Showing posts with label frogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frogs. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

2019 June 12, Day Trip Cooks Museum of Natural Science, Decatur Depot, Huntsville, Athens, Alabama

Hubby and I rode to Decatur, where we visited the newly opened Cooks Museum of Natural History. 
There, we walked through a cave, the forest, the Arctic, and the desert exhibits. 

Cooks Museum of Natural History 
We saw live turtles, saltwater fish, live coral, moon jellyfish, river fish, gopher snakes, American bullfrog, American Alligator, and a variety of insects.
We saw a live beehive with thousands of bees that were connected to the outside, where the bees could collect pollen for the hive. 

A meteorite from outer space, a digital seashell generator, a kinetic sand table, and a tree with a rope bridge to climb were just a few of the inter-actives at the museum. 

Cooks Museum is a place where you can touch, feel, see, and hear different species of animals, reptiles, birds, insects, and fish. 
It is a great place for school groups to visit. 
We had a great time. 
Bee Hive 

We were greeted by a well-informed curator at the Decatur Train Museum. 
He told us some of the histories of the museum.

We saw an engineer running a miniature train around the tracks along its path was a replica of notable buildings of Decatur.
We saw The Princes Theater,  the Old Bank building, the Turner-Surles Community Resources Center, The Train Depot, and the Dance-Polk House.
We saw a Coca-Cola engine, Army Supply Train, Orange caboose, CSX Engine, C& X, K Line, Seaco, ADM Box Car, etc. 
Signs along the walls that read SouthernRailway “The Southern Serves the South,” Rail-Road Crossing, & Will not clear man or side of the car.
Decatur Train Depot Museum 
We saw the early Memphis & Charleston Railroad 1869, steam engines, and carriages cars.  We saw an early telephone hanging on the wall, the early Western Union Telegram, maps of early Alabama, and an old Underwood Typewriter. 
On display inside was a Red 1941 Chevrolet 1 2ton pickup truck
On display inside was a Green and Yellow John Deere model “LA” general-purpose tractor 

We shopped at the new Duluth Company Trading Post( located near Intergraph in Huntsville), which had men's and women's clothing.

We ate a late lunch/dinner at Golden Corral. I always overeat at buffets. 

We bought an HP Office Jet 9015 Printer and ink at Office Depot in Huntsville. My old HP had died.

The car was loaded with two cases of water we had bought at Sam's the day before. 
We bought vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, squash) from a local grower on our way to Decatur.
We bought a few groceries from Oldies in Athens.
We bought some baking soda at CE Pool, where we got our pool water checked. 
So, the car was loaded with items to be put away.

I had taken several pictures but was too tired to upload them to the computer. I will do that another day.

Ready for some couch time!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

2019 May 15, Day Trip Decatur's Historic & Parks Gardens 💐 🌷

Hubby and I had a great day. I was not sure if we were going anywhere because by 10AM, it looked like rain, but we decided to go anyway. 
We rode to Decatur, stopping at Old Bank Park Garden took pictures of the garden.
Old Bank Street Park Garden 
Next, we rode to Frazier Park. (Never been to this park) I was surprised at how beautiful and serene. It had blooming Hydrangeas, and Magnolia trees were in bloom, as other shrubs, trees, and flowers along a running stream with a cross bridge. 
Frazier Park 
We rode over to Albany to Delano Rose Walk and the Children's Riverwild Playground, splash pad, and Garden. We had taken the grandkids to play in the park when they were small. The River Wild Garden Walkway was new to us. 
River wild Park 
Toad Frog 

Swamp Rabbit 

Delano Park Rose Garden
We loved the Frogs, Toads, Beavers, Fireflies, Turtles, butterflies, signs, and statues throughout the Garden. By the time we reached the Rose Garden, it had begun to sprinkle. A landscaper working in the garden, I said a little rain cannot hurt but he said I cannot get my work done in the rain. I kept on taking pictures, but the rain got harder. I looked around, and the gardener had disappeared, he had gone back to his truck to keep from getting wet. I started back to the car, and the rain began to come down hard, but I made it to the car before I got too wet. We rode to Huntsville to get the oil changed in our car by the time they finished, the sun had come out, so we rode back to Decatur so I could finish taking pictures.
Pink Rose 
Entrance Way lined with Snow Queen Hydrangeas
We were getting hungry, and we did not eat lunch because we had stopped at the Shell Gas Station, where they sell hot food, and bought some corn fritters. Hubby had been wanting some. We also stopped at McDonald's for hot apple pie.
We ended up eating at Jack's on hwy 31 because we could not decide where to stop in Decatur. But that was okay because we both liked Jack's

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

2008, April 7, Monday, Having fun in the park with grandkids

I picked up Sierra, Montana, and Nevada at their grandmother Clanton’s house.
I had packed a picnic lunch of peanut butter sandwiches, bananas, fruit bowls, and mountain dews. 
We ate lunch at St Florine Park and when we finished we walked the trail.

About mid-way of the trail was a hill of loose dirt
The kids wanted to climb atop the dirt hill and I said they could.
They said granny come up, so I did.
We walked around on top of the dirt pile, we walked up and down several times. 

The kids loved this area. 
We walked around the park and I took pictures. 
I took the kid's picture standing on a bridge next to a statue of an alligator.
We saw sitting on a stump some tin statue-singing frogs, which intrigued the kids. 

Along the walking trail, we saw a face carved into a tree, it had large marble-like eyes.
I took pictures everywhere in the park of the kids. 

When we finished walking the grandkids played on the playground.
Deibert Park was the next place we went to. 
We walked on the trail there were signs everywhere along the trail about the animals that they one might see along the trail.
Sculptures in Deibert Park
Sculptures in Deibert Park
The kids and I got very hot and so our next stop was McDonald’s for an Oreo’s McFlurry. 
Next, we went to Loaves and Fishes a thrift store in Muscle Shoals.
I let the grandkids pick out five books each and two movies. 
We stopped at train Tressel on the Colbert side of the Tennessee River.
We walked to the end and back by the time we finished  Montana's long curly hair was ringing wet with sweat.

Our next stop was River Heritage Park located next to the Marriott Hotel.
The kids played on the castle and the train playground equipment. 

Stopping for a poise
Having fun at River Heritage Park 
I made pictures of the kids playing and when we were leaving the park we stopped at the waterfall in front of the Marriott hotel.  

My granddaughter called said she needed someone to pick her up at school.

For dinner, I baked potato and the grandkids dressed their potato with cheese, bacon bits and sour cream.
For dessert, I served strawberry pie.

Strawberry pie is Montana's favorite and he ate pie until he said Granny my stomach is about to pop.

Hannah and Sierra went outside to ride scooters.
My grandson Jake came over to pick up his sister Hannah. 
He was hungry so he ate a potato with all the trimmings.
After Jake and Hannah left, I took the other grandkids to Ron's where they played with Ron's Star Wars Dolls. 

We came back home and later that day the grandkids mom came to get them.  

I spent the day with grandkids climbing a dirt hill, hiking, picnicking, walking trails, playing in the park, reading signs and making memories. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

2008 ~ Monday, April 7, Spending time with Grandkids

I went to Teresa Clanton’s to pickup the grandkids, Sierra, Nevada and Montana, I had packed a picnic lunch for I was taking the grandkids to St Florian Park.
I made peanut butter sandwiches, each a bananas, a fruit bowl and each a can mountain dews. 

When everyone finished eating, we started walking the trail when we were about half way round the kids spied several piles of loose dirt and wanted to climb on top and I said ok.
The kids climbed on top and said come on granny you can do it, so I climbed to the top with the grandkids.
Climbing the dirt pile
We walked around on top of the dirt pile, we went up and down several times. 
We again started walking the trail, I took the kids picture standing on a bridge next to a statue of an alligator.
Nevada and Montana pointing to the alligator
We saw sitting on a stump some tin statue-singing frogs, which intrigued the kids, I also had to take their picture there. 

Nevada pretending to blow a horn like the frogs
We walked a little further down the trail where we saw a face carved into a tree, it had large marble like eyes and the kids loved this. 
I took pictures everywhere in the park with the kids. 
Nevada and Sierra posing in front of the tree with a face
We stopped at the playground area where the kids played on the playground equipment.
Taking a break 
Montana pointing to a frog
Sierra posting
Nevada being a frog
Montana Standing on tree stump

Next we went to Deibert park where they played on the playground and we walked in the park reading the animal and plant signs.
Reading the park signs
 We stopped along the fence line to take pictures of the metal sculptures.
Nevada and Montana posing at the metal sculptures
Sierra and Montana posing at the metal sculptures
Nevada and Montana posing at the metal sculptures
Nevada, Montana & Granny posing at the metal sculptures
Nevada and Montana posing at the flower gardens
We saw a family of turtles at the pond.

Turtles walking next to the pond
I took the grandkids to McDonald’s where we each ordered a Oreo McFlurry.
I took the kids to Loves and Fishes in Muscle Shoals where I bought the grandkids five books each and two movies.

We stopped at the Train Tressell, which is along the Tennessee River on the Sheffield side, were we walked to the end and back. 
It must have been a hot day because Montana’s head was wet from sweating.
Walking down the Train Trestle
Our next stop was at Heritage Park located next to The Marriott Hotel in Florence where the kids played inside the castle, on the train and all the other playground equipment. 

Nevada and Montana having fun on the playground equipement at River Heritage park 
Nevada and Montana having fun on the playground equipement at River Heritage park
We stopped in front of the waterfall next to the Marriott Hotel where I made pictures of the grandkids
Montana at the Waterfall at the Marriott Hotel 
Sierra at the Waterfall at the Marriott Hotel 
Nevada at the Waterfall at the Marriott Hotel
Hannah called from school and wanted me to pick her up so I loaded the grandkids into the car and we rode to Roger High School to pick up Hannah.
For supper I made baked potatoes and all the fixings of cheese, bacon bits, sour cream and I made a strawberry pie, Montana ate his fill of strawberry pie. 

Hannah and Sierra rode the scoters. 
Jake came over to get Hannah, I made Jake a potato with all the trimmings. 

I took the grandkids to Ronald’s where Nevada and Montana played with Ronald’s star wars dolls. 

Later that afternoon Charity came to get the grandkids. 

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...