Showing posts with label montevallo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label montevallo. Show all posts

Saturday, March 2, 2019

2019 Feb 8, Celebrating George Washington's Birthday and Picking Tulips in Montevallo, Alabama

So glad hubby and I did a little traveling today because the next few days are calling for rain. 
It was cold when we left home this morning; the sun came out, and it got up in the high 50s today.
But before we got home, it was back in the low 40s. 
We traveled to Montevallo to help celebrate George Washington's birthday, to eat one of the beautifully decorated cupcakes placed on a table before us, and before we left, we picked a basket of freshly grown tulips.

On our adventure, we stopped at Jack's in Athens for a drink and a cream cheese cherry pie.
We traveled I-65 through Birmingham, taking exit 238 US 31 toward Alabaster, we turned left onto US 119 County hwy 11, reaching our destination at 3727 Hwy 119 Montevallo.
Hubby parked the car, and we walked to the front entrance of the museum and paid the admission price. 
The cashier told us to head to the replica of  Mount Vernon to Celebrate George Washingtons' birthday for the party that began at 11 AM.
George Washington made his speech. 
George Washington stopping for a picture. 
Washington walked out onto the front porch and made a speech, and when he finished, the crowd sang Happy Birthday to President Washington.
Washington walked out into the crowd, stopping for pictures and shaking hands with people in the crowd.
We walked inside the president's Oval Office, where we saw on display pictures of several future presidents. 
We visited the Randall Museum with miniature dolls about many events that happened in the US in the last 200 years. 
The Randal Museum also displayed in miniature the Presidents and their wives.
We walked inside the National Chapel, which was just a few yards away from the Randal Museum. 
US Presidents and wives

The National Chapel 

The last building we toured was the Veterans Memorial building. 

Veterans Building
We took the trolley out to the Garden of Tulips, where we were greeted and given a basket to place our picked tulips. 
We were told the soil was soft, to gently wiggle the tulip, and the bulb would release from the dirt. 
There were so many different types and colors to choose from. I picked several in full bloom and several just budding. 
We took the trolley back to the entrance, paid for our tulips, and began our travel home.  

Fields of Tulips
America Village Festival of The Tulips: You pick your own $1.50 each
Panda Express 
We stopped at Panda Express Decatur for dinner, where we ordered Honey Walnut shrimp, one egg roll, green beans, chicken, stirred wheat noodles with onions, celery cabbage, and three cream cheese Rangoons 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

2009 ~Thursday May 14, American Villages Montevallo, Alabama a recreated Colonial Village

The Brooks fifth grade class traved on a school bus to Montevallo to visit the American Village, parents had to ride in their cars.
American Village is Located at 3727 Highway S 119 Montevallo, AL 35115.

At lunch the adults and children sat under the pines at picnic tables to eat.

After lunch we sat in on a debate; where we listen to people tell about the Revelation war, Paul Revere's ride, George Washingtonat Valley Forge, Ben Franklin,& Patrick Henry,signing the Constitution and Betsy Ross,making the American Flag.
At the American Village we the Liberty Bell, Colonial Courthouse, Constitution Green, Washington Hall, (a replica of Mount Vernon) a chapel patterned after Bruton Parish Chapel, tombstones markers, the twelve Amendments to the constitution, and the Whitehouse oval office. 

In the Pettus Randall Miniature Museum was a collection of presidents and their first ladies and other dioramas. 

Having a picnic

The White House Washington Hall, Assembly Room, and Mt Vernon Room

The Pillory

Assembly room
Assembly room
Mt Vernon Room
Meeting House
Colonial Chapel, patterned after Bruton Parish Chapel
that is located in the restored area of Colonial Williamsburg, Va .
Bell Garden centered with an exact reproduction of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia.
Pettus Randall Miniature Museum of American History, a separate building which houses a collection of 72 handcrafted miniatures of American presidents and first ladies and 35 uniquely detailed dioramas of critical moments (over 400 years) in our nation's history.

President House
Randall Museum
National Veterans Shrine 
That night hubby and I went to the Rain concert at the VBCC in Huntsville to watch RAIN (singing songs of the Beatles). 

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...