Showing posts with label clouds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clouds. Show all posts

Saturday, August 1, 2015

2012 Monday, October 8, Traveling North on Natchez Trace to Nashville, Tennessee

2012 Monday, October 8, Traveling North on Natchez Trace to Nashville, Tennessee

Monday, October 8, 2012
We left the house about 10:30 A.M. it had rained the night before, so everything was still damp and gloomy. 
We traveled north on highway 43 through Lawrenceburg, stopping at CVS for restroom break; diet drinks and twenty dollars in folding money.
Driving on the Natchez Trace
We took highway 64 west to the Natchez Trace Parkway where we travel all the way to Nashville.  
We stopped at Meriwether Lewis National Park to use the restroom.
We did not stop again until after we passed the detour, where they were repairing the overpass bridge.
The fall leaves were just beginning to turn, around every corner was a new color.
We stopped to see the waterfall at Fall Hollow. 
There was still a chill in the air and my new pink vest felt great. 
It was a short, and slippery walk across two bridges to the overlook. 
It turned out to be a gorgeous day with lots of puffy clouds in the sky. (Cumulus clouds.)
We stopped in Hampshire Tennessee along the trace to visit a barn full of drying tobacco.
Drying tobacco
Drying tobacco
Inside the Tobacco Barn
Tobacco Barn 
Marker described the Tobacco process.
On this model farm, Burley tobacco is grown and air-cured. It is a hard crop to rise; acre requires about 250 hours of labor. (Wheat is only three hours!) William Coleman has been growing tobacco her for over 40 years. 
Listen as he describes how it is done.
Marker described the Tobacco process
Tobacco Farm - Old Trace Marker 
This barn was built for Mr. Leland Greenfield in 1959 from timber grown on this farm. Mr. Greenfield first grew tobacco here in 1932. 
The Greenfield family had owned the land for over 100 years before the state of Tennessee purchased and deeded it to the Natchez Trace Parkway in 1977.
Tobacco Farm 
Inside the barn was a marker about The Tennessee Tobacco Barn, which said:
Burleys Tobacco must be air-cured for four to six weeks in the barn before it is ready for the marker. Listen. Burley is a light brown, aromatic tobacco used chiefly in cigarettes. A small percentage is used for pipe and chewing tobacco. Fall is the tobacco-curing season. However, a little tobacco is left in this barn all year for you to see.

Just a few miles away there was a marker telling about the family farm? 
Working in Harmony with the Environment
As we looked past, the marker to the land below we could a farmer harvesting hay for the winter. 
Working in Harmony with the Environment
Around every curve was a new site of orange, yellow, red, and green leaves.
We stopped at Natchez Trace’s Scenic Trail Highland Rim Section and as we looked below we could see fields of trees with multicolor leaves, farmhouses, a pond, barns and many other pictorial sites.
Traveling on the Natchez Trace 
In Williamsport was stopped to visit the Home of the Gordon Family. 
The house is still standing:
Home of the Gordon Family
The marker read:
One of the few remaining buildings associated with the Old Natchez Trace is the house of ferry operator John Gordon. Built in 1817-18, the Gordon House was one of the first brick homes in this area. In the early 1800s, Gordon settled here as ferry operator, trader, farmer, and Indian fighter. Because military expeditions kept him away from home, his wife Dorothea supervised the building of the house. Gordon died shortly after it was completed, but Mrs. Gordon lived here until her death 1859. In 1978, the National Park Service restored the house to its original appearance. A ten-minute walk beginning here leads to a section of the original Natchez Trace and the Duck River ferry site. The 450-mile (725 km) Natchez Trace Parkway roughly follows the route of the old frontier road.
Old Natchez Trace is the house of ferry operator John Gordon
There were also plaques telling about other sites along the Natchez Trace and a restroom.
Tennessee Valley Divide
marker honoring the soldiers of the War of 1812 
Our next stop was at the Tennessee Valley Divide it was near James TN. 
The marker read:
The high ground you are on is part of a long ridge that divides central Tennessee. Streams south of the divide flow to the Duck and Tennessee Rivers, while streams to the North empty into the Cumberland River. Travelers in the early days of the Natchez Trace were more conscious of the divide. Moving on foot or on horseback, they noticed changes in elevation and stream direction. Going north toward Nashville, Tennessee, the Valley Divide marked the edge of the frontier — the end of Chickasaw Indian Country.
Just a few feet away there was a marker honoring the soldiers of the War of 1812 that were buried along the Old Natchez Trace.
Nashville Tn
Eating at Joe's Crab Shack 
Eating at Joe's Crab Shack
 Joe's Crab Shack
Joe Knows Nashville Music City the USA
We finally arrived at Joe’s Crab Shack where we enjoyed a bucket of Dungeness Crabs.
(The Bucket of Dungeness Crabs was 1 1/4 lbs) 
The crabs are mild, tender, and easy to eat. 
All crab is served with new potatoes and a fresh ear of corn.
Today is Hubby's birthday and Joe’s Crab Shack had sent Hubby a birthday gift for an appetizer.
We ordered Crab Stuffed Mushrooms as the appetizer.
We snapped a few pictures inside and outside Joe’s Crab Shack.
Tennessee Titans Football Stadium
Hard Rock Cafe 
After leaving Joe’s we rode to Opry Mills to see if any of the stores had opened since the flood.
Opry Mills had been closed because the Cumberland River had flooded all the stores and the mall was shut down.

The mall had reopened we walked inside.
At the Ghost Armor booth, I had purple Ghost armor wrapped around my iPhone.
We walked over to the Opryland Gaylord Hotel and strolled through the gardens.  
Opry Mills 
Opryland Hotel 
Rainforest Cafe 
Rainforest Cafe 
For supper, we stopped at Taco Bell in Springhill Tennessee
We arrived home about 10:00 P.M.

We had a wonderful day!

Friday, June 19, 2015

✈️✈️✈️2010~ May 26-June 3, Trip to Los Angeles, California

Day 1 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 
We traveled from Muscle Shoals, Alabama, to Atlanta, GA., via Airplane, which took thirty-five to forty-five minutes. We left at 6 A.M. and arrived a little after 8 A.M.
My husband took us all to the airport. He helped us unload our luggage, and we said goodbye.
We checked in, and I used the kiosk to insert my credit card information. 
We boarded the Airplane, and I saw my doctor.
Dr. Boorgu and his wife were going to Maryland for a Medical conference. I replied that we were going to Los Angeles. 
As we exited the Airplane, doctor Boorgu said enjoy your trip.
Carolyn and I stored our luggage on the first plane.
When the plane landed, we had to collect our luggage.
(All luggage with wheels had to be stored.)
We climbed two flights of stairs from the runway. I was trying to let the handle down on my suitcase while climbing up the stairs, but somehow, I lost control, and the suitcase tumbled back down the stairs.
The pilot that talked to Sherry during the flight caught my suitcase. 
He told Sherry that he was a pilot and that he would work in Atlanta for the next seven days.
He would be taking short trips but soon would be taking trips back and forth to Europe. He had been to the Shoals area to visit his family.
I thanked him for stopping my suitcase from falling. 
When we reached the top of the stairs, we started looking for our next stop, Gate T.

We took the escalator downstairs to the Tram.
From the Tram, we caught a couple of moving sidewalks. 
On the level with the Tram is this beautiful display of Zimbabwe Sculptures 
I started taking pictures but did not realize there were so many. 

How can I Rise, Caring Mother, Woman Showing Traditional Salute, Exercising Man, Protecting Spirit, Protecting Family, Water Spirit, Madoka, Who Will Raise the Child, At one with Nature, Galactic Dancer, Traveling Family, Hwata Secretary Bird, Generation Pyramid, Peacemaker, Welcome baby, LeapFrog, Conversion, waiting, Kissing Lovers, Elephants, and Ignailus Zhuwakiyl
Zimbabwe Sculptures /Kissing Lovers
Zimbabwe Sculptures /Protecting Spirit
Zimbabwe Sculptures /Madoka
I asked Sherry if she would hold my luggage while I took a few pictures. I was so wrapped up in taking photos that we missed the upstairs escalator. 
Sherry still had my luggage when we once again boarded the Tram.
I was trying to put my camera back in its bag when Sherry slipped and fell while getting on the Tram. 
Carolyn stopped in front of me, and I almost fell.
Sherry was offered help, but she said she was okay, and I just stood there, okay, watching when the Tram started to move. 
A man beside me put his arm around my waist to keep me from falling.

We left the Tram, took the escalator upstairs, and walked to Gate T.
We found a place to sit down and began eating the breakfast my husband had purchased from Hardees. 
Sherry and Carolyn ate sausage & egg biscuits.
I ate a bacon & cheese biscuit. 
We each purchased a bottled drink.  
When we finished eating, we talked and used the restroom. 
We boarded the plane. I sat next to the window, and Sherry sat next to me. We sat in 40 E&F.
The Stewart served snacks, and I chose pretzels and coke.
Sherry had made sandwiches for our flight. She gave me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and she and Carolyn ate a chicken Salad. 
I got my camera out and started taking pictures (I took over 200 while in flight).

We flew from Atlanta, GA, toward Birmingham, AL, toward Starkville, MS, toward Greenwood, MS, through Texarkana, AK, Withcfalls OK; Albuquerque, NM; FOKgstaff, AZ; Boulder City, Nevada (where we saw the Colorado River and the Hoover Dam) and the snow-capped Rockies Mountains (what was left of the snow). We flew near Lake Mead National Rec Area and followed along Interstate 40 into LA International Airport.
It was neat looking at the land from the Airplane and how the view changed. In Arizona, you could see the mountainous and sandy desert, in New Mexico the circles and squares of the land and landing in LA the monopoly of houses that covered the land. Many clouds were floating in some areas, and their shadows covered the ground below. 
We landed at LAX Airport, collected our overhead luggage, and walked outside to catch the bus (Flyway) to the bus depot where Carolyn's car was parked. 
I was snapping pictures through the window on the one-hour ride. 
When we arrived at the bus depot, we purchased our tickets, and Carolyn paid for the storage of her car. 
The cost to store her car was four dollars a day for eight days. We rode to Carolyn's at Picasso and Franklin Streets in Lancaster, California. 

Carolyn prepared Chicken patties, cream potatoes, and a salad for supper. After supper, Carolyn went to her Wednesday Church meeting. Sherry and I watched TV, and we were both tired. I went to sleep and slept until nine the following day. 
Rockie Mountains 
Colorado River/Hoover Dam
New Mexico 
New Mexico 
Flying into Los Angeles
Flying into Los Angeles
Billboard Sex and the City 
Massive Grave site in LA 
Day 2 Thursday,  May 27, 2010 
Sherry and I walked two and a half miles square around the neighborhood. 
We walked to the end of Picaso, turned right, then left onto 13, left on Avenue K, down to the red light, left on 15, then left on J*, walked to 10 East at the Red light, went left to Avenue K, and saw McDonald's, Walgreen's, and Wienerschnitzel on the right side of the road. We walked to the red light, left to 13, and left to Picaso to Carolyn's 43637. 
For breakfast, I ate half a banana and a streusel cake. Later that day, Sherry and I walked to Walgreens, where I bought a pink top, some candy, and tanning lotion. 
We walked to Wienerschnitzel, where we ate brunch.
I ordered a chili cheese hamburger and coke. Sherry ordered a double chili cheese hamburger, fries, and coke. I ate some of her fries. 
Carolyn spent most of the day cleaning because she had been gone for over a week and had left Bill, her husband, to fend for himself. Men do not clean the way most women clean. Carolyn prepared a pot roast with carrots and potatoes for supper. Bill bought a peach and apple pie for dessert. 

That night, I stayed home with Bill, and we watched TV. We watched CSI Miami. Sherry and Carolyn went to Curves. Everyone was in bed by eleven. 
Backyard of Carolyn's House
Day 3 Friday, May 28, 2010  
After showering and dressing, Sherry and I walked the same route (2 1/2 miles) as the day before. We stopped at Walgreens on our way back. Carolyn had gone with Bill.
Carolyn took us to Antelope Valley to see the poppies fields when they returned from the doctor. 
The yellowish-orange color poppies were about gone, but a few were scattered over the fields, and among the poppies were tumbleweeds. I had never seen either, so I started snapping pictures.  
We stopped at Edwards Air Force Base, a Park full of retired Jets, missiles,

Here is a list of what we saw: A-12 & SR-71A Blackbirds in Blackbird Park in Palmdale Ca, F-86 Sabre N91FS, BB AF 80 099, Plaque with Dick Madison ~James Daniels~John Jack Fabbri, Albert "Pinky" Pinkham Memorial, B-2 Spirit, C-140 Jetstar N814NA NASA, F-101 Voodoo 0-08034, F-100 Super Sabre ~FW 299, F-104 Starfighter ~70915, F-105 Thunderchief AF 652 416 WW, F-14 Tomcat 103, B-52F Stratofortress ~70038, A-7 Corsair II ~54449, A-4 Skyhawk ~145067, F-4 Phantom II ~069, T-38 Talon ~182, F-5 Freedom Fighter ~80324, T-38 Talon ~182 and Scaled Composites 143 Triumph

On our way back, we stopped at the dollar store; I bought a couple of avocados, a Father's Day card, and a birthday card for my son, Andy.
For supper, Sherry cooked chicken liver (which she and Bill loved) and corn, while Carolyn cooked us chicken breast and vegetables.
I ate a banana, spice cake, and a three-musketeer bar for breakfast that morning. 
Antelope Valley to see the beautiful, yellowish-orange poppies
Antelope Valley to see the beautiful, yellowish-orange poppies and tumbleweeds
Antelope Valley to see the beautiful, yellowish-orange poppies and tumbleweeds
A-12 & SR-71A Blackbirds
Edwards AiForcece Base
Edwards Air Force Base
Day 4 Saturday, May 29, 2010
Sherry and I walked the same 2 1/2 miles routine every day. 
When we returned, Carolyn took us to Northridge Ca to the Greek Festival. 
We arrived at 10:00, and the festival did not start until 1:00 P.M.
We walked to McDonalds, and we walked to a yard sale. 
The family was having a yard sale to raise money to send their girls on a mission trip. Carolyn bought some books. 
We walked to St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church located at 9501 Balboa Blvd.  Northridge, California 91325, where the festival was taking place.
I met Iris while we were walking to the church. She told me she was from Atlanta, GA, had lived in New York, and now lived in Northridge, CA. I told her I was visiting my cousin. 
I introduced her to Sherry and Carolyn. Iris received a telephone call, and we said goodbye. 
Sherry and Carolyn were tired from walking, so they found seats and sat down.
With my camera in hand, I started walking around taking pictures. 
The aroma of Greek food was in the air. 
There were all kinds of sub sandwiches and a leg of lamb.
There were several display cases full of Greek deserts. 
We each bought a dessert.
We walked through many vendor booths, checking out their wear.
I bought three beautiful Greek bracelets.
Many people joined the traditional Greek dance, and the music was fantastic. 
The church was open, and one could tour the Chapel, which was gorgeous. 
There was a young woman who explained how the Greeks Worshiped God. 
This young woman was from Huntsville, AL., and had worshipped at a Greek Church in Huntsville. 
I saw a wall between the people and the priest. Three robes were on display. On the wall were the figures of St John, Christ, Mary, and the Child, and all the saints of the church. 
On the right side of the church was a table that displayed Christ's death and birth. This table is carried through the church and outside the church. 
In the center of the ceiling is a rotunda, and in the center is a picture of Christ.
There were stained windows of the saint throughout the church. 
A table full of candles, suitable for both the living and the dead, was available for purchase. 
We thanked the young woman, walked to our car, and rode to Carolyn's.

St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Northridge, California
A little history of the church below:
The Greek Orthodox Church is the body of several churches within the larger communion of the Orthodox Church. It shares a common cultural tradition and traditionally conducts its liturgy in Kline Greek, the original language of the New Testament.
The nave is the main body of the church where the people stand during the services.
The walls are generally covered from floor to ceiling with icons or wall paintings of saints, their lives, and stories from the Bible.
Above the nave in the church's dome is the icon of Christ, the Almighty Pantokrator ("Ruler of All"). Directly hanging below the dome is a circular chandelier with depictions of the saints and apostles, called the horos.
The iconostasis, also called the templon, is a screen or wall between the nave and the sanctuary covered with icons. There will typically be three doors, one in the middle and one on either side. The central one is traditionally called the Beautiful Gate and is only used by the clergy. Sometimes, this gate is closed during the service, and a curtain is drawn. The doors on either side are called the Deacons' Doors or Angel Doors, as they often have depicted the Archangels Michael and Gabriel on them.

We ate hamburgers, fried zucchini, and fried onion from Double Z's for supper. Sherry and Carolyn took a nap while I washed clothes.  

That night, Carolyn's toilets became clogged with paper towels. The next day, a plumber came and unclogged the lines. 
St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 
St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church  Festival 
St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church  dancing
St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church  Lighting the candles
St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church inside the church
St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, the rotunda
St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 
St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Northridge California The robe
Day 5 Sunday, May 30, 2010 
We all slept late.
The plumber came at eight and cleaned out the pipes.
Everyone took a shower and dressed, and we all went to the late service at 11:00 A.M. at Desert Vineyard, 1011 East Avenue 1, Lancaster, CA 93534.
They sold beagles, muffins, coffee, and drinks at the service. 
The minister talked about his trip to the holy land.
He said to me and my friend were trying to find a McDonalds. 
We wore short pants and tee shirts, which did not fit their culture. 
He said we were almost attacked several times. Finally, we asked this huge man for directions to McDonald's, which he gave us. 
But when we reached McDonald's, it was closed. We did not take any more chances walking that night; we took a taxi back to the hotel. 
We had praise and worship, and we honored our veterans.
Monday was Veterans Day. 
At 1:00 P.M. lunch, we went to Bill's son's home, where they were grilling.
We ate hamburgers, bratwurst, hotdogs, and all the fixings. Rob's girlfriend brought strawberries and cheesecake. 
After eating, some sat and talked while others entered the swimming pool. Still others played cards. 
I talked to Rob's girlfriend and Bill's daughter-in-law. She said that her husband had passed away from cancer. She said she had a son and a daughter. 
We left at about 4:30 P.M.
Sherry and I walked our routine of  2 1/2 miles, and I took pictures with my cell phone.
When we finished our walk, we stopped at the grocery store.
Sherry bought several spices at the store that we do not have back home.

We stopped at the gas station, where I bought lottery tickets, a couple of Mountain Dews, and a Three Musketeer bar. 
Swimming party and cookout 
Swimming party and cookout 
Day 6 Monday, May 31, 2010
Sherry and I walked our 2 1/2-mile routine, and we stopped at McDonald's for breakfast. I ordered a cinnamon melt and a Diet Coke, and Sherry ordered a sausage biscuit and a Coke. 
At 2:30 P.M., Carolyn made lunch of burritos.
We went to play Bingo at 5 P.M.
Carolyn went early to get us a good table. The pot for all games was $400 that night, so the tables did not take long to fill up, and we came later with Bill. 

We stayed until all the games were played, which was about 10 P.M. Carolyn won $200, and I almost won; all I needed was the number 14 on two cards.
Day 7  Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Sherry and I walked our 2 1/2 miles around the neighborhood. We stopped at McDonalds and ate breakfast. I ordered a cinnamon melt, and Sherry ordered a Sausage biscuit. 
I had my camera with me so I could take pictures of the beautiful flowers and trees hanging over the walls of the homes in the square where we walked. We walked to Walgreens, where I bought a tube of Jergen tanning lotion; it was on sale for $4.99. We stopped at the gas station, where I bought a couple of Mountain Dews, which were two for $2, and a three Musketeer bar. 
We rode to Los Angeles; Carolyn stopped along the interstate so I could take some pictures of Red Rock Canyon. This area has been used for movies like The Mummy, Zorro, Jurassic Park, Missile to the Moon, The Cars, and many Western films and music videos. 
The Canyon has a magnificent view of grey limestone and red sandstone and is home to over 200 mammals.
When I finished taking pictures, I returned to the car and rode to LA.
We are going to see Angels Flight, it is a site that my grandfather visited more than eighty years ago. 
Eighty years later, here I am. I have a postcard that my grandfather saved when he visited Angels Flight. He saved everything and had many postcards of places he visited in the early 1920s.
We will ride the Angels Flight to the top of the city. It is a beautiful site, with tall skyscrapers all around. This is one of the sites that I wanted to visit while in Los Angeles.
We parked in Chinatown and walked across the overpass of Interstate 5, 10, and 110 to downtown LA. We passed Moore Fort Park Monument, several Federal Buildings, the Civic Center, and a tunnel where Angels Flight once stood on Hill Street. We rode Angels Flight to the top, where we were among many skyscrapers—a beautiful sight to behold.

Angels Flight is now located at 351 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013. It has two funicular cars, Sinai and Oliver, that can be rode in at twenty-five cents one way. The ticket station is at the top. To ride back down, you pay another twenty-five cents. There was a historical marker at the top and Information on a Kiosk at the bottom of the flight. 

Red Rock Canyon
Angels Flight
Angels Flight
Angels Flight  Postcard
Angels Flight is now located at 351 South Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90013. It has two funicular cars, Sinai and Oliver, that can be ridden in at twenty-five cents one way. The ticket station is at the top. To ride back down, you pay another twenty-five cents. There was a historical marker at the top and Information on a Kiosk at the bottom of the flight. 

History of Angels Flight:
Built in 1901 by Colonel J. W. Eddy, a lawyer, engineer, and friend of President Lincoln, Angels Flight is said to be the world's shortest incorporated railway. Controlled by cables, the counterbalanced cars travel a 33 percent grade for 315 feet. It is estimated that Angels Flight has carried more passengers per mile than any other railway globally, over a hundred million in its first fifty years. This incline railway is a public utility operating under a franchise granted by Los Angeles.
A Penny to "Heaven"
Less than six months after work began, Eddy's railway opened at Third and Hill Streets, one penny each way. For those who preferred to hoof it or could not afford the fare, Eddy built 207 steps on the north side so that no one could claim he had a profit-making monopoly on the ascent.
An observation tower was built at the Olive Street terminal's upper end and became known as "Angel's Rest." This rickety 100-foot tall tower afforded a panoramic view of the burgeoning city. However, after a decade, the rotting timbers used in building the Third Street tunnel below made the ground sink.
(Although the tower was reinforced, it soon became too dangerous to climb, and by 1938, it was taken down.)
In 1909, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Lodge No. "99" built its headquarters atop Bunker Hill just in time to host the Elk's national convention. To help lead the way to the new digs, the Elks paid for a red beaux-arts arch and colonnade over the "Angels Flight" Hill Street entrance. The initials "B. P. O. E." were carved into the archway to direct visiting lodge members to the hilltop convention.

Flight of the Angels
As the trombones played on New Year's Eve in 1901, two wingless angels took flight, screeching their way to fame as the stars of the world's "shortest railway." "Olivet" and "Sanai," two black-trimmed, cream-colored wooden cars named for two hills in the Holy Land, chugged at a stately pace, journeying 325 feet on a 33% grade. The tiny two-car incline named "Angels Flight" was open for business, and its business was hauling the wealthy residents of the fashionable Victorian hilltop neighborhood down to the flatlands and back up again 400 times a day, 18 hours out of every 24 seven days a week.
Ups and Downs
Renovated in 1913, the system continued its ups and downs, catering to society matrons who descended with butlers in tow to carry their heavy packages from Grand Central Market, which had opened in 1917 as the neighborhood's only full-service grocer. 
Civil War Hero
Its creator, Col. James Ward Eddy, was a Civil War hero, a friend of Abraham Lincoln's, a former schoolteacher, a lawyer, an Illinois State senator, and an engineer. Weary of politics, he had pulled up stakes and headed west. He found Bunker Hill and its mansions to be an island of privilege isolated from the shops and commerce below. He planned to link the hilltop paradise with the street using a counterbalanced funicular.
A few years and. and Three Decades Later 
In 1935, when the city planned to widen Hill Street and replace Angels Flight with a nondescript municipal elevator, Angelenos protested. The town backed down for over 30 years until 196,9 when the colorful cars (then repainted in Halloween orange and black) and the tracks they ran on were dismantled. The hilltop terminal stood in the way of urban renovation, and skyscrapers would sprout atop Bunker Hill.
City officials swore that Angels Flight would return in "a few years." However, a few years became three decades, and waiting for the next lift was long. Encumbered with bureaucratic delays, official excuses, red tape, real estate squabbles, and money woes, Angels Flight's uphill battle to restoration finally ended in 1996, with the Community Redevelopment Agency getting the Cars rolling again. 
The tracks were relocated a half-block south of the original path, and a city eager to hold on to its past and revive its urban life - Angels Flight and its soaring course has become the most visible and beloved form of public transportation in the City of Angels.
We walked back to our car, which was parked in Chinatown.
We walked across the overpasses of Interstate 5, 10, and 110, past the Moore Fort Park Monument and several Federal Buildings. 
Fort Moore is a historic Fort in Los Angeles, California, built during the Mexican-American War. Its location gave Fort Moore Hill its name, which is located between the modern downtown Los Angeles neighborhoods of Bunker Hill and Chinatown. The Fort Moore Pioneer Memorial now memorializes it.
 Its approximate location was at the intersection of North Hill Street and West Cesar E. Chavez Avenue. On August 13, 1846, during the Mexican-American War, early in the conflict, U.S. naval forces under Commodore Robert F. Stockton sailed into Los Angeles and raised the American flag without opposition. A small occupying force of 50 Marines, under Captain Archibald H. Gillespie, built a rudimentary barricade on what was then known as Fort Hill overlooking the small town.
I took several pictures on our ride back to Carolyn's.
Bill picked up Church's Chicken for supper. It's unique, and you can buy two chicken pieces for $1.

Carolyn made homemade potato salad to accompany the chicken. She then went to her Tuesday night Bible Study, Sherry cleaned, and I wrote in my journal. 
Round trip souvenir ticket Angels Flight 
Day 8 Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Sherry and I walked our routine of  2 1/2 miles. We stopped at McDonalds for breakfast. Bill went to see a lawyer in LA.
Carolyn took us to Hollywood to see the stars placed along the sidewalks of Hollywood and Vine. 
The Hollywood Walk of Fame is on Hollywood Boulevard, from Gower to La Brea Avenue to Vine Street, from Yucca to Sunset Boulevard. 
The stars were in silent films, from modern action heroes to movie stars, radio, TV, stage performers, directors, singers, songwriters, and others. 
Gene Autry has the most stars, five. The Graumans Chinese Theater is reserved for true Hollywood Stars. 
(Graumans Chinese Theatre opened over 70 years ago, with the 1927 debut of the original silent version of "King of Kings," produced by Cecil B. DeMille. Since then, the Chinese Theatre has been the site of more gala Hollywood movie premieres than any other theatre. (1939, for instance, over 10,000 spectators showed up for the world premiere of "The Wizard of Oz.)
The only character that we saw was Batman. 
I took many pictures of the stars along the sidewalk but decided that there were too many to take them all. 
I took over 600 hundred pictures.
I also took pictures of clothing stores, museums, and restaurants.
I saw Madame Tussauds at the Gazebo. I saw a silver likeness of Mae West, Dorothy Dandridge, Dolores De Rio, and Anna Mae Wong.
I saw the Capitol Record Building, Kodak Theater, Disney's El Capitan Theater, Ripley's Believe or Not Museum, Hollywood Wax Museum, Guinness World Records Museum, The Kress nightclub, Are You the Star mural, Graumans Chinese Theater, Egyptian Theater, the magic castle.
As we were leaving, I saw the Hollywood Bowl
I missed taking a picture of the  Hollywood sign on the hill. 
Sherry made chicken and dumplings for supper.

We packed our luggage, and we left early in the morning.
Graumans Chinese Theatre 

Three Stooges 
Mural of Movie Stars
May West 
Day 9  Thursday, June 3, 2010 
We left Lancaster at 4:30 A.M. Carolyn drove us to the bus station calwe rode t bus station, into LA International Airport.
I had problems getting the kiosk to take her flight information at the airport, so I asked a flight attendant for help. 
Sherry and I went through security, okay, and we settled in. Our flight to Atlanta was smooth.
I had earphones, so I watched TV. I tried to take a few pictures, but because I was sitting over the wing, they were hard to get. 
I did get a good picture of what snow was left on the Rocky Mountains.
We flew over the Colorado River, Boulder, Nevada, at the Hoover Dam.
We flew through the desert of Flagstaff, Arizona, Albuquerque, and New Mexico.
We flew to Atlanta, GA, through Wichita Falls, okay, Texarkana, Arkansas, Starkville, MS, and Birmingham, AL.  
We did not have to rush to our next flight, so I took the time to take pictures of the NASA Gallery display on the lower level.
These are the pictures that I took:
Vela Supernova Remnant, W49B, Cassiopeia A, Cat's Eye Nebula, North America Nebula, Orion Molecular Cloud Complex, Star-forming Region S106 IRS4, Veil Nebula, Tierra Universo, From Earth to the Universe, Orion Nebula, Cone Nebula, Helix Nebula, Butterfly Nebula, Lagoon Nebula, Carina Nebula, Trifid Nebula, Rosette Nebula, Eagle Nebula, Horseshoe Nebula, Crab Nebula, Antares, Pleiades, or Seven Sisters, Tierra Universo and Pleiades 440 Light Years (star clusters).

We walked upstairs, and I bought us supper at Burger King. 
We sat in the lobby talking until it was time for our flight to Muscle Shoals. 

Had a great trip but was glad to be home

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...