Showing posts with label mosquitoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mosquitoes. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

1969~ Summer 1969 Killeen, Texas

A new adventure for the family was a trip to Killeen Texas. 
A total of thirteen people traveling in a pickup truck with a camper shell attached to the top of the bed of the truck.
These, included the mother, father their eight children, two grandchildren and a son-in-law. 
The family was taking their daughter and their granddaughter to be with her husband who was station in the army at Fort Hood

The truck was full of everything the family needed to make the trip, food, & clothing.
The daughter had brought several boxes with her.

A full size mattress was placed on the bed of the truck. The father and son-in-law took turns driving only stopping to eat and to use the restrooms.  
The women took care of the children and food. 

Killeen is a city in Bell County Texas, southwest of Waco. Killeen is a ranching, village and is a cotton region, which houses Fort Hood Military Base. 

It is 759 miles, which will take about twelve hours. The family left late in the afternoon which meant driving all night. 

The family had been riding for hours and when it became too dark to see, they all fell asleep on the mattress. 

The father was doing the driving but he felt himself drift off to sleep.
The father was awakened by the honking of a loud horn by someone letting him know he was swaying on the interstate. He was so frighten that he stayed awake the rest of the night. 

There was no video games during this time and the kids had to make up things to do. 
The kids would look at the tags of the cars and trucks to see what state they were from.
Another fun thing was reading billboards. 

Texas is a big state and when the father said we are in Texas the family rejoiced but needless to say they still had to ride several more hours.

The family did not care much for the flat state of Texas with it’s Oil Wells everywhere.

After several long hours on the road the family finally arrived at the home of the son-in-law. 
He lived in a three bedroom trailer outside of the army base. 
The kids could not wait to get out of the truck and stretch their legs.
The food and clothing had to be unloaded and taken inside.

The kids played outside until dark when the mosquitos started to bite. 
That night the smaller kids slept on the floor. The mother and father had one bedroom to sleep in. The two couples with their six months old babies also had a bedroom to sleep in.

They were not kidding when they said the mosquitos swarm like flies and they are big as elephants in the state of Texas.

The next day the family spent a relaxing day swimming in the lake near Belton.
That afternoon the women went shopping checking out all the small shops nearby.

The next day the family loaded into the truck with everyone except one daughter and one granddaughter which they left behind.
They started their twelve hour journey home. No one fell asleep.

The family had a great trip, even though they rode hundreds of miles in the back of a pickup truck and they were bitten by mosquitoes.
Their, father almost wrecked the truck on the interstate. Taking a trip to the big state of Texas. 
All this did not matter to the family because it was a family vacation. So much like the Vacation movies that Chevy Chase made. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

1962~ The Battle of Shiloh April 6-8, 1862

1962~ The Battle of  Shiloh April 6-8, 1862 
The Battle of Shiloh:
The Battle of Shiloh, also known as the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, was a major battle in the Western Theater of the American Civil War, fought April 6–7, 1862, in southwestern Tennessee. 
A Union army under Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant had moved via the Tennessee River deep into Tennessee and was encamped principally at Pittsburg Landing on the West bank of the river. 
Confederate forces under Generals Albert Sidney Johnston and P. G. T. Beauregard launched a surprise attack on Grant there.

Summer of 1962, our family attended the one hundred years Centennial of the Battle of Shiloh. 
We were vacationing in Savannah, Tennessee with my dad's friends Ronnie and Maria Cornelius.

Ronnie’s parents lived in Savannah within walking distance of the Shiloh Battle Field where the
Reenactment of the Battle of Shiloh was taking place.
Ronnie, Maria, and their children were staying with Ronnie's parents.

From the Cornelius home we could the Merchants (Sutlers)setting up tents with period style-goods to sell to the reenacts and the public. 
There were men dressed as Union and Confederate Soldiers getting ready to engage in battle.
We were amazed, as we watched the cannons and rifles being fired, during the reenactment
The smell of gunfire (burning power)and black smoke filled the air. The battle raged on men were dying, bodies covered the ground, what an awful sight, death.
We walked back to the Cornelius house and dad was ready to return to our vacation campsite on the Tennessee River.

We had arrived in Shiloh in dad's new Blue Dodge pick-up truck, pulling our red and white nine-seater outboard motorboat.
The bed of the truck was filled with eight kids, water-skis, orange life jackets, swimsuits, extra clothes, food, and water.

We had come prepared to swim, fish and camp on the Tennessee River.
We had brought a large green military tent for all our belongings and a place for all of us to sleep.

Dad and Ronnie had put out trot-lines early that morning and by late that afternoon 
they had caught enough catfish to cook for dinner.

After dad and Ronnie had cleaned all the catfish they built a roaring fire.
Mom had a cast iron pot with a handle, and the pot was hung over the hot roaring fire.
Mom would fill the cast iron pot full of Mazola oil when the oil was boiling
she would drop in the catfish. 

While the oil was still hot, mom would make hush-puppies and drop them one by one into the pot.
She stopped cooking hush-puppies when there was enough for the family.

In preparation for our upcoming meal, we would cover the picnic tables with a white sheet.
We would sat-out paper plates, forks, napkins, cups, catchup, tartar sauce and cups for ice tea.
We had purchased a cooler full of ice at the local store.

The kids would retreat back into the Tennessee River until dark, leaving mom to do all the cleaning up after dinner.
It would be way after nine when we headed to the tent and would fall onto our palates (a place for us to sleep.

We would be awakened by the buzzing and vampires mosquitos that left red blotches everywhere on us.

Insect repellent was the most.

We were invited to eat Sunday dinner with the Cornelius family.
Mrs. Cornelius had prepared cornbread, meatloaf, fried potatoes, white beans, corn and apple cake for dessert.

Our vacation was eating catfish, camping, skiing and swimming on the Tennessee River and the reenactment of the Battle of Shiloh.

My least favorite thing about our vacation was the vampire mosquitoes.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...