Showing posts with label sidewalk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sidewalk. Show all posts

Saturday, August 5, 2023

2023 July 21-23, Trip to Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg, TN (3 Days)

Day 1: Friday, July 21: 

Today, we left Helen, Georgia, early morning, about 6 A.M. We took the back roads, and by 6:51, we were in Clayton, North Carolina. 

By 8:12 A.M., we were in Cherokee, North Carolina.

 We stopped here to take pictures of the bear statues before heading across the mountain. Along with several others, we stopped to see a herd of elk grazing. 

Herd Elk 

Bears of Cherokee, NC 

We crossed the mountain several times to take pictures of the smokey clouds on it. Then, we stopped for breakfast at Cracker Barrel in Pigeon Forge. 

We went shopping at the Tanger Outlet Mall. We bought two bras and two panties at Victoria's Secret and one bra at Pink. We also stopped at several other stores, including Disney, Nike, and Under Armour. 

The Christmas Place 

We feed the Ducks, Geese, and Pigeons at the Old Mill along the Little Pigeon River. 

We rode to the Old Mill Farm House, where I bought my son several different herb packages, a bag of stone-ground yellow cornmeal, and olive oil.

Near the Old Mill, we saw several geese, ducks, and pigeons along the Little Pigeon River. 

We ate Taco Bell for lunch.

We checked into Apple Valley Inn a little after 4 P.M., unloaded the car, and filled the fridge with snacks. 

Spent the rest of the day watching TV and resting. 

Day 2:  Saturday, July 22: 

We ate breakfast at McDonald's, and I ordered muffins and sausage. 

We rode to Pigeon Forge's Visitor Center and bought all-day tickets to ride the trolley. 

We bought fuel at Murphy's and bought a few groceries at Walmart (bagels, cream cheese, drinks, fruit)

Took our food back to the hotel. 

We rode to Parrot Mountain when they opened at 10 A.M. 

Parrot Mountain 

Had my picture taken with five birds, two on my arms, two on my shoulders, and one on my head.

We visited the parrot nursery where we could actually pick up the birds. 

We also went into the feeding area with Nectar and several small nectaries down and drank every drop of the Nectar from my hand.

Around Nectar A.M., we rode to the Trolley from  Pigeon Forge to Gatlinburg. 

We took the trolley from the Visitor Center in Gatlinburg to downtown. 

We were the last two to board the fully loaded trolley, which was standing room only.

A nice young man gave me his seat, and Hubby had to ride, standing up.

Because of the traffic, it took over an hour to travel a short distance. When we were almost there, everyone except a couple got off. 

When we arrived at the center near the aquarium, everyone had to get off the trolley and wait for another trolley to take us downtown. 

The traffic was terrible, and we had already waited over 30 minutes for the next trolley.

Where we were going was several blocks away, so we decided to walk. 

 We took the scenic route along the Pigeon River, which was not crowded and had a cool breeze. 

Seafood Platter at Bubba Gumps 

We were headed to Bubba Gumps for a late lunch. 

We ordered a seafood platter of shrimp, fish, hush puppies, and fries. 

When we finished, we walked down the crowded sidewalks, and it began to rain, so we looked for shelter. 

It did not rain long, so we walked further down the sidewalks. 

We returned to the Trolley Stop and waited for the trolley to take us to the Gatlinburg Visitor Center. 

The crowd had thinned out, so the trolley was not crowded going back. 

At the cross, there was an accident involving four vehicles. Our turn was blocked by police vehicles.

We had to take a detour, which took us a couple of miles away. 

We took the next trolley to Pigeon Forge, which also had to take a detour. 

This ended up being an all-day event. 

It was late when we arrived back at our hotel. 

Day 3: Sunday, July 23, 

We ate bagels with cream cheese for breakfast. 

Packed our bags, loaded the car, and headed for home. 

We stopped at a couple of rest areas. 

We had snacks with us, so we did not stop to eat until we got home. 

Saturday, October 19, 2019

2019 Oct 19, Finding Huntsville Walking Tour with Carol Cordori & loosing my keyless remote

I traveled to Huntsville for the Finding Huntsville Walking Tour with Carol Cordori. 
I parked in front of the Constitution Village, stopping at their public restroom after my long ride to Huntsville. 

Meet up with a group of people at Harrison Brothers who were interested in the History of Huntsville. 
We began our tour a little after 11 AM, with guide Carol Cordori, after we were all given a 12-page Finding Huntsville Field Guide.
Harrison Brothers Bank Vault, where records were kept 
Building 1: Commercial Architecture of Harrison Brothers 
Built-in the 19th century with large glass display windows that had a recessed front door, long rows of transom windows above the display windows, and bricks that projected beyond the walls.  

Building 2: First National Bank of Huntsville 
Built about 1837 1840 in the Greek Revival Style
Built with a pitch roof and triangle front supported by Columns made up of a base, a shaft, and a capital. 
Local builder George Steel drew up the plans for the bank.

Greek Revival "First National Bank of Huntsville"
Building 3: Madison County Courthouse was built in the International Style. 
Built with a flat roof, tall columns that support a large porch, and no attached decorations, it is often built with glass, steel, and concrete. Built 1966 by Northington, Smith, Krannert & Associates, “Space Built”

International Style Huntsville Courthouse (backside)

Building 4: Romanesque Revival Schiffman building built in 1845 and remodeled by George Thompson in 1895.
Owned by the Schiffman family for more than 100 years.
It was built of rush stone with carved leaves or flowers, bow windows, and a recessed front under an arch.

Building 5: Gothic Revival Style(used to teach Christianity) Church of Nativity was built in 1859 by Wills and Dudley. 
Trefoil represents the Trinity(God, Christ & Holy Spirit), and quatrefoil represents the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
The Lancet arches, tracery, and engaged buttress point up toward Heaven. 
We were greeted by the Minister and given a tour of the temple.
Stained glass window notice at the top that the three-point clover represents the Trinity, and the bottom 4 points clover the Gospels of the Bible 
Gothic Style Church of Nativity
Notice the steeple and windows, all pointing toward heaven. 
Inside the Church of Nativity
We finished our tour on the sunken sidewalk in front of the old J. C. Penny building on the Square.
Welcome back, Sunken Sidewalk
In the mid-1800s, masons sculpted local clay into these bricks and created the sidewalks. What once served as a humble walkway for farmers, merchants, and pedestrians now links you to Huntsville's past and to all those who trod where you are standing.
I walked around Huntsville Square, taking pictures of the art.

Red Ball Art on Square
Small Bull  Art 
Space Art
I shopped at Harrison Brothers Mercantile.
I stopped once again at the Constitution Village Public restroom.
I took a few pictures of the beautiful blooming mums in Constitution Park.

Mums at Constitution Village
I walked to my car and tried to open the door, but it would not open. (Keyless Remote)
I had put my remote in my back pocket, but it was not there. 
I walked back to the restroom, thinking I may have dropped them on the floor or even in the toilet.
The keys were not there! Before I retrace my steps, I walked to the Constitution Village Museum Store.
I ask if anyone has found a keyless remote
I was dreading telling  hubby I had lost my keyless remote 
Someone had turned it in, God was looking out for me.
The young woman behind the counter began by telling me about her episode of lost keys.
Said she cranked her car (Keyless remote) but had to go back inside.  She forgot her key, got in her car, and left. She stopped for gas, filled her car, and went to crank it, but it would not crank, for she had no key. She had to call her husband and had to tell him to bring her the keyless remote. 

Sometimes Technology is not so great!
In today's world, we get lost in the daily hustle and Bussell.

Did some shopping at Kohles in Madison, I was looking for an Ugly doll for Ava Grace. 
Stopped at Wendy’s in Athens for a hot bowl of chili, a chocolate frosty, and Coke. 
Arrived at about 3:45 PM at the East Lauderdale Quilt Show at Rogersville United Methodist Church.
They were giving out awards and getting ready to close. 

What a day! Walked in the drizzling rain, with the wind whipping around the buildings, while listening to our guide describe the art of five historic buildings in Huntsville.
The minister of the Church of Nativity took the group on a guided tour.
Had my picture taken with the group?
Lost my keyless remote in the Constitution Village Public Restroom. 
Did a little shopping in Madison, ate a late lunch in Athens, and saw a quilt display in Rogersville. I was home around 4:30 PM, a little before hubby arrived home from work. 

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...