Showing posts with label store. Show all posts
Showing posts with label store. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2024

2021 Christmas Letter of Activies

 My events of the year 

I began a daily Bible study and read online with Christy Jordan (Seeking Scripture). We started January 1nuary 1, reading Genesis, and will end in December with Revelations. 

I took several day trips this year, including a couple of trips.

In January, I visited several covered bridges in South Alabama: the Easley Bridge, the Swann Bridge, the Horton Mill Covered Bridge, and Noccalula Falls in Gadsden.

Feb Day trip to Guntersville and Huntsville.


In March, we took a day trip to Oak Mountain State Park to visit the museum and see rescued birds of prey.

In July, we rode to Spring Valley Farms, Lutts, Tennessee, to the Sunflower fields with friends, and to Clifton, Tennessee, for lunch.

October took a trip with sisters to Mooresville, North Carolina & Mount Airy (home of Andy Griffin)

November took a cruise to Cozumel and Progreso with a friend.

Three trips to Huntsville Botanical Gardens 

Cheek-wood Botanical Gardens in Nashville and their Lego art March 6. 

On March 6, Ava celebrated her sixth birthday party at Chuck-e-Cheese.

June River celebrated his June 19th birthday. 

June 19, Atlas celebrated his first birthday(SR The ROOM 124 Wheeler Street Rogersville)(First Trip arJune 29e Sun)

June 29, Hazel Cate was born (fifth greaDecember 5ndchild)

December 5, Hayne's 2nd Birthday Party@Shoals Next Level 850 Howell Heflin Lane Tuscumbia (inflatables for kids inside) December 10thday is December 10

(Onik, BAA, Cluck & Moo Hayne is December 17 g two!)

December 17, Suprise birthday party for my sister Vicki (Zip City Community Center). She is turning 70

Hubby and I got our first Coronavirus shots in March and the second in April.

In April, I took Mike (my oldest son) to the orthopedic Center for back surgery after an accident at work. 

Events I did 

Walking Tours  & Hikes 

Florence Cemetery Walk 

Mooresville Walking Tour 

Donnell House Tour 

Sheffield Business Walking tour

National Wildlife Hike

PawPaw Patch Hike

National MushroMay 7ke  

On May 7, Our Newly built Modular Home was delivered (this kept us busy)

May 20, 31, Furniture delivered (bedroom furniture and foyer)

May-June Hubby installed 4 ceiling fans and a sliding shower in the smaller bathroom.

June-July Utilities, plumbing, natural gas, internet, Dish, and septic tank installed.

June Washer and Dryer delivered 

June Sofa and kitchen table delivered 

June 75-inch TV  installed 

Aug Man returns to do repairs and install the chimney.

Sep-Dec Hubby built a Deck on the Side and Back of the Modular Home. 

Aug Concert driveway installed. 

AugNovember 1 our RV 

Nov 1, Garage inMay 5ed. 

On May 5, Robert H. died (my sister PaulaMay 8sband)

On May 8, Marcus (grandson) graduated 4 UNA College with a Bachelor's Degree. May 28sics  

May 28, Montana graduated from Rogers High School (got job Monarch Tile)

Aug, our swimming was hit by lighting, filling the yard with gallons of water.

In September, Killen opened the used bookstore where I volunteer once a month. It has been closed for over a year and a half because of the Coronavirus.

July, Root canal and a bridge (tooth broke) 

Nov, tooth pulled and one filled (accessed)

Well, we finally settled into our new home, with limestone gravel all around, a concrete drive, a garage, and a deck on the side and back of the house. 

We celebrated Labor Day with two pots of chicken stew with the kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids. 

We celebrated Thanksgiving with turkey, ham, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, blackberry cobbler, cranberry sauce, Butterfinger cake, dressing, etc. 

We are planning a big Christmas, and I don't know what we are serving yet, but it will be good. 

I'm so glad we sold the RV and moved into something bigger. Now I can entertain at my house instead of taking everything somewhere else. 

I have my Christmas tree, decorations everywhere, a couple of poinsettias on the table, and the bar ready for Christmas. 

2021 ends with lots of good memories 

2022 may be even better.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Friday, December 2, 2022

2022 Dec 1, Athens Christmas Parade and Adventures Athens, AL

The Athens Courthouse was decorated for the holidays, and crowds lined up to watch the Christmas Parade. 
North Pole & Candy Carnival Float in the Christmas Parade 

I had a hard time getting good pictures at the parade. They were moving quickly, and we were sitting inside the car, so I had to take them through the windows. But I did get a few good ones. We enjoyed the parade & shopping at UG White Mercantile. 

We bought supper at Zaxby's in Athens, but our food was overcooked, so we didn't eat much of it. We bought a couple of chocolate coconut macadamia candies at UG White Mercantile. The parade was over at about 8. 

We parked across the street facing Merchant's Alley, waiting for the Athens Parade.

Christmas at UG White Merchantile 
 It is merchandise that sells southern-made goods, where treasures can be found like stepping back in time. 

We stopped in Rogersville to see their Christmas Trees in the park. 

Rogersville Tinsel Trail 

I stopped at Jack's for a few strawberry cheesecake pies and was in bed a little after 9. 

From 1-3 Crafting at the Florence Library (making a Christmas card with watercolors.)

Friday, June 9, 2017

🚗2017 May 30, Tuesday, "A sportsman paradise" & Pink Palace Museum Memphis, TN

Hubby and I rode to Memphis, Tennessee, which took about three hours.
I had a runny nose, and I sneezed the whole trip.
We stopped at Walgreens in Corinth, MS, and bought some Flonase Nasal Spray recommended by the Pharmacist.
Bass Pro Shop 
Bass Pro Shop at the Pyramid on Bass Pro Drive in Memphis was our first stop.
Once inside, we saw a sign that said, "Welcome to Paradise"! A sportsman paradise!
Swimming in the water below us, we could see schools of a variety of fish and swamp-covered trees everywhere.
We stopped to see the alligators; they were behind glass walls, and they were staring at us.
Swamp Covered Trees & Elevator
We saw a 27-foot elevator that was lit up with red, green, and blue lights.
We paid ten dollars to ride the elevator to the top while listening to a pre-recording about the store and catching a big fish.
We exited the elevator into a restaurant, where we were greeted by a hostess. She asked us if we wanted to eat at the restaurant or if we just wanted to take the breathtaking view of Memphis.
We said we just wanted to walk out onto the balcony and see the view below.
View from Balcony 
Once outside, we could see downtown Memphis, the roaring Mississippi River, Mud Island, The Memphis & Arkansas Bridge, and the train bridge. There was another balcony with a view of the Mississippi River, houses, apartments, and piers.
View from Balcony 
We visited the Ducks Limited Museum, where we saw a variety of guns, ducks, trophies, etc.
We saw the Big Cedar Lodge, wildlife creations, taxidermy, & aquarium full of fish.
The smell of cinnamon-glazed roasting pecans, cashews, and almonds filled the air.

Our next stop was the Pink Palace Museum.
You can visit the Museum on Tuesdays at 1PM for free.

Hubby and I walked up the grand staircase to the third floor to see the animatronic dinosaurs exhibit.
This was a great area for children to touch models of dinosaurs' claws, bones, and teeth, play with rubbing stamps, and watch a video.
We saw the first Americans, the History of Memphis, log Cabins, slavery, the Civil War, the first automated grocery store (Piggly Wiggly), Yellow Fever, from saddlebags to science, Clyde Parke's Miniature Circus, cotton and Thomas Harwell's mummy casket.

It was after 2PM, and we were hungry, so we rode to Joe's Crab Shack.
Hubby ordered the Crab Legs bucket, and I ordered fish and chips we both ordered water with lemon to drink.
Fish & Chips at Joe's Crab Shack Memphis 
In Memphis, we also rode past several old historic homes, & the Liberty Stadium.
Around 3PM, we started for home, arriving around 6:30PM.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

2005 March 29, An Early Works Adventure with grandkids

🍕🍕🍕The family enjoyed a Meatlovers Pizza topped with classic marinara sauce, authentic old-world pepperoni, all-natural Italian sausage, slow-roasted ham, applewood smoked bacon, & smoked pork and beef  from Pizza Hut 
Shopping at the Grocery Store
Learning the art of Ginning cotton.
The earliest versions of the cotton gin consisted of a single roller made of iron or wood and a flat piece of stone or wood. A narrow single roller was necessary to expel the seeds from the cotton without crushing their seeds. 
Having fun at the Water Table.
EarlyWorks Children Museum was designed for children where they can touch, climb, pull, and explore.
Listening to the Talking Tree
Talking trees form sapient trees in mythological stories. According to Greek mythology in Avatar,  The tree of souls, besides being a connection to Eywa.
Trying on Clothing inside the Federal House
Taking a wagon ride, formerly called a wain, and one who builds or repairs wagons is a Wainwright.  A wagon usually has  four wheels used for agricultural purposes and to transport people,
Playing the Giant-Size Banjo at the Alabama Band Stand
the banjo is often associated with country, folk, Irish, and bluegrass music.
Trade Day at the General Store where you can buy items such as milk, bread, and various household goods such as hardware and electrical supplies. 
Sitting in the Chicken Coop 
chicken coop or hen house is a building where female chickens are kept. Inside hen houses are often nest boxes for egg-laying and perches on which the birds can sleep, although coops for meat birds seldom have either of these features.
A chicken coop usually has an indoor area where the chickens sleep and nest as well as an outdoor area where chickens will feed and spend the majority of the day. Inside the chicken coop are dropping boards or litter (such as straw) to collect chicken feces. A chicken coop should be cleaned every two to three weeks and the litter shifted every day, like a cat's litter box. A coop should be locked at night with all the chickens inside of it so that the chickens are protected from predators.
A coop may have an outdoor run. Both the inside and outdoor floors of a chicken coop are often strewn with loose material such as straw or wood chips to deal with chicken droppings and to allow for easier cleanup.
Karaoke Time singing into the microphone 
Exploring the 46-foot Keeled riverboat that may be rowed, poled, or towed full of freight.
Fur trading included fox, mink, ermine, otters, sable, seals, coyotes, chinchillas, raccoons, and possums.

Ready to Blow up something
Stopping at Sonic-Drive-in for an icy treat  a Blue Raspberry Nerd Slushy  
A Sonic Slushy 
Slush is made with a mixture of sugar and water. To prevent the mixture from freezing solid, there must be between 12% - 22% of sugar present in the solution. The sugar acts as an antifreeze in the solution. The slush machine stirs or rotates the mixture at a constant speed so that the sugar and water molecules bond together before the water gets a chance to freeze. In this way, a soft, wet slurry mixture is formed.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

2004 July 9, Friday, A Fun day at the Children's Museum with Grandchildren

I took the grandkids to the Childrens Museum.
Our first stop was in the Little Pig Room:
This is where the grandkids shopped for food and Montana was the cashier.
There were baskets of food they could choose from fruit, meat, cheese, and breads.

The kids filled their baskets and paid the cashier with their play money.

Little Pig Room: Filling their baskets 

Little Pig Room: Nevada the store clerk 
In the Club Percussion the grandkids enjoyed playing the musical instruments and listening to the sounds of the Shoals

Club Percussion : playing the xylophone
Club Percussion: Playing the Juke box 
Club Percussion: Playing musical notes on the piano
From Blueprint to Building: is where the kids put on glasses and and began building
Yellow Hard hat and gloves

Checking out the water flow 
In the River Runs Through: it the kids played in the water where they learned about the flow of the Tennessee River. 
Putting on a Puppet show 

In the Once upon a Forest: the kids put on a puppet show using the many puppets behind the stage. 
In the We are People First is the tunnel of textures 
In the We are People First: the kids learned about being blind and deaf. 
In Artsploration is Craft time
Artsploration: is where the grandkids became artists with all the art supplies.
Taking a wagon ride.

A visit to the denist 

A Pioneer 
A model 
Sing and strutting. 
Costume Room:
On the second level was an area where the grandkids could play try on different costumes and sing through a hand held microphone
There was a fireman suit, cowboy outfits, bee costume, and many others. 
In the club percussion room: the children played on the piano, xylophone, drums, and other instruments.
In the Building Room: the kids used Blueprints & the hammer to build with wooden blocks.
In the Once upon a Forest room: the children performed a puppet show.
The children crawled through the tunnel of textures in the, We are people first.
The reading room on the second floor is where the children read books. 
Located on the second level was a denist chair where the children pretended they were visiting the denist.
The children did crafts in the Artsploration Room and in the River Runs through it, the children played with boats in the water.

The grandkids had a very interesting and fun day at the museum. 

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...