Showing posts with label old. Show all posts
Showing posts with label old. Show all posts

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Golden Years

In your golden years 
You see a variety of physicians
hoping they can repair it,
your bodily parts

Your body becomes like an aged car
without constant care, it begins to fall apart. 

What did you say become 
your daily answer?
Hearing aids become a necessity. 

Snap, Crackle, and Pop are the sounds
you make as you walk across the floor. 
You take the elevator instead of the stairs.

That beautiful, vibrant golden hair has turned shades of gray.

The obituary is your daily reading 
You look daily
for friends, relatives, or neighbor 
names that have gone to the great beyond!

Those once bright white teeth have aged
you now have
root canals, bridges, crowns, implants 
Heaven forbid if you have to 
wear dentures.

Your sight grows dim
and glasses are required.

Arthritis rules your body
your signature becomes a scribble
as you try to sign your name

You take more pills than you can hold in one hand
just to survive.

You leave the room but forget why?
Do you forget your name?
You forget the day, month, or year!

You watched your parents and grandparents
as they reached their golden years.

Life seems to have passed you by as
You watched your children grow and leave
the nest
then you watch your grandchildren
leave the nest
Now you are all alone.

My grandmother told me  Heaven is my home
There, I will be able to  run, & jump 
just as I did when I was a kid.

She said I don't seek 
fortune, & fame, for they will soon
fade away.

God is my refuge
Heaven is my home
No more pain and suffering.
This is my hope and my salvation!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Demolition to Construction

Demolition of Madison Square Mall Huntsville
Demolition of Madison Square Mall Huntsville
Demolition began on February 6, 2017, and this is what it looks like at the end of February.
Sears and Penny were the last of the stores to close. It may take up to six months to complete the demolition. 
RCP Company will be developing the new MidCity at this location by 2021.

Brandon School Florence, Alabama Demolished
1899 Brandon School was named for Industrialist Charles M. Brandon 
Brandon School Demolished
1861 Sixth Ward School east of present Brandon Ministries Center site.
Once the demolishing is completed, the construction of a new Florence Hospital will be built on this site. Officials said that it could take up to 32 months to complete. 
The old ECM Hospital will not be torn down but will be replaced with a new occupant.

Construction of large-scale entertainment, a sports complex in Foley, Alabama 

Construction of  large-scale entertainment, and sports complex in Foley, Alabama  
Developers BC Foley LLC purchased more than 500 acres on the city's south side from Woerner Beach Express LLC for about 12 million dollars. The property is at the northwest corner of Foley's Beach Express and Baldwin County 20, near McDonald's. 
Coffee High School Florence before demolishing 
FLORENCE, Ala. (WHNT) - In just a few short months, Florence City Schools will begin one of the largest building projects in recent history.
The current Florence Middle School and former Coffee High School is set to be razed and a modern middle school will be constructed in its place.
More than 50 years of wear and tear are certainly noticeable in the hallways of Florence Middle School. At near capacity and facing millions of dollars in repairs, the Florence School Board decided to tear down and start over.
Demolition of Kmarts
Demolition of K-Mart, making room for Academy Sports

Tompson Station Tennessee Road Construction 
The Town of Thompson’s Station is working with the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) on a re-design of the State Industrial Access (SIA) Road (State Route 6/Columbia Pike/Highway 31) leading to the entrance of the planned Phase 2 expansion of Mars Petcare’s Research and Development facility

Friday, November 21, 2014

๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ„Wrapping Presents on the floor

Yesterday, I decided to start wrapping my Christmas presents.
I put all the presents into boxes, and I started cutting the wrapping paper.

I had to sit on the floor to wrap the presents and some of the time I was on my knees.
I am not a spring chicken anymore and today my knees were talking to me.

I was having a difficult time getting up. 
My mind was playing tricks on my body. 
My mind said you are still a spry chicken while my body said who are you kidding.
When I was down on my knees wrapping my presents I knew I was going to pay a high price for it tomorrow.
Well today, my knees are talking very strongly to my trickery mind.
My body is telling my mind you old woman don't you know better than to listen to me.

Trip to San Antonio Feb 16-22, 2025 Diamonds in the Rough

  Day 1: Sunday, Feb 16, Everyone meets at the Club bus, which arrives at 7:30 A.M., and we leave for Texarkana, AR, at 8:00 A.M. We stopp...