Showing posts with label Jackson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jackson. Show all posts

Saturday, September 2, 2023

2023 Aug 18, Day Trip to Jackson, Tennessee

Today, we rode from Jackson, Tennessee, on Highway 72 through Iuka, Burnsville, to Corinth, Mississippi. In Corinth, we took Highway 45 through several small towns to Jacksonville, Tennessee. 

We stopped at Murphy's in Jackson, Tennessee, to fill up with gas, which cost $42.75 at 10:47 A.M.

Our first stop was at the Carnegie Legends, "The Legends of Tennessee Music Museum."

This museum is in the old Carnegie Library, where Carl Perkins played his first guitar as a boy. 

This museum houses such artists as Carl Perkins, Tina Turner, Eddy Arnold, Sonny Boy Williamson, Maybelle, Isaac Tigrett, and Jonathan Singleton. 

Many items once in the Rock-A-Billy Museum are now housed in this museum. 

This museum also houses the gold statue of Elvis Presley and the large poster pictures of Brenda Lee, Johnny Cash, Elvis, and many others.


The Rock A Billy Tribute Sculpture of a Guitar, created by Don Worth on November 29, 2006, was also placed on the museum's lawn.

Next, we visited Rusty's TV and Movie Car Museum at 323 Hollywood Dr in Jackson.

Owner Rusty Robinson has over 35 cars in his museum.

The Blues Brothers 

Some of the cars that you will see are:

Rust-E-Ze # 95 Race Car 

Jurassic Park Jeep #29

The A'Team GMC Van 

Pee-Wee's Big Adventure bicycle 

Barbie's pink Corvette

Tow Mater Towing and Salvage in the movie Cars 

Knight Riders Tran-am 

The Blues Brothers Pq1 Police Car 

The RV was used during the Christmas Vacation. 

Starkey and Hutch Red and White Ford 

The van used by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 

Ghost Busters Station wagon 

the car used in the movie Christine 

The Bat Mobile 

The Mystery Machine Van used by Scooby Doo and Friends 

And many more.

We stopped at the Madison County Courthouse to take pictures of markers. 

We ate lunch at Catfish Cabin around 2 P.M., where we ate hushpuppies, shrimp, catfish, white beans, and coleslaw.

Pictures of WC Handy, Carl Perkins, BB King, and Furry Lewis were on the wall. 

Golden fried shrimp with White Beans and cole Slaw! Yum!

Some of the towns we passed through on our way home were Finger, Adamsville, Crump, and Savannah, Tennessee.


Friday, July 10, 2015

🚙2015 July 7, Tuesday, Day trip to Jackson Tennessee

We left home around 8AM
We took Cox Creek Pky to Hwy 20 into Tennessee.
In Tennessee hwy 20 becomes 69
We continued traveling on hwy 69 through Savannah, we took hwy 64 over to Selmer up hwy 45.
For some crazy reason, our GPS took us off the beaten path through a little town called Finger.
Finger Store
We winded and twisted around the road back to hwy 45 in Henderson, Tn.
We rode past the Pinson Mounds sign, I wanted to stop but my husband said, it is just a pile of dirt and it is too hot.
Pinson Mounds Archaeological Area 2.5 miles
Finally, we made it to Jackson our first stop was the NC & SL Railroad Museum.
There was construction going on the road in front of the museum, we had to take a detour.
Detour sign and Neely House
We parked, I started taking pictures of the mural across the street, the Neely House, and the three train cars that were parked on the train tracks at the museum.
Mural of the Train Depot 
Kitchen & Dining Car, Caboose, Chessie System car

Chessie System Car
The Sleeping area
Dining area
We walked into the museum where we saw more memorabilia that we could possibly see in one day. We watched the many tiny trains, twist and turn behind a glass case. I could have watched the trains for hours.
We talked to both curators, one of the curators ask me where we were from, I told her.
She asks me if I knew the Dunkin family.
She said her father-in-law was Colonel Dunkin and he is buried somewhere in South Alabama and she said she was a widow.
We thanked both curators and traveled to Rockabilly passing the historic homes on East Main Street.
This museum is free to the public.
Historic home on East Main St
Historic Greyhound Bus Station
Our next stop was Rockabilly Museum where we were greeted by the knowledgeable curator Henry Harrison. We toured the museum with a couple from Sweden.
The Swedish Couple 
I'm Going to Jackson
We got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout,

We've been talkin' 'bout Jackson, ever since the fire went out.
I'm goin' to Jackson, I'm gonna mess around,
Yeah, I'm goin' to Jackson, 
Look out Jackson town.

Well, go on down to Jackson; go ahead and wreck your health.
Go play your hand you big-talkin' man, make a big fool of yourself,
Yeah, go to Jackson; go comb your hair!
Honey, I'm gonna snowball, Jackson.
See if I care.

When I breeze into that city, people gonna stoop and bow. (Hah!)
All them women gonna make me, teach 'em what they don't know how,
I'm goin' to Jackson, you turn-a loose-a my coat.
'Cause I'm goin' to Jackson.
"Goodbye," that's all she wrote.

But they'll laugh at you in Jackson, and I'll be dancin' on a Pony Keg.
They'll lead you 'round town like a scalded hound,
With your tail tucked between your legs,
Yeah, go to Jackson, you big-talkin' man.
And I'll be waitin' in Jackson, behind my Jaypan Fan, 

Well now, we got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper Sprout,
We've been talkin' 'bout Jackson, ever since the fire went.
I'm goin' to Jackson, and that's a fact.
Yeah, we're goin' to Jackson, ain't never comin' back.

Well, we got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout'
And we've been talkin' 'bout Jackson, ever since the fire went...

Playing the drums 
The Mural at Rockabilly
On stage 
Henry Harrison 
We thanked Mr. Harrison for the tour and all the information about Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Brenda Lee, Johnny Cash, WS Holland, Jerry Lee Lewis, The Jordan Aires, Ace Cannon, Carl Mann, Narvel Felts, Wanda Jackson & Sam Phillips.
This museum cost $10.00 per person 

Our next stop was the Casey Jones Village and the Old Country Store Restaurant.
We ordered two senior buffet meals with tea cost per person was $9.98 total cost $21.91.
I filled my plate with collard greens, peas and fried corn fritters, a small salad plate and for dessert blackberry and peach cobbler. Oh, my gosh! It was so good!
Southern Buffet
Old Country Store Restaurant
Soda Shop woman frying up some apple pies
I took a few pictures outside, we walked across the parking lot, to the Old Town Music Highway Crossroads.
Motorcycle Made my Orange County Choppers
We walked to Casey's Museum Home, Train Museum and the gift shop.

Casey Jones Home 
The Hurst that carried Casey Jones 
The crash 
Casey Jones dining room 
Train engine 382🚂🚂🚂
Our last stop before starting home was the Winery, where I tasted several different wines before we purchased a bottle of Blackberry and Cayuga White wine, we spent $32.93.

We traveled home stopping at Chick-fil-a for dinner at 5:43PM.

We were both very tired from the trip and we both fell asleep by 8:30PM.
We had a great day it started out not too hot, by the end of the day it was humid.
Another full day of fun, see where next week will take us!

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...