Showing posts with label strories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strories. Show all posts

Saturday, March 14, 2015

2014, Wednesday, May 15, Workshop Florence Library with Bill Huddleson UNA Front Porch Storytelling Festival

I attended a workshop with Bill at the Florence Library. Bill said, I am not Dolores and he was right he was not, but that did not mean he was not good.  

He used a different approach to storytelling and he made it fun. 
We broke up into several groups and did several different activities.

One activity was” Making the Right Move.”
This was an activity that involved two people A & B. 

The next activity including doing the following singing, mimicking, reading looking at one another, reading standing back to back, reading while sitting, reading while standing, we whispered the words, and we lip read the following:

Dropkick me sweet Jesus over the goalpost of life!
All my ex-s live in Texas so I live in Tennessee!
It’s been so lonesome in the saddle since my horse died!

Another activity we were given was to read a story and re-tale it to our partner.
King Solomon and Fate was the story that I had to re-tale to my partner. The moral of my story was when death looks you in the face; no matter how hard you try, you cannot outrun your fate. 

The story my partner re-told was about a bird and a Turtle.
The bird and the turtle needed to go east for the winter but the turtle could not fly so, the bird said, I will help you but you must not let go of the stick. 
When the two animals were in the air flying, they looked down at their friends and the turtle thought I am flying! 
So, the turtle lets go, to tell his friend goodbye, and when the turtle lets go, he fell to the ground. 
The moral of this story is you cannot fly without wings!!!!!!

We were told to tell a story about growing up.
We split into a large group and re-told our story to everyone in our group.

One woman told me about growing up and going to a one-room school, about not getting her favorite teacher until the third grade. 
Another told about growing up in Canada, how cold it was, and her father was a Canadian Soldier. 
Another woman told me about family ties. How some of the relatives had moved up north to work, but always came home for family gatherings. 
She told a story about a young couple who were expecting their first child and it died shortly after birth. 
Her relatives did not have the money to come home but came home anyway. They packed as many as possible into their small car and drove all the way home just, to find that the infant had already been buried.

I had fun and was given a certificate of attendance. Those three hours went by fast and I would love to do it again.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...