Showing posts with label write. Show all posts
Showing posts with label write. Show all posts

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Golden Years

In your golden years 
You see a variety of physicians
hoping they can repair it,
your bodily parts

Your body becomes like an aged car
without constant care, it begins to fall apart. 

What did you say become 
your daily answer?
Hearing aids become a necessity. 

Snap, Crackle, and Pop are the sounds
you make as you walk across the floor. 
You take the elevator instead of the stairs.

That beautiful, vibrant golden hair has turned shades of gray.

The obituary is your daily reading 
You look daily
for friends, relatives, or neighbor 
names that have gone to the great beyond!

Those once bright white teeth have aged
you now have
root canals, bridges, crowns, implants 
Heaven forbid if you have to 
wear dentures.

Your sight grows dim
and glasses are required.

Arthritis rules your body
your signature becomes a scribble
as you try to sign your name

You take more pills than you can hold in one hand
just to survive.

You leave the room but forget why?
Do you forget your name?
You forget the day, month, or year!

You watched your parents and grandparents
as they reached their golden years.

Life seems to have passed you by as
You watched your children grow and leave
the nest
then you watch your grandchildren
leave the nest
Now you are all alone.

My grandmother told me  Heaven is my home
There, I will be able to  run, & jump 
just as I did when I was a kid.

She said I don't seek 
fortune, & fame, for they will soon
fade away.

God is my refuge
Heaven is my home
No more pain and suffering.
This is my hope and my salvation!

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Childhood Memories!

Memories, My memories
bottled deep inside
children laughing,
children playing 
children going down a slide.

Memories, My memories
stored away for another day
children hunting, 
children swinging
children playing in the hay.

Memories, My memories
write them down 
with pen in hand and
no tablet to be found
guess I’’ll have to go to town.

Memories, My Memories 
bottled deep inside
stored away for another 
guess I’’ll have to write 

them down another day!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Letter to George

Sent Dayton September 16th, 1888, -  Returned Nov 25th 1888My dear boy, 
Excuse my negligence in not writing before I have lots of work but not much pay.
I was very glad to hear from you.
I am well at present.
It is raining today.
It has been as dry as ever.
The fire has done some damage not close by.
It is hard times wheat is out and hay was poor and everything is low except hay.
Green had 60 bushels wheat of 13 acres; mine was the best around here.
I have got a yoke of cattle; I broke myself the best there is around here.
I sold the old mule to Pringles he has just traded her.
Since commencing this answer to your letter.
I have been so busy with politics that I have not done any more writing than I was obliged to and I worked hard in the election and then we got beat.
McKay got elected representative here.
Nell is at home, Min died, Oscar is home the same as ever.
Oscar Meyers is married got, 2 children.
Violet works out but is very lonely.
The others and Clint are at home.
Cunningham feels bigger than a Prairie shit house.
Frank Wait is in California.
G Carter runs away his wife broke her ankle and sold everything and went to the cold water to live.
Johnny Myers up north went to the woods last winter got homesick was back in 3 weeks.
The girl is an amazing woman and smarts one.
Since the election, I have been in Detroit at the lawsuit.
I beat them very easy but it cost lots of money.
There will be one more suit at Caro if I had about one hundred dollars should get along all right. Cannot you lend me 3 days work until I can pay it back, is hard times here a dollar is larger than a wagon wheel?
Giblet has been to Port Huron and John went to Detroit they have seen it all and they know more than the rest of the world.
Jane took in two rotten eggs and that takes care of all the projects.
 Hoping this will find you well and hope to hear from you soon.
What is the name of the mine you work in?
From your well-wishing father, W. G. R
East Dayton, Tuscola Co. Michigan

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...