Showing posts with label working. Show all posts
Showing posts with label working. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

🎄🎄🎄🎄2014 ~ Dec 22, Christmas with Kids and Grandkids

Monday night was our big Christmas Party.
We ordered six pizza's
1. Two Cheese Pizza's
2. Two ham and Pineapple Pizza's
3. Two Pepperoni Pizza's
4. Two Chocolate Cookie Pizza's
Hannah made cheese dip, another dip with chips
Jake and Lindsey brought hot wings and fries
Ronald brought drinks
I brought drinks, paper plates, Cups, and Cocktail weiners.

Ron, Andy, Nevada, Montana, Sierra, Hubby Mike, Hannah, Jake, Lindsey and I were at the party.
Dakota had to work late, and his girlfriend did not come and Charity was sick.
Madison, Marcus, and Meadow did not come.
Hannah's boyfriend was sick with flu and he did not come.
So, you see we had several family members missing because of sickness.

We swapped gifts.
Hubby and I received two gift cards from Places to Eat, some Mary Kay, and hair products.
We had a great time reminiscent.
Jake took out the project book he had done in the fifth grade on his grandmother.

Mike and Ron talked about growing up and their many mishaps.
Mike told the story about his grandfather trying to drive up a steep hill in his old red truck.
How the truck struggled to get up the hill, how it would get about halfway up, only to roll back down.
How his grandfather finally put the peddle to the metal to reach the top.

He told the story about his grandfather working on a project at Mr. Stewart's.
How his grandfather got frustrated started cussing and left for the day.
His grandfather returns the next day to finish the job after he has cooled off.
Women were visiting the Stewarts home that day, and I am sure they heard the angry words of his grandfather.

Mike told many mishaps that happened at work.
I think Mike could write a book on the funny mishaps that happened to him.
Jake told the story about the time he broke one of the windows in the front door at his great-grandfather's house.
He said my great-grandfather got in his old Buick and came after me.
He said that my great-grandfather had one of his grandsons catch me.
He said my great-grandfather whipped me and left the mark of AD on my backside.

Both of my sons were cutting grass by the age of five. Ron said I can remember not being tall enough to reach the handle.
He told how their grandfather worked on the lawnmowers before they could cut grass which sometimes could take hours.

The boys said that we always dreaded coming home from school because if Paw was in the garden we knew we would have to work.
They said we just wanted to stay on the school bus.
The boys talked about how their summer vacations were spent in the garden working.
Ron talked about his dog Patmae. He said once she got snake bit and another time she got into a fight with another dog and was in juried and how he took care of her.

I could listen to the boys go on for hours.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...