Showing posts with label AMTrack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AMTrack. Show all posts

Friday, May 5, 2023

2023 April 25-28, AMTRAK Trip to New Orleans, LA. from Tuscaloosa, Al (4 days)

Day 1:Travel  Tuesday, April 25, 

We dropped off our bags at the Amtrak station, parked the car in the public parking, and walked several blocks back to the Amtrak Station. 

At 2:00 P.M., we loaded onto the train and began our trip.

 We took the Amtrak in Tuscaloosa and traveled through several cities, stopping in Laurel, Hattiesburg, and Meridian, Mississippi, to pick up or drop off passengers.

I did not buy any food on the trip to New Orleans. I had brought a Sprite Zero and a couple of Granola bars. 

We arrived around 10:00 P.M. and took the local Taxi to The Marque Hotel 144 ELK PL., New Orleans. Room 1910. Reservation #380VR.

Our room had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, 2 balconies, and a window in my bedroom to see the City of New Orleans, located on the fourteen floors. 

It was late, so I took a shower and went to bed. 

Day 2: Wednesday, April 26, 

We walked down Canal Street, stopping at IHOP for breakfast. Our new waiter and I ordered a cold, plain Belgian waffle. 

We decided to buy a day pass to ride the Trollies. 

We saw the Mortuary Haunted Mansion and walked around in several Cemeteries. (St Patrick Cemetery)

We saw people loading onto the Ferry Boat and the Riverboat.

We shopped at Riverwalk Mall and ate lunch at Pei Wei Asian Restaurant. I ordered two egg rolls, shrimp, chicken, and noodles. 

I could not eat it all, so I took the rest.

We walked through the park at Riverfront, where we saw the Holocaust Memorial. 

We saw Woldenberg Riverfront Park, a dedicated memorial to Malcolm Wolodenberg, who prospered in New Orleans and left a Legacy of caring and confidence for the City. 

Alongside was his statue with a young boy.

On Canal Street, we saw many murals depicting the City. 

We saw the Shops and Canal Place with Mardi Gras statues in front.

Dr. John's statue in front of "The Shops and Canal Place." 

We took the Trolley up St. Charles Street, where we saw historic homes, stores, The Auduban, the Zoo, and the Loyola College.

We saw a lot of homeless people and trash everywhere, at the overpasses and sidewalks. 

We stopped at a chicken restaurant to use the restroom, and sitting outside was a homeless young man asking me to buy him some chicken. I said, "We'll see." I went inside to use the restroom. I remembered I had a plate full of leftover food with me, so I gave the homeless man the food when we went outside. It also had a fork inside. 

He was thankful for the food. I was glad that I had helped one of the homeless. I had heard a man on the trolley say the government had sent money to help the homeless, but the money was not used.

We rode two different trollies; most trolley workers were jolly and friendly.    

We headed back to the hotel. 

We had spent the day hopping off and hopping on the trolley, and we walked several miles.

Day 3: Thursday, April 27, 

We walked down Canal Street and bought a day pass to ride the trolley, which took us to the French Quarters.

We walked to Cafe Biegnite, where we both ordered Beignets. (A square of fried dough eaten hot and sprinkled with powdered Sugar). They come with 3 Beignets, and mine was drizzled with Chocolate.

Beignets with Chocolate 

While we were eating, a thunderstorm came up, and people flooded inside. They had a large roll-up door open, and they closed it when the rain started to blow inside. It was blowing hard, and several of the employees got wet.

After the rain subsided but still sprinkled, we left and walked toward the Riverfront Mall. 

We heard several Laughing Gulls and rode the ferry across the Mississippi.

We walked to the Riverwalk Mall and shopped. I bought a shirt and shorts at Gap. 

I returned a top I had bought the day before. It was too small, so I swapped it for a larger size. 

The cashier/manager said all their clothes were coming in more minor. 

We returned to Canal Street and took the trolley up St Charles Street.

We met a family from Vermont, a journalist from Denmark, and a couple of women looking for the Military Museum. We also met a couple looking for the French Quarters, and I told them they would have to take the red trolley # 49 to get there.

There were a lot of people taking the trolleys today. 

We got off the trolley and walked along St. Charles Street, looking at old homes.

Historic Home on St Charles St

We ate lunch at New Orleans Hamburger and Seafood LLC.

New Orleans Hamburger and Seafood Restaurant 

I ordered Shrimp Tacos with Onion Rings. My friend ordered a shrimp Poor-Boy with fries.

We also ate a complimentary Vanilla Ice Cream in a cone.

 We rode the trolley back to Canal Street and stopped at CVS for a few Sprite Zeros and a bag of candy.

There were no Diet Cokes or Sprite Zeros in the cooler, so I asked the manager if they had any.

We walked to the back of the store, and the manager loaded several Sprite Zero and Diet Coke into the cooler. 

I paid for my merchandise and walked back to the hotel.

We packed our bags for tomorrow, and we will be leaving.

Day 4: Friday, April 28,  Travel Home

I finished packing and ate my last Beignet. I called the taxi and said he would be there around 8 A.M.

We walked downstairs, my friend got a cup of hot coffee, and we waited for our taxi.

Selfie Station at The Marque Hotel 

We arrived at the train terminal and waited to load the train at 9:00 A.M.

It would be a complete train, so we were told if we were traveling with someone to sit with them.

When they announced the dining car was open, we walked down. 

I ordered a bagel and drank my Sprite Zero. My friend ate her leftover Poor-boy.

We arrive at the train depot around 5 P.M.

Walked inside the depot to use the restroom and put everything inside our luggage.

We began our walk to the parking deck.

It was a lot harder walking uphill, pulling our luggage. We finally arrived at the parking deck.

Loaded our luggage inside and began our trip home. 

We stopped at Jack for supper, and after we finished, I bumped my right hand, and it tore the skin. 

It would not stop bleeding, so one of the workers placed a couple of bandages on my hand.

We stopped again at CVS to use the restrooms and get more bandages.

We arrived at my friend's home, and my husband picked me up.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...