Showing posts with label grandson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grandson. Show all posts

Saturday, October 3, 2020

2020 The year of Coronavirus and wearing mask

Total left knee replacement was March 10, that same week, much of our country was shut down because of the  Coronavirus.

I stayed overnight at the hospital and was sent home with all the equipment I would need for the next few weeks for home therapy.

I also went to three days a week to Peak Performance for physical therapy.

The Sciatic nerve in my lower back flared up, which caused therapy to be very painful. 

My Orthopedic doctor had to manipulate my left knee, which helped relieve some of the pain in my lower back. 

It took several months before I could enjoy walking, and I was thankful to have my hubby doing my household chores. 

I could not read or sit at my computer because it was too painful, and it was hard for me to concentrate. 

On June 18, our granddaughter gave birth to a baby boy. 

Only her hubby could be with her, and her baby shower was virtual. 

(Great Grandson Atlas Ian is doing great; he is growing like a weed.)

River, our great-grandson, turned two on June 2.

We celebrated our great-grandson's first birthday on Sunday, December 13. 

He and his mother both had the Coronavirus, and both are doing fine now. 

Our daughter-in-law contracted the Coronavirus at work and gave it to her husband (our son), they were quarantined for 14 days. 

Schools across the United States were shut down, and graduating was just months away for seniors.

Our grandson, a senior, graduated in May after months of his school being shut down. 

Our country was in a pandemic, with businesses, schools, factories, and restaurants shut down.

People dying, and the virus spreading like wildfire, causing people to stress out. 

Lowes was doing a booming business during the pandemic because people were afraid to go anywhere, so many did home projects and gardening.

 I enjoyed spending time attending to my flowers and herbs. 

The Coronavirus has kept many inside this year beginning in the Spring. It sored through  

Summer and Autumn, now it is Winter, and the coronavirus is still here.

The CBS bible study that I attend every year is now virtual. It is great that we can still see one another through Zoom and be safe. 

We have grandchildren attending Universities, High School, and Kindergarten with odd days.

Every Thursday and Friday in September & October, we kept our great-granddaughter, Ava.

We did the social distance, we would take her to our local parks, where she enjoyed feeding the turtles and fish. 

For the last two weeks, Hubby and I have been picking our great-granddaughter up at school. 

Her uncle is a senior this year and usually takes and picks her up, but in the last two weeks, he has not gone to school on Thursdays and Fridays. (because of the pandemic)

Hubby went back to work part-time in June and full-time in September. 

Last year was a sad year for my niece she lost her husband to cancer. 

But 2020 has brought her happiness, she found another love, and they were married on the first of October. 

The Coronavirus is still on the rampage, the numbers are going down. 

Most states have a mandate that you have to wear a mask covering your nose and mouth before entering a place of business. 

High-risk people are encouraged to stay home and have their groceries & personal items delivered.

Stores limit the number of people inside their stores. Restaurants have spaced their tables at least 6 feet apart. Many places of business have a shield or partitions to protect their employees. 

Some places will only take credit cards because they do not want to handle money that is full of germs.

The flu season is just around the corner, and the medical field is in a rush to come up with an anti-virus serum to give to the public to help prevent the further spread of the Coronavirus.

We have missed so much of our annual Halloween parties and Thanksgiving meals with family, and now Christmas is just around the corner. 

Our family get-togethers may be small this year. 

Hubby contracted the Coronavirus from a co-worker, and I got it from him.  We missed having a Thanksgiving meal with our families. 

In November, I went to the Mountains with my cousin and aunt. We ate out a couple of times and did a little shopping, but mostly, we just enjoyed each other's company.

We bought a Modular home in July but will not be finished until late January. This Coronavirus has put a dent in many aspects of our lives. 

My dad fell and broke his hip and died shortly in November. 

Our family is going to celebrate Christmas on December 20 and have a sister gathering on Christmas Day.

We just have to take one day at a time. 

This year, we have had a birth (a great-grandson), a death (my dad), a marriage (my niece), and sickness.

We have been very busy this year but differently. Life as we know it will no longer be the same.

Even in a pandemic, life goes on. 


Monday, January 27, 2020

2020 Jan 27, Enjoying a warm winter's day

It was so nice to finally see 👀the sun today, with a nip of cold air still about. I have not been out much because of the cold winter rain. 

I rode to the Rock Pile at TVA Dam, hoping to see an eagle and maybe some waterfowl.

I saw a few waterfowl but no eagles. 

I met  Steve Lovell, a great photographer who has a website on Facebook where he posts some of his photographs.

TVA Dam & Waterfowl 

I stopped at the TVAM to view the art on display that was donated by Wanda and Bill Isom. 

Every room was filled with art that they had collected over the years. One room was filled with Japanese block art. 

The hall was filled with the art of birds. 

The Main gallery was full of large lithography of birds. 

In the back room was a variety of art, including a Norman Rockwell piece and a Van Gogh piece. 

Loved the displays.

White Muted Swan
Canadian Geese 
Domestic geese
My next stop was Spring Park ( Growing up, I spent many hours playing at this park).
Spring Park has a man-made waterfall that is fed by a spring that flows into the pond below. 
Permanent residents are two Muted White Swans.
Other waterfowl that can be found here are Black Muscovy Ducks, White  Muscovy Ducks, Domestic Ducks, Mallard Ducks, Canadian Geese, and others. 
It's a great place to get pictures of waterfowl. 
We had a lot of rain this year, and Spring Park was flooded. A couple of rides were completely covered in water and are no longer in use.  

My granddaughter-in-law owns a beauty school in Sheffield, so I stopped in to visit with her and my great-grandson. Hayne is just a doll, so cute, lovable, and sweet. 

Big Box of Chicken and fixin' from Bojangles
Hubby would be home from work soon, so I stopped at Bojangles to pick up a box of chicken and the fixings for supper. 🍗
It was a beautiful day, not too hot or not too cold. 
Hope we have more days like today.

Monday, October 17, 2016

🚂🚂🚂2016 October 15, Saturday, Train Ride! Monterey Fall Foliage Excursion

The sun was peeking through the clouds as we rode through Columbia, Tennessee.
We ate breakfast at Burger King in Columbia, Tennessee. Hubby ordered an egg, cheese, and sausage croissant, I ordered two pieces of sausage and three French breadsticks with syrup and water to drink.
We arrived around 7AM at the Central Railway Museum 220 Willow St Nashville, TN.
Several people had arrived they were parking wherever they could find an open spot. We were the last ones to park in a gated area.
We walked to the museum there were people already standing in line.

We walked into the train museum there were several rows of people sitting. We walked to the back of the museum where we saw a miniature running train display,

At 7:30AM we heard the train whistle, letting everyone know it had arrived and was time to begin loading.
The train holds 500 people and the excursion was sold out.
There was an older couple who had just sat down on a nearby bench.
The woman said the train does not leave until 8:00AM and it will take a while for all these people to board, so we decided to sit down next to them and wait.

The couple had seats in the dome train car.
We were sitting in  25 & 26 on TCRX  4719 First Class.
The conductor/ticket collector had a list of all the passengers and he checked them off as people boarded.

The train's horn blew at 8:00AM as we were leaving the train station.
Selfie as we began our train excursion 
At times the train gained speed up to 55 MPR and would drop down to 35, 25, 15MPR.

The restrooms were not available until the train started to move. Our conductor/ticket collector had to unlock them.
That was my first stop.
The windows on the train were made out of thick hard plastic, not glass which made it hard to get a good picture.

Riding the train up the mountain we saw lots of dried-up creeks and empty fields where the crops had been gathered.
We saw cows, bulls, and other animals feeding along with the hill country.
We rode through the towns of Lebanon, Watertown, Brush Creek, Gordonville's, Caney Fork, Lancaster, Buffalo Valley, Silver Point, Baxter, Watertown, & Cookeville.
The train crossed over I-40 several times.
I walked to the dining car for snacks (which was several cars back) I bought two Diet Cokes and two packages of peanut butter crackers which cost me $6.00

Standing Stone Festival was taking place in Monterey, "Where the hilltops kiss the sky."
At  9AM they were having a parade, a Cruise-In after the parade, and at 10AM a Ceremony at Standing Stone.
Near noon they were expecting the Excursion train coming from Nashville.
When we arrived in Monterey the train blew its whistle, letting the people that we had arrived.
Before we left the train we were told to be ready to load onto the train at 1:50PM and the train would be leaving the station at 2:00PM.
Crowd leaving the train
The people of Monterey were prepared for visitors.
The VFW had grilled hamburgers & hotdogs, and a group of women had cooked pinto beans and cornbread.
The Blue Cup and Saucer were filling up with people from the train.
The Cup & Saucer Restaurant 
We walked down the street looking at the vendor's wares.
We stopped at a booth where several young girls were selling cookies.
We bought a package of peanut butter cookies and a package of oatmeal raisins.
We had a diet cook left over from the train ride.
We ate our snacks as we walked through the downtown area, which was a couple of blocks away.
We stopped to look at the cars from the cruise-in which consisted of about 10 cars.

I stopped to take a picture of the Civil War Historic Marker.
Stokes' Atrocity
Four miles north of this site, the atrocity occurred during the War Between the States. On March 12, 1864, Federal Col. William B. Stokes and approximately 200 soldiers of the 5th Tenn. Volunteer Cavalry (Union) surrounded the homes of a Southern sympathizer and shot six unarmed Confederate soldiers. These soldiers, led by 2nd Lt. Robert S. Davis, included members from Terry's 8th Texas Cavalry Regiment and one Alabama cavalryman. They became separated from their original outfit and had recently joined forces with Captain Champ Ferguson's independent cavalry company.
Stokes' Atrocity
Days earlier the Confederates had routed Col. Stoke's command in the skirmish at Dug Hill on the Calfkiller River. Shortly after the shooting at the house, Lt. Davis — the only Confederate wounded and not killed outright — was taken into the yard, tied to a cedar gatepost, and his body riddled with bullets. His last words were "You ought not to do this, I have never done anything but my sworn duty.

Old Fire Truck in front of Train Depot Museum 
Stone Standing Monument 
Standing Stone Monument
The Standing Stone was a 13-foot (4.0 m)-tall rock that once stood upright on a sandstone ledge in the area. It was the legendary boundary between Cherokee and Shawnee territory and marked the Cherokee Tallonteeskee Trail. The 8-foot (2.4 m) remnant of this stone is preserved in Monterey, where a Standing Stone Celebration of Native American Heritage is held each October
We wanted to see the Standing Stone that everyone was talking about, it was located several blocks away from the festival.
There was a concrete path that twisted and turned near the train tracks, which led to Standing Stone.
Standing Stone was in front of the public library.
After taking a few pictures we visited the library, I needed to charge my cell phone and use the restroom.
In the library, I noticed an article that was near the information desk

The article said: that Thomas Jefferson Whittaker 
Dec 18, 1818-Nov 30, 1900 "Murdered by Grandson just 150 ft Yards from here."
This piqued my interest so I read the article. 
One of the earliest pioneers of Standing Stone, now called Monterey, T.J. Whittaker stood 6-ft 2in. in his stockings. The son of Capt.  John Whitaker was a War of 1812 Veteran who fought in Gen. Andrew Jackson's Army. Whittaker was born about two miles from the present town. 
He married Nancy Dillard Clark in 1841 and raised a large family. In 1853, he bought the old homestead from his father. The home is set on what is now the corner of N. Elmore St. and Old Walton Rd. 
An Avid hunter, Whittaker killed deer, bears, wildcats, wolves, panthers, and more. 
Whittaker Park was donated to the town by him.
On his last day on earth, Whittaker arose early. About noon, he took his mules along with some horseshoes to the blacksmith. Returning home about 4:30PM on that Friday afternoon, he came across his grandson, Jackie Whittaker, and a Cooper man arguing in front of the Standing Stone monument. He tried to get his grandson to go home, but it seemed to make the situation worse, so he pulled the mule and headed home.
After traveling about 150 yards, Whittaker's grandson came up from behind him and demanded his mule and took it away from him. Whittaker picked up a stick to defend himself, but his grandson stuck a knife into his grandfather's neck, killing him. 
Jackie Whittaker ran home and got his pistol, daring any of the womenfolk who had gone to help TJ Whittaker. Police Chief Alec Weeks (Later Putman Sheriff) came to the scene. The young Whittaker fired at him, by missed. Weeks returned fire hitting him twice. The grandson recovered to spend time in prison. Thomas Jefferson Whittaker is buried in the Whittaker Cemetery, just north of here on Elmore St. not far from where he lived and not far from where he died. 
The Story Teller 
We walked to the Train Depot Museum, there were many people from the train Excursion inside.
We walked through the museum viewing the many items that were on display and heard locals telling stories about Monterey.
When he finished talking, I said we have stories about our town that are similar, especially about the war.
I told him a story about an ex-Civil War Soldier named Tom Clark and his gang of bushwhackers, how they came into our town and ravaged it.
He and his gang were captured and hanged. Tom Clark said (so they say) that no one would ever ride over him.  He was buried in the middle of Tennessee Street and is rode over every day.
The man laughed!
He said, my last name is Clark and I have a distant relative named Tom Clark how ironic is that?
1909 Imperial Hotel 
We walked back to the vendors to buy some meat skins and water.
We bought the water from the group of women selling beans and cornbread.
One of the women asked how much it cost to ride the train.
We walked passed the 1909 Imperial Hotel stopping to take a couple of pictures.

We heard the train whistle.
People shouted THE TRAIN IS COMING!
People were taking pictures and videos as the train made its way toward us.

When the train came to a complete stop, the conductor called OUT ALL ABOARD!

While we were visiting the town the train had rode up to the switchyard.
Switching the Engines from the front of the train to the back of the train.
Now the gift shop, dining cars, and women's restrooms were in front of us.
The conductor had turned our seats in that direction.
After everyone loaded into the train, the conductor checked his list making sure that he did not leave anyone behind. He had told us earlier that the train would leave at 2:00PM and anyone left behind would have to take a taxi home.

As we were descending down the mountain the train moved slowly, breaking so the train would not become a run-a-way train.
Sitting in front of us was a man from Connecticut, he was telling the conductor a funny story.
I told the story of my daughter's plane experience. How a doctor or nurse was needed and she and a dentist were the only ones on the plane.
A woman was in the restroom, sweating profusely, she had taken two Ex-Lax Laxatives before boarding the plane.
When my daughter bent down to take the woman's blood pressure, her pants couched on the edge of something and made a big rip down the back of her pants.

My daughter lived in Newington, Connecticut, Boston, Mass, and Providence, RI.
I told the man from Connecticut, about all the places that we visited when I came to visit her.

The sun was setting and I wanted to get a picture so I walked to where the train cars connected.
I stuck my head out the window and started taking pictures. I even got one of the full moons.

We arrived at the train depot in Nashville around  7:57PM.
Full Moon 
Panda Express
Cream  Cheese Rangoon
Honey Walnut Shrimp 
We stopped at 7:50 p.m. at Panda Express, Spring Hill, TN.
Hubby ordered a plate with Chow Mein, orange chicken, broccoli & beef, and one chicken egg roll.
I ordered a small plate of Honey Walnut Shrimp and three Cream Cheese rangoons.
We were home by 10:00PM, hubby's bedtime.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️🏊‍♀️2000 June 24, Saturday, McFarland Swimming

At about mid-morning on Saturday, we loaded into my LS Saturn and rode to McFarland Park.
My grandson Justin, two granddaughters Hannah and Madison, and my son Ronald.
The kids had not planned to get into the water but it was hot and they stripped down to their underwear and jumped right into the cool water of the Tennessee River, hoping that a large bass or catfish would not nibble on their toes.
In water up to their knees. 
Madison kept on her hot pink tee shirt and her hair was pulled on top of her head in a ponytail.
Hannah was wearing a light blue floral top with matching shorts and Hannah's hair was pulled back into a ponytail.
Ronald was wearing blue jeans shorts and a black tee shirt with the sleeves cut out.
Ronald in his cool shades. 
They stayed near the edge not getting in over their heads. They walked along the edge of the lapping Tennessee River bending over to pick up unusual rocks.
Picking up shells 

Jumping on boulder
The kids played on the giant boulders that were dotted along the River. They would jump from one to the other.

Playing in the park 
The kids played on the playground equipment and we watched several barges float down the river.
Barges on the Tennessee River 
We also saw the Miss Nari New Orleans, LA cruise boat that was docked along the Tennessee River.
Miss Nari New Orleans, La
The historic towboat M/V Miss Nari is named for Mrs. Narcissa “Nari” Conrad, the late wife of Eddy Conrad, the CEO of RiverBarge Excursions Lines. Miss Nari is the only river towboat in America with a twin propulsion 3,000 horsepower Z Peller 360-degree unit, which can completely turn the entire tow in place. The Miss Nari was built in 1951 and started her career in the Delta Cities. If you check your history, on September 13, 1970, the Delta Cities’ tow of gasoline-filled barges broke loose crashing into the Port Arthur Bridge. The barges, the bridge, and the Delta Cities were engulfed in flames. The Delta Cities suffered severe fire damage and remained out of service for years. She became known as “the Hulk” for some time as she lay dormant. Today the newly equipped and refurbished Miss Nari still shows the scares of this tragedy with heat-warped decks. The Miss Nari pushes the barges along at speeds of 9 to 10 miles per hour although faster speeds can be achieved depending on river currents and conditions.

We could also hear the sounds of the traffic as it crossed the Tennessee River on the O'Neal Bridge.

Busting traffic on O'neal Bridge 

Monday, July 27, 2015

2013 ~May 25-31, Lee County's High School Graduation, Universal Studios & Sea World

Day 1: Friday, May 24, 2013
At 5:30 A.M., I drove Hubby to Foodland to catch his ride to work in Huntsville.
I went to ECM Hospital to visit my dad; he had Gallbladder surgery the day before. When I got to the ECM parking deck, I programmed my GPS for our trip to Columbus, Georgia. I stayed with my dad until about 9:00 A.M. 

I picked up Hubby at Mapco in Huntsville, AL, near NASA at 10:30A.M.
We ate brunch at Cracker Barrel Store number 51 in Cullman, Al.
I ordered a kid's plate of grilled chicken fingers and carrots with a glass of water, which cost ($4.69)
Hubby ordered a bacon cheeseburger plate with onion rings for $10.58 and a diet Coke for $1.99, for $23.11. (We shared a dark mallow cup for $1.19.)

We stopped at Peach Park in Clanton, Alabama, where we shared a bowl of peach ice cream and a fried peach pie. We walked around the park, and I took pictures.  
Holding up a peach at Peach Park 
Riding a horse
Peach Ice cream and fried Peach Pie, YUM!
Hubby at Peach Park 
Peach Park 
We arrived at Country Inns & Suites, 1720 Fountain Court, Columbus Ga at 5:30 P.M. Room 108-confirmation number 73984065. Total cost: $95.12 for one night. (706) 660-1880

Hubby took a shower, and I changed clothes. Graduation was at Smith Station Middle School Stadium in Smith Station, Alabama. 
We arrived early and sat in the bleachers' front row.
I started talking to the woman next to me; she was a friend of Justin's mom (Stacy) sitting next to me. 
She leaned over and said, "I think that is Justin's grandmother." Justin's dad (Josh) and brother (Andrew) came later. Josh and his hubby started talking about electrical work, for both were IBEW brothers. I was told that Justin had joined the ARMY and was to leave for camp in August. He signed up before he had told his mom or dad.

394 students graduated from Smith Station in Lee County, AL. The graduation lasted from 8 P.M. to 10 P.M.
After the graduation, we took several pictures and said our goodbyes. We told Justin and his family that we would be back on May 29 to pick him up.
Justin, Josh, Stacy, and Andrew 
Justin, me, and Hubby
After the graduation, most restaurants were closed. We found a Taco Bell that was open, located at 7330 Veterans Parkway, Columbus, Georgia  31906. At 10:39 P.M., we spent $9.27. 
I bought lottery tickets at the connecting store. 
We climbed into bed at the Hotel because it had been a long day. 

Day 2: Saturday, May 25, 2013
We both got up, took showers, packed, ate waffles with fruit and juice for breakfast, loaded the van, and started our journey to Orlando, Florida. We filled up with gas at the Summit in Columbus, Georgia, for $60.50.
Along the way, we stopped at Marks Melon Patch in Dawson, Georgia, because Hubby wanted some boiled peanuts. I took out my camera and started taking pictures. I saw an outhouse next to the fruit stand, so I opened the door.
It startled me when the dummies inside started to speak; Hubby laughed. The owner said it gets them every time.
Dummie in outhouse
We stopped at some of the historic sites in Dawson, Georgia. I took pictures of the Terrell County Historic Marker, Confederate Gun Shop Marker, World War II Marker, James Mathews Griggs Historic Marker, Terrell Courthouse, old homes, and churches. 
While I was taking pictures, I met James Mathew Griggs's great-grandson. He told me that the marker of his great-grandfather had been moved to the courthouse lawn.
The marker read: 
To the memory of James Mathew Griggs, who represented the 2nd district of Georgia in Congress with conspicuous ability and fidelity from March 4, 1897, to the date of his death, January 5, 1910. This memorial is erected in his hometown by the people of the district. 
He loved and honored the people they loved and praised him.
James Mathew Griggs
Terrell County Courthouse
Next, we stopped in the historic town of Sylvester, where I took pictures of Worth County Historical marker, the courthouse, War Markers, and a hundred-year-old train engine.
The Train engine was enclosed with a gate and had a roof over it. It was located next to the main highway.
While I was taking pictures of the train, I heard a laugh.
I thought to myself someone thought it was funny that I was taking pictures of the train. 
I looked around to see who was laughing, and to my surprise, it was a goat! 
The goat was on a trailer behind a truck stopped at the red light.
The goat laughed and laughed as the truck pulled away. LOL! Needless to say, he was not laughing at me, but I sure thought he was. I walked back to the van and told Hubby about the incident, and he laughed.
A hundred-year-old train engine in Sylvester
The Laughing Goat 
We ate lunch at Texas Road House, 3830 SW Archer Rd, Gainsville, FL. I ordered sirloin steak with potato and water, and Hubby ordered hamburgers and fries. At 2:46 P.M., we ate at table 44, and our server was Rachel. The total cost for the meal was $26.76. 

When we arrived in Orlando, we had to drive through several tolls, which cost $5.25, to get to Country Inn & Suites, 5440 Forbes Place, Orlando, FL (407)856-8896, room 112. 
We took our luggage to the room, changed clothes, and rode to the Island of Adventure.

 At the Island of Adventure, we watched Poison Adventure; we walked to the back of the park to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter to ride the Forbidden Journey of Harry Potter. 
The Island of Adventure
The Island of Adventure
We left the Island of Adventure and went to City Walk. I had talked to Lora, who was to meet us there. As always, she was late.
We decided to eat supper at Hard Rock Café. We insisted on eating outside. They said that we would have to wait, but we said that was okay; we were not in a hurry.
It is funny now, but we thought their outside tables were downstairs.
We were led to a balcony overlooking City Walk, which had a gorgeous view but a bit briskly.
Being so high up, it caught the breeze of the parks.
Hard Rock Cafe in City Walk Orlando
Hard Rock Cafe in City Walk Orlando 
The balcony at Hard Rock Cafe on City Walk
We ordered boneless chicken tenders, water, and Coke, which cost $19.91. We sat there as long as we could wait for Lora and her friend. 
We paid our bill and left. 
We met Lora and her friend at Bubba Gumps. Outside, there were people jumping rope and Hula Hula Hooping. It had been a long day. After saying goodbye, we rode back to the hotel. 
We stopped at Race Trac store 522, 1875 McCoy Rd, Belle Isle, FL 32089, to get fuel at pump one for 15.215 gallons at $3.549 per gallon. It was 5:37 P.M.

Day 3:  Sunday, May 26, 2013
We slept late and ate breakfast at about 9:30 A.M. After breakfast, we rode to Universal Studios. 
We rode ET, Doctor Seuss Ride, Spider-Man, and The Minions and watched Fear Factor, the Animal Show. We walked to City Walk. At 4:12 P.M., we ordered lunch at Bubba Gumps. Our server was Eric, and we sat at table 62. 
We ordered the Shrimper's Heaven and two glasses of water, which cost $25.51. 
We walked to Universal Studios and waited one hour and fifteen minutes to ride Despicable Me, which was a great disappointment. 
After leaving Universal Studios, we went to the Island of Adventure, where we bought a Choro at $3.00 at Neeps Cart at 18:28P.M. Hubby bought a Lemon Slush at $4.25 at the Poe Lemon. 
We bought a large coke for $2.99 at Market Café at 21:39 P.M. We stopped at Taco Bell ordered one burrito supreme $2.49, three Dorito loco supremes $5.07 for a total of $8.05, at 10:58 P.M. 
Are we having fun yet? 

It must be Sunday... We're in Color!
The Island of Adventure
Day 4: Monday, May 27, 2014
Hubby was exhausted from the day before, so he slept in while I wrote in my journal about the events of the day before. We ate eggs, sausage, and bagels in the Hotel for breakfast.
At lunch, we went to Wendy's, where we ordered  hamburgers and Frosty's paid cash $10.00
We arrived at Sea World at 1:14 P.M., paid $15.00 to park 
The shows that we watched were:
Pets Ahoy at Seaport Theater at 1:45P.M.
One Ocean Shame Stadium at 2:30 P.M. (Killer Whale)
A'Lure the call of the Ocean at Nautilus Theater at 3:30 P.M
Blue Horizons at Dolphin Theater at 5:00 P.M.
Clyde and Seamore Take Pirates Island at Sea Lion & Otter Theater at 5:45 P.M
We saw dolphins at Dolphins Cove and the Stingrays at Stingray Lagoon for the remainder of the day.
We walked through the Manatee Aquarium 
Ate chicken nuggets and corn at Expedition café. Spent $9.25.
We stopped at Taco Bell on Mccoy Road, where we ordered one burrito supreme ($2.49), two Dorito Loco supreme ($2.78), and one Nachos Bell Grande ($2.99) and spent $10.07 at 8:08P.M.
One Ocean Shame 
One Ocean Shame 
A'Lure the call of the Ocean at Nautilus Theater 
Sea World
Blue Horizons at Dolphin
Blue Horizons at Dolphin
Sea World Entrance Antarctica
Sea World Entrance 
Day 5: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 
We ate breakfast at the Hotel: bagels, sausage, cream cheese, and orange juice.
I called Majorie Goodrich to see if she was at Home and if she would like us to visit. We stayed a couple of hours at Majorie's trailer. She wanted to walk the nature trail near her Home. After walking the trail, we said goodbye.
We stopped at Golden Corral in Clermont, Florida, for a lunch buffet, which cost $6.99 each, for a total of $14.96.
We drove to Downtown Disney, where we walked around, stopping at some of the souvenir shops. We stopped at Ghirardelli for some vanilla and strawberry ice cream, which cost $5.91.
 Ghirardelli at Downtown Disney
 Ghirardelli at Downtown Disney
We stopped at DTD Bridge, where Hubby bought a Diet Coke for $2.76. We stopped in at Trex, where I purchased a Trixie Trecerator (like a build-a-bear) for $19.17.
We bought gas at Racetrack for $33.00, 9.431 gallons for $3.499 per gallon at 18:30 P.M.
  Downtown Disney
Downtown Disney
Downtown Disney
Day 6: Wednesday, May 29, 2012 
We paid a Hotel bill of $300.05 for four days, loaded luggage into our van, and started Home.
We ate breakfast at the Hotel.
We stopped at Mark's Melon Patch in Albany Ga at 13:38 P.M. for boiled peanuts and onions.
We stopped at Pilot in Tifton Ga for fuel 12.73 gallons at $3.299 per gallon and $42.00.
We picked up Justin in Phenix City and started Home.
We stopped in Calera, Alabama, at Cracker Barrel to eat supper; Justin ordered a chicken finger plate, I ordered a kid's chicken finger plate, and Hubby ordered a Bacon Cheese Burger plate; we spent $34.10. We bought gas at Murphy’s USA in Calera for 12.609 gallons at $3.569 per gallon for $45.00
We drove Home, stopping to drop Justin off at Shana's.
She greeted us at the gate, and I helped Justin unload his luggage. We said goodbye and rode Home.
Hubby had to work the next day, and after all that driving, he dropped into bed.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...