Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2024

2020 Christmas Letter Activies

 Merry Christmas,

My year started with Cataract Surgery on my right eye on January 8, followed by a bridge on a tooth on January 21. 

I had three abscesses and three root canals in December, causing me to have a bridge replaced.

On March 10, I had a total knee replacement (on my left knee) just before our country was shut down with no elective surgeries. 

I stayed overnight and then went home to do some Therapy therapy. I went to Peak Performance for therapy therapy.

My knee did not resTherapy Therapy as it should, causing the orthopedic doctor to manipulate it. 

I spent March, April, and part of May getting Therapy.

During this time, Hubby was staying at home with me and still getting paid. 

He went back to work full-time in September. (He works for a contractor of the government with full pay)

In June, our Granddaughter Hannah gave birth to our fourth great-grandson, "Atlas," just a few days after our great-grandson River celebrated his second birthday.

We could not go anywhere, so I spent much time working or attending to my flowers. Most are in pots, which I only had to water and fertilize. This year, we got a lot of rain, which helped with my plants.

We didn't see much of the grandkids or great-grandkids all summer. 

When school started back, we helped with our great-granddaughter, Ava. 

She would go to school for a few days, and we would keep her for a few days. 

Because of the pandemic, our activities were limited. We went to some parks where AVA could play by herself and some parks with fish, turtles, and waterfowl. 

We took her to places where she would see Halloween displays, and we took her to a trunk-n-treat. (Lowes, Home Depot, Party City) 

We took her to the Tinsel Trail in Huntsville and the Enchanted Forest in Decatur.

We have tried to keep her entertained. 

On November 1, Dad fell and broke his hip; his health had been going down for some time. He had lost 30 pounds in the last few months. My sister took him to the doctor, and he had recommended calling Hospice. 

He lived a few days after he fell. We buried him on November 8; he was 93 years old. 

He had a graveside service, and all the family was there. 

We celebrated our great-grandson Hayne's first birthday at the Strickland Hotel on Sunday, December 13. 

Hayne will have Christmas two times this year because he got more presents than most kids get for their birthdays all year. 

On Tuesday, December 22, Hubby and I took Ava, our five-year-old great-granddaughter, to Franklin, Tennessee. We rode north along Natchez Trace through Leipers Fork to Franklin, Tennessee. We ate dinner at Mellow Mushroom and saw Santa riding on a Harley through the window, but he was gone by the time we finished our meal.

Ava wanted to see the 100-foot or more Christmas tree in the town square. We took a few pictures in the square and headed back to the car when, once again, we heard Santa on his Harley. Santa stopped, and I took a couple of pictures with Ava with him. She had to give Santa a real hug, not a hand bump. She was overjoyed about seeing the Real Santa Clause (that's what she said) and was singing Christmas carols for most of the ride home.

We celebrated Christmas on Sunday, December 20, at Jack and Lindsey's new home. I loved seeing the four great-grandkids, Ava, River, Hayne, and Atlas, opening their Christmas presents. Their favorite toy was a barking dog for the boys, and Ave got a mewing cat. All the great-grandkids love animals.

On Friday, December 25, my four sisters and I celebrated Christmas with chili, cheese dip, and various sweets. Afterward, we played several UNO and Dirty Santa games until 9:30 P.M. 

On December 29, My four sisters and I met at Los Trojas Cantina to celebrate my sister's (Teresa) birthday. 

Tomorrow, December 31, I will keep my 24-month-old great-grandson River. I have not kept him all year for health reasons, so we will see how that goes. We live in a 40-foot RV with little room for running and playing. Two-year-olds need a lot of space. 

Hubby and I will attend the gender reveal of our fifth great-grandchild, who is due sometime next July, on Friday, December 31, from 6 to 9. 

That about wraps it up for 2020. 

This was a very different year; we lost my dad, and we celebrated the birth of our fourth great-grandson but could only see him virtually.

We attended Hayne's first birthday party.

Our son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter-in-law, great-grandson, Hubby, and I all had the Coronavirus.  

I had a few health issues, but all in all, it has been a good year.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

2023 Oct 28, Pumpkinfest Franklin, TN, and Trick Treat Killen Park with Ava & River

 It's been a hectic day. 

This morning, we stopped at Jack's for breakfast. They were short-handed, so we had to wait longer than usual. 

Then we rode to Franklin, TN, to their Pumpkinfest. There was no parking, so we had to pay $10 to park.

Very Large Pumpkin 

It was super hot and crowded, so we only stayed for a few hours. We walked down Main Street and a couple of side streets. Several bands were playing music. Mums and Pumpkins decorated the street. Food filled the air. There were rides and fun for the Children. 

Hubby collected a bag of treats, which we gave to the grandkids.

Williamson County's First Taxi

Our big treat was finding the Williamson County Archives Museum. It had several rows of quilts made by locals, a Military Room, a History of Williamson County, Civil War Artifacts, Displays of an Old School Room, a Doctor's Office, a Dress Shop, a Barber Shop, a Country Store, etc. We also saw a horse-drawn carriage by Harry March in Franklin's First Taxi.

We saw where the body of a headless Col Shy once lay in a busted open casket. An article The Curious Case of Col Shy's Casket. The headless body was unidentified. 

Outside was a Civil War Canon. 

The Curious Case of  Col. Shy's Casket 


We stopped at Publix in Spring Hill to get some chicken wings from their deli and pick up a few other items.  

We stopped in Lawrenceburg at Long Silvers for a plate of fish and chicken. 

Came home and ate a late lunch. 

Fun Began in Halloween Manor 


Ava, the killer Jason Voorhees, and the Evil Clown Pennywise

Picked up Ava and River around 4:30 and took them to Killen Park for their Trunk n Treat. 

Ava dressed up like Wednesday from the Adams Family, and River was a Ninja Turtle. 

We arrived early, so we let them play in the playground area. When people started lining up, we got in line. 

It was a long line behind us. We walked through the gate of Halloween Manor, and that is when the fun began. 

The kids got lots of candy, a fireman's hat, coloring, and safety books. They got their pictures taken with Inflatable pumpkins, at the Shriners Hillbilly Jeep, With Hocus Pocus, with Dept of Eye Care,  Jason Voorhees, and Pennywise the Dancing Clown.

Making Slime 

Their Treats end with making Slime. Put in a bag and taken home. 

They did a great job by only letting a few kids at a time go into the park. 

The kids had a great time.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

2023 Sep 15-18, Gulf Shores, Fairhope, Daphne, AL. and Pensacola, FL. (4 days)

Day 1:

I had planned a trip to Canton, MS, the day before. The next morning, I asked my Hubby if he wanted to spend a few days in Gulf Shores, Alabama after we left Canton. He said yes.

He had been discussing going all summer, so we packed our bags for three days and decided to go alone. 

After spending all morning visiting museums and walking around the town, we begin our journey to Gulf Shores. 

Shady Acres Village 

We stopped at Shady Acres Village Restaurant Seminary, MS, for a late lunch. I had a shrimp basket with fries, and Hubby had a 49'er Hamburger with onion rings. 

We also bought several items at their general store. 

It was a four-and-a-half-hour drive to Gulf Shores. 

The sun was setting as we drove through Mobile. We checked into Staybridge Hotel, and it was dark when we were settled in.

Sunset in Mobile, Al 

We both were too tired for further adventures, so we went to bed. 

Day 2:

The following day, we rushed to the beach to watch the sunrise, but it was cloudy, and a storm was brewing, so there was no sunrise. 

We returned to the hotel for breakfast, and then our adventures began.

Cloudy Sunrise 

We rode to the Outlet Mall to shop. I bought a top and pants at Columbia, spices at TJ Maxx, and a set of Halloween hand towels at TJ Maxx.

Our next stop was OWA Park Foley. They were having a car show throughout the park, and it was very hot by this time. After I finished taking pictures of most of the cars, we left. 

This was my favorite Car!

We headed down the coastline towards Pensacola, Florida. 

When we arrived downtown, the Arts and Crafts Sales was winding down. 

We had enough time to walk through to see their wear. 

We ate lunch at The Fish House Restaurant on Barracks St., where we enjoyed fried Cod served with creamed potatoes, collard greens, and a salad. 

Fried Cod with Collard Greens, Creamed Potatoes 

It was getting late, so we began our journey back to the hotel. 

Day 3:

Once again, we were up early and heading to the beach for an early morning sunrise, but it was cloudy. Sunrise was at 6:35 A.M.

 Came back to the hotel for breakfast: scrambled eggs, sausage, fruit, bagel, and juice.

We began our journey up the coast in the opposite direction to Fairhope. 

We stopped at the Municipal Park, where they had an Arts and Crafts Tent Sale.  

We stopped to talk to a couple selling spices. (I bought one for my son.)

They saw the camera I was carrying, and we talked about cameras and taking pictures.

The woman was telling me about the Brown Pelicans there at the beach.

Brown Pelicans 

We walked down the long pier, and several Brown Pelicans and various Gulls were present. I took several pictures. 

We rode to Daphne, stopping to eat lunch at Longhorn Steakhouse.

We enjoyed steak with grilled shrimp, creamed potatoes, and Caesar salad. 

We stopped at the Halloween Store in Daphne, where I bought a dress for Halloween. 

We returned to the hotel but stopped at the Story Walk in Loxley. 

Another long day.

Day 4: 

We headed to the beach (6:35 A.M.) to see the sunrise. Today it was beautiful so I got several pictures.


Rode back to the hotel, ate breakfast, packed our bags, and began our journey home.

The sun shone on my face, so I napped the first part of the trip home. 

Hubby wanted to stop at Peach Park in Clanton, Alabama, and when I woke up, he said, "I think I have passed Peach Park," and we had.

We did not turn around. We just kept going. 

We eat lunch at Oh"Bryan's in Hartselle, Al (his favorite place)

He always orders a steak or baked potato and gets their salad bar.

I ordered grilled chicken and a sweet potato.

We were home way before sunset. 

Another great trip in the books. 

Monday, November 4, 2019

2019 Oct 28, In Search of Historic Markers, David Crockett Park, Museum, Halloween displays

Our first search of markers was The Killen & Canal System @ Lock 6.
We saw several homes along the river, and to get to the homes, we had to travel up steep hills, which could be very hazardous in the winter.
The Killen & Canal System at Lock 6 was located at the boating dock at the end of Turtle Landing Road.
Soldiers Rest at Butler Cemetery at Butler Cemetery in front of the Polo Club.
 Old Gabe Cemetery, located at CR 42
Gabriel Butler, “Ole Gabe,” was born in the Carolinas in 1779, about the time of the Revolutionary War. His name is on records in Kentucky in the 1800s. He married his first wife, Sarah Whitesides, in Warren County, KY, on December 26, 1803. Gabe was among the earliest white settlers of Lauderdale County. He arrived here during the early 1800s and leased land from Cherokee Indian Chief Doublehead on the Chief’s Reserve. After Doublehead was killed in 1807, the government directed the settlers on his Reserve to leave. 

Gabe and other settlers signed a petition in 1809 asking to remain; however, the settlers were elected around 1811. Gabe and his family moved to the north into Tennessee. Indian Treaties signed in 1817 allowed the creation of Lauderdale County in February 1818. The Federal Land Office was established, allowing land to be sold here beginning in March of 1818. Gabe traveled to Huntsville on November 14, 1818, and purchased land here along Bluewater Creek. Eventually, he owned several acres in this area.
Gaberial "Old Gabe" Butler 1779-1856 
Gabe’s land was fertile, with an abundance of good water, timber, and game. He built his home on the hill across Bluewater. He expected the road between Huntsville and Florence to be built nearby, giving him easy access to his farmland on the other side of the creek. However, the road was built 1 1/2 miles south in the general vicinity of the modern-day US Highway  72. After 1824, Gabe built his second home southwest of here on this side of the creek. Old Gabe donated two acres of land to start the Primitive Baptist Church at Bluewater on May 16, 1840. 
The churches at Mitchell Town and Elgin Crossroads developed from that church. The cemetery at this location, one of the earliest in Lauderdale Country, was established by Gabe and named for him. Gabe died in November 1856 at the age of 77. He and some of his family members are buried within the rock walls. Old Gabe had three wives and 11 children, nine of whom married and raised families in this area. Many of the descendants of “Old Gabe” are buried in this cemetery.

Gaberial "Old Gabe" Butler 1779-1856 Cemetery
Butler Cemetery 
Deeded to Gabriel Butler Nov 14, 1818

CR 568Spider, Ghost, Skeletons, Witches, Pumpkins "Halloween"
Bettie Anne Highway HIstoric
French Glover Farm on CR 48
Revolutionary War Veteran Benjamin French (1764-1847), a native of Virginia, is buried at this site. Arriving in Limestone County, Alabama, in about 1808, the French acquired this farm in 1837.

The nearby spring is the site of prehistoric Indian Villages and Civil War encampments. The two-story log house, originally located three miles southwest of this place, is believed to have been constructed as early as 1829. It was moved here by the Glover family before 1813, This road was part of the early Pulaski Pike, a major stagecoach and supply route that connected the river at Florence with Pulaski, Tennessee
We were headed to Tennessee for Lottery tickets and were not sure how to get to Loretto from our present location we just asked Sirus for directions.
Bought Lottery tickets and rode to Lawrenceburg, stopping at The Brass Lantern for lunch.
Brass Lantern
Hoyt Tidwell & wife were there promoting their receipt book, which included his wife's famous chicken dumplings receipt.
Enjoyed eating the famous Chicken and dumplings, fried green tomatoes, Jack Daniel's Apples, red onion, cornbread, and turnip greens.
The famous chicken & dumplings are on Monday's special menu, which comes with two sides.

Hubby ordered the chicken & dumplings, white beans, fried green tomatoes, cornbread, and one trip to the salad bar.
We had enough leftovers for a to-go box.
Barred Owl bird of prey resting on its perch
David Crockett Museum with carved pumpkins inviting us inside
We rode to David Crockett Park, where we visited the Crockett Museum
 In the museum, we saw Crockett Tennessee Westward Movement, Crockett's distillery, Crockett the Politician, the Great Frontier, Crocket power mill, Crockett the Industrialists, Crockett the Hunter, Crockett's office, his timeline 1786-1822, some of his tools, Markee of the Almo where David Crockett was killed and Crockett the homesteader.
Autumn leaves mirroring the lake, what a beautiful sight. 
Monday, after the weekend of Celebrating Halloween, still lingered at the Town Square of Lawrenceburg. 
Witches sitting, and spiders climbing on the white brick wall
showing the joys of a bright October Halloween Day.
Hubby and I had a great Autumn Day, with our adventures taking us into unknown territory.
Seeing gobblings of all kinds in places we would not have seen if we had chosen to stay home.
We met new people, tried new food, and spent the day together on one of our many traveling adventures.

Friday, July 3, 2015

2000-2002~ Sites we visited in Missouri

September the first, I moved to Miss Maria’s RV Park in Fenton, Missouri with my husband.

We made many friends and had lots of cookouts and get-togethers with brother electricians when at the RV Park. 

Some of the places that we visited were:
We visited the Butterfly House at Faust Park, 15193 Olive Blvd. Chesterfield, Mo 63017 where there are thousands of live tropical butterflies fly freely in a glass conservatory. 

The St. Louis Zoo 1 Government Drive St Louis where we saw elephants, cheetahs, penguins, bears, hyenas, lions, tigers, zebras, giraffes, antelopes, primates, birds, and reptiles. 
The St. Louis Art Museum 1 Fine Arts Drive St Louis, Mo 63110. 

Six Flags Over Saint Louis Theme Park:
My husband’s sister won four tickets to Six Flags in Missouri; she could not use the tickets so she gave them to us.
All bags had to be checked before entering Six Flags Park because of 911. 

We went to Six Flags in September and again in October for Halloween.
The most fun was at Halloween:
We walked through a couple of haunted houses where I bumped my head when I was frightened by a goblin.
The goblin looked at my husband and said, “ That is the funniest thing I have seen tonight.”
My husband also laughed.

We saw several tombstones covered with spider webs lying all around on the ground.
We saw many scary white ghosts, and black bats flying among the trees.
The street lights flicker with orange and black lighting.

Fenton is known as the city of parks and we visited many of Fenton’s parks.
RV Park Fenton 
The City currently has over 340 acres of parkland, featuring active and passive leisure pursuits. Fenton City Park amenities include 7 softball fields, 8 soccer fields, 2 basketball courts, 4 tennis courts, picnic pavilions, 2 playgrounds, and a 1.4-mile pedestrian/bicycle trail. 
Neighborhood parks range from 1 to 16 acres featuring playgrounds, fishing ponds, nature trails, and pavilions.  
RV Park Fenton 
RV Park Fenton 
Saturday, October 6, 2001
We rode to a German neighborhood in south St Louis called Bevo Mill most of the people there are from Bosnia and Croatia. We visited the Miniature Museum of Greater St Louis. It houses a collection of artistic miniatures. The museum collects, preserves, and sells some of the most impressive miniature works from dolls to their houses.
We saw a miniature replica of the Long Branch Saloon from the TV show Guns Smoke. We saw the windmill Bevo Mill Restaurant located at the intersection of Marganford and Gravois roads. We saw the Stari Grad Fadil’s Bakery Restaurant in the Irene Building and much old building no longer in use. 

The Bevo Mill Restaurant 
The Bevo Mill Restaurant located at the intersection of Morganford and Gavios 
Storefronts in Bevo Mill 
Long Branch Saloon  
Storefronts in Bevo Mill 

Replica of Bevo 
Town of Bevo most stores are closed 
We watched the Founders Day Parade in Fenton Missouri.
In the parade we saw the daughters of the American Revolution, a group of Boy Scouts, Michal Gibbons Missouri State Senator, Greg Quinn County Council, Larry Steelman Alderman, riding in a black Corvette, and the Silver Falcon Marching Band of Rockwood Summit High School.
RiverChase of Fenton, Olde Town Fenton Veterinary Hospital, owners walking their dogs, people riding horses, and driving old & new Cars.

We saw the Saint Louis County Police and the Number 1314 Fenton Fire Department firetruck. 
Fenton Parade
Sunday, October 21, 2001
Museum of Transportation
We visited the St Louis Museum of Transportation Train Museum location at 2967 Barrett Station Road, St Louis Mo
We saw the Rogers and Hammerstein State Fair billboard starring Bobby Darrin, Pat Boon, and Ann Margaret. Displayed was Bobby Darrin’s dream car, a 1963 Chrysler turbine car.
Train cars: Union Pacific, Nickel Plated Road Daniel, Sabine River, and Northern.
St Louis Museum of Transportation
St Louis Museum of Transportation
St Louis Museum of Transportation
St Louis Museum of Transportation

St Louis Museum of Transportation
We did a drive-through at Jelly Stone Park at Christmas. 
Jellystone Park address: 5300 Fox Creek Rd. Pacific, Mo 63693 
December 2001
We waited in a long line to drive our car through Yogi Bear’s Jelly Stone Park.
The park was decorated with red, green, yellow, orange, and blue lights flashing, dancing, and glowing light everywhere
Many of the summer cabins were transformed into different light themes.
We saw the Space Age Jetsons orbiting overhead in their jet aero car.
We saw the primitive family of the Flintstones, with Dino chasing Fred.
We saw Snow White and the seven dwarfs in a line with their tools headed to the diamond mInc.
We saw Santa Clause rains in hand with his reindeer saying, “ 'Merry Christmas, and to all a Good Night”
We saw an ice pond with anatomic dolls skating on ice.

Lone Elk Park Sunday, November 18, 2001
We drove through the Lone Elk County Park, located in Valley Park near the intersection of Hwy 44 and hwy 141. The park consists of 546 acres loaded with bison, elk, and deer that roam freely. It is a beautiful drive and you can watch wild animals in your car. 
 Lone Elk County Park
 Lone Elk County Park
 Lone Elk County Park 
Sunday, November 18, 2001
Laumeier Sculpture Park
We visited Laumeier Sculpture Park, seventy-two acres of land given by Matilda Laumeier. A personification of Mother Earth, this piece proposes that a land easy to an understanding ingratiating face is what the public wants to see. 
Robert Morris's minimalist sculptures are often arrangements of geometric shapes placed on the floor, up against a wall, or suspended from a ceiling. There is no expressive or symbolic associated with this work and it is a study of pure form. Some of the pieces that we saw were Vito Acconci,(Faces of the Earth #3), Jonathan Borofsky (Man with Briefcase #2968443), Niki De Saint Phalle (Ricardo Cat, 1999), Donald Judd (Untitled 1984), Alexander Liberman (The Way 1972-80), Jonathan Borofsky, (Parts of a Ballerina), Ronald Gonzalez,(Birds fly through us 2000), Ernest Trova, (Abstract Variation 1980), George Greenamyer,(Heritage Schooner for Debra Lakin 1998) Judith Shea, (Public Goddess 1992) & Terry Allen, (Symphony Lounge 1998) were a few of the pieces that we saw.
Laumeier Sculpture Park
Laumeier Sculpture Park
Laumeier Sculpture Park
Laumeier Sculpture Park
Laumeier Sculpture Park 
Laumeier Sculpture Park,
Malls of St Louis MO area:
Brentwood Promenade hwy 170 and hwy 64/40 Missouri
We visited the Chesterfield Mall on hwy 64/40 Clarkson Rd Missouri.
Crestwood Westfield shopping town Watson and Sappington Road
We visited Jamestown Mall Lindbergh and old Jamestown Rd. Missouri
Northwest Plaza Westfield shopping town Lindbergh Blvd and St. Charles Rock road Missouri.

It snowed my first winter in Missouri which was just before Thanksgiving. 
There were still patches left from that snow in January. 
The streets are cleaned every day and the traffic flows smoothly most of the time but sometimes the weather does unexpected things and the traffic slows to a halt. 

The next winter was mild.
January 2002 that night before we left Fenton it snowed.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...