Showing posts with label deer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deer. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

2018 March 17, & 2016, 2015 My thoughts

March 17, 2018 Today, I went to the Florence Lauderdale Visitor Center, where I saw this little Bird (Killdeer) and the little Killdeer's feathers flared out as I started walking past her, I took my cell phone and took a couple of pictures I noticed 4 eggs were laying on the ground near her. She had made a nest in the grass near the sidewalk at the visitors center That was why there was an orange cone sitting there I hope she guards them well.
March 17, 2016: Today was a beautiful day the sunset was awesome. I did a little work outside this afternoon. I sat looking out my window, watching all the varieties of birds eat from the four feeders. My husband said to look, and we saw a long-eared rabbit sitting in front of the tractor, eating grass. I looked out the window on the other side of our RV and saw a groundhog come waddling down the field, looking for his dinner of fresh clover. Well, I lay on the sofa watching Wheel of Fortune (we watch it every night), and when it ended, I went to work on my computer. Every evening, I check to see what color the sunset is, and tonight it was awesome. I will post some pictures later. While taking pictures of the sunset, I turned around, looked behind me, and saw a herd of deer (doe) I counted at least eight. They just stood there while I snapped their picture. I was careful not to make any sudden moves. I have not seen any deer for some time. I think this warm weather has brought out all the animals, and climate change has caused us to have such an awesome sunset.
March 17, 2015, was such a beautiful day; the sun was shining, and there was no rain, snow, or sleet. I enjoyed it very much, we did not go anywhere, just worked a little in the yard. The older that I get, the less I want to do any manual labor, for it makes me hurt all over, I guess that is old Arthritis working in my bones.

Friday, August 14, 2020

2020 Jan 31-Feb 2, Woman's Retreat Joe Wheeler Lodge ( 3 days)

 Friday afternoon check-in lodge & received a package for the entire retreat. 

We ate a fried catfish meal with salad for dinner, and after dinner, we walked around the lodge. 

Eating Catfish at Joe Wheeler 

Catfish, baked potato, hush puppies, tarter Sauce, butter, sour cream 

We went back to our room until it was time for our pajama movie "Steel Magnolia."

There were snacks to eat while watching the movie, but I was too full to eat. 

Could not believe that I enjoyed watching an old movie with a bunch of strangers. 

After the movie, everyone retired to their rooms for the night.

Saturday morning, we ate a light breakfast followed by painting class from 8-9:30AM.

Hello Spring Painting 

Next, we created a bath balm from 9:45 to 11:15AM.

From 11:30-12PM, we danced.

Lunch was a Taco Salad from the food bar. 12-1PM

Self-defense form 2-3PM 

Pontoon Cruise 2-3PM

The women who had registered for the 2PM boat ride loaded onto the Pontoon boat for a one-hour ride on the Tennessee River, where our guide pointed out points of interest and waterfowl. 

Boats at Joe Wheeler 

Pontoon Boat ride

Self-Defense 4:15-5:15PM  

Went back to our room to rest until dinner.

Roll, Porkchop, Vegetables

Our guest speaker was Lee Marshall at 7:30PM. Kids to love. 

It was a beautiful Sunday morning the sun was coming up, and the waterfowl astir. 

Waterfowl at Joe Wheeler Lake 

Waterfowl at Joe Wheeler Lake 

I saw a herd of deer on the road as I was leaving. 

A herd of Deer at Joe Wheeler State Park 

2020 Jan 28, Day Trip to Guntersville, Alabama Parks, & Harbors

Hubby and I rode to Guntersville, stopping at the Guntersville Dam and looking for waterfowl, but we did not see any.

We stopped at Guntersville Harbor & Guntersville Municipal Park, where we saw hundreds of seagulls,& double-crested Cormorants.

We stopped at Dollar General for sweets.

It was getting near lunchtime, so we rode to Winzell’s Oyster House, where hubby and I  split a Sea Food Broil. $26.69 meal, which consisted of premium white fish, oysters, shrimp, stuffed crab, and scallops.

After a delicious meal, we rode to Guntersville State Park.

Double-breasted Cormorants 

Double-breasted Cormorants 

Lunch at Winzell's  
Seafood Boil
 (12 shrimp, 4 oysters, 1 fish, 1 crab cake, & 5 scallops) 

A couple of deer come in for a closer look.

Lazy Billy goat

We rode to Lake Guntersville, which is located on the banks of the Tennessee River, where we saw hundreds of American Coots.

We saw a herd of deer grazing on both sides of the road near the campground area. 

We also saw an area with a small enclosed pond along with friendly petting animals such as donkeys, emus, and goats. 

We were hoping to see an eagle or two but saw none. 

The park at Guntersville was desolate, too cold for swimming, but a few were camping.

My sister-in-law had a transmission put in her car, so hubby and I rode to Decatur, and hubby drove the car home. 

I stopped at Jack's, on my way home, in Decatur for a couple of strawberry cheesecake pies. 

Had a pleasant day in Guntersville.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

2019 Jan 7, Day Trip to Guntersville, Alabama State Park

Hubby and I rode to Guntersville, but before we started our trip, we stopped to purchase our lottery tickets for the week and to get our weekly B12 Shots. We stopped at Foodland and purchased two canned drinks and again at McDonald's in Rogersville for two apple pies. 
What a way to start the day!

We traveled US 72 E to I65 S to I565 E to US 431 SE to Guntersville. 

We arrived in Guntersville around 11:30 AM, stopping at Lake Guntersville to take pictures of 100s of Cormorants and seagulls that were perched on the piers. 

At 12:40PM, we stopped at KFC and ate from the buffet. 
I chose a chicken leg and wing, fried okra, and collard greens
After a hardy lunch, we began our adventure to Guntersville State Park.
We stopped at Guntersville State Park Birding Site #34 to take a few pictures.
Signs there said that we might see Signature Species, waterfowl, wading birds, shorebirds, and Birds of Prey sadly, we did not see a single bird at site #34.

We rode up the hill past the State Park Cabins and Lodge and down the hill to the Campgrounds, beach, and pavilion.

On our way down, we saw a doe hiding in the brush.
At the State Park Lagoon, we saw two goats and 3 Emus.
Five Donkeys 
The beach was desolate, but there were hundreds of American Coots and gulls. 
As we were leaving the beach, we saw these two do.
They came right up to the car and stopped for a picture
They were still there as we drove away.
We left Guntersville State Park around 2:30PM and headed to Bucks Pocket.
We missed our turn and rode 8 miles too far. 
Turned on our GPS, and it took us down several winding roads.
Waterfall @ Bucks Pocket State Park
We walked down to the overlook at Bucks Pocket State Park, where we saw a waterfall in the distance. 
We walked back to the car, and hubby plugged our home address into the GPS, which led us down this winding road that crossed the bridgeless South Sauty Creek. The creek water came from the waterfall we had seen earlier. Like so many backcountry roads in Tennessee, there was no bridge. There was only a poured concrete foundation where the creek flowed over the concrete. The road to the Ranger station was closed because of all the rain. Hubby said he saw tire tracks, so he felt the bridge was safe to cross. 

We stopped at Weathington Park Overlook Sections, Alabama
It overlooks the Tennessee River
The sun was setting as we entered Scottsboro, and a few clouds had drifted in, giving us a spot of rain.
It was getting dark when we stopped on the East side of Huntsville at McDonald's for dinner. 

We stopped at Dicks and Cabela's in Huntsville to look at Scopes.
We talked to a couple of employees at Dicks about scopes and camera lenses.
We watched an employee feed the fish at Cabela's.
We arrived home around 8:30PM. 
I was exhausted from all the traveling, took a shower, put on my PJs, climbed into bed, and was asleep in no time. 

On Feb 22, three young people drove across this South Sauty Creek, and their jeep was swept into the floodwaters two of the young people were rescued, and as of March 1, the third Koy Spears has not been found. 

Tennessee and Alabama have been flooded with rain. The ranger's station at this location was closed when we crossed South Sauty Creek in my opinion, the creek should have been closed. Thank God the creek was not roaring that day, but the creek was up, and you could not see the concrete. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

🚙2017 January 31, Tuesday, Day Trip to Guntersville

We left home around 9:00AM, stopping at Helping Hands Clinic for a B-12 shot.
We stopped at Foodland to get a Diet Coke and a Diet Mt Dew canned drink out of the vending machine.
Next, we stopped at Dollar General for a package of Fig Newtons made with real fruit and no high fructose corn syrup only 110 calories.
Being later in the morning traffic was not too bad as we rode north-west on I565 to 231 NW into Guntersville.
Our first stop was at the small Guntersville Airport to visit the Homer B. Wilson Vintage Museum but no one was there.

Glover Hotel
built 1933 by Campbell Wallace Glover sold in the 1950s and used as Dept of Pensions and Securities for 15 years.  In 1987 sold to George Kappler, and he opened a restaurant that now is for sale.

As we rode through Guntersville we noticed many of the old store buildings were remodeled and occupied. The Glover Hotel (built around 1950) was up for sale.
Abraham Lincoln Display Timeline
We rode to 1215 Rayburn Ave to the Guntersville Museum & Cultural Center (once the Rock Armory)
The museum is a unique historical setting with permanent collections as well as current exhibits. The museum is free to visit it is open to the public Tuesday-Friday 10-4PM Saturday & Sunday 1-4PM.

The door is locked from the inside and you have to ring a bell for service.
You are greeted by a curator of the museum, given a little history of the museum, and the location of each exhibit, and told you can visit all day if you want to.
Once inside the walls were covered with plaques about the history of Guntersville.
 There was a boat on display that represented all the activities that one can do on Lakes Guntersville. We saw Crusader, the Mechanical wonder Horse on which many a child had ridden. We saw a sign advertising "Bargains Days every Tues. and Wed. Adm "10 & 15 cents" including tax along with adjoining theater seats.
We saw an old spinning wheel, piano, trophy from Boat Race, wooden benches, a character readings machine, a fire hose cart, and a cardboard copy of Will Rodgers (He is the grandson of John Gunter, a namesake of Guntersville's).
The next rooms were TVA and the making of the land, This one is for the birds, a view of the past with Native American artifacts, local art, and famous sons and daughters of Guntersville. 
The grand room was a display about the life of Abraham Lincoln with a cardboard life-size statue of Abraham and a sculptured head inside a glass case.

We stopped to visit the Culbert Cabin next door to the Guntersville Museum and across the street was the Guntersville Theater.
Guntersville Theater
Chicken Plate (3 chicken fingers, coleslaw, biscuits, Chocolate chip cookie, and a drink) 
I shared a chicken dinner with Colonel Sanders at KFC
We traveled along 227 into Guntersville State Park passing through Short Creek, Hurricane Creek, Town Creek, and Minky Creek. We stopped at the lagoon in the state park to visit the donkeys, emus, goats, and ducks.
We stopped along the waterways to take pictures of Mabrey's Rock of Ages, Guntersville Lake, and the waterfowl. (saw no Eagles)
Mabrey's Rock of Ages
There were hundreds of ducks bobbing in the water
We stopped to take a picture of a deer. He looked right at us turned around and began grazing. He knew we would not shoot him.
We continued climbing the mountain to the top stopping at the State Park Lodge, and chalets overlooking Lake Guntersville.
I walked down to a rest area to take pictures of the view below. There I meet a woman eating her lunch. She said her husband had gone fishing and she was going to enjoy the day at the park.
She said before the tornado came through this area that you could not see the RV Park or the camping Area below. I also saw a couple Zip-lining. 
View of Campground from the Guntersville Lodge atop the mountain
Our last stop before starting home was Bucks Pocket State Park which is located on Sand Mountain in the community of Oak Grove. 
The road and picnic area had seen better days. The fencing around the cliffs was well and the view was awesome  Right now the thousands of trees below are necked and bare but in the fall will be vivid with color.
Sunsetting over the Rocket at the Space and Rocket Center Huntsville 
The sun was setting as we traveled into Huntsville and before we reached Athens it was pitch black.
We could see the stars above and a crescent moon.
We ordered a to-go meal from Taco Bell.
It had been a beautiful day, not too hot or too cold, a perfect day for traveling and hiking in the State Parks. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

🎄🎄🎄🎄2013~ Wednesday & Thursday, December 18-19, Calloway Gardens Pine Mountain, Georgia

Day 1:  Wednesday, December 18, 2013
We left home around 8 A.M. traveling I-65 stopped for gas at Flying J 224 Daniel Payne Drive Birmingham at 9:55 A.M. 
We paid 3.079 per gallon for a total cost of  $47.00 we bought 15.264 gallons. 
We also purchased a cup of hot chocolate at Beach Pavilion for $3.50 a cup.
We stopped at Bass Pro Shops 6000 Bas Pro Shop Blvd Leeds, Al 36094.  
Bass Pro Shop was beautifully decorated with Christmas Trees, reindeer, a Christmas Village with Santa, Elves, Snow, a fireplace, crafts for children, a race track, and many other things for children and adults to enjoy.
We walked around taking pictures of Santa and his village where children were lined up waiting their turn to sit on Santa’s Lap.
We watched children ride on the indoor carousel. 
Bass Pro Shops 6000 Bas Pro Shop Blvd Leeds, Al
Bass Pro Shops 6000 Bas Pro Shop Blvd Leeds, Al
We shot a rifle at the rifle range and bought a cookie in the bakery. We left Bass Pro Shop at 12:01 P.M. 
We stopped at  Jefferson Restaurant at 12:25 p.m. in Oxford, Alabama to eat lunch. For lunch, we ordered one order of fried mushrooms cost $6.99. 
I ordered one basket of boneless wings with celery for $4.50 and my husband ordered one basket of fried oysters with onion rings for $9.49 and we both ordered water with lemon. 

Jefferson Restaurant is located at 230 Spring Branch Rd Oxford, Al 36203. Our server was Tiffany and the total bill was $28.18. As we left the restaurant I asked what was up with the one-dollar bills plastered all over the walls and the cashier said that people left with graffiti on them about their experience at Jefferson’s Restaurant.
Jefferson Restaurant is located at 230 Spring Branch Rd Oxford, Al
Jefferson Restaurant is located at 230 Spring Branch Rd Oxford, Al
Jefferson Restaurant is located at 230 Spring Branch Rd Oxford, Al
On our drive down to Pine Mountain Ga., we stopped in the beautiful historic town of Newnan, Ga. My husband waited in the van as I walked around the Old newly restored courthouse of Newnan, now a museum. 
I walked inside and met a curator who told me the history of the courthouse greet immediacy. He said it was a self-guided tour and I could take all the pictures that I wanted.
Newnan Georgia Courthouse Museum 
Christmas Tree and Sleigh in Newnan Georgia 
We arrived at the Mountain Creek Inn at 4:00 P.M. and checked into room 1288 total cost for the room was $111.87 which included room, a trolley ride through Christmas Display that night, and Calloway Gardens all the next day. We walked through the lobby and restaurants at the Inn and there were Christmas decorations everywhere. 
There were special events for Children to meet and greet special characters that visited the Inn. (Reindeer and Penguin)
We rode the trolley over to Callaway Gardens at 5:30 P.M. got off the trolley and walked into Christmas Village. This building was full of Christmas items for sale, including a Café and a visit to Santa. There were so many different types of Christmas trees for sale including an Alabama and Auburn Christmas tree. There was a Ginger Bread House, characters in a Reindeer suit, and thousands of nuts Cracker. Adults and Children everywhere enjoyed the smell of popcorn, hot chocolate, and sweets as we waited for the trolley. Several trolleys were waiting to be filled with people anticipating to see the awesome displays. 
Ginger Bread House
Silent Night, Santa Clause is coming to town where some of the songs are playing as the trolley silently creeps along in the garden.
It was a very enjoyable ride; we saw the Twelve Days of Christmas, Butterflies, Fairyland, Snowflake Valley, a winter wonderland of snowflakes and white lights, a Magical Christmas Garden, March of the Toy Soldiers, Twin Trees, and FIL the Frog.
Down along the lake were two scenes one telling the story of the Night before Christmas and the birth of Christ
Toward the end of the trolley ride, everyone sang Christmas Carols and it just brought Christmas to life.  My spirit was lifted and each and every one belted out We Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. My husband and I both wore our big coats for the temperature was in the upper 30’s but the ride was very enjoyable except my fingers got very cold trying to make a video of the magical lights displays.

We ate supper at KFC 5700 Hwy 354 Pine Mountain for I had a coupon to buy two piece bites combo, which included one side and drink, one get one free cost $7.01 at 7:54 P.M. It was the end of the day for the men working at KFC and we were next to their last customers.

Day 2: Thursday, December 19, 2013
The next day we checked out of the hotel and visited the Callaway Gardens starting with the Wild Bird Show, which was inside because of the cold weather. 

We saw hawks, different species of owls, and other birds of prey in the Callaway Discovery Center Auditorium. The bird handlers wore gloves as the birds flew through the audience to the next bird handler.
Next, we went to the Cecil B. Day Butterfly Center which houses more than fifty species of butterflies, tropical plants, and a hatchery for butterflies which is amazing. It is hard to capture a picture of butterflies because they are not still for very long. At the Butterfly Center, I bought a butterfly flag for my flower garden and three postcards. 
Cecil B. Day Butterfly Center
The Ida Carson Memorial Chapel is set deep in the woods, in front of the chapel is a lake, and alongside is a waterfall. The building is quaint with stained glass windows, a stone altar, a pipe organ, and just enough benches to seat twenty-five people. We took several pictures met a couple of ladies talked for a few minutes and left.
Our next stop was Sibley’s Horticulture Center, which houses Mediterranean and tropical gardens. We saw a topiary train, bears, a jack-in-the-box, a boy, and a girl. 
There were hundreds of poinsettias throughout the garden. We talked to the women in the gift shop. One of the women was from Kansas and she said her family traveled home at least once a year and it took over eighteen hours for them to get home. 
I bought three postcards at the Horticulture Center.
Sibley’s Horticulture Center
Sibley’s Horticulture Center
Sibley’s Horticulture Center

We left the gardens and headed home stopping in Lagrange Georgia to eat lunch at Wendy’s. We ordered three kids Frost’s, one junior cheeseburger, and one mushroom burger with fries, which cost $9.60; this was at 2:07 P.M. After eating we stopped in the town square where I got out of the car and walked around the town square taking pictures of old buildings, the Lagrange Theater, Venncci Italian Ristorante, and etc.
In the town square, there is the Statue of Lafayette, markers, a fountain, a carriage decorated for the Christmas holidays, and a Christmas tree.  
I walked across the street to take a picture of a mural, which depicted the life of Old, LaGrange, and a mural of the second Courthouse depicted 1904-1936.
The mural depicted the Truitt Opera House in 1890, the Callaway Mammoth Department Store in 1900, the Newell’s Hat Shop in 1935, and the Blue Goose Café 1960. 
After taking pictures I rejoined my husband and we again started our trip home, but I saw a historic marker in front of LaGrange College so we drove through the college stopping for me to take pictures.
Traveling home we took Hwy 109 out of Lagrange GA to 431 North, we drove through Roanoke, Al, Wedowee, and Five Points and onto I-20. We stopped at Target in Oxford, Al where I bought the Long Ranger Movie.
We decided not to take I-20 to I-65 instead we took 431N through Oxford, Anniston, Saks, and Glencoe.
We stopped at the Exon Tiger Mart 602 Chastain in Glencoe Alabama where we stopped to get gas at 4:38 P.M. at pump forty-six cost per gallon 3.089 for a total of $46.00. 
There was a beautiful burnt orange setting sunset as we drove through Glencoe where I took several nice pictures.
We stopped at Noccalula Falls in Gadsden to ride the train through their Christmas Light Show cost ten dollars. After the ride, we walked through the park buying a cookie and hot chocolate and we walked through their animal display. On our walk out we walked along the railroad tracks where I twisted my leg and we left after that.
Noccalula Falls in Gadsden 
Noccalula Falls in Gadsden 
We ate supper at Taco Bell in Attalla, Alabama, we ordered one burrito, two notch supremes, and tea total cost $6.62 at 6:50 P.M. 
We were home around 11P.M. 

We had such a great time spending the night at Callaway Gardens, riding a trolley through the Christmas display, and ending our trip at Noccalula Park in Gadsden Alabama. 

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...