Showing posts with label dam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dam. Show all posts

Thursday, August 8, 2024

2024 Aug 6, Day trip to Shiloh, TN and Iuka, MS

Today, we rode up Savannah Highway 20 to Savannah. 

They were working on the road when we crossed into Tennessee. 

They were also spraying along the bridges and gated areas. 

We rode through Savannah and Crump, turning left towards Shiloh. 

We arrived At the Shiloh Visitor Center National Park. 

Took a few pictures outside.

Ava at the Shiloh Visitor Center

A park ranger greeted us. 

She told us about the museum and said there were some unfinished displays. 

Several were interactive displays. 

She also gave us directions to the Indian mounds. 

AVA Sitting in front of Hagy's Restaurant 

We stopped at Hagy's Restaurant for lunch. 

Hubby and I split a catfish fillet meal.

He ate the salad, baked potato, and a piece of catfish.

I ate a piece of catfish and several hush puppies. 

Ava ordered chicken fingers and fries. 

She ate all her fries and a couple of bites of her chicken. 

We got a Togo plate. 

We rode to Pickwick Dam.

Crossing the Tennessee River, we rode through the park at Pickwick. 

We took the highway going to Iuka, Mississippi. 

A road I had never been on before. 

Lots of marines and boats. 

We rode through the downtown area of Iuka. 

We stopped to see the retired red caboose and red fire truck. 

AVA on the back of old fire truck Iuka, MS

We stopped at Lowe's to get some lumber, but their cutting machine was broken. 

We rode to Home Depot, where Hubby bought lumber and pavers, and I purchased three succulent plants. 

Andy met us at Home Depot, and we dropped off Ava.

I came home, my Hubby painted the wood, and I watered my plants.

I loaded my pictures. 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

2024 Jan 7, Wheeler Wildlife Refuge

 What a beautiful day for traveling. We rode to the Wheeler Wildlife Refuge in Decatur, where we saw many Sandhill Cranes and various ducks at the Visitor's overlook buildings.

The newly remodeled Museum was opened. We saw Sandhills and whooping Cranes, Belted kingfishers, Snakes, Alligators, Geese, ducks, hawks, butterflies, otters, northern flickers, and many other animals.

Several empty displays are waiting to be added. We saw several friendly people. They were happy to be outside after this last cold spell. 

Sandhill & Whooping Cranes at the Museum 

Belted Kingfisher at the Museum

We stopped at Logan's Roadhouse for lunch. Hubby ordered a salad, steak, and baked potato. I ordered a chicken salad with Roadhouse dressing.

Steak and baked potato at Logans Roadhouse 

On our way home, we saw a Bald Eagle on a Paul Bunyan Power Line near the demolished Paper Mill in Town Creek. 

The eagle made a squawking sound when it saw me. It was letting me know to leave. 

We saw several terns perched on the light poles as we crossed Wheeler Dam. 

Our last stop was Wheeler Dam, where we saw a few White Pelicans, terns, and many cormorants.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

2023 May 6, The Moulton and Cullman Strawberry Festivals


Artist paintings at Cullman Strawberry Festival 

Farmers Market in Cullman 
a gallon of Sweet Strawberries

Saturday, we rode to Cullman for the Strawberry Festival and arrived at the Warehouse District, where the Farmers Market is located, around 9 A.M. There were already many people, and more were pouring in. We walked to the Farmers Market, where we bought a gallon of Strawberries. 

We had been at the Farmers Market a few weeks before, and they had sold out of Strawberries.

We bought a gallon of strawberries first, and Hubby took the strawberries to the car. 

After that, we looked at what the vendors had to offer. We listened to several bands. Vendors selling clothing, food, household items, handmade items, etc. (Burger Boys, Funnel Cakes, Icee, burgers, Lemonade, Kettle Corn, etc.

There was a miniature train ride and several children's rides (berry-go-round, Ferries wheel, etc.).

We bought a cup of chocolate-covered strawberries in one of the shops in the Warehouse district. (Sweets by T Chocolate Shop).

Miss Piggy was walking around advertising Barbecue. 

A petting zoo with a sign that said Feed me

Tractor Show 

Car Show 

We then rode to the Strawberry Festival in Moulton. They had a tractor show, a car show, rides for the kids, and a Petting Zoo. 
There were several food vendors. They even brought in a Chick-fil-A. There were different vendors with items to win from a spinning wheel. We bought a bird feeder from a school group that they had made. The day started out cool, but by the time we left Moulton, it was up to 80. 

Grilled Chicken Fingers with baked sweet potato, toast, and dipping sauce at OH!Bryan's 

We rode to Hartselle for lunch at Oh! Bryan's is one of our favorite places to eat when we are in the area. It was getting late, but we stopped at Wheeler Dam, where we saw many Great Blue Herons, a few snake birds, and several Great White Pelicans (most of them on the islands far away). We had a great day but were worn out from all our adventures. 

Great Blue Heron with his catch a fish 

Saturday, February 5, 2022

2022 Feb 1, Day Trip to Guntersville, Alabama

Today, the Hubby and I are going on an adventure to Guntersville. 

I had been told that there was an eagle nest along Lake Guntersville Park on Sunset Drive. 

We stopped at McDonald's for some apple pies and Diet Coke.

We saw several people at the park with cameras and large lenses sitting on tripods, watching and waiting for the eagle to leave the nest. 

I had to use the restroom, so I went in search of one, but I did not find one, so we left.

We rode further down into the park, where we found restrooms. Along the way, I spotted several ducks, geese, and seagulls on the waterfront, so we stopped. 


People were walking, jogging, and feeding the waterfowl. 

I started taking pictures of the seagulls, geese, and ducks. I spotted several sparrows scratching in the dirt, looking for food. 

One of my favorite birds is the Downy Woodpecker. 

Downy Woodpecker

I  heard a pecking, and this downy woodpecker was going to town on the side of a rotten tree. It was hard to get a good picture because he was in the shade most of the time, but I did get a couple of good pictures when he stopped pecking right before he flew away.

Hubby spotted a red-headed woodpecker. I was excited to see one, for I had only seen one in the wild. 

Red-headed Woodpecker 

I took pictures of the colorful Bluebirds.

You will not see a bluebird at your backyard feeders. 


I took many pictures today but didn't get one of the bald eagles. 

That was okay because I got one of the red-headed woodpeckers. 

We rode to O'Bryan's in Hartselle for a late lunch. I ordered steak and sweet potato. 

We also stopped at Krogers, where we purchased a few groceries, a bouquet of flowers, and a potting plant.

The flowers that we bought at Krogers

We looked for hawks and bald eagles along the powerline near the old Papermill. We spotted a couple of red-tailed hawks but didn't see any bald eagles. 

We stopped at Wheeler Dam, where we saw several Pelicans, cormorants, and a gray heron landing at the substation. 

Gray Heron 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

2022 Jan 15, First Day Hike on Multi-Purpose Trail Wheeler Dam

Today, a group of hikers met at the JWSP Cabin Office (24921 Alabama Hwy 101) for a little over a 2-mile hike. We followed in our cars to the hiking spot "The Multi-purpose Hiking Trail" with park rangers Sam and David. The trail is between Wheeler Dam and Fishmans Resort camping and lodge. It is a scenic loop that runs along the Tennessee River and Big Nance Creek.
We saw several historic ruins of the 1930s, a bathhouse/restrooms. We saw a couple of overgrown Chimneys and Picnic Tables, once used by the people living here during the building of TVA's Wheeler Dam. We also saw a collapsed viewing area that overlooks the Tennessee River. The rangers said they hoped to get a grant to restore the viewing area. We stopped about midway for a group picture. (The ranger David took our picture with his cell phone and said he would email everyone a copy; I have not received mine yet)
The group stopped for a picture at this spot overlooking Big Nance Creek. We saw several different kinds of hardwood trees, including oak and hickory. We saw a variety of wild mushrooms and berries that feed the park's animals. We saw signs of deer in the soft mud and could hear the many different sounds of Alabama's songbirds.
Open Pit
We also saw a large open grill/pit used to cook outdoor meals for a large group, overgrown with a tree growing in the middle. It was a very overcast day with a chance of rain and snow. The hike began at noon and ended around 2:30 P.M. It started to sprinkle as we were leaving. TVA is planning to build a powerhouse to feed the growing community. Hopefully, they will not destroy too much of the walking forest area.
Mushrooms on log 
Everyone received an "I hiked Alabama State Parks New Year's Day." The first-day hike scheduled for Jan 1, 2022, was canceled because of inclement weather. (High winds and threatening tornadoes) and rescheduled for Jan 15, 2022.

Group of hikers

A copy of the group from Sam and David was sent to everyone. We had three dogs, 10 people, plus two park rangers. (One not showing took the picture)

Friday, August 14, 2020

2020 Jul 22, History of Cullman, Alabama & The "Katy-Did" Crash

Hubby and I spent several hours doing business in Cullman, when we finished, we rode through the Historic area in Cullman, where we saw several murals that represented Cullman in the 1880s.

Dinclkelberg's The Santa Clause Store

City Fire Station & Kullman's Hall

DT Kinney Horse & Mules 

Cullman County Historical Society

We took a different route home and came across a historic marker;

 "The "Katy~Did" Crash"
70 years after the 'Katy-Did' fell out of the north Alabama sky, the memorial honors 8 who died

The "Katy-Did" Crash 

Eight U.S. Army Air Corps officers and enlisted men were killed one-fourth mile east of here near the Roundtop Community on Sunday, April 9, 1944, at 2:20 p.m. when their B-26C Martin Marauder bomber, nicknamed the "Katy-Did," crashed nose-down, at full throttle, and exploded. The warplane was on an official flight from Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia, to Memphis, Tennessee, when it encountered a severe thunderstorm. Witnesses reported that the plane reappeared from the heavy storm clouds upside down before crashing.

The victims were: 

Col. Lucius B. Manning, base commander, Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah, Georgia; 

Capt. Howard L. Hardy, pilot, La Harpe, Kansas; 

Capt. Arthur J. Gratis, co-pilot, Seattle, Washington; 

Sgt. John W. Haney, engineer, Buffalo, New York; 

Pvt. Matthew J. Geoghegan, mechanic, Bronx, New York; 

Pvt. John H. Bailey, radioman, Trenton, New Jersey; 

Sgt. James R. Smith, St. Maire, Idaho; 

1st Lt. Hugh Williams, Jr., Megehee, Arkansas.

We saw an Eagle perched on a power pole as we neared Wheeler Dam. 

Along the bank of the Tennessee River below Wheeler Dam, we saw these shorebirds.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

2018 Feb 19-22, President's Special The Inn at Christmas Place Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

Presidents Day, Monday, February 19
For breakfast, I cooked bacon, eggs, and toast.
Hubby and I rode to Athens to leave the Chrysler Van for repairs.
Filled up with gas at Murphy’s in Athens.

We rode to Madison to look at an old Fireo.
We stopped at Dollar General for snacks, meat skins, and drinks.
We rode through Jasper, South Pittsburg, White Side, Chattanooga, and Trenton, stopping at Richville Rest Area, where I took pictures of Pushing Forward Knoxville Union Army on the Move.

We traveled US 72 through Huntsville, crossing into Tennessee near South Pittsburg, taking I-24 through Chattanooga to I-75 N to Knoxville, I-40 Knoxville to Kodak, taking 66 to Sevierville, and 441 into Pigeon Forge.

We went to Huck Finn’s for dinner, for we had skipped lunch.
Hubby ordered the small catfish plate with creamed potato and fixings.
I ordered the Cajun Grilled Trout with creamed potato and fixings. (white beans, Coleslaw, onions, pickles, and hush puppies.
Huck Finn's 
We took several pictures at Huck Finn's.
We checked into The Inn at Christmas Place at 4:38 PM for two nights.
We took our luggage to the room and returned up front in time to listen to the Christmas Bells Chime.
We rode through Pigeon Forge to  Gatlinburg, where we saw many Christmas Lights for Winter Fest.
We saw Johnny Rockets, Bubba Gumps, Dicks Last Resort, Dude’s Daiquiris, Texas Roadhouse, Calhoun's, Hollywood Star Cars, and Cooters’.
We came back to Pigeon Forge, where we saw a building covered in green light.
We saw a sign that read Dollywood loves every moment turn here.
We saw a storefront with alligators, sharks, and bear statues.
We rode through the archway at the Old Mill, it was covered in Christmas Lights of red and white.
Hubby took my picture in front of a picture of people skating at the Old Mill.
We bought a bag of yellow stone-ground cornmeal and apple fritter mix.
We rode to Patriot Park, stopping to take several pictures and videos. Stayed on the sidewalk because the ground in the park was still full of water from all the rain.
As we were riding through Pigeon Forge, we saw Arcade lit up in neon lights and a new place called Alcatraz East Prison.

We rode through The Island, where we saw the carousel, fairs wheel, Margaritaville, and Paula Deans's Family kitchen.
We stopped to take several pictures of Dolly Parton’s Smoky Mountain Adventures covered in Christmas Lights it was closed for the season.
We also saw the Magic Quest on our way back to The Inn at Christmas Place.
At 7:30 PM, we sat on the balcony at the Inn eating oatmeal raisin, Chocolate, and Sugar cookies served with hot apple cider.
It was a clear and warm night as we watched the flow of traffic and all the Christmas lights that surrounded the Inn.
We retired for the night, for it had been a very tiring day.

February 20, Tuesday
Took showers, dressed, and walked downstairs to the dining room for breakfast.
I got three sausage links and watched the cook prepare my made-to-order omelet.
I chose mushrooms, spinach, peppers, ham, and cheese.
The cook said he loved to cook, and I told him that my middle son loved to cook.
I said you have to have a knack for flipping omelets, but he said it takes a good pan.

It was still a little foggy outside and too early for stores to open up, so we went back to our room. Hubby watched TV, and I wrote in my journal.
Last night, before we went out, we talked to the bellman of the Inn. He said his daughter was the manager at the front desk, and he was a retired Sheriff of 25 years. He still worked part-time to get his 30 years of service. He said that he loved working at the INN.
At 10 AM, we rode to Gloria Vanderbilt and Lees, where we bought hubby a shirt.
We went to the Tanger outlet, where I bought a shirt from Under Armer and a black and white shirt from Nike. (I had only brought long sleeves tops, and it was 77 degrees outside) It is too hot for long sleeves.
We rode to Bass Pro in Kodak, where we bought hubby a couple shirts.
We ate dinner at Uncle Bucks, which is inside the Bass Pro Shops. We had all-you-can-eat shrimp for $9.99.
Uncle Buck's All you can eat Shrimp.
We rode to the Douglas Dam and park, stopping to take several pictures.
We filled up with gas at Murphy’s.
We rode by the Apple Bar, where we saw two geese waddling near Little Pigeon River.
We stopped at the upside-down Museum, Hatfield & McCoys, Hard Rock Cafe, and Titanic to take pictures.
We stopped at Dixie Stampede to take pictures of the horses.
We parked at The Island, walked around, stopped for Ice Cream, and finally sat down to watch the fountain dance to music.
Hatfield & McCoys 
The Island 
Watching Fountains Dance with the Sunset
We walked to Margaretville Hotel, a gift shop, and a restaurant to take pictures.
We rode back to the Inn around 7 PM.
From 8-9PM, we listened to Santa sing Christmas Carols and religious and Country Songs.
After the performance, we enjoyed milk, cider, and cookies.

Wednesday, February 21
Hubby and I enjoyed a nice hot breakfast, packed and checked out of the Inn, and started for home.
We stopped at the Rest Area in Jasper, TN, and Richville.
Hubby dropped me off in Athens to pick up the van.
Hubby rode to Madison to buy that Fireo we had looked at before we went on our trip. It had to be towed home. Hubby bought the Fireo parts for his Fireo.
Today is my grandson’s twenty-seventh birthday, so we are meeting him, his wife, dad, and sister at Logan’s Roadhouse for dinner.
Hubby and I ate hot rolls and fried mushrooms.
I gave my grandson a birthday card with money inside for his birthday. He said they were taking their camper to Fort Wilderness Campground and going to Universal Studios Theme Park for the weekend.

2018 Feb 24-25, Focused on Nature Photography Weekend Saturday

I checked into Joe Wheeler State Park Lodge for a fun-filled weekend.

Joe Wheeler State Park Lodge
The day began around 8AM with Nature Photography, taught by Rocky from Athens.
The next speaker was Joe from Tuscumbia he talked about photo editing featuring Lightroom & Photoshop. He also encouraged everyone to take photos in Raw format.
We broke for lunch.

Sharon joined me for lunch at the lodge, and we both enjoyed a baked potato.

We had a guided field trip to take pictures of waterfowl at Wheeler and Wilson Dam, with Guntersville’s park rangers Mike and Sharon riding with me.

Waterfowl at Wilson Dam 

I also took Sharon by River Heritage Park behind the Marriott Hotel. 
We rode back to the lodge to freshen up for dinner.

Hubby joined us for dinner in the Cypress Room at (7PM).
For dinner, I enjoyed fried catfish, salad, Coleslaw, and cheesecake covered with blueberries.

After dinner, a Wildlife show (Birds of Prey) was presented in the Cypress Room by David, the park ranger from Reelfoot Lake.
For show and tell, David brought a Red Tail Hawk, an Eagle, a Horned Owl, and a Barn Owl.
These are animals that have been rescued and cannot be released back into the wild because of a handicap.

Hubby stayed for the breakfast buffet in the dining room. We enjoyed crisp bacon, eggs, waffles, and coke. 
Hubby left for work after breakfast. I joined the rest of the group outside for more of the wildlife show. 

Barn Owl and Great Horned Owl 
Red Tail Hawk 
Our last adventure was a Pontoon boat excursion on Wheeler Lake to look for wildlife and Waterfowl.
Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day, but today was cloudy and cold, so I had to add several layers of clothing for the water adventure. 

We did see a pair of Red Tail Hawks sitting on the top of a tree. 
We had about 12 people on the boat excursion.
A couple from Tuscumbia, a couple from Trenton, Mississippi, a couple from Guntersville, a couple that likes to take pictures of old barns, a couple from Olive Branch, Mississippi, and Capitan Steve, our boat guide.
The wind was around 12 mph and a bit cold, so we traveled near the shoreline up to Wheeler Dam.
Captain Steve showed us the lock water discharge.

Hundreds of birds sitting around waiting for fresh fish 
It is the process of draining the lock, and the circular wall is the "discharge barrier," but local folks call it the "blow hole.”

I joined my sister, great-niece, and dad for lunch at Bojangles. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

2018 Jan 9, Wheeler Wildlife Refuge Sandhill Crane, & other waterfowl Decatur, Alabama

We ate lunch at Wendy’s in Athens. Hubby ordered the four-dollar deal, cheeseburger, fries, chicken nuggets, and drink. I ordered a junior cheeseburger, a small chocolate frosty.
Then we rode to the Wheeler Wildlife Refuge via I-65 to Decatur to see  1,000s of Cranes and other waterfowl. We saw hundreds of Mallards, Ducks and thousands of Cranes, with only three white cranes. 
It was cold and wet as we walked to the enclosed overlook. There were three people there, one with a telescope and the other two with nice cameras. The young man with the telescope was traveling from Atlanta, Georgia, to Nevada. He said he was ready for a change in his life. Sounded like he was walking away from personal problems. 

Mallard Ducks

Some signs read: U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge, National Refuge System, &  the do’s and don’t’s on the Tennessee River & Decatur and Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge. 
We were invited to come back on Saturday for their workshop.

We stopped at Flint Creek Trail, which is part of the Wheeler Wildlife Refuge. 
Several men were fishing in the frozen Flint Creek. I was standing on the pier, and I heard something crackling below me. It was the frozen ice breaking up. There were several birds and cranes in the shallow water and along the banks.
Watching wildlife can be a lot of fun. Many wildlife creatures are elusive and wary, so you will need to move slowly and quietly. Early morning and late afternoon are usually the best times to see wildlife. A pair of binoculars is helpful. 

Even if you do not see the animal, you may see signs of its presence, such as tracks, scat (droppings), or feathers. And nature, you can hear a symphony of sounds.

Gray Squirrel, Eastern Box Turtle, Downy Woodpecker, Wood Duck, Eastern Gartner Snake, Cooper's Hawk, White-tailed Deer, Common Five-lined Skink
I saw a sign that read: Alligators May live here. This is something you never want to run across while bird-watching.
Alligators may live here.
Be Gator Safe:
Do not approach, Feed, or Harass Alligators
Warning: it is UNLAWFUL to feed alligators!
Feeding, harassing, or the unlawful killing or taking of alligators can result in substantial fines and or jail time. 

Men Fishing in the icy water
Some signs read: U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Our History, 1838, 1934, 1938, 1950, 1933 & Present; how can you Help? Flint Creek, Fishing, and Land, Watershed Project; Living in the Water Fresh, Water & Wildlife You may see. 

We also stopped at the Wheeler Wildlife Complex, where we saw signs that read: U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hunting, Fishing; Water level management and farming; map of the refuge and boating.
Wheeler Wildlife Complex 
We rode through Decatur, turning on the road that once housed the Paper Mill. Hubby said to me we might see a hawk or Bald Eagle. We looked in every tree and on every power line. We were nearing the Paul Bunyan power line, and I asked hubby what was that thing on the power pole. We turned around to see a sitting up on top of a Bald Eagle. He gave me a wink as if to say, I am on the watch out for food.

Bald Eagle
We stopped at Wheeler Dam, which is another great place to see lots of birds.  The power lines sitting in the river and the island were covered in white and blackbirds. There were waterfowl swimming, fishing, and flying over the Tennessee River. 
A bird was sitting on most of the light poles as we crossed the dam.

Wheeler Dam and Birds
Powerline and Island full of waterfowl 

Ate dinner at Walton’s Restaurant, and hubby ordered a New York strip, salad ðŸ¥— and baked potato 🥔.
I ordered a Ribeye steak salad and iced tea.

It rained on us on our way to Decatur, and it was cloudy all day, not the best day for taking pictures. We still had a great day, and before we arrived home, it was dark.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...