Showing posts with label well. Show all posts
Showing posts with label well. Show all posts

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Letter from Harriet

Plymouth  May 3rd, 1874,
Dear Doc,
Your letter to Mr. Heddin was handed me to read.
I can say I sincerely feel sorry for you, but admire your courage.
Your two little boys must be a great comfort to you.
I am wondering if you can give them any schooling, also how you can get their clothes made, and how you get your work done and close washed?
Have you kind neighbors who look to your comforts when you are sick, I do hope you have?
Although your children must be great care and expense to you, I think you must be far happier with them than you would be without them.
It is such a pleasure to toil for those we love.
I hope their affection for you repays you for all your care.
I am so glad you have a home of your own and treat you well.
Be successful in getting a team this summer.
We live just as we did when you were here only my children are all gone except Louise, she is just as jolly as ever when she is able to hold up her head which is not all the time.
She has not been able to any work in 3 years.
Exhausted my skill in treating her to no lengths.
Then I tried the first thing I could find.
Last summer I sent her to a Water cures the 10th for a week and she came home no better.
I am trying to have her try another treatment but she says it would be only money thrown away.
I must try something.
Six years ago Pat Pussitt came here on a visit and stayed three weeks.
She was married to a man by the name of Crandal.
She was just the same old fun-loving Pat.
We did enjoy her company so much.
When she went away she agreed to write to us immediately on her arrival home but did not.
We wrote to her but got nothing.
Then we wrote to her husband, then to the postmaster but have not heard from her since.
We think she is dead.
Her health was very poor.
Rosa Passage was married last Thursday, to Will Olderdge.
They made a large wedding had over fifty guests.
John Beaduse has sold his farm and lives here in the village.
Roult his wife is an invalid.
Their daughter is dead.
Jack is married and lives near Waterfront and David lives in the regions.        
Smith has sold his place to one of the Willets.

Taylor is trying to sell his place it is heavily mortgaged.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...