Showing posts with label Cullman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cullman. Show all posts

Monday, December 11, 2023

2023 Dec 8, German Christkindlmarkt Cullman, Al

We traveled 157 miles to Cullman to see the German Christkindlmart. We saw Ice Skating, a Christmas Carousel, Mrs. Clause, the Christkindl Express, several warming tents, and vendors selling unique merchandise there.

Cullman's Christkindlmarkt 
Cullman's Christkindlmarkt  before dark

To ride the Christmas train or Carousel, you must purchase your tickets via a virtual queue system that allows you to get in line virtually without waiting. Cost $3

Christmas Carousel
Christmas Train 

We didn't see Santa Clause, but we did see Mrs. Clause and Christkind.

Lots of activities for little ones to do.

Toy making with Santa, 

Painting with Emily

Decorating cookies with Mrs. Clause

Snow Globes with Mrs. Clause

Charm Bracelets and Wooden Toy Trains with Mrs. Clause

Making ornaments with the Grinch 

Elf yourself with Buddy the Elf 

Nutcracker painting with Christkind 

And Ice Skating. 

 pretzel bratwurst

We walked around the square several times, stopping for a pretzel bratwurst (delicious) and a drink. 

We sat at a large picnic table enclosed on three sides. There, we met a couple from Birmingham. A member of Good Bellows stopped and Played Jingle Bells while I played along with the handbells.

Played Jingle Bells 

We sat and talked for several minutes. The couple left, and we followed suit.

Manger Scene 

We also saw the manger scene. 

We saw North America's largest Christmas Pyramid Lights.

Did you know that nativity scenes are the heart and soul of German Christkindlmarkt?

These festive markets are not just about shopping. They are also a celebration of tradition and faith. 

Despite evolving styles and changing times, nativity scenes remain a cherished and enduring tradition. 

This extraordinary handcrafted Nativity display, an actual work of art, was skillfully crafted by the renowned German company Erzgebirgische Holzkunst Gajlenz- the same talented artisans behind the Welhnachten pyramid. 

But that is not all! The Cullman Parks, Recreation, and Sports Tourism maintenance team was integral in constructing the stable that houses these exquisite figures. This collaboration between tradition and modern craftsmanship brings to life a Nativity scene that beautifully embodies the spirit of Christmas. 

We finished taking pictures and headed to the car. 

Friday, April 21, 2023

2023 April 15, Cullman Walking Tour, Killen Adventure Park and Wheeler Wildlife Refuge

Our tour guide was Ben Johnson South(a descendant of Creek Indians). We began our tour inside the Cullman Museum. The museum is a replica of the home of John Cullmann, who founded a colony of German immigrants. It has a narrow front porch with gingerbread trim and twin towers.

Cullman Museum 

Statue of John Cullmann

The museum contains Native American Artifacts, Indian statues, and arrowheads spanning thousands of years. 

Pioneer life, early settlers before John Cullmann. Dutch doll, some rockers, butter churn, and kitchen articles. 

Civil War: A House Divided, Music and Pictures, Our Home Town: Growing Up in Cullman, and History of Johann Gottfried Cullmann.

We walked outside to see the statue of Johann Gottfried Cullmann and learn about his history.

We walked up the street, and our guide talked about several buildings. 

Inside the  Sacred Heart Church of Jesus Roman Catholic Church.

Our treat was going through and learning the history of the Sacred Heart Church of Jesus Roman Catholic Church. 

Above is the link to read the history of this great church.

We ended the walk at the Cullman's Farmer's Market
to buy some fresh strawberries, but they had sold out.

It was getting near lunchtime, so we rode to OH! Bryan's for lunch.

Sirloin steak, sweet potato, and toast 

After lunch, we rode to Wheeler Wildlife Refuge. I walked to both view areas and along the swamp boardwalk. 
I saw lots of small birds.
I saw several turtles, three chipmunks, a squirrel, Canada geese, White Egret, and a snake swimming in the water.
Saw lots of wildflowers blooming.
There were no whooping or Sandhill Cranes to be found, and I saw only four other people there. The backyard birds were chirping loudly. On my Merlin app, I heard 27 different bird sounds. It was a nice, quiet walk at the Refuge.

ChimpmunksWheeler Wildlife Refuge

We stopped at Killen Adventure Park, where Hubby and I ordered a waffle cone.
I ordered Rocky Road ice cream, and he ordered Cheesecake ice cream.
We fed the animals (ducks, turtles, fish, and peacocks) while eating our ice cream.

Many people played Miniature Golf, had birthday parties, and fed the animals.
It was a beautiful day to be outside.

Killen Adventure Park 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

2022 Nov 13, Clydesdae's Parade in Cullman's Wearhouse District Cullman, AL

It was a bitterly cold morning as we rode to the Warehouse District in Cullman to see the Clydesdale Nov 13, 2022

Budweiser Advertisment 

Budweiser Clydesdales  coming to Alabama Nov 10-13, 2022 

Jingle & Mingle Birmingham Nov 10 

75th Annual Nationa Veterans Day Parade Birmingham Nov 11

Lakeview District Trot Parade Birmingham Nov 12 

Christmas Market Open House Cullman Nov 13. 

since Adams 1937 

We arrived at about 1 P.M. and got in line for the parade, where we could watch the horses being unloaded. 

Each of the eight Clydesdale was taken out of the trailer one at a time, then harnessed with solid brass, patent leather, and stitched with pure linen thread harness, which weighed over 130 pounds. 

One of the Clydesdale being hitched up with its harness 

The Red, White, and Gold beer Wagon must also be removed from the 50-foot tractor-trailer, and the Clydesdale hitched up one at a time. 

Once the horses were hitched to the wagon, the drivers, riders, and Dalmatian dog climbed aboard, and the parade began.

The parade was scheduled to begin at 1 P.M., but it did not start until 2:20 P.M.

The Budweiser wagon, 8 Clydesdale, two drivers, a Dalmatian, and three passengers rode around the Warehouse District three times, stopping once for pictures before heading back to the tractor trailers to be loaded.

8 Clydesdale drivers, riders, and Dalmatians starting the parade 

Close-up of drivers and Dalmatian 

Several children were standing next to me. A family with three redheaded children. One of the little boys was very impressed with my camera and wanted me to take his picture, which I did. 

The little boy who wanted me to take his picture.

Thousands of people were waiting to see the horses. We watched the Clydesdale circle a couple of times. 

After Clydesdale's first trip around the district, many people left. At about the same time, we heard the train's whistle blow and a very long train crossed the tracks, so these people had to wait for the tracks to clear before crossing. 

We would leave after the first round, but since we would have to wait on the train, we decided to go back and watch the Clydesdale again. I am glad we did because I got a better video of them coming around the corner and getting my picture made near the wagon. 

After the parade, we headed home, stopping at Cracker Barrel in Athens for supper. Hubby ordered a big breakfast, and I ordered pinto beans, fried apples with cornbread, chow chow, and onion.  

We stopped at Murphy's Walmart to fill up with Gas. By the time we arrived home, it was dark. 

It was a cold day, but at least the sun was shining. It got up to 41.

Friday, August 14, 2020

2020 Jul 22, History of Cullman, Alabama & The "Katy-Did" Crash

Hubby and I spent several hours doing business in Cullman, when we finished, we rode through the Historic area in Cullman, where we saw several murals that represented Cullman in the 1880s.

Dinclkelberg's The Santa Clause Store

City Fire Station & Kullman's Hall

DT Kinney Horse & Mules 

Cullman County Historical Society

We took a different route home and came across a historic marker;

 "The "Katy~Did" Crash"
70 years after the 'Katy-Did' fell out of the north Alabama sky, the memorial honors 8 who died

The "Katy-Did" Crash 

Eight U.S. Army Air Corps officers and enlisted men were killed one-fourth mile east of here near the Roundtop Community on Sunday, April 9, 1944, at 2:20 p.m. when their B-26C Martin Marauder bomber, nicknamed the "Katy-Did," crashed nose-down, at full throttle, and exploded. The warplane was on an official flight from Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia, to Memphis, Tennessee, when it encountered a severe thunderstorm. Witnesses reported that the plane reappeared from the heavy storm clouds upside down before crashing.

The victims were: 

Col. Lucius B. Manning, base commander, Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah, Georgia; 

Capt. Howard L. Hardy, pilot, La Harpe, Kansas; 

Capt. Arthur J. Gratis, co-pilot, Seattle, Washington; 

Sgt. John W. Haney, engineer, Buffalo, New York; 

Pvt. Matthew J. Geoghegan, mechanic, Bronx, New York; 

Pvt. John H. Bailey, radioman, Trenton, New Jersey; 

Sgt. James R. Smith, St. Maire, Idaho; 

1st Lt. Hugh Williams, Jr., Megehee, Arkansas.

We saw an Eagle perched on a power pole as we neared Wheeler Dam. 

Along the bank of the Tennessee River below Wheeler Dam, we saw these shorebirds.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

2017 April 18, Tuesday, Day Trip to Cullman, Alabama (Ava's First Trip with us)🍓🍓🍓

We rode past the Paper Mill in Town Creek (that is being torn down) to Highway 31 to Decatur.
Ava ate half a banana, and crackers and drank some milk before we stopped for lunch.
We stopped at Logan's Roadhouse in Decatur for lunch.
Hubby ordered a hamburger and fries. 
Ava and I shared ALASKAN cod, fried to perfection in a Samuel Adams Boston Lager batter. 
Served with crispy house-made potato chips.
Ava eating lunch
Fried Cod and chips 
Fried Cod and chips

Ava watched Kong Fu Panda, Little Mermaid, and Dory on the TV screen in our van.
Our first stop was the Decatur Train Depot 309 1st Street Cullman there we saw several train benches, a miniature train, a light, and a couple of cases of artifacts.
Train Depot 
We walked across the parking lot to Depot Park where Ava enjoyed stretching her legs after the long ride.
Ava enjoying the fountain at Depot Park 
We saw a farmer's market across the street so we took Ava by the hand and entered the crosswalk that leads to the farmer's market.
At the farmer's market, they were selling fresh homegrown strawberries.

Cullman's Farmers Market
Fresh Strawberries
We bought a gallon and before we knew it Ava was filling up on strawberries.
I had a baby wipe ready as the red juice flowed down her sweet face.
As soon as she finished one berry she was saying more.
I sat next to her in the back seat so I could feed her and clean her up.
Our next stop was the dollar store where hubby bought him a diet Mt. Dew and Ava a bottle of Apple Juice.
Clarkson Covered Bridge
Finally, we arrived at the Clarkson Covered Bridge.
We were all ready to get out of the van. 
I said that we should all walk across the bridge but Ava said scared so she and hubby walked to the cabin that had a swing, while I walked across the bridge.
Some kind of animal jumped out at me when I started back across the bridge.
I walked back to the cabin where Ava and hubby were looking at a green lizard.
Green Lizard
Me and Ava on the Clarkson Covered Bridge 
Cabin and Mill
We walked to the creek across a smaller bridge and took a few pictures.
It was awful muggy and by the time we arrived at the van, we were all sweating.
We were relieved to feel the cool air from the air conditioner.

Clarkson Covered Bridge
Sometimes called Legg Bridge
this 270-footbridge was constructed in 1904, destroyed by a flood in 1921, and rebuilt the following year. The only remaining covered bridge is Cullman County. It was restored by the Cullman County Commission in 1975 as an American Revolution Bicentennial Project. Named to National Register of Historic Places on 6~25~74.
Alabama Historical Association 1975
Side view of Clarkson Covered Bridge 
A smaller bridge that crossed the creek 
Ava with only a few strains of strawberries on her dress 
Snowball bush at the cabin
There were signs all throughout the park 
1. What is Water Pollution? #1
2. Where does your drinking water come from? #5
3. What Happens to my wastewater? #6
4. Monitoring Watershed Health #8
5. What's the Big Deal about Litter?! #9
6. Birds of Alabama #12
7. Alabama's Aquatic Biodiversity #13
8. Alabama's Physical Diversity#14
9. Land Use and Water Quality #15

We rode past the Civil War Museum we did not stop because we were all too hot and tired.
We came back on Highway 157 through Moulton.
We stopped at a local nursery for some tomatoes and peppers.
We dropped Ava off at her house and came home.
Too tired to get off the couch.
After resting for a couple hours we took the time to plant our vegetables in our garden box.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...