Showing posts with label florida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label florida. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

2023 Sep 15-18, Gulf Shores, Fairhope, Daphne, AL. and Pensacola, FL. (4 days)

Day 1:

I had planned a trip to Canton, MS, the day before. The next morning, I asked my Hubby if he wanted to spend a few days in Gulf Shores, Alabama after we left Canton. He said yes.

He had been discussing going all summer, so we packed our bags for three days and decided to go alone. 

After spending all morning visiting museums and walking around the town, we begin our journey to Gulf Shores. 

Shady Acres Village 

We stopped at Shady Acres Village Restaurant Seminary, MS, for a late lunch. I had a shrimp basket with fries, and Hubby had a 49'er Hamburger with onion rings. 

We also bought several items at their general store. 

It was a four-and-a-half-hour drive to Gulf Shores. 

The sun was setting as we drove through Mobile. We checked into Staybridge Hotel, and it was dark when we were settled in.

Sunset in Mobile, Al 

We both were too tired for further adventures, so we went to bed. 

Day 2:

The following day, we rushed to the beach to watch the sunrise, but it was cloudy, and a storm was brewing, so there was no sunrise. 

We returned to the hotel for breakfast, and then our adventures began.

Cloudy Sunrise 

We rode to the Outlet Mall to shop. I bought a top and pants at Columbia, spices at TJ Maxx, and a set of Halloween hand towels at TJ Maxx.

Our next stop was OWA Park Foley. They were having a car show throughout the park, and it was very hot by this time. After I finished taking pictures of most of the cars, we left. 

This was my favorite Car!

We headed down the coastline towards Pensacola, Florida. 

When we arrived downtown, the Arts and Crafts Sales was winding down. 

We had enough time to walk through to see their wear. 

We ate lunch at The Fish House Restaurant on Barracks St., where we enjoyed fried Cod served with creamed potatoes, collard greens, and a salad. 

Fried Cod with Collard Greens, Creamed Potatoes 

It was getting late, so we began our journey back to the hotel. 

Day 3:

Once again, we were up early and heading to the beach for an early morning sunrise, but it was cloudy. Sunrise was at 6:35 A.M.

 Came back to the hotel for breakfast: scrambled eggs, sausage, fruit, bagel, and juice.

We began our journey up the coast in the opposite direction to Fairhope. 

We stopped at the Municipal Park, where they had an Arts and Crafts Tent Sale.  

We stopped to talk to a couple selling spices. (I bought one for my son.)

They saw the camera I was carrying, and we talked about cameras and taking pictures.

The woman was telling me about the Brown Pelicans there at the beach.

Brown Pelicans 

We walked down the long pier, and several Brown Pelicans and various Gulls were present. I took several pictures. 

We rode to Daphne, stopping to eat lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse.

We enjoyed steak with grilled shrimp, creamed potatoes, and Caesar salad. 

We stopped at the Halloween Store in Daphne, where I bought a dress for Halloween. 

We returned to the hotel but stopped at the Story Walk in Loxley. 

Another long day.

Day 4: 

We headed to the beach (6:35 A.M.) to see the sunrise. Today it was beautiful so I got several pictures.


Rode back to the hotel, ate breakfast, packed our bags, and began our journey home.

The sun shone on my face, so I napped the first part of the trip home. 

Hubby wanted to stop at Peach Park in Clanton, Alabama, and when I woke up, he said, "I think I have passed Peach Park," and we had.

We did not turn around. We just kept going. 

We eat lunch at Oh"Bryan's in Hartselle, Al (his favorite place)

He always orders a steak or baked potato and gets their salad bar.

I ordered grilled chicken and a sweet potato.

We were home way before sunset. 

Another great trip in the books. 

Monday, December 25, 2017

🚗 2006 June 18-25, Trip to Florida Lora's Version

Sunday, June 18, 2006
We arrived in Florida early. The Welcome Center was beautiful. I love Palm Trees and other tropical plants. We were all very sleepy. We checked into RMH at 7:45 A.M. 
(They had three beanie babies on the bed for them.)
We ended up at Arnold Palmer Hospital because Meadow continued to vomit and did not feel well. Marcus also got an ant bite; his left foot swelled on top and got puffy. The doctor decided not to admit Meadow. He told me to bring her back if she did not get better. I should have had Ketones four in her urine. She also had a very low CO2(8?). Marcus got a dose of Clindamycin & an RX.
We also gave him Benadryl. That concluded our first day in FL. Pokie had to check out the hospital facilities to ensure they were suitable.

Clindamycin is used to treat bacterial infections. It may be given to patients who have had an allergic reaction to penicillin. However, it will not work for colds, flu, or other virus infections.
Monday, June 19, 2006
We met Roberta, her PT, on our first day at Ability & their Meadow. She is very good with Meadow. Meadow fussed a lot when placed in a position she did not like. She looked so cute in the little suit! We got some pictures. We went to Steak & Shake for lunch. It was our first day at Dr. Bradstreet's office for HBOT. I got in the chamber with Meadow. She got in the soft tank. They gave her Baby Einstein DVDs to watch. She fell fast asleep. However, I thought my head was going to explode. My ears started stopping up, and pressure shot like a sharp pin down behind my ears and neck. I got on the walkie-talkie and said, "How long will this pain last?" She told me to hold my nose and blow. The pressure was not relieved. Then I got hot and felt like I was having a panic attack. She told me to face toward the end where the air was blowing, and once it was fully pressurized, the pain should stop. When it was fully pressurized, I felt better. I laid my head and took the best nap I had in a long time. In the afternoon, we went back to the RMH and had supper. We ate vita, salad & brownies. The kids played in the playroom, and we went to sleep.
After therapy, we went to Melbourne Beach. The kids loved the ocean. They played in the waves and sand. Madison found some seashells. Meadow liked the water, too. The kids got more beanie babies.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Madison woke up vomiting. She slept all morning. We went to therapy. Meadow was much better today and more tolerant of the treatment. She likes to jump on the spider. Marcus and I boxed Hulk gloves. Madison lay on the floor on Elmo's mat and slept. Mom got in the HBOT Chamber with Meadow. I slept on the couch in the playroom with Madison. A little boy jumped up on me while I was asleep, and I thought it was Bucko! We went to RMH after all therapy because Madison was sick. The Belles & Beaus of the Chiropractic Club of Orlando had a Hawaiian lei feast with chicken curry rice, salad, fruit delight, and a veggie tray. Delaney took Marcus for a ride in her wheelchair at the RMH.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Madison felt better this morning. We, too, Meadow, for their suit therapy. Marcus played on the game cube. We went to lunch at Olive Garden. We then went to HBOT. I got in the chamber with Meadow and took a nap. I still felt the pressure. I was not as anxious this time because I knew what to expect. We went to Andretti Thrill Park and rode on the go-karts. This man took us on a train ride. I didn't think he was ever going to stop! We rode the bumper boats again; Marcus rode with a teenage girl, and Madison rode with a teenage boy! We had fun. Marcus played a game where he shot a rifle, and a butt popped up with blue jeans on, but you could see his crack! It was hot outside. The kids are making friends at RMH. 

Thursday, June 22, 2006
Today at Suit Therapy, Meadow was cranky. She woke up early this morning. Zac is the other child getting treatment from the other PT. She is from Holland. Zac is autistic. He is seven years old. After treatment, we went to an authentic Italian Restaurant. We ordered a pizza with spinach, mushrooms, and Pepperonis. Granny went into the chamber with Meadow today, and  Madison talked to Granny on the walkie-talkie. 
After HBOT, we went to Dixie Stampede. We got there early and went to the horse stables. There was a white horse with spots and a big albino horse. Then we went inside. The lobby had a huge painting with a big buffalo and horses. Then we went to the carriage room. Mrs. Dixie played it again, and Sam performed. There was a magic show, too. In the main arena, we had a huge dinner. Madison and Marcus got a call (Meadow was announced up) to the arena on the Northside to chase chickens. Bucko was the first one to make it. They both got ribbons and medallions. After the show, the cast called us for a VIP meeting for pictures. The girls all wanted to hold Meadow. We went into the center arena and took pictures. One of the crew members gave the kids coloring books. The host gave Meadow a ribbon-like Maddie & Bucko. They told me they would mail us a picture, and they would all sign it. We had a really good time!

Friday, June 23, 2006
Meadow was worn out after her first week of therapy. We went to Winter Park and watched a live Marionette performance of "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp" The owner of the Marionette Theater was the man that played Howdy Duty and Bozo the Clown. We met them both. The show was excellent, and we sat right up front. 

Pinocchio’s Marionette Theater 
A non-profit organization 
ALADDIN and the Wonderful Lamp 
book and lyrics by David Eaton 
June 3, through Aug 26, 2006
525 S. Semoran Blvd. Winter Park Florida

Saturday, June 24, 2006
We went to the Orlando Science Museum and spent the entire day. It had six floors. The first floor had a nature center with alligators and turtles. It also had Kids Town  (hands-on). We watched three Cinedome IMAX movies, Wild Safari, Greece, and Star Quest. We went inside a vast mouth and walked through the walls of the digestive system. We went to the Dinosaur Center. There was a center with monster heads, electricity, and a space center. Then we went to the top, where there was a planetarium. It was a fun day.
Sunday, June 25, 2006

We went to Gatorland. There were alligators and crocodiles all around—big, small, and babies. Madison and Bucky held an alligator and a python snake. They had their picture taken while holding them. We watched Gator Wrestling, Later Jumparoo, and Close Encounters. We rode the train through the swamp area. There were all kinds of large birds nesting and alligators nesting. It started pouring rain. 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Traveling for Meadow!

Children's Hospital Philadelphia Stroke Clinic  
Children's Hospital Philadelphia
Spend a couple days at RMH in Philly and visit the Stroke Clinic.
Meadow EEG in Birmingham, Alabama 
Shriners Hospital Lexington, Ky. We visited Shriners 
Meadow in Children's Hospital St Louis, Mo
I rode to St Louis, MO, with my daughter.
Meadow at RMH before her Moya, Moya Surgery In Palo Alto, CA
I spent twenty-five days in Palo Alto. Dr. Stineburg performed two Moya Moya surgeries on my granddaughter. 
Meadow at Children's Hospital Birmingham
We traveled to Birmingham to see a doctor or a hospital visit.
Meadow at Ability Plus Melbourne, FL 
Getting tucked into bed at Give the Kids the World Kissimmee, Florida
I spent one week with my daughter and her children at GKW.
We went to SeaWorld, Disney, and Universal Studios.
Meadow at Dr. Bradstreets in Melbourne, Fl
I stayed with my daughter and granddaughter at RMH in Orlando for six weeks, and we rode daily to Melbourne, Florida, for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Physical therapy.

Monday, June 29, 2015

🚗1981 ~July 1-4, Family trip to Homosassa Springs, Florida

We traveled ten hours to Homosassa Spring, Florida, to visit relatives.

We traveled to Florida in our new Camel Brown 1980 Chevrolet Malibu, which could seat six people comfortably.
My fifteen-year-old son rode upfront with my father-in-law(who smoked a pipe)and my husband (who smoked cigarettes).
Most of the time, the front windows were rolled down, and some smoke went outside while the rest encircled our heads.
My mother-in-law, two younger sons, daughter, and I sat in the back.

My four-year-old daughter spent most of her time on someone's lap or sleeping in the back window. 

What I remember about the trip was the way the car rode, especially through Montgomery. It felt like we were in a boat being tossed about by the waves. 
Up and down, Up and down we went!

We were greeted with a warm welcome & teddy bear hugs from the Henson Family.
Mildred had prepared a large meal, and we all ate.
After dinner, we sat around talking while the kids played outside.
When bedtime came, my in-laws were given the extra bedroom, and we
Slept on quilts, blankets, and pillows to spread out on the living room floor. 

Day 2: Thursday, July 2, 1981
The next day, we walked through the 14-acre archeological site in Crystal River Park, which dates back to 500 BC.

We returned to the Yules Sugar Mill Ruins, the pre-civil war sugar plantation. 
The once-thriving sugar mill owned by David Levy Yulee is now a State Park. 

The park contains a forty-foot limestone masonry chimney, iron gears, and a cane press.
Indian Camp in the Magic Kingdom
It's a Small World in the Magic Kingdom
Micky Jamming Parade Magic Kingdom 
Ferry Boat at the Magic Kingdom 

Group Picture at the Magic Kingdom 
Day 3: Friday, July 3, 1981
We spent all day Friday at the Magic Kingdom.  
We rode on Hwy 44 over to I-75 to I-4 to Disney World. 

At the Magic Kingdom, we stood alongside rails to watch the Magic Carpet I MAX ride, which made my youngest son seasick. 

We visited the 20,000 Leagues under the sea in Tomorrow Land.
We watched the colorful Macaws  in the Enchanted Tiki Room singing in "The Tiki, Tiki, Tika Room."
We climbed the giant treehouse of the Swiss Family Robinson in Adventure Land. 
We walked into the Haunted Mansion, watched a show, and  took a ride-through tour in Omni-moving vehicles called "Doom Buggies."
We walked through a long corridor to take the Pirates of the Caribbean boat ride, which told a story about a band of pirates.
We took a Jungle Cruise boat in Adventure Land, which simulated a cruise down the Asia, Africa, and South American rivers.
We watched the Country Bears Jamboree Show, where audio-animatronic figures sang country music.
In Liberty Square, we visited the Hall of Presidents. 
We rode a boat in "It's a Small World," where dolls sang and danced in different languages worldwide. 
We rode the Space Mountain Roller Coaster.
We rode the Ferryboat to the Magic Kingdom. 
We purchased passport tickets with holes punched in them and a large string attached.
The tickets were collected at the gate and retained by Disney's Magic Kingdom.

Disney was working on building EPOC; it opened in 1982.

Day 4:  Saturday, July 4, 1981
We rode to Cape Kennedy/Cape Canaveral, taking the KSC bus tour and visiting the museum.

During the KSC bus tour, we got an up-close view of the space shuttle launch pad and the 363-foot-long Saturn V moon rocket. I took pictures of the kids in front of the Space vehicle. 
We walked through the Space Museum, where we saw the US Astronauts Hall of Fame and Early Space Exploration. We walked through the Robot Scouts exhibit of unmanned planetary probes. Each kid climbed up and put their face inside one of the many spacesuits for a picture. 
We also saw the rocket garden with early space flight rockets Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo.

What a visit with the Henson Family! They showed us how to have fun at the Magic Kingdom, and we learned the history of space travel at Cape Canaveral.

Cape Kennedy Space Center 
Cape Kennedy Space Center 
Cape Kennedy Space Center 
Cape Kennedy Space Center 
Lora at Cape Kennedy Space Center 

Cape Kennedy Space Center 
Mike, Ronald, Andy, Lora, and Little Bill at Cape Kennedy Space Center 

Day 5: Sunday, July 5, 1981
The travel home was long but not eventful, considering eight people were riding in a six-passenger car. 
My four-year-old daughter rode most of the way home, lying in the back window of our 1981 Malibu.

Life is an adventure, and we definitely had an adventure.

Monday, January 26, 2015

✈️✈️✈️2002 ~ May 29-June 6, Trip to Key West, Florida

Day 1: May 29, 2002
Teresa, Rick, Rebecca, Dad, and I flew from Huntsville, Alabama, to Atlanta, Georgia.
We flew from Atlanta, Georgia, to Miami, Florida, where my sister picked us up and drove us to her house in Marathon.

We stopped at Burger King for lunch.
After lunch, we stopped and walked along the Ocean and gulf.

My sister's house was along the waterfront, 10 feet from the inlet.
In this area, boats were docked, and you could fish and swim.
My sister cooked a seafood dinner, and we walked down to the beach after dinner.

We picked up seashells and watched the setting sun.
Sunset in Marathon 
Spiny lobster
Day 2: May 30, 2002
We went to one of the small islands in the Ocean and were dropped off with a picnic basket full of food and a cooler.
While we explored the island and ate lunch, the men folks left in the boat.
When the men came back in the boat, the tide had started coming in. The island was covered with water but too shallow for the boat to land, so we had to swim out to the boat with our basket and cooler.

The men caught some fish, a Spiny lobster, and a small shark. 
We had lobster for supper and fresh coconut from their yard, which Rick struggled to open.

The carapace of Panulirus Argus is subcylindrical and bears many strong, forward-facing spines. 
A pair of rostral horns project forward over the stalked eyes. 
Whip-like antennae are longer than the body and are studded with small spines and setae. Antennules are also elongated, extending the approximately 2/3-body length. 
The abdomen is notched along its lateral margins but is otherwise smooth. 
Each segment of the abdomen has a transverse groove that is disrupted at the midline. 
Two pairs of biramous uropods flank the central telson. 
The body color is varied but generally a gray or tan base color mottled with shades of green, red, brown, purple, or black. 
The second and sixth segments of the abdomen have large yellow or white ocillas, with smaller ocillas scattered dorsolateral along the abdomen. Legs are striped longitudinally in a dull blue color. Dactyls of the walking legs are setose. Pleopods are bright orange and black. 

The endopodites in female pleopods are well-developed and hook-like, bearing many setae. In juveniles, the antennae and pereiopods are banded white, and a broad white stripe runs the length of the dorsal midline across both the carapace and abdomen.
Island, where we had a picnic
Day 3: May 31, 2002
We went snorkeling in the Ocean, where the water was shallow at one point and over our heads at the next point.
We saw many unusual seashells but could not bring the live shells out of the Ocean.

We walked along the 7-mile bridge that was used in the making of the movie True Lies.
The highway included the Seven Mile Bridge, the Bahia Honda Bridge, and the Long Key Bridge (although these three original bridges are no longer open to vehicular traffic, except for part of Seven Mile Bridge, they are listed on the National Register of Historic Places and are currently used as fishing piers).

The 7-mile bridge runs over a channel between the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida Straight.
The new bridge is called Overseas Highway US1.
Movies made on the Old Highway are 2 Fast 2 Furious, License to Kill, Up Close and Personal, and True Lies.
We saw Marquesa Hotel, 600 Fleming St, Key West, Florida.
Seven Mile Bridge
Day 4: June 1, 2002
We went to the Tropical Crane Point Hammock Crane Point History Museum, where you can feed the fish and interact with hands-on sea critters. We also visited Los Ninos De Los Cayos, an interactive vessel complete with pirate clothing and treasures.
Crane Point, MM 50.5, Bayside, 5550 Overseas Hwy. Marathon, FL
Phone: (305) 743-9100

Here we also saw:
Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Hawksbill Sea Turtle
Kemp's Riley Sea Turtle

Leatherback Sea Turtle

1. The Loggerhead turtle weighs about 200 kg, with reddish-brown markings.
2. The Hawksbill turtle is a small, beautifully patterned turtle weighing about 50 to 100 kg.
3. Kemp's Riley Turtle is the smallest and most endangered sea turtle. It has an oval, olive-green shell and weighs about 50 kg.
4. The leatherback turtle is the largest of the sea turtles. It has no shell but leathery skin with raised stripes.
It can reach over a meter in length and weigh about 700 kg.
All sea turtles are protected because they are classified as Endangered.
Their numbers are reduced because of human activity, such as capturing or killing adults for food and their shells, taking eggs, the destruction and pollution of nesting beaches, ocean pollution, and being caught up in fishing nets.

We took the many trails in the park, and it was a very hot day.
Teresa and Rick Milberger walked ahead, and Paula and Becky returned to the museum because the mosquitoes were biting them.

After walking the trail, Dad wanted to cool off, so he asked me if putting his feet into the water was okay.
The next thing I knew, he called for help, for he had lost his balance and fallen into the water.
I knew I could not pull him out by myself, so I called out for Rick and Teresa, and they came running.
Rick pulled Dad out of the water. When he found them, his glasses had fallen off his face into the water. 
They were broken, and he was dripping wet.

This was another wild adventure with my family.
Tropical Crane Point Hammock Crane Point History Museum 
Tropical Crane Point Hammock Crane Point History Museum 
Day 5: June 2, 2002
We rode the Henry Pigeon Express to the Overseas Railroad, built by Henry Flager from 1912 to 1935. It is the eighth wonder of the world.

Pigeon Key Museum—Located on Pigeon Key, where Flagler railroad workers lived, this museum houses memories of the railroad's construction. The museum is actually a restored home where several families lived during the construction era and throughout the years. Today, hundreds of postcards and early photos of the island are displayed inside the house. A display model of the Seven Mile Bridge details the construction process.

MM 47, Oceanside, Marathon, FL

Phone: (305) 743-5999
Henry Pigeon Express 

Day 6: June 3, 2002
We took the Old Town Trolley Tours of Key West - Old Town Trolley's 90-minute tour covers more than 100 points of interest, and passengers can enjoy the tour at their own pace. At any point, passengers may choose to get off at any of the routine stops to shop, dine, or sightsee and then re-board another trolley later.

Mallory Square, Key West, FL
Phone: (305) 296-6688
After the trolley tour, we walked to Ernest Hemingway's home, located at 907 Whitehead St, Key West, Florida 33041.
Ernest Hemingway lived and wrote for more than 10 years.

We walked past the cruise ship Enchantment of the Seas, which was docked in Key West. Florida
We stopped at many of the shops along the way, where I:
Bought postcards of:
The Hemingway House Key West
Key West-The Conch Republic Southernmost Point Continental USA Key West FL.
Key West Lighthouse
Teresa, Rick, and Becky walked up to the Key West Lighthouse, and I walked through "The Keepers Quarters' Museum."
The lighthouse is 938 Whitehead Street, Key West, Florida 33040.

We walked to the Southernmost Point at Whitehead.
South Street in Key West, Florida, is 90 miles from Cuba. Point 1.

Before leaving the Florida Keys, we enjoyed a lovely meal at

Margaretville Café located at 500 Duval Street, Key West, Florida 33040 
Hemingway House Key West Postcard
Key West Lighthouse Postcard
Southernmost Point Postcard
Margaretville Café
Day 7: June 4, 2002
We loaded into my sister's truck, and she drove us to Miami International Airport, where we boarded and flew to Atlanta International Airport, then to Huntsville International Airport and the road home.

May 29-June 6, 2002, Miami, Florida, Delta Airlines
Delta Flight DL378
Leave 6:40 A.M. Huntsville International Airport (HSV) Seat 28E gate 6-ticket ticket 1 006-2198887297 4 LG6JHFN.
Arrive Atlanta International Airport (ATL)
Leave Atlanta International Airport (ATL)
Arrive at Miami International Airport (MIA)
Return Flight
Leave Miami International Airport (MIA)
Arrive Atlanta International Airport (ATL)
Leave Atlanta International Airport (ATL)

Arrive Huntsville International Airport (HSV)

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...