Showing posts with label doctor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doctor. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2024

2024 June 15, 17,18,19, 20 with Ava

2024 June 15, Saturday 

Atlas Birthday Party @ Launch Pad Elgin

 I picked up Ava, and we rode to the Elgin LaunchPad. 

Atlas is turning 4! Calling all cowboys, cowgirls, and space rangers 

June 15, at 12–2 P.M.

Don't forget your jumping socks. 

We were served pizza, chips, and birthday cake 

The kids had fun on the launchpad 

We watched Atlas blow out his 4 candles.

I bought Hazel a birthday present because we will be out of town on her birthday, June 29. 

Hazel was having a bad day 

So I gave her her present, a very colorful doll

She wouldn't put it down

I gave Atlas a soccer ball and an Adventure Force Clash Force Combo Auto Advanced with four guns and 20 bullets.

2024 June 17, Monday Ava & River 

Today, I rode to Andy's to see River and Ava 

They were still in the bed but not sleeping 

They quickly jumped into the swimming pool and played 

River said she was hungry and wanted McDonald 

So I told Ask Pawpaw

They dressed, and we headed to McDonald 

River ordered a cheeseburger with only cheese, bread, and meat (which he called ham)

Ava ordered 6 pieces of chicken nuggets with fries 

I ordered filet fish with fries

The kids enjoyed their meal while playing with their kid's meal toy 

Inside out 2 toy play and score toy

I bought Hubby 2 McDoubles and 2 small fries 

We came back to my house, and the kids enjoyed playing in the playroom until 1:30

Then we took them back to Andy's 

River's mom was on her way to pick up River.

They have a long drive home. 

2024 June 18, Tuesday Ava & River 

River and Ava came over while Andy went to work. 

The kids played in the playroom.

I rode them on the gator.

River loved the ride. He was pretending he was in one of his video games

They ate hotdogs, no bread

Fruit, candy, and snacks all-day

They watched tv 

River's parents came by around 2 P.M. they had spent the day in 


They slept late 

A long ride home, about 5 to 6 hours 

Andy came for Ava later 

I went to bed early. I was tired 

2024, June 19, Wednesday AVA

Today, we rode to town.

My two big toes have fungus, so I went to Doctor McCutchens, who prescribed medication to heal them.

We stopped at Ollie and bought some body wash and oatmeal raisin cookies. 

We took Ava to McFarland Park to play

She wanted to go to a museum, but she settled for the park 

She had fun with several other kids 

I did some birding and took pictures 

We ate lunch at Chick-fil-A 

We stopped at Foodland and talked to Ronald. He gave Ava some mints 

We picked up my prescription at Killen Drugs 

We rode up to Greenhill and bought some peaches and a watermelon 

Had a fun day 

Afternoon visit near Muscle Shoals Reservation Trail

Today, Thursday, June 20, we rode to Rockpile TVA 

Ava and I walked to the waterfalls

Stopping to take pictures 

We saw a red-bellied Woodpecker in the top of a rotten tree

We saw a redtail hawk and a couple Great Blue Herons, and we heard several different bird sounds 

Ava played on the playground, but it was too hot, and no other kids were there 

We rode to McFarland Park. There were lots of kids, but none on the playground 

So we walked up the path to a couple of large boulders, where I took several photos 

We rode to Panda Express for lunch 

We ordered a large plate 

Ava ate the noodles 

I ate the walnut shrimp 

Hubby orange chicken and broccoli with beef 

Hubby went next to get a haircut 

While Ava and I stayed at Panda Express 

We came home, and Ava and Hubby watched Sponge Bob 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

✈️✈️✈️2007 May 1, Tuesday, Trip to Shriners Hospital in Lexington KY

Tuesday, May 1, Lexington, KY
Shrine’s Hospital Lexington, Kentucky
We left the Muscle Shoals Airport at 7:45 A.M.  in Bobby's airplane for the second time going to the Shriners Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky.
We are taking Meadow to Shriners via Angle Flights for medical reasons. Meadow had multi-problems.
We arrive at the Kentucky Airport at 9:30 A.M. 

This time I took my camera and took several pictures.
We took pictures of each other wearing the gigantic headphones with a microphone to speak into. 
We had to wear headphones to communicate.
I took pictures of Meadow laughing she was in a jolly mood.
Meadow sat in a seat facing us. Maybe she was laughing because we looked funny wearing the headphones.
I took several pictures of the ground below and the clouds above.

Robert Trent Jones Golf Course
I took pictures of the raging blue/green Tennessee River as it flowed through the Wilson Dam.
I took pictures of the sand pits and the lush greenery at Fighting Joe's Robert Trent Jones Golf Course in Muscle Shoals. We had an awesome view of the golf course from our plane.
I took pictures of one of the tallest buildings in Florence, The Renaissance Tower which is home to 360 Grille.
360 is fine dining with a fabulous view of the Tennessee River.
When we flew over Lexington Kentucky I took pictures of the horse track and stables that were fit for a king.

Meadow strapped in her car seat, laughing
Meadow was dressed in pink from head to toe
Meadow in the examination room I was dressed in yellow just a hint darker than the examination room 

When we arrived at the airport Bobby went inside to get a van to take us to the hospital for Meadow’s appointment.

Meadow was weighed, her head and length were measured and then we were taken to the Penguin examination room.
The examining room was painted a pale yellow with pictures hanging on the wall. A mural window was painted on the wall inside the window was a walrus wearing ear muffs, three penguins wearing caps, a red balloon, and an Owl wearing a red scarf.
Meadow saw Doctor Bennett and he examined Meadow’s bones. Lora talked to Mrs.  Preston about Botox and she said that Botox was a protein made from bacteria.

Lora talked to the doctor about  Meadow getting Botox injections and taking Meadow to Baltimore, Maryland for therapy.
When all the doctor visits were complete we went to the Cafeteria to eat lunch.
We ate pinto beans, cornbread, broccoli, salmon patties, watermelon, and brownies. 
Wearing headphones with a smile
Getting ready to leave
After our meal,  Lora called our pilot Bobby and we were in the air by 1:50 P.M.
It was very hot and humid which caused a bumpy ride home.

Our pilot explained that when the hot air rises it will cause the plane to bounce.
It had been a beautiful day for traveling. 
My daughter is not too keen on flying but she said that she enjoyed this flight. 
I love to fly it is safer than driving.

May 1, 2007 Lexington, KY, Angel Flights
Leave Muscle Shoals Airport (MSL) at 7:45 A.M. 
Arrive at 9:30 A.M. Lexington Kentucky Airport (LEX)
Return Flight
Leave 1:30 P.M. Lexington Kentucky Airport (LEX)
Arrived at Muscle Shoals Airport (MSL)

Saturday, July 4, 2015

2007 July 2, Monday, Harmony Park Huntsville, Alabama

Monday, July 2, 2007
I went with Lora and the grandkids to take Meadow to her doctor’s appointment with Dr. Bebin at 11:00 A.M.
Meadow had an MRA at Huntsville Hospital a few days before her appointment, Doctor Bebin showed us the results from the MRA. 
Doctor Bebin explained what we saw on the MRA, she said Meadow had a lot of dead tissue on the brain, from the many strokes.
Lora had Doctor Bebin mail a copy of the MRA results to Maryland's Stroke Institute. 

Lora asked Doctor Bebin for directions to Harmony Park in Huntsville, she had one of the women at the front desk look up the directions on her computer. 
We ate lunch at Wendy’s in South Huntsville. 

Harmony Park was located on the South side of Huntsville, 9 miles off Hobbs Island Road. 
Then we turned onto Clouds Cove Road. 
The cost for admission is $6.00 per person and $1.00 for a cup of grain to feed the animals.
Harmony Park
March -November
Daily 10AM -Sunset
431Clouds Cove Rd
Huntsville, Al 35803
We paid the admission price, bought two cups of grain, and entered the gate.

The kids rolled down their windows and started throwing grain out.
The next thing we knew, animals were coming at us from every direction.

We saw goats, deer, emus, rams, a zebra, and many other animals.

The kids handed me some grain, so I rolled down my window. 

I was going to throw the grain away from the car before I could get the grain out of my cup,  Tattoo the Zebra stuck his head inside the window. 

I could not roll the window up because Tattoo would not move his head out of the window.
Tattoo the Zebra
I finally got Tattoo's head out of the window and I rolled up the window.
The animals followed us as we crept forward, especially one of the goats.
We had a ram, ram his horns into our truck. 




We saw alligators, Habib the camel, lamas, horses, a longhorn steer, ducks, & buffalos.
We had loads of fun, Meadow was laughing and squealing along with the other kids.
We drove through twice and both times, it was a barrel of fun. 

The Zebra's name was Tattoo, and the Camel’s name was Habib.
Harmony Park specializes in exotic and endangered animals from around the world. 

This is an article that I wrote and posted on the Internet about Harmony Park. 
I went to Harmony Safari (Zoo) that is what the kids called it, with my daughter and grandkids. 
I thought this would be a quick drive but, to my amazement, it turned out to be quite fun. 
The two older kids (9 and 7) each had a large cup of grain to feed the animals. 
They threw some grain out the window and the animals, goats, deer, zebra, and others gathered around the car. 
We could not move so, I told the kids to give me some grain, and I would throw it away from the car. 
I rolled down the window,” A big mistake" The next thing that I knew Tattoo the zebra had his head inside. 
I quickly tried to roll up the window but Tattoo’s head was stuck inside. 
We finally got him out and we slowly moved forward. 
The kid’s hand feeds the deer. 

We would roll down the truck windows and quickly roll them back up again. 
This was fun, but I told the kids to be careful because the ostriches would peck them. 
Anyone who loves animals and the outdoors would love this place.

We made a quick pit stop at a local store just off Hobbs Island Road. 

We went to Atlanta Bread Company where we each ordered something different to eat, one ordered a Danish, one a cinnamon roll, one a sweet roll, Lora and I ordered tea, Madison ordered a Coke, and Marcus ordered a coffee. 
We went to Comp USA where Lora, Madison, and I made some pictures on a MAC. 

After an eventful day with Meadow’s doctor visit, eating lunch at Wendy’s and snacking at Atlanta Bread Company, making pictures at CompUSA, and a drive-through adventure at Harmony Park, we rode home. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

2006 ~ August 21-23, Trip to St. Louis Children’s Hospital St Louis, Mo

Day 1: Monday, August 21, 2006 
A trip to St. Louis Missouri to take my granddaughter to Children’s Hospital in St Louis, Mo.
Before we left for St. Louis, I walked two miles today, washed my clothes, and went to my daughter's house. 
My daughter and I packed the car, we went to the bank to get some cash for our trip, and we went to get the car washed. 
We were on the road at about 2:30 P.M. 
I drove through Savannah, to Dyersburg to Interstate 55. 
We stopped at a filling station just off the Interstate to fill up with gas, change the baby's diaper, purchase some medicine for my daughter's headache, and swap drivers. 

For lunch, we stopped at Cracker Barrel in Cape Girardeau, where I ordered a children's plate of corn, pinto beans, cornbread, and iced tea. My daughter also ordered a children's plate of pinto beans and chicken and dumplings which she shared with my granddaughter.
Cape Girardeau is about two hours away from St. Louis. 
We arrived at Heaven House at about 8:00 p.m. and were given a tour of the Haven House.
The Haven House has four wings, each wing has its own kitchen, its own living room, and its own play area.
Our room has two, & a half beds and a crib for Meadow.
My granddaughter at the Haven House in her jumper

Day 2: Tuesday, August 22, 2006
We stayed only one day and checked out the next morning at 10:00 A.M.
We went next door to Walgreens where we bought two small disposable cameras, a teething ring for my granddaughter, two bottles of water, and some baby wipes. 
My daughter drove us down I-270 to 64/40  to downtown St. Louis. 
We stopped at the Old Cathedral parking lot and walked to the arch.  
At the entrance to the Arch were security guards where everything was searched including
my granddaughter's stroller and she had to be taken out of the stroller.

The guards made us pour the water out of the water bottles that we had just bought and we 
had to open our purses for them to search.
The man behind us said, “I did not know I had so much junk in my pockets when he was asked to empty his pocket and then told the security guards, just wait until you see what is in my wife’s purse.
My brother-in-law said when I was a kid he lived in St. Louis and his elementary class each added a brick to the bottom of St. Louis Arch. Construction of the arch began in 1963 and was finished in 1965.
Inside the bottom of the arch we walked through the Western Expansion and shopped at the museum but we did not have time to go up inside the arch.

On the way to Children’s Hospital, Lora made a wrong turn, she turned onto the 64/40 highway toward Illinois instead of St. Louis.
We had to cross the bridge that leads us into St Louis, Illinois, Lora turned around and we were on our way to Children's Hospital. 
We finally, arrived at the Children’s Hospital, where my granddaughter will see Mary Bertrand, MD.
Mary focuses her practice on Pediatric Epilepsy.
The address is one Children’s Place Suite 2D St Louis, Missouri 63110, and her telephone # is 314-454-6120.
Children's Hospital St Louis BJC Health Care
We were taken to a room where my daughter talked to Mary, for what seemed like hours about my granddaughter's condition.
My granddaughter was admitted to the hospital for an EEG and an MRI. 
While they were getting my granddaughter ready for her EEG, my daughter and I walked downstairs for lunch. EEG-An electroencephalograph.

My granddaughter having an EEG

Several doctors & nurses came in to see my granddaughter one was a white pregnant woman an Asian doctor, several RNs, and an EEG Nurse. That night we slept in the hospital. 

Day 3: Wednesday, August 23, 2006
We slept until 7:30 a.m. the following day. 
My granddaughter was chipper after her breakfast, a bowel movement, and a nice bath and she is now playing.

My granddaughter's  MRI is at 10:00 A.M. today.
MRI -magnetic resonance imaging
The nurses tried to get a drip started in my granddaughter's arm before her MRI but they were having a problem getting the needle in her veins.
My granddaughter started to scream with pain, which made me sick, and all I wanted to do was tell them to quit. 
I walked over to the window so I could not see what was happening because I was about to pass out.

My granddaughter did not have her MRI until after 3:00 p.m.

It was a fantastic view of St. Louis Arch and downtown St. Louis from my granddaughters' room.

My granddaughter was dismissed later that afternoon we started our six-hour ride home. 

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...