Showing posts with label groundhog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label groundhog. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

2018 March 17, & 2016, 2015 My thoughts

March 17, 2018 Today, I went to the Florence Lauderdale Visitor Center, where I saw this little Bird (Killdeer) and the little Killdeer's feathers flared out as I started walking past her, I took my cell phone and took a couple of pictures I noticed 4 eggs were laying on the ground near her. She had made a nest in the grass near the sidewalk at the visitors center That was why there was an orange cone sitting there I hope she guards them well.
March 17, 2016: Today was a beautiful day the sunset was awesome. I did a little work outside this afternoon. I sat looking out my window, watching all the varieties of birds eat from the four feeders. My husband said to look, and we saw a long-eared rabbit sitting in front of the tractor, eating grass. I looked out the window on the other side of our RV and saw a groundhog come waddling down the field, looking for his dinner of fresh clover. Well, I lay on the sofa watching Wheel of Fortune (we watch it every night), and when it ended, I went to work on my computer. Every evening, I check to see what color the sunset is, and tonight it was awesome. I will post some pictures later. While taking pictures of the sunset, I turned around, looked behind me, and saw a herd of deer (doe) I counted at least eight. They just stood there while I snapped their picture. I was careful not to make any sudden moves. I have not seen any deer for some time. I think this warm weather has brought out all the animals, and climate change has caused us to have such an awesome sunset.
March 17, 2015, was such a beautiful day; the sun was shining, and there was no rain, snow, or sleet. I enjoyed it very much, we did not go anywhere, just worked a little in the yard. The older that I get, the less I want to do any manual labor, for it makes me hurt all over, I guess that is old Arthritis working in my bones.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Groundhog mishap

We had planted our vegetable garden in the early spring of 2013, and it was growing and producing nicely.
I started to notice leaves and beans missing, like someone was picking them, or something was eating them.
Early one morning, I saw a groundhog, and later that evening, I saw him again, now I know where my vegetables were going, down the mouth of that groundhog.
Hubby and I both knew that Groundhog had to go!
Hubby went to the gun shop near our home to buy a pellet gun in hopes of frightening or even killing the groundhog. 
After sitting and waiting every evening to kill the groundhog, he decided to borrow a cage.
Days went by, but no groundhog. 
It has been almost a month with no capture of the groundhog I guess he is just too smart for us.
I decided to put some onions and carrots inside the cage.

The next morning (May 10, 2013, Friday), I peeked out the window to see if we had captured the groundhog, I could not see clearly because it was foggy because of the downpour of rain the night before.
To my amazement, there was an animal inside the cage.
I called hubby on my cell phone and said, “We have got him!” We’ve got what? The groundhog, I said.
Later that day, after the fog had cleared, I decided to go visit the animal. 
The first time I saw him, he was curled up in a ball, so I could not see his face.
Later that day, I went back to the cage, I wanted to take pictures of him,
I guess I frightened him because he hissed at me. 
He had a long tail and a pointed nose and was covered with fur.
I thought to myself, he doesn’t look like a groundhog.
I emailed the picture to hubby, and he said that it was not a groundhog but an opossum. Hubby said opossums are not a danger to our garden.
That night, when he got home, he opened the cage door to let the opossum out.
The next day, the opossum was still sitting inside the cage with the door open.
That evening, when hubby came home, he went to the cage to see why the opossum was still sitting inside the cage. 
The opossum’s tail was caught in the latch of the door, and he could not get free.
Believe it or not, hubby reached inside and untangled the opossum's tail, the opossum just sat there, for he did not realize he was free to leave the cage.
When he realized his tail was no longer caught, he scurried away. 
We never saw the opossum again.
We did see the groundhog now and again, for he had moved his burrow to the field behind our house. The field behind our house is covered in clover, which the groundhog feasts on every day. 
Not to say the groundhog did not visit our garden now and then. 
Hubby never tried again to kill the groundhog.

On May 1, 2014, hubby was looking out the window, and guess what he saw? Another Groundhog.
We just planted our garden, and I guess he is scouting it out for future food!!!!!!!
The groundhog hubby saw maybe the same one from last year or one of his offspring.
We seem to attract groundhogs because the first year that we planted a garden, we had a groundhog, which was May 2005.
2005 was the year that hubby borrowed a shotgun and was going to shoot the groundhog. The groundhog was cute, but working in the garden is hard work. 
Hubby would sit by the window every afternoon, waiting for the groundhog to appear. Every time hubby shot at the groundhog, he would miss. 
So after many tries to kill the groundhog, to no avail, hubby was ready to give up. 

But to our dismay, on that day, as we were leaving the house, we saw the groundhog lying on the road. The irony of the story was the groundhog was too fast for a shotgun but too slow for a fast-moving car.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...