Showing posts with label flying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flying. Show all posts

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Flying Experiences

I walked at a brisk pace from gate D, took the elevator to ground level, and took the tram to Gate B.
I began climbing up the escalator steps, but about halfway up, I stopped I was gasping for breath, and I let the escalator take me the rest of the way up.
Once I reached the top, I found myself among several restaurants and shops.
I started walking briskly toward gate 34B, beginning with gate number 20.
My mouth became dry it felt like I had swallowed a large ball of cotton.
I continued my journey to gate 34B after I stopped at the water fountain.
I checked in and was followed by a young man panting profoundly.

We both boarded Delta Flight 935, and the question everyone had on their faces was 
What Happened? Why are you so late?

The flight was waiting for an older couple who were walking like turtles. 
Two women were sitting in my section, I took my seat 34C next to the window. The two women had just gotten off a cruise and were headed home. 

We struck up a conversation, and the woman next to me said I did not know my father was blind until I was sixteen.
She said my father could do everything; he made furniture, and he could work on cars.
She said once a salesman came by to talk to my father, and the man said to my brother, your father does not like me.
He said I held out my hand for him to shake it several times, but he never responded, Then my brother said, My father is blind.
I had made a connection with this woman but never knew her name.
When we got off the airplane, we hugged each other and said goodbye, never to meet again.

Muscle Shoals to Atlanta, Ga 
The couple in front of me said they were going to Maryland for a Medical conference. I told them that I was going to Los Angeles. When they exited the airplane, they said Enjoy your trip.
All the luggage with wheels had to be stored below on the plane, so when we landed, my cousin and I had to collect our luggage from the cart.
We embarked on the plane down the chute, I was struggling with the handle on my suitcase as we started climbing the two flights of stairs. Somehow, I lost control of my suitcase, and it began its descent back down the stairs only to be caught by the man who had been talking to my cousin on the plane. He had told my cousin that he was a pilot and was headed to Atlanta. He said for the next seven days that, he would be making short trips, and soon, he would be making trips from Atlanta to Europe.
I thanked the pilot, and we started looking for our next stop, Gate T.

From Atlanta to Los Angeles ✈
We took the escalator downstairs to the Tram.
Embarked on the tram and walked across a couple of slow-moving conveys. I saw this beautiful art display of Zimbabwe Sculptures, took out my camera, and started taking pictures. I did not realize that there were so many statues. 
My cousin took my luggage along with her so I could take pictures. 
I became so obsessed with taking pictures that we walked right past the escalator we needed to take to our gate. 
My cousin fell onto her knees as we entered the tram. 
She said someone stopped in front of her as she entered the tram, causing her to fall. 

A man offered to help her up, but she said she was okay, and I just stood there dazed. 
I was not holding on when the tram began, and a man put his arm around my waist to keep me from falling.

We exited the tram and went up the escalators to Gate T, where we settled down to eat.
Hubby had stopped at Hardee's and bought us some sausage, egg biscuits, Bacon, and cheese biscuits. 

We bought a bottled drink at the airport. 
We were served pretzels and drinks once we were up in the air and the seatbelt sign was turned off. 
For lunch, we had peanut butter and jelly & chicken salad sandwiches.

I took out my camera and started taking pictures (I took over 200 while on the flight).

We flew from Atlanta, GA, toward Birmingham, AL, toward Starkville, MS, toward Greenwood, MS, through Texarkana, AK, Withcfalls Ok, Albuquerque, NM, Flagstaff, AZ, Boulder City, Nevada, (where we saw the Colorado River and the Hoover Dam) and the snow-capped Rockies Mountains (what was left of the snow). We flew near Lake Mead National Rec. The area that followed along Interstate 40 into LA International Airport.
It was neat looking at the land from the airplane and how their view changed by the state. In Arizona, you could see the mountainous and sandy desert, in New Mexico, the circles and squares of the land; and landing in LA, the monopoly of houses that covered the land. In some areas, you could see lots of clouds floating and their shadows on the ground below. 

We landed at LAX, collected our luggage, and walked outside to catch the (Flyway).

I boarded the airplane.
To my left was a University of Alabama student who was flying to Birmingham. 
We talked for a few minutes, and she started using her iPhone. 
To my right sat a man who was on a business trip to Fort Lauderdale. 
As we looked toward the sky, this awesome view came into sight. 
It was a cluster of clouds with the outline of the jet.

I said that would make a great picture but did not have my camera handy.
The man was ex-military, lived in Virginia Beach, and loved to travel and take pictures. 

I went through security without any problems and walked to the gate and waiting area. 
I sat down, and a nice woman named Eunice said, the strap on your dress is showing come over here, and I will fix it. 

We started talking, and I moved closer to hear her. 
She said she was a traveling minister. 
We talked about religion and politics. 
She was in a wheelchair and needed assistance boarding the airplane. 
I saw her again when she boarded the plane. She sat in the first-class section. 

I said goodbye when she left the airplane and wished her good luck, and I did not see her again.
I walked toward my gate and loading area, which was US Airways #3115 from Charlotte Douglas (CLT) to Nashville at 9:55 A.M., arriving at 10:29 A.M. 

I purchased a Coke and a bag of chips because I had not eaten anything and I was getting hungry. 

I boarded the jet and sat next to the window seat 10A, and a young man sat on the aisle seat next to me. 

We started talking, and he said he was from Newport News, VA. He was a BA for IBEW Electricians in this area. 
I said hubby was an electrician and in LOCAL 558 in Sheffield, AL. 

He was traveling to Nashville for a district meeting about health care for Electricians. We talked about the union and health care. 
When the plane landed, we said goodbye, and I called hubby.

Once the jet was up in the air and the seatbelt sign was off, the man sitting in the aisle seat took down his computer and handed me my camera bag. It was a beautiful day, and as we neared Maryland, I started snapping pictures of the area below.
We were served drinks and peanuts on the flight. When we arrived in Maryland, everyone got off the airplane except the ones going to Hartford, Connecticut. There was a headcount of seventeen, including one woman in a wheelchair. 
Our flight was to be a One-stop flight with no transfer of planes that was the schedule.
We were told to get off the flight and go to gate B. 
We were the first to board the flight. The front aisle seat is where I sat.
Setting next to the window was a man from Nashville, Tennessee he was going to visit his son in Hartford, Connecticut. 
He said he had four children, and his wife was short, about 5’1 inch tall, and full of energy, and that I reminded him of her. 

Traveling from Orlando to Birmingham
We checked in at South West Airlines.
They said that the plane was scheduled to leave at 5:10, and it was 4:45 P.M.  
They went ahead and checked our bags and Meadows's wheelchair. 
We walked through security Meadow, and I went through fine.

Security went off when Lora walked through, she had to walk through again. 
Lora had a roll of quarters inside her purse.
Marcus’s bag had two snow globes from SeaWorld that were not allowed to go through, and Madison had a tub of mud that was not allowed on the plane. 
We still had to take the tram over to load on the airplane. 
Lora and a security guard walked over to SeaWorld’s gift shop.
There, they wrapped the snow globes and had them shipped to her house.
I went ballistic because I thought we were going to miss our plane.

I called hubby and said I think we are going to miss our flight.
Finally, Lora and the kids come walking through, and we rush to the airplane.
They were calling our names for the last boarding. 
We took off running, I was pushing Meadow, running as fast as I could.
We made it, and I let out a thank you 
We got on the plane, and Lora proceeded to fasten the car seat.
I was so flustered that I needed help fastening my seatbelt
By this time, we were taxing down the runway. 
The plane was in the air.
We were given a snack of pretzels and sodas.
It took us a little over an hour to get to Birmingham Airport. 
We went to baggage claim and retrieved our luggage.

London to Atlanta 
We walked to the waiting area after checking in. We boarded the plane and were getting hungry because the flight attendant was late serving lunch.
Amelia and I ate the cookies and chips that we brought with us. 

We watched some TV, a movie, and read a book, and before we knew it, we were home in the good old USA. 
We had a good flight home.

The ground was covered with rain and fog when the pilots landed at the Atlanta International Airport.
We went through customs down the escalator and were greeted by guard dogs waiting there to sniff for drugs. 

Our luggage was placed on the scanner to make sure that we were not bringing drugs into the country.

Amelia was wearing a metal hair bow, and it made the scanner go off as she walked through it.
Amelia was taken to the side, and security wand her down.
Soon, we will be on our flight to Huntsville.

We boarded the plane at 7:45 A.M. from Huntsville International Airport and headed to Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. 
I sat in row 30 right next to the jet's engine, and the roar was so loud that I could not hear myself think. 
Orbits called me at Huntsville International Airport to let me know that there was a delay in our flight after we had known for thirty minutes. 
We missed our connecting flight to Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport because of the delay in Huntsville. 
We went to gate A15 to catch the next flight out, but it was full, then they sent us to A14, and they were full. 
Finally, I said, just give us a confirmed flight number, so they said our next flight would be at 3:55 P.M. 
We went to McDonald's in the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport to eat lunch.
The flight from Dallas/Fort Worth International to LAX was very nice. 
I was bumped up to first class, and I got to sit in the steward’s rest area.
My seat would recline into a bed.  I had my own television screen.
I sat next to an army soldier (who was also bumped up to first class with me) who was going home to Hawaii.
He had been to Maine and was returning home.
He said I have four children, all boys ages 20, 15, 10, and 6, and my oldest son is in the army.
One of the stewards called us the King and Queen of the airplane because of where we were sitting. 
These were the best seats in the house!

Muscle Shoals to Lexington, Ky 
We loaded the diaper bag and my camera bag, which I take with me everywhere I go, to document Meadow’s experiences and ourselves into the airplane.

We flew from Muscle Shoals, Alabama, to Lexington, Kentucky, in the airplane that seats six people; Meadow buckled into her car seat.
Meadow sat facing the sun, so she closed her eyes and slept most of our flight.

Lora spent the first fifteen minutes filling out paperwork for Meadows doctors’ appointments. 

Everyone put on earphones so we could talk to each other, to know the flight plans, the speed, the altitude, the weather and skis right of way, the landing, and then taking off. 

I brought my camera this time so I could take pictures. 
Inside the airplane, I took several pictures of Meadow she was laughing and enjoying the plane ride. 
Lora and I had to wear large headphones so we could talk with the pilot.
Therefore, we took pictures of each other wearing headphones. 

We flew low enough for me to take some awesome pictures of the ground below. 
I took several pictures of a boat chugging along the Tennessee River toward locks at Wilson Dam.
I took pictures of the Marriott Hotel and The Renaissance Tower standing behind it. 
For miles, I could see green trees, buildings with smoke coming out of the top, a white water tower, and I could see the flow of the Tennessee River.

Then we flew over the Robert Trent Jones Golf Course, what a view it looked like a video game with all the crooked paths, sandpits, and clubhouse. 

We left the Tennessee Valley, flying through Tennessee and Kentucky All the while, I was taking pictures of all the lush greenery, different land shapes, hills, and valleys, busy streets, houses, factories, and swimming pools. 

Kentucky was a totally different view with the brilliant glow of the Kentucky Blue Grass, acres and acres of horse tracks, green rooftop barns, a lush green field filled with Kentucky racing horses, and miles of white fencing. 

Our pilot gave Meadow a TEC Air lanyard and neck strap, which we put around her neck. 

Kentucky to Muscle Shoals 
It was very hot up in the bright white clouds, and these clouds were coming off a storm that was brewing in the Gulf, which caused a lot of turbulence.

There was turbulence in the Gulf that affected everyone flying in the eastern area.
This caused the Memphis, Tennessee Airport to have radar problems, in turn changing our flight pattern.

My daughter said I prayed all the way home that we would make the flight. 

I was upfront as a co-pilot talking to the pilot, Mr. Pride. 
The pilot talks about his family, he said that all his family was musicians, and most of them were engineers. 
Mr. Pride said, “ I have flown for many years, and I love working with the Angle flight.”

We sat near the front of the plane in seats 20 A, B, and C.
All our carry-on baggage is stored in the compartment above our heads. 

We slept most of the way to Denver, Colorado. 
I went twice to the restroom during our flight.
On one of those trips, my foot tangled in the straps of Meadow’s diaper bag. 
Lora was still asleep, I had to wake her up so she could help me untangle my foot.

Our flight from Nashville was delayed; we had to wait for another plane to taxi off, and they were late on their takeoff,  causing our flight to be late, which in turn caused us to be late for our connecting flight in Denver.
During our last descent into the Denver Airport, the flight attendant said over the intercom, please, if you do not have a connecting flight, stay in your seats.

Since we were in front of the plane and we had a connecting flight, we were the first to leave. 
I took Meadow out of her car seat, rushed up the walkway, carrying her in my arms, and walked to the ticket counter for our connecting flight. 

The person at the ticket counter said, "We have given your seats to someone else since the doors had not been closed for the flight's competition. We will have to ask the people whom we have given your seats to get off the airplane." 
Lora had to stay behind to wait for Meadow’s wheelchair & our luggage was brought up from the bottom of the plane and transferred to our connecting plane before she could board the plane with us.
We are flying with Frontier Airlines, and the plane we are now flying on has a porcupine on the wings and tail. 

I sat in the aisle seat, Meadow in the middle seat, and Lora next to the window.
During the flight, I ordered a drink and a small package of cookies. Meadow slept during most of the flight.

We saw the snow-capped, foggy Rocky Mountains from the airplane, where the landscape looked like chocolate-swirled ice cream.🍦
Lora was sitting next to the window, so she took several pictures of the snowy mountain range.

I tried to watch “A Harry Potter movie,” but I kept falling asleep.💤

Thursday, May 9, 2019

2019 Mar 2, Day Trip Wings to Soar Wheeler Wildlife Refuge & Senior Prom Pictures

I traveled across Wheeler Dam on Highway 101 heading toward Town Creek, but the road was out, so I turned around and traveled the road where the paper mill once stood. 
I arrived at Wheeler Wildlife Refuge a little after 10:00 a.m. I used the restroom and found a seat in the front row. 
I was there to see Wings to Soar rescued Birds of Prey.
I saw a couple of Owls, Gilbert, the falcon, a couple of eagles (Osceola, a 25-year-old eagle), and a pet turkey vulture named Cayce. 
Casey the Black Turkey Vulture, a human-imprinted, always steals the show. 
The birds of prey are sent flying out over the audience several times. If you are close enough, you can feel the wind from their wings as they fly over the audience.

The 11AM show was a packed house, and after the show, you could get your picture taken with the blue Merlin and Buddy, a fully grown Screech Owl.

I stopped at Aldi's in Athens and bought a few groceries.

1-2PM I stopped at the Library in Rogersville to listen to Mike Ezell talk about the many rivers and their tributary in Alabama. 
River basins of the Tennessee River, Coosa/Tallapoosa River, Sipsey/Warrior River, Tombigbee/Mobile River, Alabama/Cahaba River,  Chattahoochee River, Conecuh River, Chipola River, Yellow and Blackwater Rivers, Perdido River and Escatawpa Rivers

He also talked about the Highland Rim (where we live), the Cumberland Plateau, Piedmont Upland, and the East Gulf Coastal Plains (along the Fault line old shorelines of Alabama). 
He talked about TVA, Rogersville, Dams, the weather, climate, fish, and the game of Alabama. 

I got a call from my son asking if I would meet Charity and Nevada for prom pictures at Wilson Park at 3 p.m.
Traveled home, put away my groceries, and traveled into Florence, stopping at Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens to take pictures of the Pink Tulip Trees in full bloom. Our upcoming weather is predicted to be below freezing for the next week, and I knew the cold would kill all the blooms.

Made it to Wilson Park, and by this time, it was getting cold outside. 
I took several pictures, said goodbye, and traveled home. Hubby was bringing me a taco pizza from Taco Bell for supper.
By this time, I had a splitting sinus headache. 
Ate supper and went to bed. 
It had been a long day since I had traveled to Decatur, to Athens, back home to Florence, and back home. 

I left that morning before 9AM and did not arrive home until after 5PM. 

Monday, January 16, 2017

2017 January 16, Monday, Birding Trail Sites #7, #11, #16

Hubby and I traveled to Waterloo in hopes of seeing a Bald Eagle. We met a couple from Hartsell at birding site number 11, they had binoculars and a camera with a large telephoto lens.
We sighted at least two Bald Eagles, soaring high in the sky, not close enough to get a good picture.
Bald Eagle
We did see a lot of small black ducks and a few cranes.

We traveled back to Florence stopping at Dairy Queen (for the $5 deal) for hamburgers, fries, coke, and ice cream.
I substituted a side salad for the fries and I ordered a banana ice cream with real slices of bananas.
When we finished we rode to the Rock-pile Recreation Area birding site number 7 on the northeast loop which is located at the base of Wilson Dam.
At the Rockpile I walked to the nearby waterfall. Several families and couples were visiting the waterfall.
Near Wilson Dam and along the locks I saw thousands of small white birds.
We saw several families with their children on the nearby playground.

We rode through Muscle Shoals turning left onto the old hwy 20, which took us through Leighton.
William Leigh founder of Leighton 
William Leigh founder of Leighton 
We stopped at the historic marker of William Leigh the founder of Leighton and his gravesite.
The founder of Leighton was named in honor of the Reverend William Leigh, son, and grandson of Revolutionary War veterans. He was born in Amelia County Virginia, Oct 4, 1790, and moved to Alabama in about 1823.
Leigh settled nearby at Jeffers Cross Roads and became a large landowner, pioneer merchant, postmaster, and La Grange College trustee. He was a charter member of Leighton Masonic Lodge No. 43 and served as Grand Master of the Alabama Masons (1833-1835). Leigh was a Missionary Baptist preacher for 63 years and served as pastor and leader in the Muscle Shoals Baptist Association. In 1836, he donated land and helped build a brick meeting house in Leighton for joint use by the Masons. Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Cumberland Presbyterians, and others.
William Leigh was the first postmaster of Leighton (1824-1847) and with William Gregg, operated a storehouse at the crossroads under the firm name of William Leigh & Company. He ran unsuccessfully for the state legislature on the Whig ticket in 1840. In 1847 Leigh sold his store, 1800-acre plantation, livestock, and 30 slaves and moved to Kentucky. He soon returned to Alabama, living in Moulton for a few years before moving to Florence where his wife served as a matron at the Florence Synodical College. Leigh died there in Florence, on July 31, 1873, and was buried here in the Leigh family graveyard. The Masons erected a monument at his unmarked grave in 1931. The old brick church that he helped build a century earlier was razed in 1948. 

We rode through several small towns on our way to the Wildlife Refuge in Decatur. Bird Site #16.
We walked down to the view area from the visitor center, where we saw thousands of Sandhill Cranes, and thousands of ducks but only one White Whopping Crane.
Thousands Sandhill Cranes
I was hoping there was an open area to view the cranes but the viewing area was enclosed so all the pictures I took of the cranes and ducks were behind glass.
We walked to the swamp area where we crossed over on a wooden bridge.
We walked to an open field where we watched several Sandhill Cranes fly away into the distance and I took several pictures.

Sandhill Cranes
The sun was setting as we walked back to the visitor center. Inside we stopped to ask questions and to view the animals. (nonliving)
The sun was beginning to fade when we left the visitor center and was dark before we arrived home.

We spent the day traveling from Florence to Waterloo, back to Florence, to Muscle Shoals, to Leighton, Town Creek, Decatur, Athens, and back home. We visited three birding trails where we saw a variety of birds. It was a very enjoyable day, perfect weather and we did not rush.

Neither of us wanted to stop for a meal, so we came home and I put on a pot of oatmeal.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

✈️✈️✈️2007 May 1, Tuesday, Trip to Shriners Hospital in Lexington KY

Tuesday, May 1, Lexington, KY
Shrine’s Hospital Lexington, Kentucky
We left the Muscle Shoals Airport at 7:45 A.M.  in Bobby's airplane for the second time going to the Shriners Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky.
We are taking Meadow to Shriners via Angle Flights for medical reasons. Meadow had multi-problems.
We arrive at the Kentucky Airport at 9:30 A.M. 

This time I took my camera and took several pictures.
We took pictures of each other wearing the gigantic headphones with a microphone to speak into. 
We had to wear headphones to communicate.
I took pictures of Meadow laughing she was in a jolly mood.
Meadow sat in a seat facing us. Maybe she was laughing because we looked funny wearing the headphones.
I took several pictures of the ground below and the clouds above.

Robert Trent Jones Golf Course
I took pictures of the raging blue/green Tennessee River as it flowed through the Wilson Dam.
I took pictures of the sand pits and the lush greenery at Fighting Joe's Robert Trent Jones Golf Course in Muscle Shoals. We had an awesome view of the golf course from our plane.
I took pictures of one of the tallest buildings in Florence, The Renaissance Tower which is home to 360 Grille.
360 is fine dining with a fabulous view of the Tennessee River.
When we flew over Lexington Kentucky I took pictures of the horse track and stables that were fit for a king.

Meadow strapped in her car seat, laughing
Meadow was dressed in pink from head to toe
Meadow in the examination room I was dressed in yellow just a hint darker than the examination room 

When we arrived at the airport Bobby went inside to get a van to take us to the hospital for Meadow’s appointment.

Meadow was weighed, her head and length were measured and then we were taken to the Penguin examination room.
The examining room was painted a pale yellow with pictures hanging on the wall. A mural window was painted on the wall inside the window was a walrus wearing ear muffs, three penguins wearing caps, a red balloon, and an Owl wearing a red scarf.
Meadow saw Doctor Bennett and he examined Meadow’s bones. Lora talked to Mrs.  Preston about Botox and she said that Botox was a protein made from bacteria.

Lora talked to the doctor about  Meadow getting Botox injections and taking Meadow to Baltimore, Maryland for therapy.
When all the doctor visits were complete we went to the Cafeteria to eat lunch.
We ate pinto beans, cornbread, broccoli, salmon patties, watermelon, and brownies. 
Wearing headphones with a smile
Getting ready to leave
After our meal,  Lora called our pilot Bobby and we were in the air by 1:50 P.M.
It was very hot and humid which caused a bumpy ride home.

Our pilot explained that when the hot air rises it will cause the plane to bounce.
It had been a beautiful day for traveling. 
My daughter is not too keen on flying but she said that she enjoyed this flight. 
I love to fly it is safer than driving.

May 1, 2007 Lexington, KY, Angel Flights
Leave Muscle Shoals Airport (MSL) at 7:45 A.M. 
Arrive at 9:30 A.M. Lexington Kentucky Airport (LEX)
Return Flight
Leave 1:30 P.M. Lexington Kentucky Airport (LEX)
Arrived at Muscle Shoals Airport (MSL)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

✈️✈️✈️2007~ Tuesday, May 1, Trip to Shriners Hospital in Lexington, KY

We left the Muscle Shoals airport at 7:45 A.M. 
This is our second trip to the Shiners Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky.

I brought my camera this time so I could take pictures. 
Inside the airplane, I took several pictures of my granddaughter she was laughing and enjoying the plane ride.

My daughter and I had to wear large headphones so we could talk to the pilot.
So we took pictures of each other wearing the headphones.

We flew low enough for me to take some awesome pictures of the ground below. 
I took several pictures of a boat chugging along the Tennessee River toward locks at Wilson Dam.
I took pictures of the Marriott Hotel and The Renaissance Tower standing behind it. 
For miles, I could see green trees, buildings with smoke coming out of the top, a white water tower, and I could see the flowing of the Tennessee River.

Then we flew over the Robert Trent Jones Golf Course, what a view it looked like a video game with all the crooked paths, sandpits, and clubhouse. 

We left the Tennessee Valley flying through Tennessee and Kentucky all the while I was taking pictures of all the lush greenery, different land shapes, hills and valleys, busy streets, houses, factories, and swimming pools. 

Kentucky was a totally different view with the brilliant glow of the Kentucky Blue Grass, acres and acres of horse tracks, green rooftop barns, a lush green field filled with Kentucky racing horses, and miles of white fencing. 

Our pilot gave my granddaughter a TEC Air lanyard, neck strap, which we put around her neck. 

We safely landed at the Kentucky Air Field at 9:30 A.M. Standing next to the building were rows of horse jockey statues.

When we arrived our pilot went inside to get a van to take us to Shriners Hospital for my granddaughter's appointment.

After we checked in, my granddaughter was weighed, her head and length were measured and she was taken to the Penguin examination room. 
In the examination room was a mural on the wall behind the table where my granddaughter sat, was a white and red owl, holding a red balloon, a black walrus with a white tusk, wearing red earmuffs, three black and white penguins, with orange beaks, wearing hats of red, green and yellow, all standing in the snow.

Doctor DB examined my granddaughter's bones. 
My daughter talked to BP about Botox and she told my daughter that Botox was a protein made of bacteria.
My daughter told the doctors that she wanted to take my granddaughter to Baltimore, Maryland for therapy.
They gave us a lunch voucher and we walked to the cafeteria where we ate pinto beans, cornbread, broccoli, salmon patties, watermelon, and brownies.
The food that I ate did not agree with my stomach and the tea we drank was instant not brewed. 

Our pilot came to pick us up at 1:50 P.M. 
Our flight home was very bumpy and our pilot said when hot air rises it causes the plane to bounce up and down. 
My daughter had not flown many times and this flight was a little upsetting to her. 
We arrived safely at the Muscle Shoals Airport. 

May 1, 2007, Lexington, KY
Leave Muscle Shoals Airport (MSL) at 7:45 A.M.  

Arrive at 9:30 A.M. Lexington Kentucky Airport (LEX)

Leave 1:30 P.M. Lexington Kentucky Airport (LEX)

Arrived at Muscle Shoals Airport (MSL)

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...