Showing posts with label library. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2024

2019 Christmas Journal

 2019 Jan 7, Day Trip Guntersville State Park AL with Travis 

2019 Jan 11 & 25 Worked Killen Book Store 9–1 P.M.

2019 Feb 10, Ava Grace Birthday Party Deibert Park 2–4 P.M.

2019 Feb 18, Day Trip to American Village Montevallo, AL with Travis

2019 Feb 25-26 Trip to Paris & Tiptonville, TN with Travis 

2019 Mar 1, Killen Book Store 9-1PM

2019 Mar 2, Wings to Soar Wheeler Wildlife Refuge Decatur 11–12 P.M.

2019 Mar 5, Through the Back Door the Music that Bridged the Bayou Mardi Gras Luncheon Sheffield Library 11–1:00 P.M. (Storytelling)

2019 Mar 6, Yellow Deli Pulaski 

2019 Mar 7,  Get Dirty at Library Pruning Fruit & Ornamentals 11:30–12:30 P.M.

2019 Mar 16, Trolley Miracle Ride: Helen Keller in Living History – Learn the incredible story of Helen Keller, led by her great-niece, Keller Johnson Thompson. Includes a tour of Ivy Green, Keller's birthplace. 

2019 Mar 21, Get Dirty at Library Spring Vegetables & Seed Exchange 11:30–12:30 P.M.

2019 Mar 23, Fathers of our Faith Trolley Tour First Presbyterian, Leslie Chapel Tuscumbia 

2019 Mar 24-30 Trip Naples, FL (Naples Botanical Gardens)

2019 Apr 2,  Ate lunch at Brass Lantern and Mimosa Cemetery Lawrenceburg, TN 

2019 Apr 6,  Sheffield Historic Homes Walking Tour 10-12 with Jimmy Austin

2019 Apr 6,  Macy & Matt Green Wedding Stormi Jo's Barn 697 Co RD 251 Moulton, Al 

2019 Apr 7,  Wilson Park, UNA, McFarland, Heritage Park taking pictures

2019 Apr 16, Attended Sheffield Paint the Town with Clay Allison Sheffield Library

2019 Apr 19, Worked Killen 19–1 P.M. & Funeral Kenneth Sykes

2019 Apr 20, Walking Tour Business downtown Tuscumbia with John McWilliams

2019 Apr 26, Chinese Lantern Festival @Huntsville Botanical Gardens, Al 

2019 Apr 27, Sheffield Business Historic Walking Tour 10-12 with Jimmy Austin

2019 May 3,  Birthday Dinner at Logan's with Mike, Hannah, Jake, Lindsey, and Chad. Going to be Grandmother (Jake and Lindsey are going to have a baby)

2019 May 6,  Literary Treason with Dolores Hydock at Helen Keller Library, Pictures Spring Park (Storytelling)

2019 May 8, Day Trip Memphis Botanical Gardens and Dinner Bell Corinth, MS 

2019 May 10, Worked Killen Book Store 9–1 P.M. 

On May 12, 2019, Mother's Day, I received a Card from Lora. Andy and Charity gave me herbs, including Sage Parsley. Ron gave me a Coleus Plant, and Mike gave me a Red Rose and a Hummingbird Welcome Flag.

2019 May 15  Day Trip to Decatur Old Bank Gardens, Frazier Gardens, Delano Gardens, Children Garden Delano Park & we ate dinner at Jack's Decatur 

2019 May 16, Po-up Concert with Josh Goforth at Florence Library (Storytelling)

2019 May 16, Dishing up Dirt Stories from the Garden by Dolores Hydock& brunch (Storytelling)

2019 May 17-18 Shoals Front Porch Storytelling Festival 9-5 both days (Storytelling)

2019 May 21, Florence Ophthalmology Dr. Gray's Eye press up to 34. Made an appointment to see Dr. Slater on June 17, 2019(May need surgery)

2019 May 25, We Rocked the World Trolley Tour 12:20-4 Tuscumbia Visitor Center 

2019 May 26,  Memorial Day Celebration with family Cooked Chicken Stew & Grilled Hamburgers & hotdogs

2019 June 4,  Tuesday Day Trip to Atlanta Botanical Gardens Atlanta, GA

2019 June 7,  Worked at Killen Book Store 9–1 P.M.

2019 June 12, Day Trip Cooks Museum Decatur 

2019 June 17, Doctor Appointment with Michael Salter Maynor and Mitchell Eye Clinic 

2019 June 25, Tube placed in Right Eye Surgery Center Huntsville Dr. Salter 

2019 June 22, Baby Hughes Revel (Hayne) BOY  

2019 June 28, Checkup on eyes with Doctor Salter 

2019 July 7,  Spring Park Tuscumbia taking pictures 

2019 July 10, Checkup on eyes Doctor Salter 

2019 July 12, Worked at Killen Book Store 9–1 P.M.

2019 July 19, Visitors Center to listen to Angela Hacker and James LaBlanc(Handy Fest)

2019 July 23, Switched from Direct TV to Dish 

2019 July 25, Visitor Center to listen to Kerry Gilbert and Hugh Banks (Handy Fest)

2019 July 31, Stitches removed from the right eye, Doctor Salter 

2019 Aug 5,   Took Ava to Pre-school to Register 

2019 Aug 8,   Spent the day with old friend Dot Winstead

2019 Aug 9,   Killen Book Store 9-1PM

2019 Aug 13,  Lab work for Pellets and picked up Ava at School

2019 Aug 14,  Receive new passport in mail

2019 Aug 22,  Cataract Surgery on left eye Doctor Salter Dinner Walton's Family Restaurant Huntsville

2019 Aug 29,  Recheck on Left eye Doctor Salter Ate lunch at Dave's & Busters 

2019 Sept 9,  Grandparents Day at Rogers with Ava Grace(ME, Hubby, and Teresa Clanton)

2019 Sept 12, Return to Oka Kapassa Killen Town Hall W/Amy Bluemel, Lyndon Alec (Storytelling)

2019 Sept 13, Worked Killen Book Store 9-1

2019 Sept 14, Wilson Park Walking Tour led by Billy Warren

2019 Sept 16, Day Trip Huntsville Botanical Gardens 

2019 Sept 19, Cleaning Dentist 

2019 Sept 20, Chiropractor visit 

2019 Sept 30, Helen Keller Deliverance a Silent Film Helen Keller Library

2019 Oct 3,   Last stitch & scar tissue removed right eye, Dr Salter 

2019 Oct8-11  Trip to Pigeon Forge, Luminights Dollywood Pigeon Forge, TN 

2019 Oct 15,  Recheck on Right Knee Doctor Goodman 

2019 Oct 18,  Rogers Homecoming Parade with Andy & AVA 

2019 Oct 19,  Finding Huntsville Walking Tour 

2019 Oct 22,  Trunk N Treating Elgin took AVA

2019 Oct 23,  Belue Pumpkin Patch with Andy & AVA 

2019 Oct 25,  Killen Book Store 9–1 P.M. 

2019 Oct 27,  Historic Markers, Lagrange Park, Spring Park 

2019 Oct 28,  Day Trip Historic Markers, David Crockett Museum, Park, Brass Lantern

2019 Oct 29,  Trunk N Treating Killen Park Took AVA 


2019 Nov 2,   Killen Book Store 9-1PM 

2019 Nov 8,   Killen Book Store 9-1PM

2019 Nov 10,  Fiddlers, Banjo Players & Strawbeaters: Our First Pop Musicians Indian Mt

2019 Nov 13,  CBS

2019 Nov 16, Tracy totaled her car (Hit a deer)

2019 Nov 20, CBS, Dr Haggstrom 2:45

2019 Nov 23, Edith MIlberger dies

2019 Nov 28, Thanksgiving at Mikes

2019 Nov 29, Thanksgiving at Jenkins Went with Hubby and his sister to buy a Nissan Sentra at Bramlett KIA Decatur, Wheeler Wildlife Refuge, Enchanted Forest Christmas Trees (they only had a few decorated).

2019 Dec 1, Tracy fell and broke her foot

2019 Dec 3, Keller Imaging Mammogram & Bone Density Test 12:45 P.M. 

2019 Dec 4, CBS, Dr. Salter 1:45 P.M., Root Canal Shoals Creek Dental & Tinsel Trail Hsv

2019 Dec 5, Root Canal 1 P.M. did not take 

2019 Dec 6, Trees of Christmas @TVAM

2019 Dec 7, Christmas Brunch w/Dolores Hydock Clarion Inn 10 A.M.

2019 Dec 8-13 Pigeon Forge, TN w/Sherry, Bobbie, Teresa

2019 Dec 9, Tracy's foot surgery 

2019 Dec 14, Spend the morning visiting my new great-grandson, Hayne

2019 Dec 15, Athens North Pole Stroll, Decatur's Enchanted Forest, and took Andy, River, and Ava to Santa Land 

2019 Dec 16, Two Root Canals Smith & Smith Endodontics 9:30 A.M. & glued Bridge back on

2019 Dec 17, Dr. Evans placed a post for the new Bridge & Travis temporary crown

2019 Dec 18, Christmas Brunch at CBS

2019 Dec 20, Pick up Lora at Nashville Airport

2019 Dec 21, Christmas @ Mikes 6 P.M.

2019 Dec 23, Took Lora to Nashville Airport 

2019 Dec 25, Ronald's Birthday/Mike's Christmas/Visit Dad

2019 Dec 27, Rock Pile, Spring Park, Railroad Bridge taking pictures

2019 Dec 31, Becky's to play games with sisters

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

2024 July 9, 22, 24 Day trips to Pulaski, Lynnville, TN., Corinth, MS., & Danville, Hartsell, AL., with Ava

2024 July 9, 2024 Tuesdays Day Trip to Pulaski and Lynnville, TN

 Today, we rode to Pulaski to the Giles County Memorial Interpretive Center Trail of Tears Museum.

Ava and Trail of Tears Statue

Many of the park marks and benches were in much need of repairs. 

We saw a golden raintree, a Statue, and several Markers. 

We were getting ready to leave when we saw pictures of the Trail of Tears in the tunnel under the highway.

Ava and I decided to walk through the tunnel. 

Students created The Bench Project, Wilma Pearl Mankiller, The Children the Oxen, the Trail of Tears, and several paintings. 

It was a treasure of local artists about the Trail of Tears. 

Ava and the  1927 Baldwin Steam Locomotive

We next rode to the Town of Lynnville, TN. 

We visited the Train Depot Museum, where we saw a miniature train engine, signal lights, several signs about the train, a train conductor, and a ticket counter.  

Outside, we walked inside the 1927 Baldwin Steam Locomotive, the 1920s Passenger Coach 2587. The red caboose was locked, so we did not go inside. 

Along the hallway were signs about the Milky Way Farm and a picture of Frank C. Mars, the owner and maker of Mars candy. 

We took several pictures outside, one alongside the LRR Lynnville Railroad Museum sign and the Giles County Turkey. 

Ava at Soda Pop Junction

We walked across the road to Soda Pop Junction.

Outside was an orange and white truck with a sign that read "Soda Pop Junction Good Ol' Soda Pop."

We were greeted when we walked inside. 

I ordered a Chili's dog, and Ava ordered a hamburger and fries. She ate her fries but not her hamburger. Hubby ate her hamburger and most of my chili dog.  

Ava ordered an orange crushed soda in a bottle. 

I told our waitress that Ave loves to visit museums, and she said AVA, I have something to show you. 

She took a quarter out of the register, and we walked to the back of the restaurant. 

She placed a quarter in the slot, and a piano and a hand-held organ began to play.  

We thanked her and began our journey to Lawrenceburg. 

We had to return to Krogers to pick up the salmon and cantaloupe I had left at the store the day before. 

It began to rain as we started our journey home.

July 22, 2024, Monday Microwave Dave 

Today, we went to Florence Library to see Microwave Dave and to make musical instruments out of trash.

Ava made a guitar out of a shoe box.

And a water bottle with seeds.

The kids, as well as the adults, had a good time.

Ava put her finger in the alligator's mouth. 

Ava wanted ice cream, and we were going to Tuscumbia. I remembered that the Palace had good ice cream. 

Ava ordered Smokey Mountain Fudge.

Ava enjoying her Smokey Mountain Fudge Ice cream in a cone. 

I ordered pecan praline. 

Then we went to Helen Keller Library to listen to Book It with Jazz the Jazz Allstars.

Afterward, we went to Champy's for lunch. 

Hubby ordered a salad, and we shared a catfish meal.

Ava ordered a chicken fingers meal.

We had leftovers.

Microwave Dave went through the cycle of Blues Music From the days of slavery. 

People make music with a rhythm to help them pass the hard times. 

Then, the clicking and clacking of the railroad era, the sounds of the wheels on the train as it went down the tracks. 

The free slaves moved to the city with a different rhythm. 

The time the people were paid to play music. 

He asked if any of the kids knew about fractions. 

Then, he began telling us how the beats were fractions. 

The kids blew their paper horns, and they beat on their coffee cans for drums. 

They picked the rubber band strings on their shoebox guitar. 

And shook their water bottles filled with bird seeds

In rhythm with Microwave Dave's music.

On Tuesday, we rode to Rogersville Library to see Microwave Dave.

Ava made a drum from an oatmeal box, a paper horn, and a shaker from a Mt Dew bottle. 

We did a sing-along and played our handmade instruments with Microwave Dave.

We learned about the history of jazz. 

Everyone had a good time. 

July 24, Wednesday Day Trip to Corinth, MS

Today, we rode to Corinth, MS.

We stopped at the Visitor Center and were given information about sites in Corinth, MS.

We walked to the Corinth Train Depot and Crossroads Museum, which was closed. 

I, too, have pictures of the 1924 American LaFrance Fire Truck and a sign of Caboose # 2994, a Civil War Corinth, big guns, and the Miniature Hurlbut Amusement Equipment Co. locomotive No 1009. 

We stopped at the New Coca-Cola Museum. Outside was a carved giant wooden Coca-Cola bottle.

There was a buzzer on the door which, when pressed, released a locked door that let you inside a one-room museum. 

The museum featured over 1,000 Coca-Cola artifacts, including a truck, soda fountain, Coca-Cola boxes, bottles, signs, and toys.

Ava at the Coca-Cola Museum 

In the front of the museum sat a Coca-Cola drink machine with small glass bottles filled with Coke products you could purchase. 

That took me back to when a Coke cost 6 to 10 cents, not a dollar or more.  

We stopped at the 15,000-square-foot Corinth Civil War Interpretive Center Museum, which features interactive exhibits and a memorial Garden for the 1862 battles of Shiloh and Corinth.

Ava at the Interpretive Center 

We stopped at the Corinth's Highway Hospitality Building, and I said the Crossroads Museum was closed. 

The curator tried to call the museum, but no answer. She said it should be open, so we returned to the museum.

It was open, and the curator said her dog was sick and that she had taken him to the vet. 

We paid the admission fee and walked through the museum.

We enjoyed the miniature running train display. 

It was now lunchtime, and everyone was ready for lunch. Borroum's Drugs Store Diner was just a few blocks from the Crossroads Museum.

The dinner was hectic. We finally found a table where people had just finished eating lunch, with their dishes still on the table. 

Our waitress finally cleaned the table and took our order. 

 I ordered a hamburger with chips, Ava ordered chicken nuggets and fries, and Hubby ordered a double cheeseburger with onion rings. 

This was our last stop before starting for home. 

It rained a little on us but not much, and it was evident by the time we left. It was still pretty wet when we got home but soon cleared off.

We had a great time, and the area was not overcrowded with people, which is so much better than fighting a crowd.

Ava had to get her picture taken with a slug at the park near the Visitor Center. 

Ava and the Slugg

Last week was their slug Festival, with slugs all around town.

Monday, July 29, Day trip to Danville and Hartselle, Al

Today, we went to town to pay for our utilities and get our B-12 shots.

Ava and the Jesse Owens statue

Ava and Jesse Owens 26 feet Long Jump 

Then we rode to Danville by way of US 72 East towards Cullman.

We stopped at the Jesse Owen's Museum. 

We watched the 1936 Olympics there and saw how Jesse Owen won the gold medal before World War II. 

Before Hitler killed all the Jewish people. 

It was a very moving story, and it helped me understand more about the Olympics then. 

We walked outside, where we saw Jesse Owens's Statue, a replica of his birth home, and a replica of the long jump Jesse set a world record at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany. 

Ava and Sequoya statue 

We stopped at the Oakville Indian Museum.

We saw arrowheads and other artifacts from the Mississippian, Archaic, Paleo, and Woodland Periods American Indians. 

We saw a wooden carving of Sequoyah, a mixed-blood Cherokee who developed an alphabet or syllabary. 

Ava was not impressed, for she rushed through it.

We bought her a bag of colorful rocks and a mood ring in the gift shop. 

Ava and the Blues Brothers

We stopped for lunch at Oh'Bryan's in Hartselle. 

Ava and I ordered the special for eight dollars, and everything was included. 

Ava ordered fried chicken fingers with fries and a doctor's pepper.

I ordered grilled chicken fingers and a sweet potato with iced tea 

Hubby ordered a salad, steak potato toast, and iced tea. 

We filled up with gas at Murphy.

And we stopped at Krogers for sodas.

We were home by 3:30.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...