Showing posts with label presents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label presents. Show all posts

Monday, December 25, 2017

2000, Dec 23 & 24, A Family Christmas

2000 December 23, & 24 Christmas 

Our family meets to enjoy a Christmas meal, and exchange presents at my son's home. 
Paper plates, paper cups, napkins, plastic spoons, and forks were placed at the end of the table, which was covered with a red tablecloth.

Everyone gathered around the table, blessings were said, and then everyone began filling their plates with food. 

The Christmas dinner placed before us included a turkey, slices of honey-baked ham, cream potatoes, turkey dressing, cranberry slices, baked beans, and hot rolls fresh out of the oven. 
Coconut and chocolate cake was our dessert. 
Poured over ice were sweet tea, mountain dews, and doctor peppers. 

Their gifts were wrapped in Santa or Reindeer wrapping paper in all shapes and sizes under the Christmas Tree.
Wrapping paper lay in disarray as the children excitedly tore open their presents.

When all the excitement died down, Hannah read a bedtime story.
Elf for Christmas Oct 1, 1999
When Tingle, one of Santa's best workshop elves, is accidentally wrapped up with a toy airplane and delivered to a real, live boy on Christmas morning, the situation seems hopeless. 
With Santa too far away to help, Tingle worries that he will be trapped in the humans' house forever. But when the courageous little elf comes up with a wonderful, magical plan for escape, readers will find it hard to resist peeking ahead to see what happens. Tingle's thrilling journey back to the North Pole--as well as his joyous homecoming--have all the trappings of a Christmas classic.
The captivating illustrations by Michael Garland (author-illustrator of the best-selling picture book The Mouse Before Christmas) burst with color and movement. Infused with extravagant detail, warmth, and imagination, An Elf for Christmas will linger in the minds of readers long after all the ribbon and wrapping paper have been put away.

The next morning, we were served fried bacon, scrambled eggs, homemade biscuits, and chocolate gravy. 
After breakfast, the children enjoyed different forms of entertainment.
Dakota watched movies, and Sierra, & Madison played indoor basketball.
Hannah played with her dolls in her doll-bordered bedroom.
After an enjoyable Christmas, I had a six-hour drive home, for I had to be at work Tuesday Morning. 

Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year to one and all

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„2014 ~ Dec 22, Christmas with Kids and Grandkids

Monday night was our big Christmas Party.
We ordered six pizza's
1. Two Cheese Pizza's
2. Two ham and Pineapple Pizza's
3. Two Pepperoni Pizza's
4. Two Chocolate Cookie Pizza's
Hannah made cheese dip, another dip with chips
Jake and Lindsey brought hot wings and fries
Ronald brought drinks
I brought drinks, paper plates, Cups, and Cocktail weiners.

Ron, Andy, Nevada, Montana, Sierra, Hubby Mike, Hannah, Jake, Lindsey and I were at the party.
Dakota had to work late, and his girlfriend did not come and Charity was sick.
Madison, Marcus, and Meadow did not come.
Hannah's boyfriend was sick with flu and he did not come.
So, you see we had several family members missing because of sickness.

We swapped gifts.
Hubby and I received two gift cards from Places to Eat, some Mary Kay, and hair products.
We had a great time reminiscent.
Jake took out the project book he had done in the fifth grade on his grandmother.

Mike and Ron talked about growing up and their many mishaps.
Mike told the story about his grandfather trying to drive up a steep hill in his old red truck.
How the truck struggled to get up the hill, how it would get about halfway up, only to roll back down.
How his grandfather finally put the peddle to the metal to reach the top.

He told the story about his grandfather working on a project at Mr. Stewart's.
How his grandfather got frustrated started cussing and left for the day.
His grandfather returns the next day to finish the job after he has cooled off.
Women were visiting the Stewarts home that day, and I am sure they heard the angry words of his grandfather.

Mike told many mishaps that happened at work.
I think Mike could write a book on the funny mishaps that happened to him.
Jake told the story about the time he broke one of the windows in the front door at his great-grandfather's house.
He said my great-grandfather got in his old Buick and came after me.
He said that my great-grandfather had one of his grandsons catch me.
He said my great-grandfather whipped me and left the mark of AD on my backside.

Both of my sons were cutting grass by the age of five. Ron said I can remember not being tall enough to reach the handle.
He told how their grandfather worked on the lawnmowers before they could cut grass which sometimes could take hours.

The boys said that we always dreaded coming home from school because if Paw was in the garden we knew we would have to work.
They said we just wanted to stay on the school bus.
The boys talked about how their summer vacations were spent in the garden working.
Ron talked about his dog Patmae. He said once she got snake bit and another time she got into a fight with another dog and was in juried and how he took care of her.

I could listen to the boys go on for hours.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„The Christmas Sprit of fun

I went to town early this morning to do some last-minute Christmas Shopping. I took my sister-in-law so she could do her last-minute shopping without driving in this crazy Christmas traffic. We went to Walmart, Walgreens, Regency Square Mall, the Blue Door, YMCA and ate lunch at Chick-fil-A. I stopped at Foodland for a buttermilk pie for my Christmas brunch for tomorrow and all before 1P.M. All Done!!!!!!!!!! with one to wrap.
Buttermilk Pie after party on Saturday
When my husband arrived home from work we rode to town, we met friends at Flo-Bama, where we enjoyed an appetizer of fried mushrooms, followed by hamburgers and hotdogs.

We sat with friends, one was dressed as Santa Claus.
All the children thought he was Santa Claus and wanted their picture made with him. 

The man stooped in front of my friend she was afraid his bottom might go off!!!!!!!
We all enjoyed listening to the Kerry Gilbert band play a variety of songs including Tie the Knot, Kaw-Liga, and several different Christmas Songs, with Hugh putting a chimney hat over his head. You just have to watch them live to get the full impact of how funny and how great they sound.
We had to leave at 9 PM, and my husband has to work tomorrow, he drives an hour and a half to work every day, so he has to be in bed by ten.
KGB Band- Hugh with Chimney Hat
We were home in time for him to watch a little TV and then off to bed. I actually slept all night long without coughing.
Mr. Clause
The next day Saturday, December 20:
Christmas Party today at Laura's with Stella, Phoebe, and Megen. 
We had more food than we all could possibly eat.

We had pecan pie, buttermilk pie, pretzels topped with pecans, and rolls. 

We ate chips, chicken salad sandwiches made with croissant grapes, sun-drop cake, cheeseball with chips and macaroni salad, and lots more sweets. 
Leftovers for my husband's dinner
Potato Cake (eaten on Hanukkah)
We did a dirty Santa gift swap. 
My Dirty Santa Gift
We sat around telling stories, and Megen had us in stitches. She told stories that were not so funny, like the time her trailer burned to the ground.
We had a great time. 
Merry Christmas to all my friends from bible class.
Phoebe gave everyone a picture of her dog, a bookmark, and a book that she signed. The book was written by Rick Warren "The Purpose of Christmas."
Make yourself familiar with angels
The Purpose of Christmas
Friends love through all kinds of weather,
and families stick together
in all kinds of trouble.
Proverbs 17:17 

Phoebe's dog dressed up for Christmas.
A slice of Pecan Pie, YUM!

Friday, November 21, 2014

πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„Wrapping Presents on the floor

Yesterday, I decided to start wrapping my Christmas presents.
I put all the presents into boxes, and I started cutting the wrapping paper.

I had to sit on the floor to wrap the presents and some of the time I was on my knees.
I am not a spring chicken anymore and today my knees were talking to me.

I was having a difficult time getting up. 
My mind was playing tricks on my body. 
My mind said you are still a spry chicken while my body said who are you kidding.
When I was down on my knees wrapping my presents I knew I was going to pay a high price for it tomorrow.
Well today, my knees are talking very strongly to my trickery mind.
My body is telling my mind you old woman don't you know better than to listen to me.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...