. Mitchell
We walked down the street to the location of the former Masonic Lodge that burned down during the Civil War.
We walked about a block to the rebuilt Masonic Lodge and we were greeted by members of the lodge.
We were seated, told the history of the lodge, and served hot chocolate and cookies.
We thank the members and walked up the street to the home of Edward O’Neal a member of the Confederate Army who later served as governor of Alabama.

There were Confederate soldiers guarding Coby Hall.
Our next stop was Courtview/Rogers Hall the home of Sallie Foster who read from her journal about her life during the Civil War.
In addition, in front of her home, we were shown how to load and unload a gun.

We were shown how to shoot a gun and how to carry a gun.

Confederate Soldiers & their guns 
We walked to Wesleyan Hall, which was used, by both Union and Confederate Soldiers during the Civil War. 
General Sherman said, “War is hell!"

We listened to many different bugle calls.
General William T Sherman
Our next stop was Pope's Tavern where brother against brother, friend against friend fought against one another during the Civil War.
Many wounded were brought here. We waved to the two soldiers standing on the front porch of Pope’s Tavern, one was dressed as a Confederate Soldier and the other as a Union Soldier.
If they died, they were buried in the Florence Cemetery at Soldiers Rest.

We did not visit this site.
Pope's Tavern

Our final stop was the home of Richard Pickett who served as a Captain in the 35th Cavalry under General Philip Roddey. We meet Captain Richard Pickett and his wife, they were standing on the front porch of their home. 
Home of Captain Richard Pickett and wife.
The tour took over two hours, very informative and we met many characters along the way.

General Sherman, Governor Edward O’Neal, Sallie Foster, General Pickett, bugler, and many Confederate Soldiers
Route of the walk

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...