Showing posts with label Elvis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elvis. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

🚙2010 ~Tuesday, May 18, Memphis, Tennessee

Today my husband and I rode to Memphis, Tennessee.
We left between 8:30-9 A.M.  
Stopped in Corinth, MS used the restroom and filled it up with gas.
We arrived in Germantown after stopping to take pictures of a Girl on a horse, which is to honor Germantown Charity Horse Show’s 60th Anniversary 1948-2008, a picture of A Blue Star Marker to honor the Armed Forces, by Germantown Garden Club, and a marker Listing the Mayor's Grove of Germantown from 1920-1994. 
Jockey rider
We then drove to Joe’s Crab Shack located at 7990 Horizon Circle Blvd Memphis, Tennessee. 
I ordered a Caesar salad and Seafood Fun-Do (a creamy fondue filled with shrimp, crawfish, spinach, and saluted mushrooms, topped with bead crumbs, Served with garlic bread for dipping) and a glass of unsweetened tea.
My husband ordered a Caesar salad, and he ate some of the Seafood Fun-do, sweet tea, Crabs in a bucket, with corn on the cob, and new potatoes. It costs 22.00 a bucket. We spent $42.00.
Our Hostest at Joe’s Crab Shack is located at 7990 Horizon Circle Blvd Memphis, Tennessee. 

 Joe’s Crab Shack is located at 7990 Horizon Circle Blvd Memphis, Tennessee. 

Crab legs, corn, and potatoes come in a bucket! This will put a smile on his face over time!
We then took I-40 over to Front Street, we went into the Welcome Center, where we got information about Memphis.
In the Welcome Center, we saw a statue of Elvis Presley and a statue of BB King  
Elvis Presley 
BB King
Monorail to Mud Island along the Mississippi River
We walked to the Monorail and paid $4.00 each to ride to Mud Island. 
The Monorail was located under the bridge that went to the Mississippi River.
(The monorail has a big wheel called a bull wheel. It pulls one continuous loop cable which moves the passenger cabins in opposite directions on separate tracks at the same time.)
We took the escalators down three stories to the ground level. 
We saw an inlaid map of the Mississippi River. I took pictures of the maps and markers of the Mississippi River from beginning to end. 
The river walk is a portrait of Old Man River in Miniature that winds 1,000 miles of Lower Mississippi.
The model portrays important features of the river and its floodplain, with an inlaid street map of each community along its banks. 
The river model is a jigsaw puzzle, made up of 1,746 pre-cast concrete panels, each weighing 8 1/2 tons. An average of 1,200,000 gallons of water flow through the system.
Information panels along the river wall tell the stories of people, places, and events along the lower Mississippi River. 
I took pictures of most of the information panels along the riverbank crossing back and forth over the riverbed. I said, "I have crossed the Mississippi River more times than most people cross in a lifetime. "
We walked over to the flying flags. 
There were flags from Tennessee, Great Britain, Spain, France, North Carolina, and the Confederate States of America each representing their involvement with the Mississippi River. 
Mud Island

Visiting Mud Island

Mississippi River and Bridge
Instead of going back up the Mississippi River, we went around towards the Amphitheater and back up the stairs to the Museum and we talked to one of the curators of the museum. 
I told the curator about how much I liked the River Walk. How we had crossed the Mississippi & Ohio in Paducah, KY, and the bridge in Cape Girado, and how much more interesting it was seeing in all layouts. She told us that the city had asked Bass Pro Show to use the Pyramid building because the building was empty and needed use. She also said that the city was going to help them get moved. 
She was very excited about having a Bass Pro Shop close by. We said goodbye and left the museum. We took the three flights of escalator to the monorail and rode it over to Front Street. 

We exited the Mud Island Monorail Building and walked toward Adams Avenue. We walked down Adams Avenue and I took pictures of the Fire House Museum, the Memphis Police Department (old building), the Shelby County Courthouse, statues and Markers, Calvary Protestant Episcopal church and Marker, St Peter Catholic Church and marker, the Eugene Magevney museum and marker, 1862 Post Office marker, (hiding under a tree), Forrest’s Early Home Marker, Christopher Columbus, statue, markers and Park. 
My husband waited while I walked down Adams Avenue taking pictures, I then met back up with him and we walked down North Main Street taking pictures of old buildings, the train trolley and I stopped a couple of young men to make sure we were headed in the right direction. 
The Trolley
Firehouse Museum 

 Calvary Protestant Episcopal Church

Christopher Columbus Statue

Firehouse Museum 
I took pictures of the Kress Building, Orpheum Theater, Peabody Place, FedEx forum, Gibson’s Music Store & showcase, and the Elvis Presley Plaza and Statue. 

Elvis Presley Plaza and Statue. 
I took several pictures of signs about Beale Street. “There were two types of culture, on Beale Street. The sinners and the saved, you had professionals, and business people and then you had those who worked to have some nightlife fun.”

We walked into the Gibson Music store I took pictures of a white, red, and blue piano a 20-foot guitar, and another 15-foot hard rock blue guitar.
We walked across the street to the Civic Center called the FedEx Forum where my husband took a picture of me sitting on a soccer ball. They had the font of their build lined along the street with soccer balls, basketballs, tennis balls, and baseballs. 

On Beale Street, we saw a statue of WC Handy, and Musicians playing in the Pepsi Pavilion.
We saw the Hard Rock Café, Wet Willies, Ida B. Wells Marker, Brown Zero Blues Club, Pee Wee Saloon Marker, Coyote Ugly Saloon, New Daisy Theater, Nat D. Williams Marker, Rufus Thomas Jr. Marker, Silky Sullivan’s Irish, A Schwab building, Hooks brothers Marker, Kings Palace Café, Benjamin Franklin Booth marker, and scores of other stores, displays, and sites. 
We headed back up North Main Street and we saw Peabody Place, Piggy Wiggly Marker, courtyard Marriott, carriage rides, and many buildings and sites.
Hard Rock Cafe Guitar


Coyote Ugly


Beal Street 
We took the train trolley back to Adams Avenue and walked back to the Welcome Center took a few more pictures and then headed toward Presley Avenue. We drove toward the airport and got turned around. We saw a FedEx airplane taxied off.

We finally found Graceland, my husband let me out of the car and I took pictures of Elvis's marker, the wall around his house, and the gate. Across the street, I took pictures of Elvis's jet from the road. 
We headed back down I-40 by now the work traffic was out so we had quite a long drive back. We finally got off I-40 onto 385 East and traffic was still heavy, we headed toward 72 East, and when we got on 72 East we headed toward Corinth about an hour's drive. This is a long drive because there is nothing to see except the road, and trees not much of anything else.
Wall at Graceland

Elvis Aaron Presley
We finally arrived in Corinth (I said to my husband that I was like the kids and said are we there yet, I was getting hungry after that long walk and it was getting late) we stopped at Burger King, where I ordered a Whopper Junior, diet coke and a slice of Hershey chocolate pie, my husband ordered a whopper, fries, and a piece of the pie. We rode another hour arriving at Best Buy in Florence. My husband went to talk to the Geek Squad about his computer. 
When we arrive home I put on my pajamas, turn on the TV, and crawl into bed. I was asleep in no time. 

The next day I uploaded my pictures to the computer, added a few to FB, and a few to Flickr. Our Internet was too slow to upload all my pictures (580) so I will add them later. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

🚙2015 July 7, Tuesday, Day trip to Jackson Tennessee

We left home around 8AM
We took Cox Creek Pky to Hwy 20 into Tennessee.
In Tennessee hwy 20 becomes 69
We continued traveling on hwy 69 through Savannah, we took hwy 64 over to Selmer up hwy 45.
For some crazy reason, our GPS took us off the beaten path through a little town called Finger.
Finger Store
We winded and twisted around the road back to hwy 45 in Henderson, Tn.
We rode past the Pinson Mounds sign, I wanted to stop but my husband said, it is just a pile of dirt and it is too hot.
Pinson Mounds Archaeological Area 2.5 miles
Finally, we made it to Jackson our first stop was the NC & SL Railroad Museum.
There was construction going on the road in front of the museum, we had to take a detour.
Detour sign and Neely House
We parked, I started taking pictures of the mural across the street, the Neely House, and the three train cars that were parked on the train tracks at the museum.
Mural of the Train Depot 
Kitchen & Dining Car, Caboose, Chessie System car

Chessie System Car
The Sleeping area
Dining area
We walked into the museum where we saw more memorabilia that we could possibly see in one day. We watched the many tiny trains, twist and turn behind a glass case. I could have watched the trains for hours.
We talked to both curators, one of the curators ask me where we were from, I told her.
She asks me if I knew the Dunkin family.
She said her father-in-law was Colonel Dunkin and he is buried somewhere in South Alabama and she said she was a widow.
We thanked both curators and traveled to Rockabilly passing the historic homes on East Main Street.
This museum is free to the public.
Historic home on East Main St
Historic Greyhound Bus Station
Our next stop was Rockabilly Museum where we were greeted by the knowledgeable curator Henry Harrison. We toured the museum with a couple from Sweden.
The Swedish Couple 
I'm Going to Jackson
We got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout,

We've been talkin' 'bout Jackson, ever since the fire went out.
I'm goin' to Jackson, I'm gonna mess around,
Yeah, I'm goin' to Jackson, 
Look out Jackson town.

Well, go on down to Jackson; go ahead and wreck your health.
Go play your hand you big-talkin' man, make a big fool of yourself,
Yeah, go to Jackson; go comb your hair!
Honey, I'm gonna snowball, Jackson.
See if I care.

When I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop and bow. (Hah!)
All them women gonna make me, teach 'em what they don't know how,
I'm goin' to Jackson, you turn-a loose-a my coat.
'Cause I'm goin' to Jackson.
"Goodbye," that's all she wrote.

But they'll laugh at you in Jackson, and I'll be dancin' on a Pony Keg.
They'll lead you 'round town like a scalded hound,
With your tail tucked between your legs,
Yeah, go to Jackson, you big-talkin' man.
And I'll be waitin' in Jackson, behind my Jaypan Fan, 

Well now, we got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper Sprout,
We've been talkin' 'bout Jackson, ever since the fire went.
I'm goin' to Jackson, and that's a fact.
Yeah, we're goin' to Jackson, ain't never comin' back.

Well, we got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout'
And we've been talkin' 'bout Jackson, ever since the fire went...

Playing the drums 
The Mural at Rockabilly
On stage 
Henry Harrison 
We thanked Mr. Harrison for the tour and all the information about Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Brenda Lee, Johnny Cash, WS Holland, Jerry Lee Lewis, The Jordan Aires, Ace Cannon, Carl Mann, Narvel Felts, Wanda Jackson & Sam Phillips.
This museum cost $10.00 per person 

Our next stop was the Casey Jones Village and the Old Country Store Restaurant.
We ordered two senior buffet meals with tea cost per person was $9.98 total cost $21.91.
I filled my plate with collard greens, peas and fried corn fritters, a small salad plate and for dessert blackberry and peach cobbler. Oh, my gosh! It was so good!
Southern Buffet
Old Country Store Restaurant
Soda Shop woman frying up some apple pies
I took a few pictures outside, we walked across the parking lot, to the Old Town Music Highway Crossroads.
Motorcycle Made my Orange County Choppers
We walked to Casey's Museum Home, Train Museum and the gift shop.

Casey Jones Home 
The Hurst that carried Casey Jones 
The crash 
Casey Jones dining room 
Train engine 382🚂🚂🚂
Our last stop before starting home was the Winery, where I tasted several different wines before we purchased a bottle of Blackberry and Cayuga White wine, we spent $32.93.

We traveled home stopping at Chick-fil-a for dinner at 5:43PM.

We were both very tired from the trip and we both fell asleep by 8:30PM.
We had a great day it started out not too hot, by the end of the day it was humid.
Another full day of fun, see where next week will take us!

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...