Showing posts with label ranch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ranch. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

🚗2015 ~Tuesday, June 30, Day Trip to Loretta Lynn's Ranch in Hurricane Mills, Tennessee

We traveled up 43 Highway to St Joe, Tennessee we turned left onto Iron City Road 227/326 turned right onto Old Railroad Bed Road to Highway 13, we traveled couple miles North on  Natchez Traces. We got off the Trace in Collingwood, taking highway 13 to Waynesboro.
In Waynesboro we stayed on highway 13/Waynesboro Highway, we traveled through Smith Hill, Linen, (Squirrels Hollow Drive), Lobelville, Lobelville Highway, crossing into Perry County Buffalo. We stopped to use the restrooms and fill up with gas at Pilot, the price of gas $2.49 per gallon, we had just crossed I-40 the interstate between Memphis and Nashville Tennessee.
Pilot in Buffalo TN 
Arby's, Cinnabon at Pilot in Buffalo
We saw a sign that said Loretta Lynn's Kitchen and a huge statue of a Buffalo sitting outside of the restaurant, also some old farm equipment, so we stopped to take pictures.
Buffalo at Loretta Lynn's Kitchen in Buffalo 
Antique farm equipment at Loretta Lynn's Kitchen in Buffalo 
Loretta Lynn's Kitchen in Buffalo 
From Buffalo, we were just six miles to Loretta Lynn's Ranch.
We arrived at the ranch, we toured the free doll museum, the Old Grist Mill store, some of the gift shops and we purchased tickets to tour the home, Butcher Holler House, The #5 Coal Mine and Loretta's Museum.

Old farm truck at Loretta Ranch Park 
Bank at Loretta Ranch Park 
Land Office at Loretta Ranch Park 
Wanted Dead or Alive 
The tickets for the full tour was $25.00 each.
Loretta Lynn Park Information 
Tickets and Colton's coaster 
Loretta Lynn Park Information 
Our tour guide Brooke, took the group up the hill, up several stairs to the replica of Butcher Holler Loretta Lynn's childhood home in Van Lear, Ky.
The house had two bedrooms, with two small beds for the eight kids, kitchen with a wooden table with four wooden chairs and a bench, there was a coal stove for cooking, an outhouse, on the back porch was a small washtub where the children took baths.
When Loretta's mother washed cloth she hung them inside to dry to keep them from getting coal dust on them.
Replica Butcher Holler Home
Replica Butcher Holler Home
Walking down long wooden stairs, Indian on the hill
We walked down a long line of wooden steps onto the street, we crossed the street, we walked up to the simulated # 5 Coal Mine where Loretta's father (Ted Webb) worked until his death. As we walked through the simulated coal mine tunnel, we saw the tools used by the coal miners, the coal & the rail carts they filled with tons of coal that had to be pulled to the top by a donkey, he never saw daylight.

Coal Mine # 5
 Coal Car at Coal Mine # 5
Coal at Coal Mine # 5
Coal Mine # 5
We loaded into the tour bus and was taken to the former home of Loretta Lynn(The Anderson Plantation Home).
As we were getting off the bus we saw several carriages, a huge barn with two beautiful horses, in the background we could hear a peacock. We all walked inside to the kitchen which had a large fireplace, chandlers in every room downstairs. We saw the green bathroom, Loretta's collections inside a cabinet built by her husband, her many albums that were hanging in the hallway and all along the stairway.
We saw her bedroom, and the room with her family pictures, we were not taken upstairs.
The house is said to be haunted by the former owners the Anderson Family.
They were plantation owners with slaves, the mother lost a child at birth and she walks the rooms looking for her baby. Many ghosts have been spotted thought out the house.
We exited out the front door, we all walked back to the paved drive.
Standing on Loretta Lynn's Ranch Porch 

Loretta Lynn's Ranch 
I walked over to the horses, I took many pictures of the horses with my cell phone.
I did not bring my big camera because we could not take pictures inside the house or any of the museums.
Loretta Lynn's Ranch Horses
We loaded back onto the bus, we were taken to the Museum where Loretta has all kinds of memorabilia.
Loretta Lynn's Ranch Museum
After touring the museum, we stopped to take pictures of the tour bus outside.
We stopped at the gift shop to purchase a couple of postcards and we left.
Loretta Lynn's Ranch Postcards I purchase
It was very hot and humid so we had enough of walking outside.
We stopped in front of Loretta's Ranch Home to take pictures and pictures of  Hurricane Creek.
We rode behind Loretta's Ranch house where we saw a couple of donkeys, Loretta's present home, and The Anderson Family Cemetery.
Standing on steps of Loretta & Mooney Lynn Hurricane Mills Home 
Hurricane Mill Falls 
Loretta's Home 
Anderson Family Cemetery 
We left the park, taking I-40 stopping at Colton's Steak House & Grill in Dickson Tennessee where we ordered a full order of Ribs, one baked potato, two Caesar Salads, Tea, Water, Rolls, and butter.
Colton's Steak House & Grill 
Colton's Steak House & Grill 
Colton's Steak House & Grill 
We got off I-40 traveled through Spring Hill, Columbia, we stopped at CVS in Lawrenceburg, then home.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...