Showing posts with label show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label show. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2024

2024 Apr 27, Car & Tractor Show, Tee-Ball Game, Art Museum and Sisters

Hubby and I rode to Killen Park for the Killen Log 877 Classic Car Show, which featured bikes, jeeps, classic cars, and new cars.

Cahaba Shrine Hillbillies truck at Car show 

We parked alongside the park. Many cars and people were there, including the farmers market, Scoccer Games, Vendors, and Car and Tractor Shows.

It has been several months since I last visited the park. Many new buildings are being constructed, and Disk Golf is now installed.

There was also a tractor show featuring several old and new John Deer and other tractors.

1929 John Deer Tractor 

We strolled through the farmers market, stopping to buy stone ground cornmeal and fresh strawberries. 

Ripe home-grown strawberries

We stopped at home so Hubby could grill steaks, and I fixed creamed potatoes and corn on the cob for lunch. 

After lunch, we rode to Lexington Park to watch our great grandson Atlas play Tee-ball. 

After the tee-ball game, we rode to TVAM, where a display and crafts were set up for bird lovers. We talked through the Tennessee Valley Art Museum (which was free today). 

On display was the art of the print 500 years of printmaking.

What the Night Tells the Day by Douglas Baulos.

We rode back home, where I took a short nap. My daughter called while I was preparing dinner at my sister's house.

I ended the day by going to my sisters to play cards (spades and various UNO games). I liked the reverse UNO game.

Sisters Vicki, Becky, Teresia, great niece Emmalee, and her friend played these games.

Teresia had cooked a lovely meal of Black-eyed peas, cornbread, a broccoli casserole with chicken, brats with kraut, sweet potatoes, and a batch of chocolate chip cookies. 

My sister loaded me down with leftovers for Hubby.

She also gave me a bouquet of Peony from her garden.

Pink Peony 

It was after 10 when I got home last night.

Monday, February 12, 2018

2018 Feb, Swimming with Dolphins and Sea Lion Show Chankanaab National Park Cozumel, Mexico

Sea Lion Show 
Dolphin's Names:
Aitana, Amadeus, Anaeli, Apolo, Da Vinci, Diego, Gandhi, Jupiter, Kathy, Krista, Leia, Louis, Frida, Marina, Miracle, Noel, Olympia, Rames, Scarlett, Thor, Zuman

Swimming with Dolphins
Swimming with Dolphins
Kissing the Sea Lion

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

2016 September 5, Saturday, Sweet Tater Festival @Smith Lake & Labor Day Actives

Started the morning with a call out to work with hubby. It only took about fifteen minutes to reset the alarm. 
While at Red Stone Arsenal we stopped at a couple of new buildings so I could take pictures. 
The first building was glass and the entrance had a metal winding staircase that led upstairs to the top level, with high ceilings. 
On display in the lobby were rockets, the Space Shuttle, the mini Apollo Lunar Module, globed Sea of Tranquility July 1969, and a table made from a rocket exhaust nozzle.
Base made from Rocket Exhaust Nozzle
Table made from Rocket Exhaust Nozzle 
Space Shuttle
The next building held The Space Launch Systems.
It had a life-size space suit, an Orion Space Craft, and a mini NASA building, with a launch area.
There was a half-circle orange bench where people could set not very comfortably. 

There was a life-size model of the Space Launch System (SLS) 1.25 scale.
The Space Launch System is going to Mars. 
Lifesize Space suit with an arm around a woman 
Space Launch System will be the next rocket in space going to  MARS

Smith Lake at the Sweet Tater Festival was our next destination which took a little over an hour.
As we got closer to the park we saw signs that said, This way to tater festival, have money ready. The entrance fee was three dollars per person, and children 5 free.

There was plenty of parking with no one directing traffic, we found a nice close spot and parked. 
I took my camera with me and started taking pictures. 
I think we picked the hottest time of the day to visit the festival, the sun was blazing hot,
and sweat was already pouring down the back of my shirt.
The aroma of barbecue, hamburgers, & french fries filled the air.
There was a lemonade stand for the thirsty. 
I could see Smith Lake in the distance, I wanted to take my shoes off and wade in the lake. 
The sound of music filled the air coming from a staging area.
There were people with their children and many with their dogs. 

They had carriage rides for five dollars, I wanted to ride but it was too hot.

Smith Lake 
Carriage Rides
Inflatables for kids
Mechanical Bull riding
Food Vendors 
Several people brought their dogs
In the wooded area was the Hot Rod Car Show.
We saw Corvettes, Fords, Chevys, Mustangs, Camaro, Trans-Am, Firebirds, Cadillacs.
Ralph Lane st 1927 Rat Farm 

Most of the car show was in the shade
Orange Ford truck Hemi Powered
the red car 
Two hours was more than enough fun in the hot sun.
We exited the park, and took I-65N, to Cullman.
We stopped at Logan's Roadhouse for a late lunch.
I was still wearing an orange wristband when I went to the restroom at Logan's. There I meet a family also still wearing their orange wristbands. I ask them if they had been to the festival? They said yes.
When we were leaving we met a man carrying a large camera case and he also was wearing an orange wristband. I ask if he had been to the festival? He replied yes. I laughed and said that Logan's must be the stopping-off place for many people that had been to the festival.

We ordered 1/2 rack of ribs, fried apples, broccoli, salmon, and rolls.
For dessert, we order three bucks of sweets pies.
One peanut butter, and two strawberry cheesecakes.

A bucket full of strawberry cheesecake
Arrived home around 4:00PM
At 5:30PM we rode to Tennessee for lottery tickets.
Stopping at Roger High in Greenhill to watch our grandson play football.

The first team lost Rogers 0, and Lauderdale County 28.
When the first team played the sun was still blazing down and I could nearly see the boys play. By the time the next team played the sun had gone down and it had cool down enough to enjoy the football games.
The boys took several cool-down breaks which they needed, several looked very hot.
The next team won 27 Rogers, Lauderdale County 17.

There was plenty of activity going on in the bleachers with our great-granddaughter.
Had a full fun day.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

2016 Saturday, June 25, Helen Keller Festival Actives

The Helen Keller Festival is to honor a woman, Helen Keller,  who not only overcame being blind and deaf but went on to be a great ambassador for America. 
Helen Keller was born to Arthur Keller and Catherine Adams Keller on June 27,1880 and died on June 1, 1968.
Helen learned to read and write with the help of Anne Sullivan and she graduated from Radcliffe College with honors in 1904. Helen also wrote several books and was an advocate for several causes. Helen Adams Keller is buried in the Washington National Cathedral in Washington DC. 

My first stop was the Car and Truck Show located on Main Street Tuscumbia /Sponsored by the Shoals Car and Truck Club.
The streets were crowded with people walking around looking at all the vehicles displayed. There were vehicles like the Scoobie Doo Volkswagen, to the newest Corvette.

I tried to find a shade in which to park my van which would be about midway through everything, that I wanted to do.

I walked down the street to Cold Water Book Store where the Tuscumbia Walking Tour people were to meet.
I was a little early so I walked inside to cool off and inside were several more people. There were several vendors set up inside so, I went by each one and stopped to talk.

I talked to a man selling books on how to start a business. I said that I was retired and had no interest in starting a business and that I liked history. He said that maybe some of my family would like to start a business. I said I have family that owned business already. He laughed and said I guess you are not going to buy a book from me and I said not unless it is about history. We both laughed. 
Next, I meet a woman selling jewelry she said that she lived in Atlanta but was originally from Tuscumbia and she came every year for the Helen Keller Festival. 

I stopped at the next table where a man, his wife, and his son were setting. He was selling a series of books about UFOs. He told me that he made the bust statue of Warner Von Braun at NASA and that he had done work for Disney.

There was a display of beautiful pictures depicting the early 50s & 60’s and I said whoever painted these pictures sure did a great job. The woman standing next to me said they were hers. 
She said growing up in the 50s was just like the Happy Days show.

It was getting close to the time for the walking tour so I walked outside to wait for the tour to begin.
We had three people that shared information about how Tuscumbia got started and how it got to be called Tuscumbia. The Old Stage Coach Building was pointed out to us and we were told that we could tour it on our own later. We walked up Main Street stopping to listen to the women talk about the train depot where Anne Sullivan was picked up by one of the Keller's carriages and taken to Ivy Green. There is a carriage on display that was owned by the Kellers in the Tuscumbia Depot. 
We also listened to the women talk about the newspaper building where Mr. Keller worked. 
The streets were still very crowded with people as we made our way up the street. 
We stopped just outside the Abernathy House and one of the women ask if the group could tour the house. 

We were invited inside and some of the group walked upstairs while others toured the tunnel underneath the house. The tunnel was once used to bring food inside to the dining room, which was once located downstairs.
Everyone walked outside and across the parking lot. Our next stop was in the blazing sun so, I looked for a shady spot, while the women talked about the two churches that were nearby.

Finally, we arrived at the First Presbyterian Church where we were invited to the Helen Keller Mini Concert. 
Dinie Stone played one song, Jesus Loves Me on the harpsichord.
Brian Beck played a couple songs on the Organ.
Dinie Stone played a selection of  hymns and classics on the piano 
Dinie played songs about water, about communion and when Dinie began to play America everyone stood and joined in the singing. 
In the end, everyone was invited to stay for light refreshments. 

Once I knew only darkness and stillness...
my life was without past or future but a little word from the fingers of another fell into my hand that clutched at emptiness, and my heart leaped to the rapture of living. 
Helen Keller Mini-Concert
The letter was written by Helen Keller
Everyone was given a reproduced copy of the original letter written by Helen Keller to Reverend WF Trump 

I enjoyed two glasses of fresh lemonade, & two cookies while I sat and talked with several women. 
It was around 12:30PM by this time, and I still had to walk back to my car. 
I was going to the Keller Library to listen to Keller Thompson talk about the life of her great, great aunt Helen Keller.

I arrived at the Keller Library but the door was still locked, it was bout fifteen until one. Many other people were waiting. I walked back to my van and cranked it because it was too hot to stand outside. Right after I cranked the van the door opened. So I got out of my van and walked inside.
I enjoyed listening to Mrs. Thompson's talk and slide show about Helen Keller. 
There were also light refreshments after the talk. I got a bottle of water and a cookie.

It had been a great morning even though the heat index was over 100 degrees.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

👣👣👣👣 2015 April 11 Saturday, Civil War Walking Tour, Car Show, Grand Opening

I took two of my grandsons to the Civil War Walking tour in Tuscumbia. We were a little early so we went inside the book store and browsed.
Everyone met at Cold Water Book Store and departed at 11AM. Our guide talked about the history of Tuscumbia and how it played a part in the Civil War as we walked up Main Street.
We stopped at the Courthouse under one of the large trees for shade as our guide talked.
On main Street stands a monument that honors the brave soldiers that gave their lives.
Confederate Monument
Tuscumbia Courthouse
We stopped at the First Presbyterian Church and before we went inside we listened to a woman play Lorena on her banjo.
Lorena is an antebellum song written by Rev. Henry L. Webster after a broken engagement. It became a favorite of soldiers of both sides during the American Civil War.

The years creep slow by, Lorena,
Snow is on the grass again;
The sun's low down the sky, Lorena,
The frost gleams where the flowers have been;
But the heart throbs on as warmly now,
As when the summer days were night;
Oh! the sun can never dip so low,
A down affection's cloudless sky.
First Presbyterian Church
This church has baloney seating, bag pipes that still sound great, and stained glass window.
This church is where the Keller Family attended; Mr Keller served in the Civil war.
Services are still held inside this church and the piano is beautifully played by a long time member of this church.
The street was in full bloom with white and pink dogwoods.
We stopped at several house along the way and our guide talked about how each owner played apart in the war. 
We finished the walking tour at 12 PM.
We stopped at Krispy Kreme to pickup two dozen donuts.
Our next stop was at the grand opening of CE Pools where we enjoyed a grilled hamburger, and a bowl of Sue's banana pudding.

We still had time to attend the 5th Annual car show at TM Rogers.
We saw pink Trucking Magazine, green Chevrolet truck with Lee Radial GT tires.
Rusty old ford truck, red Corvette, Yellow SS Camaro.
The boys got to sit behind the wheel of a Vintage GB.
There were tractors, trucks and cars of all shapes and sizes.


Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Dwarf's off to Florida

The mother (Sneezy) strapped the little girl (Happy) into her car seat for a twelve-hour ride to Orlando, Florida.
The van was loaded with Happy's feeding pump, wheelchair, pampers, clothes, snacks, rolls of coins, medicine, and, of course, her family, which included her Mother, Sneezy, her brother (Grumpy), her sister (Sleepy), and her grandmother (Dopy).

The family held a bake sale to raise money for the trip and sent requests to churches and businesses.

Happy had two massive strokes at the age of six months and was continually having seizures.
The family hoped that physical therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy would make a difference in Happy's life. 

The family left home at 7:30 P.M., by 10 P.M., and the children were fast asleep.

By one p.m., Sneezy was getting sleepy, so Dopy took over driving. Dopy did not want to fall asleep, so she stopped at every rest area and bought a Diet Mountain Dew to keep her awake.

The Ronald McDonald House would be the family's home for four weeks.

Happy, Grumpy, and Sleepy would be loaded into the van, usually with breakfast in hand or in a lunch bag.

Sneezy ate breakfast during her one-hour drive to Melbourne in early morning traffic.
Every morning, Dopy would take out the map for directions, count out the coins for the three toll booths, and try to keep Happy, Grumpy, and Sleepy contented.

Happy had physical therapy from nine a.m. until noon every day, and by the end of the morning, she was no longer happy.

The family had a break for lunch, and after lunch, Happy would receive Hyper-Beric Oxygen therapy.

During the first week, Sneezy had an ear infection, so she could not get into the oxygen tank with Happy.
Needless to say, the job fell to Dopy.
Happy had tubes in her ears so she did not feel the pressure as they filled the tank with oxygen.

There was no therapy for Happy in the afternoons and on weekends.

The family received complimentary tickets from several places in and around the Orlando area because Sneezy had written about Happy's much-needed therapy.

The family was caught in a rainstorm while visiting  Gator-Land; thank God no gators floated out of the ponds.

The Airboat Ride made a horribly loud sound, so everyone on the boat had to wear earmuffs as they rode through the glades looking for alligators.

Sleepy lost one of her shoes and could not ride one of the roller coasters at Universal Studios. She was furious.

Dixie Stampede treated the family to a free meal and show.
Grumpy and Sleepy chased chickens during the show.
The family's picture was taken with the Dixie Stampede performing group at the end. 
Happy was given the book of many colors written by Dolly Pardon.

Grumpy, Sleepy, Sneezy, and Dopy spent many hours waiting for Happy to get therapy. They were rewarded with lots of fun things to do, but now it was time for the Happy trio to travel home. 

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...